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in all the years I've been going to car auctions and being an Auctioneer I have never seen anything just like that what on Earth possesses someone who's just bid 500 pounds to put their hand back up and go nah I'll give you a grand for it what [Music] hi guys welcome back to the channel and to another auction video now today we're on the road off out to try a different auction we're off to Liverpool now we're going to go to Northwest motor auctions Avon right is down to have a look around and of course I'll take the opportunity to try and buy some stock so we've just arrived parked up we're gonna get ourselves inside so you need to register and then have a look around see what it's about so I hope you enjoy this new content guys uh so let's get in there and see what's on offer okay let's have a look around 207 private entry one for petrol ten former Keepers wow that's not been a problem car than 73 000 miles that's a lot of owners for 73 000 miles and it's cat says sorry it's Cat s as well which is old cat say so it's got a bit of a checking past but could be cheap that's what we like cheap cars now it's a cat s was probably not so now I'm going to retail on a pitch but some maybe trade cars to flip on maybe sell to one of my sort of loyal customers who aren't too bothered about me being a cat s providing obviously to it's all right underneath um it might be cheap that's it what's it worth pretty clean actually for a gas I have to say you would expect that to be doing somewhere in the region of a bit alignment out there actually it's supposed to be repaired had a wall up here aren't it on a 12 plate s 7 800 quid maybe I think that's probably worth and a cat has to me obviously on the register it's worth probably 16. but we'll see what that one does anyway interesting to see diesel little pot Exchange two former Keepers lots of pretty retailable car it's very clean it was 30 odd failure prospectively clean wouldn't you really I suspect if that goes sounds right when it starts talking goes through and he's all in one piece and not only the lights are on the dash that are scaring you you're gonna do a decent money hmm of a retail corner probably out of my league it's probably going to be a few grand Motors to buy it so it's not going to sit in my sort of price bracket I sell but obviously you see what it does a nice bit of interesting stock there so I know some tears to give it back teeth for that because we've got a little Corsa of course a day sxi five door but import these buy them all the time everyone wants them not really sort of the car that I'd recommend to people to be honest if you've got two grand to spend this is probably what it is worth but Everyone likes them so we have to buy them we have to do them up 112 four former Keepers one two petrol especially when you're buying one of these you want to make sure you change not um noisy when it starts or going through that's the usual things that go wrong with them subframes can rot as well I've got one at the moment I've got to put a subframe on Rock a tape over it they usually rot here on the back arches where they meet the bumper that's very common again I've got one do that a little Mark there would you do that I don't know you end up painting the whole door and quarter doing that just happened probably tackle these two bits March at the back you probably make the car off right again Wheels won't clean up as well and keep up I think inside I'm not too bad steer meal cover on don't hate that I don't mind if people put them steering wheel covers on that stopper stitched in your placement covers I've done a few of them but not when they're just like these old-fashioned 4.99 job is off from the Vietnam you just stick over your steering wheel because they're just oh no not my thing it's interesting to see what that does um I want to get free [Music] 500 quid territory it's really worth that somewhere in that region it's an old thing 62 000 miles wow and we'll take the end of the year sport 16 valve one as well usually they're all one to eight miles this is the 16 valve um not sporting model though usually like the 16 gallons of sporting using the six speed this is the five speed one but good engine though tailgate because they do start stuff a bit rock tick on the floor patterns but that does look a nice thing Freelander Diesel from kazoo because oh yeah you can 2.2 diesel good engine 128 pound td4 no sudden I like the Freelander but they are a bit move temperamental at most Land Rovers bundle missing there it's an auto um some of the Autos who are a few that are a bit dodgy so you've got to make sure you've got Bible caution there they do stuff with rear diffs that go funny on them as well that can be expensive to put right and they do rot here as well you have a look on the inner arms here you can go there well you get a good one they do Drive nice In fairness to them it's not a bad looking thing on the face of it but you're guaranteed we won't spend money on it as soon as you buy it without any shadow of a doubt wow all rafting misses mark IV golf gold wheels not sure about them black roof not sure about that well it's a 2.3 V5 if they already see anything anymore most of these are a bluff now or either the GTI version like a turbo you absolutely did a two liter petrol GTR as well which wasn't fit for the name GTI well the 1A turbo and the Diesels obviously which are still going strong but to see a V5 one I mean it's a bit not my property it's a bit boyer-ish but I do buy what sells and this sort of cells definitely see what that does we're not going to give you back T4 but I'm not that into it but you never know bald tires on it though there's not been it's been thrashed probably that is a rare old thing these days in the into fairness to it probably where it was his top out bad you need one of them today it's your bits I'm totally fancy let me just see what these do I'll start with the door one first it's Astra [Applause] bit of bread and book stopped for me though it's one for petrol girls come out a little bit there once touching it back in 310 the bridge around about I bought a couple of Ashes recently just sold one I won't mind another one because I do with two ready for the pitch I've got one ready but I need another one so one bit of pain on that bumper probably might even need a new bumper because that's actually quite damaged actually probably but if you just get Bumper in color than that it's actually quite clean like you know done up with a new bumper on it prepped up it's probably a on a 59 17 18 95 car maybe even 1995 on a good day somewhere in that region one for those we've got to be careful make sure we start support right we've got any noisy chains yes this is one of the last few probably I think they only went to about 12 plate although they did have a slight woman yeah it's about 13 14 when it came back very briefly but I mean this is effectively just a box on the signia base vehicle four former cubes diesel two liter hopefully a lovely thing nice just such elegant cars I like that I couldn't tell you what this is worth because I don't have a clue this arms and this sort of era yeah I wouldn't want to guess be honest with you but here's a nice thing we'll see what that does I'll see if I get chance of a bit of research on that on my phone just to see what they're doing because I can't remember the last time I saw a 9-5 sort of for sale or even trade with friends of Adam in just they don't see that many of them anymore foreign back in the day LT expired yeah that's probably your problem she's gonna be she'll be rotten I guarantee you I remember to eat too many of these over the years no experience on the bit of a rock Box oh it's a shame obviously what's been short marked already on the test probably yeah you're in from the kind of worms behind this engine I think the engines are underneath the center dash on these places that sit on them [Music] oh wow you know what's happened to this it says this is putting someone's converted it they've used it and then they're shoveling to take it one year and it's probably just failed and horrifically and that's probably yeah but if you I mean if you're good with a welder you could rectify that and probably could be worth some money but it's a lot of work it's not what I'm going to look at buying today not a chance but he'll be brave enough you could save that underneath some profit in it probably oh Fiesta of 39. black children with that bonnet I don't know if it should be me I'm looking at the latch maybe on a 61 plate 2011 12.5 petrol ztec engine which is good could get that out it's not a bad whole thing I think you noticed yeah I've got a space saver on there so look at that open the wheel we'll get a steel wheel for it itself it's not just surface we want painting again it's a bit scruffy but polish up and paint that ceiling make a car again good things if yes is it they just there are things to buy obviously obviously everyone wants on the sort after especially this later shape every Kev will stay in racks on it I've done bought loads recently where the steering racks basically it's all notchy and horrible and banging knock that you have to change the racks on which is a bit of a pain not particularly expensive to buy but listen on unnecessary burden you don't really want to be doing fantastic sounds that's probably a retail Bridge only a two and a half Grand car obviously they're not right 60 plate Astra j a little bit scruffy it's going big miles as well it's a shame I have bumping up on Sir attention a bit of the temporary bedroom going on there but one certainly wants to settling the same at least eight former keeps 130 000 miles per hour entry early doors on six petrol got a log book which is on me um it's probably not soon I could retail to be honest it's a bit scruffy if you saw that front end out on it a bit better it's probably something I could trade on if it's half right when's the mot on it mot till November so probably a lot of important ticket on it maybe again maybe I'll try as it is Maybe let's see it's had a bit of paint on this rear quarter you probably can't tell we've got a bit of rain now a bit of dealers missed it's not horrendous but it is a little bit noticeable to my dealer I I mean he's just a cheapy I mean I just bet if you're buying that for six seven hundred quid really oh really it's worth I know it was interesting to see what it does but this that sort of level I could probably flip that on to someone for very little profit 135 hours just a bit too much on the mileage front for me for retailing I put on the pitch plus you're going to paint that course fix the bumper it's not beyond the reams of possibility but you're getting very sort of on the high end of mileage I want to keep stuff below 125 I mean ideally what keeps us below 100 fat but you've got to be realistic but 150 is really creeping um what's the trade on cars you know flick quickly to get rid of in the trade something like that yeah I think we could do something there the Saab main agents here haven't seen so many Saabs since the third one I've seen this is a nine free it's a little rougher than that nine five I've Just Seen it's a bit older as well arches are going at the bottom paint on this core previously and then a bad repair that's coming through is it diesel imagine it probably is yeah 190 ID engine bootling doesn't look right or not just not down there we go fixed it tow bar beautiful okay now it's just on that side it's a shame really stickers down the thing it's not quite in yet I'll read it for you 108 000 miles I'm gonna teach the end of the year five former Keepers 19 diesel you can see in this area there obviously typical shower a bit about half a lever in there beautiful is a bit flat and dull to me it's not a nice little wings bubbling there as well [Music] I do I'm tempted to buy a Saab a lot of people mention them on the channel they see them all and it looks a nice thing and but a few at the other auctions Aston bark have been out recently where I probably looked on reflection of what I should have bought that um I don't think this is one I'll be buying I've been much more keen it's about the nine five we're doing numbers on that in a minute see that is worth a go um but this no it's a bit rough for me I mean it was a few hundred pound territory than fair enough but I suspects it'll probably do a little bit more than that or the reserve on it'll be a bit higher than that I think someone's expectations are probably a little bit higher than it realistically is we never know we'll see how that's the first time I've ever been to this auction so we don't know what sort of prices are like [Music] some bands in for even Max the details imagine they are yeah yeah it's always 114 blue Jack diesels big miles 165 left on CE they've got some fleet stuff in this one's 194. it's the third one done [Music] 164. they're all pretty identical to be honest with you help their fireworks in the background not to gunfire because we are in Liverpool hmm nice bit of Kit always nice move hands oh it's just so well built Drive lovely they just cost a fortune we'll see what these do because I'm intrigued I'm not a vampire really I'll buy the other van but I don't go looking for him but we'll see what they do obviously all that to film new things going through the auction get an idea of different prices it's always educational no I'm after a C1 or a 107 I go but not maybe not this one unless he was very cheap one former keeper and he's done 38 000 miles 107 access although it does need access to a body shop because that is well and truly stoved in it's not on the register though I mean it's fixable it's not luckily I mean that's been easy if it was a five door because you could just bought another door quite a lot of corner down there as well and the wing there as well with the door meets the door meets the wing hmm it's red well it's a horrible color to try and match up with painters you'll never get it quite right because it just sort of always fade I mean you probably would spend 600 quiet probably painting that in the trade and getting it fixed it's a big old repair if you're brave enough 38 000 miles and he ain't looking semi right again if he's handy money and you're willing to put the hours in to do it yourself Bodywork wise bargain really but it could be it could be a nice purchasing someone but I don't think it'd be for me it'd have to be I just see that on the 16th Street it's practically written off really I mean it's it's probably a six seven hundred pound car to me he won't do that he'll do more than that but the reserve be more than that you didn't know it will but obvious we'll see what it goes through it's interesting to see how people's expectations are of this sort of thing okay so about a lot round um quite interesting this auction to be honest with you it reminds me so much of my old auction from years ago I used to run a car auction and they mentioned it once or twice before I used to be the auctioneers to run it myself and my wife right for a few years I'll probably do a like more of a talk on that in another video actually because it's quite interesting when the car auction I'm very stressful as well um but it does honestly remind me of my old auctions very very small independent auction this um so you know you've all the sort of the glamor gets of your BCA your Aston Barclays your man hands and all them you know we haven't got that area it's more down to earth and Rob I do like that you know what I mean it's old school and that's what I do like we've got a mixed bag of stuff in today we've got some quite new stuff in there there's people got a lot of Fleet stuff as well Vans going through and obviously there's all the cars as well I mean I'm more focused on the older stuff I will look at like I said I've always looked at some newer stuff as well I will as more stuff goes through I will film that for as they go around it's probably about 60 70 cars in so you know about an hour and a half sale today um it'd be interesting to see what happened really there's a few bits I'd like to bid on the Astra one of them the 207s for me that the cat S1 I might have put someone for that it was right money um I'd be interested to see what that golf does I suspect it'll do good money but you never know I'm interested in the Saab nine five I'm gonna do a bit of research now see what that's sort of going for ideas because I've not really been ever been a buyer of them but we're interested to see because I think it looks like a lovely car is that Corsa and maybe even that punto it was quite low mileage as well what surprised me so there's a few bits there but obviously it's all price reflected it's got a working budget now this auction allows private customers in they'll see a lot of private punters here um so that's obviously it's great they're looking to come down guys you can come down here if there's a way you don't need to register you can just turn up had a quick look at the fee structure actually it's quite good um these fees start from like 80 quid the bias fees upwards so like on a few hundred pound car you know about 100 110 pound fees on it they're quite they're quite decent actually compared to Modern standards I mean you know some some of the bigger auction houses in particular you spend a thousands quit you can spend hundreds of pounds on fees and lots of private entries as well which I'm quite surprised at I mean I used to get a lot of private entries into my auction but a lot of auctions don't do that anymore they're just more focused on obviously trade dealers you know going to a dealership itself and because it's easier because you go to a dealership all of a sudden you can turn up you get a deal with them going Pick 10 cars up low load and take them to the auction prep at the door and put them in you're getting more mass vehicles and I suppose they'll probably do that here as well but they've got private entrance coming in and private cars you know it's not all of them you know don't always think they're all bad or they've been putting for a reason and the main point of a reason in some cases but sometimes it might not be as bad as what the person putting it in actually thinks to me someone who put a private Pawn to might put a noisy Vauxhall course room with a noisy timing chain or something like that that's not really an issue to me but it might be to them you sometimes can get a decent car from an auction for private punter so it's always worth attending these type of sales to see what's available and what's around and I'm a perspective of selling your car as well locally I mean how many times do we get annoyed when we go to buy any car with this tempting carrot offer they give you and when you get there they pull it away from you you know it's a bait and switch type tactic and you end up getting nowhere near what you quoted I mean to be honest with I've always said to people just try auctions really because end of the day people pay what it's worth in the room and it usually gives a good reflection of what the car is actually worth and in some cases you can get more money for stuff so really interested in this one I'm actually quite excited about this sale because they say it's new to me as well never been here before um but I quite like it if I'm honest to the age but will the prices reflect that you know if so well I'm going to be great auction but we need to try and buy stuff so let's see if we can try and buy something it'd be interesting to see on prices as well which we'll have a talk about later what stuff's doing because every auction can become different every part of the country were different prices will be different down south and they will be up North but we'll have a look we'll see anyway let's get ourselves in the position let's get ourselves in the auction room wow the big old auction Hall actually even better than that he's got a bloody bar in it oh my word of course my tree Carlin even got spirits loving this place already there's a Rostrum there love it I love this feel old school I like it genuinely really excited about being here today just want to get going get the bidding started come on let's buy some cars 2011 of the 60s [Music] answers and 997 7 books twice seven seven five minutes on the 2.3 uh we're gonna be fine engineer should sound well do you know 214. with the fantasy lucky Wheels [Music] I remember like this here uh he got some relationship with me at 7 15. 700 159 8 850 against sugar-free 859 800 50 pounds later 850 down the wrong time and then go to the 50 rounds pay 150 pounds to match my body Illinois 750 once till I stood the last day 57 hours [Music] the 112 Sports uh 2005 million with an MRT until the 20 th of December early um foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you 33 uh watching it seems [Applause] [Music] on November lots of Monster Legends it's all just hard previous owners from you uh we've got some money just on that we deciding on that at 6 5750 75 850 now 8 15 foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] love 1300 [Music] 13 15 13 15. a little four Fiesta coming next 61 plate one um looks alright actually to be fair but a quick look around it so we'll see what that does got a few bits on bits but no winners so far I'll see this Fiesta does anyway s you know should be uh I have just two format owners for you at hotel Max is October and owls if he has to grab the five door there and then you'll have to happen today somebody's not gonna do well who's gone I'll see where 15. 1000 thank you thousands of stars thousand pounds yes or no thousand eleven eleven twelve around 12 13 10 15 13 14 1400 pounds there 50 net fourteen fifty fifteen hundred fifty fifty fifty fifty yeah fifteen fifty is going to be all another fifty fifty everything else I have 1600 a 15 something in the uh the darker jacket yeah take me 50 million in the 1850 is big 1700 now thank you shared it ahead Seventeen hundred on God the 150 each way in the hall now on the 1970 on the map yes you know it's 17 Again 17 15. big bill on the line 70 50 hold on whoops twice the pasta eighteen eighteen yeah TDCI two liter turbo diesel It's a 2005 only or five level three uh we're just green previous owners revenue and again we're gonna submit the best one on that one today I got together with doing 300 pounds for it three fifty thank you 350 pound now Fred the Vicky handling Sports [Music] three seven five this way before three seven five whoops once twice third and last week seven five aspergier [Music] we have a uh Peugeot 207 sporty of it so 1.4 petrol on the Levi's account S level 2002 as well playing with MLK August around about 74 000 Lincoln Street to boot um commission to responding on that at 7 58 800 pounds 800 about 850 a bit 850 an hour amount 850 pound of Vietnam and 8505 all right eight nine hundred a t 900 you're 25 I've got 900 [Music] on their way now nine two five you want 15 925 now thank you for your base dollars 921 else 925 Works twice third and last for original layer 925 thank you sir foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] twice over that pray for operation on the left double pigeons stop raining now at least the old Mazda Bongos coming in the old days or 500 quid buy it stick it in a field somewhere near a canal or river put on Airbnb 200 quid a night ready for romantic weekends away within the home from the rivals subject to an MLG um [Music] [Music] even more from the garage services way for the previous owners be good on your driveway and everything being at the idea honey it's already on it is [Music] yeah I think so uh whoops twice my word what has he done in all the years I've been going to car auctions and being an Auctioneer I have never seen anything just like that what on Earth possesses someone who's just bid 500 pounds to put their hand back up and go nah I'll give you a grand for it what I mean I'm flabbergasted I generally am I mean I get what he was trying to do he's trying to give a shock bed but you do his limits you have to a shop bed and I've done it myself where you've been on something it might be a few hundred pounds you're putting away with someone else or the people in the room you might get to three or four hundred quid you've got 500 pounds in your head of what you want to pay for a car so you get 400 pounds you might go in It Go 500 so you jump up a few bids you get that because obviously it seems it's in your limit of what you want to pay and you're just trying to hopefully shop bid someone and they'll pull out and sometimes it works but you don't double your bid you don't bid 500 quid and then go no actually I'll give a grand for it but In fairness is plan worked because it definitely shocks everyone I mean what are you gonna do with that I mean it it was rotten it was worth four or five hundred quid at best probably and I was building myself at a couple hundred pounds I've been about to four and I give up but thousand pounds that was nuts [Laughter] foreign Ty handbrake as well so I'm not really looking to get into that really to be honest I don't need that hassle at the moment but we'll see all the Saab does because it's a lovely thing I mean it's really cheap yes but now [Music] beautiful beautiful card go off and see these full stop do you never run through the auctions uh We've lentilate solid 9-5 Vector s e t v i or The Tib four two liter D's last name chords are better more diesel um only 11 weight with an MRT 2019 coverage is almost full history and just four previous zombies review and straight in on that one here with me at 2 000 pounds on the nose two thousand families there we're looking for two one and he was still there 2000 2009 201 [Music] time at two thousand for twenty three hundred pound even fifty oh about 20 people think giving his name 23.50 with almost a small history of 20 25 watts 23.50 twice [Music] Alabama Football League results and again an interest on the sequel over the winning at 6 and 15. 650 pounds in 650 million [Music] 800 . oh Daisy Sunday or coming on a 14 plate and see what that does one liter even about 70 pounds of 75 000 miles 2000 141 and an MRT on there is zeros or one previous 76 000 miles and we've all been on now 17 18 1900 pounds we've got two thousand for it 92 19 2000 pound Bill 2000 we'll do the twenty one now two thousand pound there two thousand pounds 2000 now very nice retailable stock of 2010 and 2000 pounds anything else yeah not too close [Music] [Music] 21 now 21 now you're going to get out Twenty One fifty minute 21.50 now 21.58 this way for two at 21.50 Golden premiere for that 21.50 whoops twice over the last 24 50 outside for the original 21. all right it's the 1.6 things going down 2012 a 62 play not the five spots on there some roof on either way rise of course very straight looking example of what I can see it anyway MLT is into fan of next year it is showing just 34 well I've said 35 000 miles from here we're just two previous owners we're [Applause] on that right when you do I'm interested in as well as you will imagine it's a very nice looking thing 35 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's starting to get very quiet now he's starting to thin out a little bit it's near the end we'll see what these mercs do and then we'll find out I'll be gone with an Astra but we've got provisional bid on 800 quid I don't have any more for him honestly I think I'll give just enough for it but we'll see we'll ask the question we've all got a few Battle Scars they all sound all right when you've got three of them and it's obviously just clearly a proper Fleet disposal is anything to Ward about it um afternoon [Music] foreign [Music] 64. 65 65 66 66 76. secondly how 60 is it going to get all done at six is eighteen whoops twice third now play all right let's go and pay for this Astron get it out see what we won right I got the keys got the invoice got my uh log booking manual just gotta try and find the car so where is it I think as you can see it's in that corner there next to the old Bongo uh the problem is it looks like he's buried hmm okay we need not number 70 to get it out let's just see if it starts on the bottom never in doubts yeah right we're out um I'm sure with that I've just driven out the gate got about 20 30 miles an hour it's actually all right it's got blown exhaust sounds awful that probably the flexi Piper which is on voxels but generally it's not a bad thing the lights aren't faded the chain doesn't seem that bad unseen raply it's pretty clean inside the steering wheel is not that badly watering for like that interior I mean it's 110 foul but I it's not a bad car you know which wants a little bit of fatling it's wheel trims what tidying up a bit just a little bit here in there and obviously sort that bumper out obviously was aware of that when we bought it but I mean this com this color is really common so Frisbee's probably get a bumper in color to be honest with you I'm not going to mess about getting that painted because it's quite badly increasing damage it's a bit too difficult to just sort of paint that I think we'll uh just be a lot easier just to get a bumper in color I think I may even have one I know where there is one in color that's been broken up a friend of mine's got one I'm hoping it's the second color anyway if not we'll get one a budgeted that into it but other than that paint wise we're good say flick them trims in and then just the oily bits um I know this was a few bits underneath a little not bit of banging at the back probably Shockers or axle bushes they don't phase me I might do a proper video on it when I get it back anyway but let's get loaded up for now and then do a summon up of the day [Music] [Music] okay so we're back let's have a bit of a sum up of the day's actions first of all the astrids have got off the truck I think I'm quite impressed with that to be fair I'm going to do if I am going to do a full video on it I've already started the process of checking it over and going through so I've already got a list in the head of what I need to do to it I'm happy with the purchase talking of that total prize for that guys was 910 pounds out the door that's with the fee so I've been at 800 pounds at the car 110 pounds on top that was the indemnity or the bias fee for the vehicle so 910 out the door now I did manage to get hold of the fee structure for Northwest motor auctions you can see in this video here and as you can see actually the fees for the bias fees are actually quite competitive starts about things about 80 pounds and works his way up but unlike I said a five or six seven hundred eight hundred pound car like I just bought today 110 pounds on top which I think is actually quite reasonable in today's auction market and certainly a lot cheaper than some of its Rivals now how did they find the auction I actually really enjoyed it to be fair um very different it's obviously very different to what we've seen on the channel but this is the thing we're going to go try new auction all over the country like I say I'm going to go out on the road we're going to go obviously we're going to go back to Aston Park there's another branches soon that's my sort of staple place I get my start from but you know it's interesting to go to different places we see lots of different types of auction sites the way they work different fee structures different types of stock different prices and atmosphere it's actually really enjoyable to go to different auction houses and it's definitely something we're going to be doing more of on the channel would I recommend you guys to go down have a visit absolutely um they do accept private punters guys there's no need to register on the day so there was no need to registration or ID or anything like that you can literally just turn up and bid private or trade there's no disparity between the two the fee structures are all available for everyone like I said just turn up and bid away there are lots of private punters there today in fairness who were actually buying but we could talk about what else we saw in the in this sale today then uh well we've already talked about that Mazda that was a strange one I won't mention much more about that now because I've already we've already talked about that briefly earlier but I still couldn't get it out my head of why you decided why that gentleman decided to pay so much more money over the odds for that car I mean he probably would have won that for about 600 Quid it did seem rather a strange bid but it's done he owns it uh good luck to him I hope he makes some money out of it if he's a good welder surrender or he can get someone to wow that up it will be money in that don't get me wrong because it was a Dave van conversion I couldn't really get any good footage of it inside it got sort of swamps that came in the auction but it was not a bad conversion defense it was it was okay to be to be fair but if you could get it off right it probably will be some money in that but there's probably a lot of work to do to get it right do you have a few bits and some other bits as well and I got that little Ponto early on we had a bit of interest in the fiesta I thought the fiesta did quite a good money to be fair I was quite surprised at that um it did a few hundred pound more than I thought it was going to make but this goes to show with the sort of pricing can vary from place to place on the pricing side of it's quite interesting because I said like that Fiesta and the Peugeot we saw all the damage they did strong money then he looked at the Saab 9-5 which I know I had a handbrake for issue which I didn't really want to get involved in but it was still was a very cheap car that nine five this skoda as well that Fabia I done 30 of a Thousand Mile 16 diesel that was provisional there were bids on that if it was an online bidder that was on that but I thought that was just it was again a cheap car not my sort of thing I would buy um I had a bit more research before I came I probably might have had a goal that I hadn't known it was going to be like low and provisional because there's definitely some money in that car so it's definitely a mixed bag of things today some stuff are doing all right money some stuff was fair and decent and other stuff was I thought was quite cheap so it's like I said a real mixed bag of stuff there at Northwest auctions I definitely would recommend it guys I like to thank the team as well who writing me down Christian in particular guys if you're looking to put your car in there as well if you're local to that area definitely would give them a try because they were getting some decent money for stuff and they do seem to be selling things as well and they are vlogging cars don't get me wrong so you know it isn't always the best option to go slightly we buy any car place or Price exchange places a lot of bait and switch tactics which I mentioned earlier where they give you a price you know the old story you go there you get given a price and then as soon as you get there they kick you in the old you know what so it's always better I I've always said it's always better striking an auction they said they've got a very good fee structure there so very was interested in putting the car in locally then please check that out I think I might be I'd be tempted to put some stuff in there particularly some party exchanges just to give it a try and that might be something might do in the future maybe even film it who knows definitely an interesting place and somewhere where we'll definitely be going back again anyone wants to see their website and their details and get in touch with them uh find their address you can find it in the link description uh check out their website guys once again thanks to the team there at Northwest motor auctions so that's that guys we are off back to Aston Barclay again next week and we're also going to visit another site as well in the near future so lots of awesome content coming in July as well as other videos in between as well so thank you for watching guys please hit that like And subscribe button if you haven't already done so it'll help me out immensely I'd like to thank you all for watching uh just past the 20 000 subscriber Mark as well so thank you all guys thank you for support over the last seven months it's been absolutely brilliant I can't all thank you enough check out my next videos as they land and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Car UK
Views: 124,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carauction, cheap cars, auction, flippingcars
Id: j4W1lK8VBhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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