Buying Clothes From Sketchy Instagram Ads

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ah this is something this is something for sure [Music] [Applause] okay guys it's Lauren welcome back to my channel your girl is still under the weather a little bit sounding a wee bit manly still but that's okay we gonna roll with it honestly I like kind of like my sick voice better I feel like it's like more chill and less annoying anyways this is a video that I have been waiting to film for coming up on four months now truly like this is insane if you guys remember last year I did a video called buying clothes from sketchy Instagram this is part two because my love and addiction for Instagram ads has not changed if anything it's only gotten much much worse so at the end of October beginning of November of 2009 teen I ordered off three different sketchy Instagram ads based on the three sketchiest the best of the best of the sketchy Instagram ads I am taking one for the team to review and hull and try on some of these pieces so yeah it's been three and a half months coming up on four and some of the pieces still have not arrived so I'm just considering those gone I'm considering it lost I'm considering it a business expense of this video so make sure to shop the merch make sure to click the ads because I will not be getting that money back and that is okay so these three websites that I shopped on are a slit MIA stylish and at pink oh I could not make these names up these are the ads that I was served on Instagram and hence the ads that led me to shop the sketchy web site and I feel like before we get started I should define what I consider to be a sketchy Instagram ad and website the ads themselves are usually pretty bomb it's an amazing quality photo that they've probably stolen from someone else of a model wearing a dress that they are selling a knock off version of in my experience 9 to 10 times this is accurate thinks I'm commonly seen on the website is that they're having a sale for 56 percent off 14 and a half percent off 27 percent of its like those were ran numbers ever and honestly if it's real 27 percent off I'm down 56 percent off I'm down 14 and a half percent off I'm down there's also no shipping times no estimation no shipping information no tracking number there's just nothing there's just nothing hence why I run hormones and missing three pieces of this video still because they just don't provide that and knowingly I always like Add to Cart check out hey and that's on me that's on me something that's so interesting that I've been seeing more and more of is a little pop up usually in the bottom left-hand corner where it's like Sarah from parents just bought this dress and Becky from Arkansas just bought this sweater and you're like oh we'll about you did it and this is safe and fine like I gave do it maybe like this is exactly what our parents tell us not to do it's like you don't follow the crowd just because they're doing it doesn't mean that you should do it but if Becky did it I can do it too and my last favorite attribute is some really unique naming of clothing categories and you guys know that I am so down for some creativity but I feel like this is definitely a red flag to make sure that you're not getting skin that you're on a legit website I don't know I just feel like buying a dress from a category that's called bling bling sequin style is maybe not the move but you know what I love sequins I love bling so it's like is the category wrong no it is bling bling sequin style there's just like a little red flag that's like hey maybe this websites a little bit sketchy and also the shoes category is spelled sh OSE anyways let's get into the hall I'm not here to like tear down anyone's company I just personally love Instagram ads and I hate getting scammed so I'm just out here trying to take one for the internet team and make sure that you guys are shopping from credible legit websites alright so clothing piece number one from a slits all four pieces from the order showed up so that's a good start as you can see from the photo on screen this is not the same piece I feel like the thing that I ordered was kind of like more of a rose gold pinkish tone and this is just cream this is not a bad color you know it's just not what I order and I feel like the level of sequins that we're supposed to be here are just nowhere to be found okay this is for like the people that were born in the 90s did anyone have that bag growing up and it was all sequins and like thick round sequins oh my gosh I gotta find a picture put it on screen but this is just the poofy version of what I thought I was getting you I would say the actual shape of the dress is pretty similar I'm really excited to try it on to see I feel like the biggest miss for this piece is the the sequin detailing it's just not there and that's what I mean about them advertising a photo that's so long you're like wow this is really cute why is this only sixteen dollars this is why it's only 16 dollars I am so scratchy I think this is the saddest one this this this one wins I think I think this is the winner of this entire video of being catfished by clothing is this a toga like I don't I just it's there's just I don't I don't know I don't wanna know if there's I don't I have so many questions how to feel bad about yourself woman : I can't even be myself to like it do a cute pose in this dress you look like icicle baby me I want it to touch me as little as possible on the arms that's so scratchy and we negotiate alright peace know about to throw a slit is this one I was supposed to have these big bell sleeves I feel like we didn't quite nail the bell sleeve sighs but it's not that the sepals on this one are honestly not that far off of what I thought I was gonna be getting I think the actual shape of the dress is just not quite the same the sleeves are definitely not as belly and billowy but you know what if I actually be really flattering once it goes on definitely not the worst and it does have an inside lining so it's not all scratchy from the sequins super test zipper test Oh No oh my god really Oh hands on deck okay it undid come on oh that's not the worst you know it's nothing I'm trying to try this one on to see what it looks like when it's on my body guys not bad it's a little bit loose like I feel like I don't have the booty and the hips to fully fill this up I wish it was a little bit tighter but honestly I feel it almost falls over we're definitely missing some like a belly of the sweetie a billowy moment that I feel like the dress shows in the photo but it's worse does it fit great no but I mean that's just like part of the trials and tribulations of buying things online but she's soft on the inside she's pretty comfy but weird again no but will this find a new home and go to a fun party yes our third a slip piece is of this green dress and honestly this is probably one of the best pieces that I've got from this whole little hall situation the color I feel like is not as like a deep green as I thought I was gonna be getting but the actual shape of it I think is pretty spot-on we definitely have some like loose little baby string ease but I thought it's not super uncommon have like a loose thread when you're buying something from forever 21 or even Urban Outfitters I feel like the girl in the photo just has a bangin body and makes it look really really good do I think it's going to be as flattering on me as it was her no but is this pretty much the same dress yes okay so aside from this not really being my color and I'm okay with admitting math this is pretty cute I probably like a gold belt because I don't have the movies to like fill this top perdone as much as I feel like the girl and the image does that's like a common problem that I face all the time but honestly thing is pretty good once I steamed it it like lays much flatter the booty looks decent the front is like a good solid cut the sleeves are okay lengths are like a little short but that's okay this was a pleasant surprise I'm not gonna lie and our last piece from a slit Oh Oh is this dress I feel like this is definitely bigger than I thought it was going to come we're probably at 20 percent tassel capacity of what is in the photo and also the print that's underneath the tassel this is just completely different this is no it was a Miss it was a Miss for sure they can't all be hits and this one was uh we'll try again next time this is something this is something for sure I feel like all of my little tassel strings are just not hanging the same way that they are a little model obviously because we're just not wearing the same dress you know what this lace detailing I feel like I did not give this dress enough credit for the lace being somewhat similar it's not good but I feel like I'm ready to like do it cha-cha salsa or something this is not it had to be the awkward person at the party just like I don't know if I can do a cute pose in this one I don't know if it's gonna happen also in all this because the boob excess here is is a lot um at pink oh you are so missing 50% my order so without a little beef here especially because some of my favorite pieces that I want to try on were pieces that are now lost somewhere in the world so there's that also fun fact at pinko has already changed the name of their website to CC fee or Kiki fee or caca I'm not sure go see for yourself but they are no longer I feel like it's probably partner of the whole situation where they don't fully fulfill orders and they do name and get to leave all of that drama in the past with that old business anyways the pieces that we did receive are very entertaining this was the first piece I was really looking forward to that did not show so I'm gonna stand here and smile well you get to look this pretty picture because we have nothing to try on but anyways moving on this is the next piece this is the dead comin honestly I was so excited for this dress I was like if this dress comes and it's really good quality I'm gonna wear this just so many events it's so cute this is just a sad sad excuse for what these are supposed to look like it also as soon as I opened it just exploded with glitter it's almost like someone took dots of Mod Podge and just paint it over the dress and then shove glitter on top of it and this is what we have about this one like I feel like people in the comics are gonna be like oh Walmart version but I can't even I can't even do that to Walmart because I kind of enjoy Walmart and that's just that's just too mean to Walmart to even make that comparison because this is just I don't know oh my god this is belts with feathers glued in a circle so the zipper broke on this dress already didn't even get to wear it anywhere cool I'm so sad I feel like the base this dress is actually really cute aside from the broken zipper and then it's like a preschool came running at me with fuzzy pom-poms and just randomly were like and now we have this like this is just so random and like this little buddy up here just doing his thing like also just like my hands are covered in glitter and the zipper broke and so now I saw safety pins holding it up like so bad it also every time you take a step the glitter here just like cuts into your legs that's just gonna talk to me to walk off right because I'm gonna go change you can also just take a moment now for the other two pieces that never showed up here and here who's really excited about these but we just were we're moving on we're moving on okay this next dress this is what it looks like and honestly this dress is really really cute it gives me very like ariana grande by do I think my butt cheeks are gonna absolutely hang out of these yes but you know what I'm excited to try it's just like there's the designer version of this dress and then there's this version of this dress actually this was really cute if I hadn't seen the one that I thought I was getting I would honestly be like this is a pretty good job like I'm super heat I have to try this on and it's gonna be cute but just knowing the level of what we were trying to go for and what we got we're just so far apart okay honestly I'm not mad at this one I definitely feel like a little baby flamingo this belt is terrible quality like it just like doesn't do Annabelle is supposed to do so that's fun I think I make you take okay yeah but I feel very like ariana grande I think it's cute I definitely have pink like workout shorts underneath because it's a little short little breeze comes by you'd definitely be exposing yourself in an inappropriate way but I'm down with this one it's a nowhere near what it was supposed to be but I feel like that one is actually much less wearable than what this would be considered so a just two entirely different dresses and I'm kind of okay with it and the last piece from at pinko is actually really cute this is definitely up it goes best piece it is this white a bodysuit jumper situation oh love me a poop stain on the back strap okay solid so if this is definitely their best piece we have a little bit of like ribbing and wiring here I think it's actually gonna be pretty cute I'm a little worried that's gonna be really see through because it's not the best fabric and I don't like white and it's not a really high quality fabric shows your undergarments very transparently but I miss I try this on this was definitely the best piece that I did get I could definitely pass this like a forever 21 or like random Club store type of piece and the matching of this piece versus the photo I feel like they truly truly nailed it this is impressive it really is this one does not fit at all in this light is not a chance I don't know if it is that I needed I needed more up here what you know tends to be my problem all the time I'm so sad because if they made the bottom half the same thickness as this fabric up here but I you can't wear these anywhere if you got photographed with a flash your booty would be on the Internet and that's a fact like I really have on nude underwear right now I'm trying really hard to make this napkins demonetised and a bully of Tamar cake yeah that's all I guess are you and our top contender amia stylish for the win out of all these companies honestly all the pieces came in one package seven out of seven within two weeks of ordering so I have been sitting on this package for so long you'll actually see a bunch of the pieces that I've been wearing because it's been almost four months okay so missed aisles with our first piece is this black dress honestly it looks super similar to the dress in the photos and it's really soft like this quality I am so down for it is a little bit long and I feel just like a little like funeral e in it I guess this is also just like not the pose getting a good hamstring stretch in here if it was a little bit shorter and obviously I could hum it I feel like it could be super cute because this fabric honestly is so soft and so like flowy and comfortable and cute has the open back a little button detailing elastic here this is a feather from a different dress a flop from a different dress but me and stylish on this one coming through this is a me thing it's a fit thing and not a me a stylish thing okay so this one actually is cute I'm not gonna lie I have about 4 inches of fabric kind of fold it over underneath like this little belt situation I have going on and I'm hiding all of it but it's cute I think that I would actually wear this for sure it's like just so comfy and flowy and cozy I had something to say that I didn't know what to say moto one no it's cute honestly I like a little bit of like fluffiness ins not fluffiness what do we call this Belle eNOS and the sleeves and I like that there's two little tiers here I feel like there's a good dress for eating it's fitted around the waist but then like for food baby growing you have lots of room to grow oh just cute almost in black I'm down with it I'm down with it ah no oh God do you see how sharp this glitter is like this stuff could cut you I don't know what they use to adhere this glitter on to the dress but I swear it's like glue gun and then dump glitter on it and then it's just like ha sharp edges the pattern they definitely did not nail is it closer than that static skews felt like little flamingo puffs dress from our friends at at pink oh yes definitely and I think that these are gonna be cute I think it is gonna tie around like in the photo kind of a little bit different there's definitely a peak here that it's missing like it's obviously very obviously not the same dress it's not the dress from the photos is it pretty close like would my dad probably not be able to tell difference no offense dad but you know it's definitely a little stiff this one also is just pooping glitter everywhere and also what's this what are you doing here this is just it's crunchy there's no other word except for crunchy to describe this fabric crunchy do I feel like I'm gonna be on Dancing with the Stars a little bit but honest not on camera it definitely looks a lot better than how it feels like it feels terrible crunchy crunchy crunchy glitter aside from feeling like I'm gonna draw blood at any moment Wow scratching my arms against the glitter it's cute it comes with a tie and you can do like the little crossing thing that they do in the photo pattern isn't quite the same definitely not the same dress but in a photo not bad not bad eh - scratchy this next piece is pretty spot-on the color I feel like thing nailed I thought it was gonna be a little bit thicker I'm not gonna lie because it is not as flowy as you would think like a heavy sweater with since it's definitely lightweight but that's okay and this is the drawstring that like actually works that tighten this if you want to give it a little more shape in the middle and Roush it in so truly very impressed and this order is cute and will be wearing for sure honestly sweater not bad I actually like the weight of it I feel like it's nice we've got a little off-the-shoulder could go a little bit lower you taught me a little candy the strings definitely did a thing when I went to go give it a little more shape and ruched it did not fare well during that party watched it okay and I felt like I couldn't not order a pair of jeans and I'm so glad that they were Mia stylish jeans and not from any other website not entirely sure how they're gonna fit but I feel like fit at every store is different so it's not even like a mean stylish thing and honestly comparing it to the photo the rips are definitely about in the same spot is in the picture this really could be the jeans in the photo like me might not be getting fully bamboozled by Mia stylish Pinkle been bamboozled it up they got a little bit of stretch to them I don't think these are gonna be bad they look a little bit baked potentially but the quality of them is definitely on par with a forever 21 Jean or something of the same price so there's definitely some like rough edges b-plus all right let's talk about these jeans you know what if they were smaller I think that I would actually really love these they're kind of massive I got a lot going on over here and I said I got saggy crotch situation happening saggy booty situation they're just too big so I feel like I can't fairly rate these jeans but they are super stretchy and we have a string next piece is this leopard sweater with a zip detail on the bottom it's okay you couldn't pass for the sweater in the photo yes definitely it's just really thin it's not soft on the inside and you guys know how passionate I am about things not being soft on the inside the zipper is definitely there I don't know this hem is just kind of like small and thin I don't even know how else to describe this but the print is blurry if that makes sense it just feels like leopard print but out-of-focus it's the actual material of the sweater that really makes me sad because I was stoked for this you guys know I love an oversized sweater on camera though I feel like it's gonna look really really similar but I do wish the quality was a little bit better is it miles ahead of whatever the heck of this crop is yes it really does look like the photo so I will absolutely give them that I do wish it was a little bit thicker but that's like when most things you can't really tell from a photo anyways but like it's pretty cute I'll probably wear this again for sure like it's comfy just for like a chilling day I mean let's do realistic I wear oversized things every single day it looks like kind of pajamas a little bit now I'm looking at it but that's okay does this zipper actually like do something I'm nervous oh gondola honestly not bad next we have this cardigan and you guys might have seen this in some of the photos that I took around the holidays this thing slaps this is one of my favorite pieces that my god it's such good quality it's so cute the colors were so accurate it's super flattering it's super soft I am so happy I am so pleased to be established like this was solid this is definitely something you would find in Urban Outfitters 421 honestly Kenna no 10 I'm happy I'm happy with this piece this face also I forgot that this sweater was even part of this video I've been wearing it so much and I got two of them for people in my family at Christmas because I was so in love with this sweater it's the same fabric on the inside as it is the outside I know some people would get kind of overwhelmed by like how hot that can make you but when it's cold I'm just like so excited to put this on it's like a big warm fluffy teddy bear hug and it's so soft I've been wearing this so much and it's been washed a bunch of times and it's still just as soft dr. Lai I do get a lot of foundation on the inside of the collar but that's a me thing and not a sweater things please shop safe make good decisions listen to the little red flags that are telling you not to purchase something just because Becky did it anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope that it was helpful and let us know in the comments if there are any sites that we should be aware of ones that are credible ones that are not as always all my socials will be in the description box below if you want to follow me there and I will see you guys on Sunday for Sunday [Music]
Channel: LaurDIY
Views: 1,940,238
Rating: 4.9276237 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, do it yourself, how to, laurDIY, lauren riihimaki, lauren diy, laurdiy room decor, laurdiy diy master, laurdiy diy challenge, buying clothes from instagram ads, instagram, instagram ads, buying clothes from sketchy ads, buying instagram clothes, instagram style, laurdiy buying clothes from sketchy, shopping, instagram shopping, instagram ad shopping, buying the worst, buying shady, shady, worst, sketchy
Id: NT-byRjPzQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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