Creating a Dreamy Homestead in Costa Rica: Shocking Abundance In Only Months of Growth!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up guys what's growing on so I'm a cat permaculture planet for our 2.0 permaculture tour and they finished a bunch of things around the property so I think they got to the master bedroom done offices in greenhouse is done and I figured might as well share it y'all so let's check this right out [Music] we're happy to have you here for version 2.0 we'll give you some updates on what's been going on the farm so what we've done since you've been here last is the master bedrooms been completed we did in addition to the garage we finished the office and we also completed the greenhouse and did the planting of the greenhouse which is now about two months old what do we got in there Zaidan curly kale what take me in there let's go see all this stuff all right so this is our 18 bed garden greenhouse so we have nine beds on each side it's planted out with a variety of different vegetables diet name some of the vegetables we have in here go ahead and point to them yep peppers nice cilantro what cucumbers do you eat those you eat those really [Music] you got some heads on there but what what you got some development going on let me see whoa I see it down in there just starting to make a head [Applause] [Music] so when I was just chair this was all dirt how did this happen so quickly yeah grows really fast here in the tropics play not a lot of effort either I mean we can do it every day but really nature is providing here wow so this is pretty much as your zone one veggie garden I mean you guys don't have to buy any lettuces rains anything then right yeah all the lettuces that we're eating salads every day come from this garden kale we use the kale and dehydrate the extra for kale chips mustard greens we use for some dressings tomatoes are eaten on a daily basis cucumber yep those are some eggplants back there that Zaidan pointed out cucumber over here I think the cucumber production is about 30 kilos a week we're gonna start our first harvest in about two weeks so that should be enough to juice 10 or 15 liters a week and eat as much as you want yeah whoa pull all the weeds in here you guys get weeds in here so your job yep yeah yep the weed puller grace Thanks oh right along the tomatoes on the bottom down there huh yep here you go Pete you want to try one of these yes fresh Wow very potent so you guys just hand watering this now mm-hmm yeah we're hand water just daily right now okay we got a mist system a time to miss system that's going in next month so that missiles get automated automate it right uh-huh very cool but you know it's actually pretty special coming in here and watering it by hand every day it's kind of therapeutic in a way a little meditative you're just taking care of the plants and watering it so the automation is cool but I actually like the old-school hand watering good like you're not here for sure especially on the weekends yeah yeah what's the size of the space you guys have here this is a hundred and eighty square meters or a square meter so 180 times 10 1,800 square feet okay 1,800 square feet a pretty good size zone one veggie garden yeah yes give you pumping all year long trees in this row right here interplanted with banana plant so macadamia - banana macadamia - banana macadamia - banana and they're growing pretty pretty good hi guys probably about 15 feet now is [Music] what is this what does it make [Music] flaming lemon can you show me the little baby lemons oh yeah any babies on there oh that's not a baby that's a good-sized lemon huh right where's all this water coming from yes so there's four main waterways on this land here this is a little stream that's runoff from our neighbor francis's ponds so you've got a pond system up there natural pond system and after the water flows through that it's cleaned through some natural water cleaning plants and then goes through this part of the property over here we have our spring cap tation you can see the tank up there that spring cap tation has some runoff going down the middle of the property through the food forests you can see a ditch for that it's the drain that it drains over the under the bridges that we drive over on the driveway and then on the far side is a creek it's a smaller creek that runs along the property edge next to the house and then over here on the north side is Rio San Pedro which is the large river that goes by the yoga deck [Music] right what's in this big black tank is just like a bio digester this is a freshwater tank so this is straight from the spring and I got a little treat for you later I have a TDS meter and a pH meter for all you water geeks out there I know if you're into health you're in the water and we'll test this water on camera and show you what it is but this water is a 50 TDS and a pH of 6.8 which is perfect for spring water and this is a six thousand litre tank that feeds the house okay so they built the concrete basin I filled it with gravel all right filled it with gravel then there's a tank inside with holes in it and so the water seeps up through the ground that goes through all the gravel then goes into the inner tank which is filtered water and then that's pumped over to this six thousand liter water storage tank they tripled in size since we were here Ryan what do you feeding these things just water baby that's it water in life water in life and love the water life in sunshine this is the spring reforestation zone so all of this is planted with banana and hardwoods and native hardwood species in bamboo and what that does is it pulls up more water and keeps the water basin for the water spring so it has more longevity and one of the reasons why these trees are doing so well is because of that water basin yeah these are much different than the lower side of the property yeah so here's some of the drainages that we did initially when we bought the farm one of the first projects we did was an earthworks project which was to put in these trenches all along the food forests so there's probably 300 meters of trenching and what that did was put natural drainages for the water to go to which dried up some of this other soil so you saw over there near the spring was kind of marshy and now this soil was just like that two and a half years ago but now it's totally dry and we don't get as much root rot much better for the trees [Music] [Music] this is my favorite zone so this wasn't here last time we were here what's going started as a brand new structure for us just finished about a week ago now and this is my office so it's about 275 square feet under roof about 1/3 of its deck and 2/3 of it is covered what we're doing back here is pretty interesting Ryan you're sleeping on the job but tonight I'm sleeping on the job baby we're still got one thing to finish which is the Murphy bed chickens truffle now oh this is a punch out right here so we got a Murphy bed going it'll be totally flush this bed will be up there flush with the same wood panelling gonna be latched so it'll look totally out of the way all right this will double as a guest bedroom Thank You functions out of your office yes that's right good stuff let's see your toy up there Michelle that's right [Music] what's that sound is your office waterfront waterfront office that way you can sit in the hammock when your have taken a break Oh where's the panic hammocks going between those front two posts oh really yep oh here we go okay yes bridge just winning this week finished on Friday drive yesterday was this the compost pot that it was the compost ditch yeah we got a worm casting bin on the other side of the garage now okay we're gonna start using that in about a month oh no one of our favorite features of the house is this rock we built the house on this rock here this huge boulder in the morning we get direct Sun here and then have the creek view there so it's beautiful serene look about a Sun Deck right off the back of the house huh you guys ever swim in this section you do wait on the worm casting bin got so heavy when you start putting compost in it yeah so we're gonna redo some of the roads and then start using the composting bin but when they redo the composting bin we're coming in here with a couple truckloads of gravel and a couple truckloads of sand we're going to stack up a couple rocks there and do a beach entry into this Creek well that's your little pool so since you've been here we upgraded the bathroom a little bit this is a dual chamber composting toilet and we've added a day so now let's Twitter paper use a little cleaner a little more natural so we got a bidet in between the two composting cambers Brendon talked about this being one of the first ones he knew of and then we got the wood chip boxes built in now so ever once with the wall don't have to mess around at the jacuzzi going got the outdoor shower installed hot water shower so you know what we ended up using this everyday you we don't use the indoors lindsay and i don't use the indoor shower ever now this is your spa is amazing with this morning sun right here all day morning sun outdoor shower while getting some sunlight beautiful eggs yeah we still got a week left on this this is a sauna this is an infrared sauna so we got the walls up and got a little bit to go on getting the panels installed you got a little half bathroom out here I guess it's a full full bathroom except no composting toilet so we got another bidet here we're still a couple of weeks out and getting a bench we're putting in a geek bench they will have a lid on it so it'll look totally flush like there's no bidet here and then you can lift up the teak bench to use the bidet in the middle of the night yeah that just it's not flush toilet yeah just bidet yep and then master bedroom just got completed recently so now now the pretty amazing this is all glass hexagon skylight so we have yet to have a full moon here but we're super excited cuz full moon in this region there when there's no clouds it's like sunlight so when we get a full moon one of these nights in here it's gonna be big yeah it's gonna be awesome and we we did a green onyx in the floor so I got a stone here in the floor beautiful teak floors and then when you check on the food forest in the morning here's our our morning view kind of scoped out what's going on [Music] so Pete we've shown you this spring up at the top of the property for all you water lovers out here here's the results of the spring water so what we have is it total dissolved solids meter which basically tests all of the solids in the water all the mineral content all the metal content all the debris so from left to right let's test them out so this is distilled water we made this distilled water here with this distiller and the TDS on this is one which is distilled water zero TDS this next one is spring water that's gone through a reverse osmosis system which is seven in the United States if you run a reverse osmosis system on tap water you're probably going to get 50 TDs you're gonna go from 500 in tap water to 50 if you're talking about city water this next one is spring water so this is the natural TDS from the spring here which is 47 on that so that's great TDS you're not getting a ton of mineral content but you are getting some mineral content some electricity then this is a mineral water that I make this is a 600 TDS mineral water so this it has ionic minerals trace minerals in it with distilled water so you can kind of see the differences between the water but one thing that it's for sure is our property and all the properties we represent we want to have primo water and spring water is important to us so we like we like to test the water before we start a new project off yeah [Music] yes that's right in reference to the importance so the locals here call me Silencio hombre rapido it means the silent rapid man they see me going by on the motorcycle and they say the silent rapid man just went by and then I stopped in town and they all come out and checking out the bike and they're all like you know it's too expensive for me too expensive for me and then I say no mas bueno para animales mas way no para of our Boers and they're like yeah yeah and I said no servicio para design yo Diez años no gasolina para Diez años mucho dinero primero no mucho dinero in fedora and they're like oh it's starting to get it so they're paying like four grand for their bikes or three grand but if they were to buy an electric bike they don't have service they don't have gas they don't have any bills on it and it's way better for the base really it's like a laptop I take the kids to school on this now or pick them up no way what do you think about it pretty awesome yeah I think so too no gears anything is it automatic yeah no years just squeeze it and go yep all right guys lots of awesome new additions here at permaculture plant the greenhouse is rocking obviously the house has grown the offices grow and refines got a new awesome electric motorcycle but I think what's best is I mean just seeing the growth here in the food cars the opponents everything is twice the size so check them out links will be in the description don't forget like subscribe share down dirt alright guys thanks for visiting us at permaculture Planet we'll see you next time thanks Pete that's the way go [Music]
Channel: Pete Kanaris GreenDreamsTV
Views: 117,516
Rating: 4.944603 out of 5
Keywords: permaculture homesite for sale, permaculture farm for sale, Costa Rica, permaculture farm tour, eco development, turnkey permaculture homestead, turnkey farm, turnkey estate Costa Rica, turnkey tropical fruit farm, organic farm, organic farming, organic gardening, organic garden, gardening, landscaping, real estate, eco home design, open air living
Id: DcIcaR4kAsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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