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so I promised the wife today I'm only buying one car at the auction I promise you just the one [Applause] yeah she's gonna kill me [Music] welcome back to the channel and to another auction video we are back Alistair Barclay back at the priest Branch to buy some more cars I've been away on holidays I'm now back and fully recharged I'm gonna get in there to try and buy a couple of bits so we're gonna get ourselves in there now get registered up have a look around those of you new to the channel or not watching me before I go around the auctions trying to buy stuff and obviously Vlog it and show it to you guys so um masterful buy I buy sort of stuff between sort of a few hundred pounds to a couple of grand that's my sort of bag so I'm selling cars you can sort of one and three grand that's my sort of stuff I sell but obviously well I've got some other bits as well some dairy stuff and see what they do so try and cover everything for everyone so we'll get ourselves in there and see what is our on sale today right let's kick it off random again lot one um last of the old shape the uh shaking your ass shape you want to call it that nice coloring champagne pan roof beautiful that's actually quite a nice thing that color 65 000 good mileage on it one six petrol that mileage how clean it is we'll have quite a bit of a impression on the price it's booking it 6 to 900 quid clean even a grand even he'd say I'd say that's clean a little bit luck there or as a whole that is a nice car people go oh these Megan's a little bit there renaults are rubbish actually the Megan isn't that bad a car to be honest especially this shape I suspect that'll do decent money because it just looks a nice thing in that color but we'll see I might be a buyer of that sort of the 600 quiddish Mark I can't see it there's a couple of these in today here we goes both in the same color this is the first one I found this is a 15 diesel we're engine the one five diesel crdi go out with a bush little engine nice report on it an 86 good mileage fortunately it's a bit worse for the way everybody work wise and I've got a few scuffs here uh door's a bit of a mess or whack appeal gun on it went to Door painting we've got trim piece missing but that's not the end of the world the door painting and a piece of trim the rest of it look at that as well on the light there yeah it's it's tattooing places it could be ratified but but I should have to reflect it it is three or four hundred quid I'd have a go at that there is a fair few hundred pounds of paint there and he's doing on that before you even tackle the Mechanicals so big with caution maybe look at the other one so that one's like Range Rover Sport done 74 000 miles this one nice thing and it's not the one that I sold either way just in case people thinking oh it's blowing up and ended up in the auction now it's a different one but it's a nice thing 74 foul which is very low for a Range Rover Sport this year but it's only booking at five grand we should show how much these have come down I've had been a car with 100 foul on it probably be 38 100 quid 3 500 quid at the moment lovely thing there's 74 on as well that's probably an eight grand retail car maybe a touch more because you just don't sit here with that many low miles it's an sc which is insane because pretty much body basic been nice there's an HSC just get a few natural nibble you just get a few extra bits on HSC uh not command shift either which is a lot better effect on the price nonetheless a nice car now here's an interesting one a Nissan I can't remember the names of these is it elgrand and is El farad there was a few of them basically it's a big old employee bus L Grand there we go uh petrol um no idea what being it engine wise so it sells on the catalog it doesn't no that's not very helpful it's gonna have a big it's gonna have a big V6 Patcher than it I'd imagine but what a thing they're always really clean Japanese Imports well naturally they are because they always want to bring the vest in but I don't know they're just a big old boss this into it it's just it'd be a nice thing to own but practicality of it not too sure but it is a nice one what's this going to do not a Scooby-Doo you can't even book if it's an Imports it's a bit of a finger in the air job unless you sort of deal with these you ain't gonna have a clue what the sort of thing is all worth and it's a meme it's not converting in the background if it's just it is still actually got all the seats in I think it's got HC to think no it hasn't it may only have they not rear seats in the back it has it only looks like it's got two blue seats in the back four in the back so it's probably only a six seater hmm that's odd anyway we'll see what that does that's interesting ah what we found the other Kia now let's see what this one's like this is another one five diesel same color again on 86 000 miles it's like this is twin brother but I have to say the other one's probably the runt of a letter this one's a little bit older on a 55 so you have to be a bit careful because we're getting a bit old now we've got to be careful about tin worm and stuff but bodywear wise a lot cleaner so far for a 55 plate car that's a nice one it's got a decent report on it feel a little bit there but you could probably just get away with touching that in that's it for you clean that's probably the one to go for to be honest unless the other one's very cheap might be the one I'll be focusing on we got an mot on it we're going to cheat till November before the death of the mot or anything like that so it's probably just an honest part X hopefully we'll see what that goes through we'll see what that does we'll watch watch that one go through this one's not marked up so I'm not sure if we've drawn from the sale is going through but it was certainly on the catalog last night so maybe they're just not a chance to get the stickers on me but it was on the catalog so I'm assuming it's still in nice 07 plate Mondeo I know from a research last night it's a one eight petrol um remember I am too many miles on it I think he's below 100 anyway but what a nice thing now that's probably gonna be booking at around 800 Grand I know it's an old old seven whole shape Mondeo but it's a nice clean thing and the mileage was off decent enough remember Al I think he was only about 80 foul you have to try and find in the catalog again but it might not do its true potential because I remember rightly I think it hard there you go a little bit of damage here on this corner put a lot of people off now that's fixable to be honest a few hundred pounds what about right I'm hoping that will deter some people and bring it down a bit because of that sort of level it sort of five or six hundred quid which is what potential I might go for without damage that's worth buying because that's the sort of thing at the moment that's selling it looks like a 1695 car to me all day long maybe even a touch more maybe even 1895 because it's a nice example honest car and it's one to watch so we'll see what that goes through hopefully it's still going for it hopefully it hasn't been withdrawn we'll see a really nice car and interesting one Saab nine free and probably not something I'm gonna buy to be honest on a 60 plate it's it's 147 000 19 diesel it's booking at about 14 1600 quids from around there but it's not something I'm after at the moment and I'm not a great lover of that diesel engine to be honest with you it was price reflected and cheapy I'd probably buy it but it doesn't just change the fact that this sort of knife really was a lovely car I just love Saabs they just were just superb cars and really missed I feel as well this is a lovely one nice Arrow it was at least Interiors in them I mean basically all they're doing is just took a Vauxhall platform and just radically changed it they're just so good at doing that I mean making cars out of nothing I'm just so much better than the GM Rivals I mean they started off with like nine thousands and changing Cavaliers into into sort of into the cars actually people would want and just sort of kicked off from there really and it's um she's real shame at Starbucks anymore but he's a lovely clean thing and I'm going to see what that does because someone as a smoker it makes me like a car escape to me you know I hate to be blast around in a bit of flash for a little cash 1500 quid level I think that's a nice cast we're driving around in and still unlocks a modern thing the nw4 series this would be a grand Coupe I imagine um oh I'm alike I do like the four series because it just it's a bit different to the average the end I sort of the daily port with back in two to mot stations and to testing and stuff but 11450 years old it's got a couple markers down at the vehicle operation and dashboard so I suspect there's something going on with this maybe the reason why it's here um it's a car buying group car so someone's obviously chucked it into like a wee biting car 30 minutes that's who they are it's had some paint here definitely and it's a bad repair you can still see all the you can quite make it out you might not do well that's pretty bad but as you can just see with the little some paper marks where it's not been painted properly or repair properly should we say scruffy car X Drive 420d no imagination don't buy phones waiting get the free late diesel do it properly into scruffy car you can make it a car again but there's a lot of a lot of uh caution with this there's two markers on this that just aren't right to me that I'd be a bit wary of on the end repair bumper there I do think that's not much to sort out but trust me guys get a bumper for that and then paint and stuff it's right next to the water jet as well there'll be problems with this Wheels aren't great either we'll see what it does I mean eight to ten Grand no sure not claims below average so I'd say you're just gonna struggle to do eight six which is what this blow guide is Maybe I'm Wrong maybe someone will throw a thousand quid at it make it nice again I mean he probably would need that sort of money for an addict to get it right but that's what I'm gonna buy not my sort of tackle but it's nice to see a full series in and we'll see what it does and we'll see if the numbers stack up for it at that level allowed below book the potential in it for someone who's brave enough to have a go there's retail on that probably we like 12 13 Grand maybe even yeah 13 Grand between 12 or 95. it's gagging at and where I've seen him at you know they're comparing them because the mileage killing it a little bit to be fair 114 but yeah we'll see he's had another life for that four series outside what we found Astra and this is the sort of thing I'm after at the moment but after an extra aged survived or one for a while once it's petrol and here we have one guys in Black 57 plate lot 152 is a design model so we've got a little bit of a half lava job going on in there 90 000 miles it's a window cover and a tailgate tailgate is well and truly bashed in we might make it cheap hmm he said I actually not booking a great deal however tailgate's bumped in as well that could be a cheap car it's definitely what I'm going to keep hold on because it's getting tailgating blacks and it's not gonna be difficult via Panda I saw this last night on the list as well 154 in Black it's only about 135 which is a little bit high for a panda oh he's probably still gonna be a cheap car even though I know nine here's my idea it's only booking it sort of three to five hundred quid but I'll be a buyer that's what level in fact I'd be a bit more for that to be honest [Applause] it's pretty straight to be fair the car is 133 one one petrol decent report on it you've got to be careful with these make sure the Stevens are out on them because they do suffer a steering column faults Motors go on them which can be a few hundred quid support right it's a shame it's 133 you wanted 100 valve on it 110 maybe for a retail pitch just be keep it on the right side of things especially the cheaper end of the market so 130 is a bit of a let down but on its own iron plate and it's a clean thing I know people mock face and say oh fix the gun tomorrow and all that yeah whatever there's problems with him but other than I said the whole thing like say with the steering column on punto's and stuff which is what this is it's just an old Mark II punto basically they're not bad cars um and I wouldn't have any problem retailing that out the door even with 135 on it which probably applied She's Gotta reflect because I think that's even this Market it's a small cheap car I think that's 16.95 that car all day long maybe even a church more maybe we'll sue Outdoors I'm a buyer of that one today now look at this what a blaster in the past Vauxhall Vectra and I just found it sounds odd when you say blast in the past because we're only selling these probably three or four years ago we stopped selling these really so I've seen them about maybe a bit longer that maybe four or five years ago this is a one six petrol Club model so it's 74 000 miles it's got the cape a little bit of damage on that wing but one nice thing I saw it online on the catalog last night I know he's got an ABS light on because we certainly had in the picture so we'll see what it does when it goes through not also like this phase is moving ABS light on so you know pretty simplistic stuff did like the Vectra obviously placed the Cavalier which I also thought raid is a car oh simple thick interior look white sturdy things inside interior eyes on these are quite you know well built took a bit of a punishment our Sports sold loads of extras not many one six petrol though motion the one eight I used to buy and sell with the odd two liter throw in and occasionally they get a V6 one which all used to fly out the door everyone was a little bit Tatty a couple of bits could just do it painting on this is to make it a proper pristine thing or what a nice car and something actually really is future classic written all over if you can keep that in our decent shape I mean it's not we've not got a guy price on it's just but what you think well I mean for a few hundred pounds I'll definitely a buyer of that what to do with that hmm anyway we'll worry about that if we win it oh Volvo beautiful v40 one eight petrol tell this has been an old man's car when all boys had this got the a badge on the front been a member for years you just know it 69 foul low miles for a Volvo we've got lever in there better hide beautiful five-speed manual bit of water as well it's just a cop roll boys Carter chill bar as well oh he's been he's had a little trailer he's got the tip with it for years finally one day get up driving and shoved it in the auction so you'd like to think that's the story I'm going with anyway what's it worth like that probably a 15 16 95 car to the right person retail it out but you can't go wrong with all Volvo guys we all end up in a Volvo eventually big old Sprinter van now looks apart this 70 plate going on 54 foul which is a slight mark on me in Syria all the map looks alright but there's a slight problem with this van it's a little bit of an accident um big old accident in fact let's go as far as to say he wasn't any older that's right off it's probably savable well it is savable we need jigging but that is a fair old shunt knocked down on the hpis which was obviously on record it's pretty much been frozen here well that goes to show guys stuff like that I can even bought fixed up put back up for sale um so you get like the vehicle score check we talked about every week and there's Carvers because well companies like that who do those chats sort of stuff can uh four foul of giant standard HPI checks but see what that does anyway lot 60. obviously I'm not a big buyer of Vans but be interesting to see what a uh very badly damaged Sprinter does a little Blast from the Past mgdf on an o9 which means this is a late mgtf as in a after the fall energy Rover switches off the Chinese guys who bought it in Gmail to UK basically this needs to get something into production so then started remaking mgtf convertibles um it never really changed from the outgoing model in 2005. don't like the grill the gold belt on the grill I think that's Naf bump is a bit messy as the TF goes a lot they were in the 90s and they come out they were the thing really you compare it to an MX-5 at a time bmx5 probably a better driving car well no they have a bit of a soft spot people like them and I'm an mg man I'm a Rover man so I'm not gonna start sliding them too much I mean they're mid-engined you know whoa like a Supercar that's about as far as it went engines well we all know about road cases engines and problems they have but you know a filler repair there and it's all come away they weren't quick this is one three five she's a variable viable one but it's the baby one three the baby Fair revolve engine they did make 140 and 160 break into these as well but uh we'll see what it does just have interest but it's not something I'm gonna be buying certainly I'm not a sports car man not this not this sort of thing anyway on one man diesel 136. hmm a little bit there as well I'm booking a lot for 600 quiddish marks six to eight hundred quid well worth that sort of money Chevy Cruze which is basically a voxel Astra Jace based on um Chevrolet basically rebranded and one day it went boss in the early 2000s a GM product uh the crews like I said just like an Astra I credit them we did quite a few of these uh Chevy's in different versions I did the Orlando as well as like a zafira popular because they're just basic and then what do you do is basically rated the parts a bit of voxel products use all the old stuff a bit like Renault dude with Dacia um and just use all the Old Reliable stuff so consequently they're not usually that bad we're always usually very simplistic sort of like 5-speed old-fashioned manual box with the reliable one you say this one again what five speed manual clean inside just you say use all the Old Reliable bits make it cheap and you know what can go wrong really Chevrolet unfortunate don't sell in the UK anymore they pull down about 2013-14 um but it's just a Vauxhall so and it's cheap it's only booking at about 1500 quid on a 12 plate there's a lot of car for that and it might even be a slightly under that I'd sooner be in that sort of level 12 1500 quid that's a two now live two double nine five car all day long and now isn't horrendous 210 which is a shame there's a 1A I'm overlooking that maybe a 1 8 Pro not the ideal list of engines to be having an issue really what are the one six to be honest it's a bit over a killer 184 which essentially is a family car and it's gonna have a deer tax bracket but we'll see we'll see what it does now look at this old bus Kia magentas oh God I used to hate these um they're wrong with them per se it's a big old boss Juliet battle it's an auto closing my Autos that shift proper old boys car you know the type who owns a big magentas this is a clean one really and it's a little bit going down there it's a shame what I'm whole clean all boss is it something I'm gonna buy no oh I used to loads that he's coming in not because I can say anything wrong with them because they drive perfectly fine but when I used to having an auction occasionally you get something like this coming in or a Highland died I can't remember my name is Sinatra or so I can't remember they used to have a big Saloon as well the Hyundai um I can't remember the name of it now but you dealers would take these in and they'd just like give stupid money from thinking that they were popular cars that would resell on in auctions and they just don't I mean this is booking at a couple hundred quid and to be honest with you it's probably worth two or three hundred quid because it's just not a popular thing although it's a nice car so we've done 90 000 miles and it's an auto I mean fair enough maybe being an auto at the moment it might be a bit more than that because Autos are in high demand and anyone who needs an auto will drive anything at the moment because there's just nothing about so maybe I'm being a bit unfair with 200 quid but it's not going to do a lot obviously don't think it will we'll see what should go through so it does maybe I'll eat my hat had a bit of paint on that link I'm in the pair the most brilliantly I mean it matches but it's a bit pitted in a bit to Orange peely yeah he's a big old boat very bright Corsa got a marketing engine operation be careful probably a chain nut on these usually 13. look value at that sort of money but I suspect it'll do a bit more than that there but hmm nice bright call sir right okay so we've got a catalog we've got the breakfast voucher sorted so we're ready uh got a quick look around a couple bits today I'm after um there's a few bits of earmarked through maybe not too fast we win them to be honest with you um but then there's a few bits I definitely want the Astra black Astra with the tailgate dinged in I think that could be a cheap car exactly what I'm after I'm after an aster hates been trying to buy one for about a month and a half now and usually I get in day with these things can't buy one full of the money because I need one I want one for me stock um because just easy things to sell a good thing to have I like them one six petrol the one-on-one so we'll try and buy that today because I think that'll be we can make that half decent car it doesn't phase with that tailgate get tailgating color for its black it's not exactly difficult color to find so yeah we'll definitely grab a go at that we'll have a little Fiat Panda as well which is not far behind it um we might give some half decent money for that because I think that's going to be a half decent carbound looks of it uh and they'll sell pretty straightforward that they sell out always sell a panda no problem obviously we'll follow everything else in that we've looked at as well uh interesting to see what that four series doors very Tatty but we'll see what it does let's see we've got that big old Nissan bus at the beginning as well there's a few interesting bits in today so we'll cover everything that we've looked at now see what they do uh and see we go from there there's other stuff I've not even looked at guys as well so they've been bound to be other things that we're going to say they're coming through will just take me high or we'd just be surprised price or start off at you know we'll look at a car and you think it's too round book and not even sort of looked at and all of a sudden it starts at 800 quid for some reason because you just you don't have time to get 150 60 cars in half an hour especially when you're doing this uh but yeah we'll see so we'll get ourselves in position uh quite like the guy who's on the auction today very Speedy very quick it was a mess about so it should be a pretty straightforward sale which will flow really nice today hopefully we can get some good footage as well the bidding uh and we'll go from there so let's get ourselves in there and see if we can try and win some vehicles [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] yes coach is decent money smoke talk to Beach see if we can win it [Applause] for the Alvarado Steiner for the sorry the El Grande he's starting up big boss is coming guys the big boss is coming places that's what's he gonna do [Music] it [Music] I don't know foreign [Applause] and um how are we getting on well a couple of wins early doors as well which prescribed about cheap car really really nice example that car that's the guy when it came in just touched all right he said it seemed pretty all right um gag trust as well that driver uses spot on so the tickets word for him it's not the end of the world he needed a clutch but you know one last job if it needed it to more about paint obviously but I'm not a phase about that couple hundred quid probably maybe slightly less a couple of quick deck and they would sort that car out you know a bunch of spot on again uh definitely a 16795 car without marriage on it nice nice thing so pleased with that and we've got the uh the Kia reel then the good one the better one of the two you're almost very cheap 250 quid or 285 quid a friend of mine bought that he'll do well with that um got a little bit more space this week we've got a bit more space I can throw some bits in we've got a lot of stuff backing up we've got to uh saving things off and trying to get stuff ready for the new pitch that's coming in at six seven weeks time so yeah sort of mulling between stuff between so on the moment of sort of keeping cars back from your pitch and other stuff that's what's dragging on quick stuff or so if I can sell straight away obviously I suppose you're not pretty much straight away so a bit of an odd time at the moment it's a luxury so we have to be very careful about what we're picking so far I'd say stuff today it's been generally okay it's been all right we'll talk more about that later let's get ourselves in there and see we can try and win those over two bits the vector is coming in I've bought enough today really and I've always wanted what I need to get as well I need to get a couple more this battery is coming in which I want and this is Mondeo as well which is also looking cheap could end up in a position here we're having too many cars foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] the Chevy Cruze is coming in next interesting to see what that does had a quick look around it stinks of oil gasket leaking or something probably are you coming on that one eight um blowing exhaust manifold sorry not manifold the flexible they're coming on ashes vauxhalls Flex packs always going but um we'll see what it does it's one eight that's just put me off a little bit there's a one six I'll be all over it or one eight it's gonna have to go on the cheaper end for me to get put me handle we'll see what he does you never know and it seems to be everything to be cheap today so we're not bargain let's see what it does um yeah um foreign foreign anything anymore required for this information days but again at 88 pass me away 88 80 pounds tonight bring it up [Music] animations foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did you do it online [Music] Follow The Line yeah the um setup's not sounding too healthy want an engine [Music] [Music] ER there's no is this gem the old jagex type 2.5 V6 Sovereign Auto 37 000 miles what a peach now we'll see what that does because that's going to do a few random it's got that mileage on it I'm a nice petrol but really I mean does it really matter do you want a diesel one of these I wouldn't pretty sure they were all four-wheel drive the two fives and the three liters is a real nice example Auto as well leather obviously sovereign it's interesting [Music] two three two four nice finger right let's get out of here do a recap of the day uh talk about the winnings as well because we want a few see you all in a few seconds okay so the auction is done how many cars did we win today we won four in total it will go for them quickly now before we won was the blue Kia Rio actually in that car now uh We've also won the more four Mondeo we also won the Chevrolet as well the Chevrolet Cruze and we won the ashra as well towards the end uh quicker touch on a few of them cars to the Kia Rio I'm in that now actually without giving the game away actually drives really really nice really pleased with this little one five diesel absolutely spot on even a bit of diesel as well some chuffed about um nice thing so far obvious I've not been underneath or anything like that we'll probably get a chance I might do a video on this one who knows but it was a very very clean car the first one looked cheap as well that was good value but it was a bit Tatty in places to be honest with you that was really what it's selling as he was just a cheapy just to flip out maybe I might have just traded that on someone else I won that a friend of mine won that anyway he was bidding on it I think I did have a bid on it but then when I saw him come back in a bit again I just left him too because really I wanted this one and I got this one I was quite happy with that paid a little bit more than I wanted to really it came in at 550 plus fees so fee Bangles off quite a bit there so it's gonna be about 700 quiddish Mark out the door but I'm happy with that I think it's gonna be 15.95 all day it's a really clean smart car and so fast needs to be driving well I only done 86 000 miles for one five diesel I'm really pleased with it we've also won the Mondeo that's another one I'm really chuffed with did not expect to get that Monday for Less under 500 quid I was prepared to go slightly over um so I was getting at 450 really chuffed that's not going to cost a great deal money out the door um a nice thing 79 000 miles lovely color it's just that corner that's uh that near side front Wing in the bottom of the bumper there easy repairable I'll get that fixed with not a lot of money um you know less than 150 quid as well we might just get touched a few little tiny bits but the rest of the car really I mean it's very good condition uh I haven't driven it properly yet I have driven out the auction to drive reasonably all right from what I drove so far of it um so I'm quite tough with that if you've got blown exhaust a few maybe a little bits like that but nothing really major uh he's certainly start up on the bottom and uh the engine sound is sweet so I'm pleased with that car again I've took that straight to paint that's sitting out the paint shop now I've had that out gone to the paint shop and my guy's gonna get on with that hopefully soon and then when we get that back we're gonna get underneath it and do a proper check over on it and look to retail that car with 79 000 miles on a nice Monday Mondeo Edge like that I know I think again it's probably another 16.95 car maybe touch more who knows we'll go for it properly saved and hopefully do a video on it when we get it back from paint we then move on to it slightly different these Chevrolet Cruise um I'm not too far to have I hadn't bought that car I bought it now look I stand by the bed I bought it probably they could go back and might not have bought it no there's anything wrong with it it's actually a really clean thing I've got the car out it seems all right too Fair although it does smell a bit oily I think the rock cover gasket's leaking very common um on those Foxhole engines basically what's in them uh notice it was just coming through it's about a bit oily for me for the vents that's easy fixable that's not meant to worry about I mean The Rocker gasket is not particularly much to worry about it's a 1 8 which is a bit of a shame ever thought it was been a one six but it looks a nice thing they look a lot of car you know they are basically an Astra J um that's basically a bit more simplistic it's a nice thing I mean 1100 quid I think 1100 1150 I can't certainly remember we paid for it I think it was 11. um it's cheap car really um it's probably 26 27.95 retail on it said was two double nine five but a quick look on auto trader there's a few floating around around there um but you're also looking at one sixes as well so around that money and I don't see any reason why someone would necessarily want the one eight over the one six he's not exactly like it's a lot more powerful quick or anything like that it's a little bit more powerful but uses a bit more fuel it's got a bit of deer attack so it's been one of those cars I mean it might sell straight away you know you never know but it's been one of those cars It's gotta be priced accordingly you know it's a compromised car maybe for someone but I think it will sell it's definitely different it looks a nice thing it's quite fresh it doesn't mean you know what's doing to it other than Wing mirror sort of painting fix the rock cover gasket obviously anything else underneath it you know it comes in at sort of 1500 quid Mark we've got a grand in it you maybe sell it at 24.95 so there's margin in that car I'm happy with it but nonetheless I am happy with the car but I would have been forced if I hadn't bought that one and finally won the Vauxhall Astra and after Astra H for a while now I used to buy these all the time I used to offer them all the time and never struggle to have Astros in stock can't get any at the moment don't know why um you know I mean they're a good car I mean people slight vauxhalls but asteroids isn't a bad car very cheap to fix I know everything that goes wrong with them and you can fix them pretty quickly um this one's got a damaged tailgate I've already sourced a tailgate for it I know where there's one going and get that painted it's cheaper for me to get a pet tailgate and actually get it painted than it is to try and find a secondhand one because I can't be bothered driving halfway across the northwest of England to go get some tailgate on eBay messing about with someone who's not there or return or it's not it's not they don't know where it is when you get to a Breakers yard what you're talking about when you get it it's got marks on it or the boot switch you've been missing I can't be asked for that crap I know where there's one already in the scrapyard the bootlegs mint it doesn't matter anything because you're gonna paint it and go get it get a lot of paint it done dusted um so amazing I'm happy with that Vauxhall again we got it for 500 quid a tiny bit more wanted to pay for it I was hoping to get around the forestmark for 500 credit will do it I don't mind that engine light is on we've got maybe address that um to be honest with you on them usually one of two things is the most common sometimes you talk with coil pack problems um you would usually spot that because they missed firing that's that easy to fix um llama sensors are quite common on the 160 the Astros usually Bank One Center two Dead coming again you can fix them for not a lot of money you can pick a lamin center Lancer you can pick a llama sensor up one of those about 30 50 Quid depending on what quality you want the other thing that can go wrong with them is the sort of camshaft phaser pulleys they can sometimes get a bit knocky um there is way to sort of quiet them down a little bit but to be honest with you by sounds of that when it first started off I did listen to it it went through didn't catch it on film I did listen to it and it started up it did sound a little bit sort of uh Cami when it first started and settled down it probably is that I've not scanned it yet I've not done anything to it we will do a video on that we'll get the old Mighty chopped on fired up and we do go that we can actually diagnose that properly with the machine and see what's going on with it I suspect we'll be able to find the fault of it if he needs that's not the end of the world it's common common thing it goes wrong on him it can easily be fixed but look it's all out no problem they put a couple hundred pounds to get it right I mean I'm happy to spend a bit of money on that car I mean it doesn't matter to me that car ends up costing three or four hundred quid with a bit of paint get it through the you know get it get it prepped get it through it doesn't bother me because it's a nice old thing a decent mileage as well it was on the right side of the mileage or you've done 1895 I think it had Bodywork was all well Bodywork was pretty clean on it so no issues there and you'll easily get 17.95 for that at the moment the Clean Master rates will sell all day long so overall what I've got I am quite happy with we could have bought more to be fair but I really did have to Reign it in at four cars I said the beginning of the video I didn't really spoke to you about I wasn't supposed to be buying any cars at the moment other than just what the odd one I promised the wife would only buy one but yeah that didn't quite work out but um yeah it sometimes with the cheap guy if you could kind of buy them um I've got all the stuff around me I'm sort of at the moment in this weird position where I'm trying to keep stuff sort of mothballed I call it um sort of parking stuff up leaving stuff sort of real trying to get stuff prepped if you like going to paint or getting stuff fixed and stuff like that in anticipation obviously of the picture and opening up and then obviously my stocks changed all the time because then obviously I'm buying some more stuff and I think well maybe I'll sell that one now actually man I won't keep that for another month no couple of months I'll sell that one now and I'll replace it with this one we'll put this one on the pitch so I'm just sort of moving stuff around and playing with stuff at the moment so what I've got at the moment might not be the same car go on the pitch in seven weeks time we're having to sort of move stuff and sell stuff on because everybody's running out of space and obviously trading that's what we're going to be doing and obviously there's also cars sometimes I buy don't get featured on the channel because we'd obviously trade stuff on or sometimes we didn't get the chance to film them all so we did see some rather interesting stuff today let me know your comments on what you've seen did you think I missed out on anything was there anything there that you would have bought let me know your thoughts on what you've seen at the auction today I'd like to thank Aston Barkley as well for reporting up with me and uh just been all just been all around great as usual auctioneers were superb today and to all the staff in general meticulas and Barca group itself are allowing us to be able to do and bring you this content so make sure you check out my other videos guys we are going on the road soon we're gonna go to some more auction houses we're gonna go to another Aston Barclay and we are also off to somewhere else as well for a little bit of a special episode as well there this month to check out those videos when they land obviously we've got other videos Landing every week with all sorts of purchase videos to check that out and I've also got some new content coming in the next few weeks as well so there's a bit of an action pack June in just make sure you check out those videos as we land thank you for watching guys please like And subscribe to the channel if you haven't already done so click that subscribe button and that Bell Button as well it really helps me out and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Car UK
Views: 283,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carauction, cheap cars, auction, flippingcars
Id: a7kKA1iG5m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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