Buying Worlds Tallest Dog EVERYTHING He Touches!

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- Today, we are doing something very special. We're buying the world's tallest dog, everything he touches. I'm six foot four, 220 pounds, and I pale in comparison to this giant Great Dane, Goliath. If you're new here, my name's Rocky Kanaka, we're gonna have some fun today, and all in the spirit of giving back, because Goliath is homeless. Come on, Goliath, let's do it, come on. So my hope, is the right person will see this video and want to adopt Goliath. Everybody, this is Tye, and he's the founder of Reversed Rescue. So here's what we're doing today. Anything he touches in the store, I'm gonna buy it for him. We're gonna grab Fiona, aka Big Mama, and let her go shopping. - Awesome. - And then, we're gonna do a little challenge called, "Anything you can carry, I'll pay for". As long you don't drop it, I'll buy it for you. - This day's getting better. The biggest point is just to have fun and let these guys have whatever they want. - Let's do it! - (laughing) He's ready! Let's go shopping! (sad pop music) Before we take Goliath shopping for everything he touches, I gotta tell you his backstory. Because when Tye told me of how he ended up at Reversed Rescue, it just broke my heart. - Just so happened that a family was backing up a U-Haul. At the front gate at the shelter, lifted it up and popped him out and they were turning him in. Nine years old, he was super emaciated, you could see all the way through. - [Rocky] Tye wasn't gonna stand for that. I know you don't and I sure won't. So today, we're gonna show Goliath all the love that he deserves. And, hopefully enough people see this video that someone wants to adopt Goliath. You ready? - Yes. - Okay. Three, two, one,. Wait, wait, wait. If you're new here, make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications, if you love videos like this. - Subscribe, so we can go. - Okay, okay! Three, two, one, let's do it! Come on! - Go that way! What's this? - Wait, did you work on training him? - [Tye] Look at this. - [Rocky] Whoa, both of them. - [Tye] What is this? - Whoa! - What is that? - You got him trained. - [Rocky] I didn't know about this. (bells chimes) - He just touched the bottom one. - You have to get the bottom one (laughs). - Okay, all right. Fair is fair (grunts). - [Tye] Treat aisle. This is the winner. - [Rocky] What is that? - Did he touch these? - Hold on. Instant replay. (bell chimes) Yeah, he touched them. He touched them. - Here we go. - [Rocky] This is the big aisle. Oh, yep. Oh! - Oh, look at this thing. He is a Great Dane. Look, man, that's bigger than your head. - Oh, wow. This is the open aisle. - [Rocky] Oh, whoop, oh, down see. Turn the camera to us, okay. Now you're just clearing everything. - [Tye] Cookie time, oh yeah. - If he eats it, then we have to buy it? We're just testing it out to make sure it's delicious. I think it's the bulk bar, not the buffet bar, buddy. - [Rocky] Okay, okay, okay. - We'll just have 'em add another $10 to the bill for that. Good job dude. - [Rocky] Okay, okay. - I never thought the bulk bar would be a buffet bar for a Great Dane. - He's all about it. - Yeah. He is bigger than you. - I know, he's definitely taller than me. - Oh, cool shirt by the way. - Oh, this is weird. (laughing) - Oh, merch plug. - Hey. - I am pretty excited about this though. Hey, for all of you that get this, and tag me and share this with me, I will share as many of those as I can. So it really helps support us and do more shopping with Goliath, where'd Goliath go? - [Kelly] He's shoppin'. - He's shoppin'. - Oh no, he's on the run. (upbeat pop) - Wait, no, Goliath, no. That's, there's too much value back there. We're in the back of the store, that was awesome. How much do you think is in there right now? - $200, $300, $400 - I think that's a pretty good guess. I love Goliath, he's so good at shopping too. - Yes. - 'Cause he did a haul here, he did from toys to treats. - I mean look at this bone. - That's crazy. If you thing Goliath did a good job, hit that like button. Let's go up there and get Fiona. - Yes. - Okay. Oh, there she is, Fiona. - Look at this. - I love me some Fiona. Hi, the Big Mama, good girl. Alright, for anyone following along, that know Fiona, aka Big Mama, I'm sure she holds a very special place in your heart. I gotta tell ya she's been through it all. She's having surgery right now, but the good news is she's doing great, and we've been having a great time with her. If you don't know her story, after this video's over, definitely go back a video or two and learn all about her. She's awesome. But right now, it's time to have some fun before her surgery and let her buy anything that she touches. - I'll run and grab a - Okay, you goin' to get something? - [Tye] I'll be right back. - Alright, we're just gonna get started. Wanna go shopping? (grunting laughter) Mama, lead the way. This way? What is this? - [Tye] Umm. - Look at this, he set me up. I should have set better rules on this. - [Tye] Let's go, let's get these. - She's gonna eat all of them along the way. Tye set up a whole thing of treats, to guide her to buy her very own bed. (laughing) - Oh gosh, oh gosh, okay. - Just the creativity there, this is worth buying. And look, the bed matches her too. - [Tye] Oh, you look so good. - Alright, let's put this in the cart, come on, girl, we got more shopping to do. Alright, I'm good at shopping, I feel like Fiona's really great at shopping, why don't I take her for a spin. - [Rocky] I feel like that's kinda dangerous. - Let's do this. (squeaking) Get it. You like that one, huh, you like that one? Come on, girl. Oop, I think she touched that. Okay, what else are we gettin'. (cash register rings) Oh, I think she touched this one, you like that one. (cash register rings) She got that one. Come on, girl. (cash register rings) Oh, she touched this one. They call her Big Mama, and of course we got the big box. (upbeat pop music) (cash register rings) Oh no, she touched a cat tree. I think it's the biggest cat tree they have here. - Oh, man. - What, I walk away for two seconds? - [Kelly] It's what Big Mama wanted. - Oh, man, now I gotta get a cat. - Okay, well rules are rules, let's get this cat tree up to the register. This is what you wanted. Okay, so one of the main points is doing this for the dogs, and just letting them have fun, and showing them love, but also you do amazing work, and we wanna help you and I know you need some things for the rescue. Do you know the rules? Anything you can carry, I'll pay for, but if you drop it, you don't get anything, so you can't take big risks. - Big risk, big reward. - Alright, alright. Are you like going strategy, or like? It looks like he knows what he's doing. Okay, that's a heavy item though. - Let's start with a platform. - Oh. - We're on the same team, Meal Mixers. - I feel like, here, we'll go like this. How many you want? - That's good. - Okay, by the way you have to get it to the checkout counter, we have to buy it. - Let's go down here. - I'll be your hands. It works like this. - Right there. (mumbles) energy, liver - [Rocky] Hmm, what should I get? - What else are we getting here? Hard things to roll off. - [Rocky] Like this? - Too big, keep it lively. Our dogs are heavy chewers at our rescue. - We'll do a large here, have that. - There, perfect. Cleaning supplies, all shelters and all dog rescues always need a lot of cleaning supplies. - Oh, okay, yeah, that's things people don't think of because you're like oh, they need dog food, but you gotta be able to clean up after all the messes. - Yup, ooh. - No you cannot use that. - We've got runners at our rescue, they love to chase. - This? - Yes, it's hot. - Your face is getting really red. - It's great, can do some squats. (laughing) What else do you need? - [Rocky] You tell us. - I think we're pretty good on this. - Listen, I just wanna ask you a couple of questions. - Where's Goliath, where's my stand? Think we need to bee-line it for the register. Comin' in. Gimme some air. There is is. Bricked it. Yes, I'm still makin' it. - Well done. (checkout scanner beeps) - [Cashier] These guys are good, these sprays are good. Y'all are testin' my register abilities now. (checkout scanner beeps) I got it all. - Tell me the damage. - $614.29 - Wow, $614.29, and that was a pretty good haul right there. - Wow. - Have you been practicing? Good work. - Got Goliath's cart here. Got this. (checkout scanner beeps) - Goliath is concerned right now about his purchases. I need to be honest about something, the bulk bar that you guys have set up, he kind of turned it into a buffet bar, and so I need you to add like another $10 to that. - [Cashier] Okay. (laughing) - But my friends Jeff and Tawny actually own this store, it's in Simi Valley, California and if you live around this area, come down here, tell them thanks for letting us do this helping rescue dogs. It's Theresa's Country Feed and Pet. Help support the businesses that are doing a lot for dog rescue. - Those are cat cans. - Yeah, that's what Goliath wanted. - And so you guys are at $234.15. - $234.15, that's a little lower. I think it's all the small items. I think you did really good. You spent very little and I really appreciate that, good. - Alright. - Big Mama comin' through. - Beep, beep. We gotta twist it, there we go. - Got it. This is vanilla I believe. So she's at $271.27. - $271.27, a little lower than I thought. I'm still scared, because give me the total of all three. - Total, all three is $1,119.71. - I'm broke, I'm broke. (casino jackpot ringing) Definitely buy some merch. In all seriousness, it really does help, it supports us, it allows us to do fun things like this and help rescue dogs and help guys like Tye who's doing awesome things, and dedicating his life to this stuff. Thank you for being a part of this, we love you guys. Now for the fun part, we gotta somehow load all this up. Okay, you take payment? - [Cashier] Yup. - [Rocky] It's still printing. - There you go. - [Rocky] Wow. - You guys are all set. - Oh my goodness. - We love Rocky. - [Man In Jacket] And we're touching stuff, you're done shopping. - Goliath, let's load 'em up. - Let's do it. Kelly, lift. - I'm lifting it higher than you. - Load 'em up. - Tennis balls. Okay, okay. - Love to have you join the channel and be a supporter so that you're joining us on this mission. Definitely get a shirt, I gotta get a Reversed Rescue shirt. - I'll give you one. - If you haven't done anything yet, you have to go follow Reversed Rescue on Instagram. It's right here on the screen, go follow them. They are awesome, and thanks for being a part of this, Tye. - Appreciate you. - You're amazing. - [Tye] Always. - Yeah, and you guys are amazing.
Channel: Rocky Kanaka
Views: 6,720,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rocky kanaka, dogs, dog, dog rescue, rescue dog, homeless dog, animals, Buying My Dog EVERYTHING He Touches!, family friendly, buying everything, fun, pg, buying, everything, puppy, pets, bulldog, homeless, $10000, challenge, funny dog, cute dog, buying a special needs dog, The dodo, hope for paws, tucker budzyn, jenna marbles, joey graceffa, Buying Everything My puppy Touches!, getting a dog, tallest dog in the world, world's tallest dog, great dane, dog shopping
Id: 86OZ6HnG4OE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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