Buying Blind Homeless Puppy EVERYTHING He Touches! ( Kobe now fostered At Home With Me )

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- [Man] Is he gonna touch it? - [Man] Watch! - [Rocky] Oh, there's the playful. Get it, get it! Almost! Oh my god, this anticipation is killing me. - Ooohhh! (group laughing) Biggest yawn ever. Okay, we're about to go shopping with Kobe. - If he's anything like his name, Kobe Bryant, he's gonna go for the win. - Kobe is a puppy, and he is blind. He can't see. Ty is working on that to see if he can repair his eyesight. He's got heart issues. Okay, but right now, we are gonna buy this blind, homeless dog, everything he touches. He's just gonna get too heavy. - I'll struggle through it. - Look at that thumper right there. Man, that's like bunny rabbit Thumper. Kobe's not the only dog we're gonna have fun with today. We're also gonna take special needs dog, Penelope, shopping for everything she touches, by putting her in her little wheelchair so she can wheel around, go really fast, and have a lot of fun. And some of you might even remember Miss Piggy, who was featured in one of our last videos, "Tinder In Real Life... But For Dogs," but it blows my mind she hasn't been adopted yet. So we're also gonna buy her everything she touches. All right, if you're new here, hit that subscribe button. Turn on notifications, and let's get to shoppin'. I'm so excited, this is the moment we've all been waiting for. Okay Kobe, go shopping and get some toys, go! Go get 'em! No, no! (laughing) Go! Go! (men laughing) (toy squeaking) - [Rocky] Oh, there we go! (toy squeaking) (cash register dinging) (group cheering) (toy squeaking) - This is your first toy, here! Oh, so cute! (toy squeaking) Get it! (group laughing) There is so much more you can have, my man! Oh! Let's put bunch of toys in the aisle. - [Tye] Okay. - [Rocky] Because he can't reach. He can't reach any of these toys. (toy squeaking) - Oh, yes! (anticipatory music) (cash register dinging) - He wants this duck, okay? We got that. Oh, that's it, he just wants one duck. - [Man] Gonna lay down. (group laughing) - So we're gonna take the duck, and his first toy that he had, ever, we'll throw those in the cart. Let's go! Kobe. - Kobe. - [Kelly] Kobe! - Come on. He's not moved. Oh my god, it's like every time you pick him up, ahh. Okay, let's try it this way. Okay, you ready? Go! (toy squeaking) Yes, here it comes! Oh, we're on a roll! (cash register dinging) (group cheering) (toy squeaking) (cash register dinging) (group cheering) - [Rocky] Yay, he touched it! - [Man] You're so close to touching this one, Buddy. Come on! - Come on, come on come on! - [Man] So close! (toy squeaking) (cash register dinging) (group cheering) - Oh, counts! (fun, anticipatory music) All right, so we have the treat aisle now. You think he's gonna do good in the treat aisle because he can smell it. - [Tye] Yes, he's a winner in that category. (cash register dinging) - Oh, there it is! - Oh, ho, ho, ho! This bone is almost as big as he is. Look at that. Almost. Well he's still going. (cash register dinging) - [Tye] All the expensive beef stuff? - [Man] Oh, he's gonna take the box. - He wants the whole box! You want the whole box? Sold. Yeah, you don't understand how this works. We go shopping, and then we go eating. (Rocky laughing) First dog I've ever seen buy the whole box. Refill on aisle seven. (cash register dinging) - Ope, there he goes. - He touched it, yeah! - [Man] Oh man, this is exhausting. - Don't give up yet! (hands clapping) Don't give up yet! (playful music) (bones clattering) - [Rocky] There he comes! (rawhide chews clattering) (cash register dinging) (group cheering) - [Man] Good work. He's gonna touch it. Is he gonna touch it? - [Tye] Oh, there's the playful. - [Rocky] Get it! Get it! Almost! Oh my god, this anticipation is killing me. Kobe, just touch it! (puppy barking) (group laughing) (puppy growling) - [Rocky] Get him, Kobe! You don't like that? (Kobe barking) You don't like that, okay. - [Man] No, he doesn't. - Uh, we're gonna put that one back. Hey Tye, I think somebody's ready for a nap. - Yep. - That last bully stick kinda got him all worked out. - [Tye] Worn out? - Yeah. But look, he got a lot of stuff! - Yeah, that's a good haul. - Okay, we're gonna play a game. The dog needs stuff, you also need things for the rescue. So, I'm gonna hand you these three rings. The items that are less expensive are closer. I even put a carrier out there that's really expensive, but you could put him in the carrier. - This'll be pretty easy. - There's one more rule. - Oh boy. - You have to hold him while you're playing the game. - Of course, of course. It's Kobe, we go big or we go home. I don't have a strategy, because this dog is heavy. (group groaning in dismay) - I mean, it hit it. - On the pole, go! (pole clanging) (group groaning in dismay) (pole clanging) (group groaning in dismay) - And on it. (group cheering) (video game victory tune) All right, all right! Kobe's got a new carrier! - [Tye] Oh, get in there. - Oh, that's perfect. He can nap in there. Okay, what do you think Kobe's total's gonna be? - Let's go with 235. - Okay, I'm gonna say 234. - [Tye] Man! (Rocky laughing) (cash register beeping) I mean... - He really likes the toys. Do you wanna know something really cute? This is his first toy ever. - Awww. - There's that. Who's your favorite YouTuber? - You guys. - Okay! (laughing) I will say, he did buy this whole box. - Hey, I would too. - Yeah, right? Okay, and here's the item that's gonna break the bank. (cash register beeping) Hit me with the total. - Kobe, Kobe! - $364.38. (cash register dinging) - $364.38! All right, I'm out of money. All right Penelope, you ready? Let's go, come on girl! We're gonna buy everything. Oh, she's quick! - [Tye] What is this stuff? What is this stuff? (bag crinkling) (cash register dinging) - Oh, there it is! Good girl, you did it! They're yours. (rock music) Tye set up treats. Here you go, what's that, what's that? (treats crunching) Oh, she's gonna eat every one. Oh, yes! (treats crunching) Oh, the big daddy. (cash register dinging) Okay well, we'll put that one in your cart, Sweetheart. Okay, what else? What? (playful music) Okay, but she only has two things in the cart. Because the wheelchair's new, she's still learning that, right? - Yep. - What's the drag bag? - Drag bag just goes around her back legs so that she can move easily, and then doesn't get any sores or anything on her legs as she drags her paralyzed legs. And there you go. - Okay, all right, let's take her shopping now. - [Tye] Come on! - [Rocky] Oh, there's the speed. What is that stuff? Oh, there you go. (cash register dinging) Yes! Counts! - Good job. (cash register dinging) (group cheering) She got it! She's gonna chew it right there. - [Man] You gotta get it out. Aw yeah!! (laughing) She's the fastest dog in the world! (playful, inspiring music) Oh goodness, get it. (cash register dinging) Oh, she touched it, she touched it! You want this big 'ol buffalo? Okay. - [Man] What do you want? What? (balls thumping) - You done with the toy aisle? - Potty break. (Tye groaning) - Clean up on main aisle, clean up. - You should go ahead and touch this. Here we go, we'll help you out. (cash register dinging repeatedly) - Oh there, we touched them both. Touched them all three. - Yay! (hands clapping) - Should we put one on her right now? - Yes. - I'm having a baby, so this would be great practice. - Uh-oh! - Oh, look how cute these are! They even have the little paws on there. You're gonna give me like any assist or anything? - Nope. - Penelope, I love you, and you know what? You gotta help me a little bit. Does it go like this? - Is there popcorn over there? (Rocky laughing) - You're really grabbing popcorn to watch me do this? - Ahh, let's see, mm-hmm. - But wait, does her leg, where do her legs go? This is actually a lot harder than it looks. (Tye laughing) It's like supposed to be sticky. Okay, that right in there. I did it! Not bad, huh? - Pretty good. - There's something I've always wanted to do. Hold on. Subscribe! (group laughing) Come on girl! - [Man] Let's go! (cash register dinging) (group cheering) - [Man] Yeah, she touched it! - What is that in there? - Wait a minute, wait. I totally got set up. All right, whatever, rules are rules. We'll buy the bed. Oh, that is so cute, what a queen. Okay Tye, actually before we check out, here's what's gonna happen. If you get a ball in the small bucket, you get the expensive items that you need for your dog rescue. If you get it in the big bucket, the items are less exciting. You can use that whole bucket of balls. - [Man] You have that whole bucket there. (Tye whistling) (Tye chuckling) - Don't you be scooting that up. - You ready for this? - [Man] All right. (ball thumping) - Okay, we're going underhand. (group laughing) We need to bounce it. - [Man] Ooh, good strategy. (coins clinking) Oh yeah, you got it in! - Yaaaas! - You already won the pee pads, but if you get it in there, I'll just get you more pee pads. - For the shoot? (coins clinking) Off of it! (crowd groaning in dismay) - Oh, so close! (crowd groaning in dismay) Oh, man! - [Tye] All right. (coins clinking) - There it is! (group cheering) - Now we're in. (ball thudding) - He got every one! Dude, way to go! - Yaaas! - Please don't ring her up, she's priceless. And, remember, whatever the total is, Theresa's is donating half that total. So that's awesome. Theresa's rules. (cash register beeping) The other thing that they're doing that's really cool, is if you come down here and you mention that you saw this video, they're gonna donate 10% to Reversed Rescue. - Yaaaas! - If you live in the area, you come down here, you buy stuff, and it really helps them out. It goes a long way. 10% adds up fast, guys. What is the total? - $288.17. - [Tye] Wow! - I won, I won! I mean, I'm paying. Did I win? - [Tye] No. We win, again! - [Kelly] Where are you guys going? - I don't know. I don't know where they went. Oh, but, good merch plug right here. Blake's wearing his merch shirt, hey! - Well where's yours? - Everyone keeps stealing it from me! I think that was mine. Guys, go get your merch right now, I'll put the link in the description. Get your own shirt. Tag me on Instagram, I wanna see it, because I love sharing those. Okay Miss Piggy, you ready to go shopping? I've been most excited about Miss Piggy shopping, because she's gonna be good. Come on. Oh, okay. (cash register dinging) - [Tye] Bam! - Okay, all right, advanced carpet, upholstery and spot spray. - Yaaas. - All right, well, whatever you want girl. Cart! - It take a long time? - Hey, this girl needs to shop! - I'm ready, let's do it! - You are the best at shopping in our family. - I know. What was that? (cash register dinging) Oh! You big, bad girl! - [Man] Yum! - [Tye] What's this? (cash register dinging) - [Kelly] Okay, catch it. (cash register dinging) Woo-hoo! - [Man] You're getting the big stuff! (cash register dinging) (group cheering) - Ope. - Ope, yes! Got 'em, got 'em! (cash register dinging) - yes. - [Tye] Yep. (playful, energetic music) (cash register dinging) - You've touched it! Hello, Baby! I know, you're doing so good. (cash register dinging) - Hey, two of them? Okay, okay. Three of them? Okay. (laughing) (Rocky groaning) Okay, well cool, all right. - Now we let go. Oh. - All right. - [Kelly] Come on! - Let's do toys. (toy squeaking) (cash register dinging) Throw it in the cart! - [Tye] Ahhh! - Get it! (cash register dinging) - Here's the thing, Tye. I really thought Miss Piggy was gonna buy a lot more. But, I think she wants to buy you. - I know, she's my girl. - You'd adopt them all if you could, huh? - Yes, I would. This could be you. - You can adopt dogs from Reversed Rescue. That's what's so awesome about this. I mean, the way they're shopping right now, this could be like $10,000. - Yes, yes! (coins clinking) (cash register dinging) - Poor bowl. - [Man] Oh, I see a bunch of bowls! - Man, you got some big bowls there. She just bought this big bowl. You like that? (Rocky laughing) (toy squeaking) (cash register dinging) - Oh, oh, oh, she touched the bone! Now we're shoppin'! - What you wanna do? (cash register dinging) - okay. - [Tye] Balls, balls, balls! - [Man] Balls? Grab you two of those. - [Tye] (speaker mumbling) the toy aisle. - Go get it! (ball thudding) - [Man] No, now you're not gonna end up grabbing it? (ball thudding) (cash register dinging) - Yep, she touched it! She touched it. Follow us, Miss Piggy, to the bulk treats. You will not be disappointed. (acoustic guitar music) - [Tye] Oh! - [Rocky] Now she knows what it is. (treats crunching) Good girl! - [Tye] There it is. - Okay, I have an idea. (acoustic guitar music) (treats crunching) This one, we probably did three of these, but we only have one left. Okay, hit me with the total. - It is $201.42. - Oh, everybody went above and beyond! - How did that add up to so much? Hit me with the total total, like the total total. - You ready? - Yeah. - $853.97. - Oh, that means it's a total of $853.97, but you know what? Go follow Reversed Rescue right now on Instagram Yes, these videos are expensive, but they're fun, and here's what you can do to help. You can become a member of this channel. And what's cool is not only are you supporting me so that we can help more dogs, but also we do really fun stuff. You'll get to be part of a new show we're starting called, "Dogs and Coffee," where we hang out with dogs, and coffee, and I answer all of your questions. Also, you get $4.99 off at The Dog Bakery. You're often the first to know when dogs get adopted. I update as regularly as possible. So, it's just a cool club to be in. Consider being a member.
Channel: Rocky Kanaka
Views: 4,386,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: at home, at, home, with, me, rocky kanaka, dogs, dog, dog rescue, rescue dog, homeless dog, animals, Buying My Dog EVERYTHING He Touches!, family friendly, buying everything, fun, pg, buying, everything, puppy, pets, homeless, $10000, challenge, 24 hour challenge, funny dog, cute dog, buying a special needs dog, The dodo, tucker budzyn, jenna marbles, joey graceffa, Buying Everything My puppy Touches!, getting a dog, Kobe, special needs dog, cane corso, frenchie, puppies, Adopt a puppy
Id: -m0FMuGSbQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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