Buying A $20,000 Plane Ticket

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Would you spend $20,000 on a plane ticket? Let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ Gooooood Mythical Morning! You know, I've always dreamed of having the power of flight, like a bird. - Sure, sure. - But unfortunately, commercial flying does not give me the freedom that I think I would get if I were a bird. Are you saying that commercial flying businesses have the knowledge to give you personal flight, yet they're keeping it from you in order to sell plane tickets? - No. - That is cruel! What I'm getting at is the fact that if you could go back in time and tell a caveman that one day we will fly, he would go-- (excited grunts) - He would get really excited. - (both laugh) - But he also wouldn't know English. - But then, if you said, "But listen, if you're big like me, you're gonna be stuck in these little seats. It's gonna - be a bad experience, you know..." - He would be like-- (sad grunts) (gruffly) You complain? Why you complain? (normally) You know, he just doesn't understand what it's like to fly in Coach, because that's what we do, right? I've flown First Class one time in my life. I didn't pay for it. It was because there was a random upgrade. You remember this flight; we were both on it. - Yeah, I was there. - I think they had sympathy on me because I'm a giant, and they were like, "Sir, there's an available seat in First Class, would you like to move to it?" And I was like, "Yes!" I didn't even - ask you, I just went. - That's when I knew where my friendship was valued in reference to comfort and luxury. - There was one seat! - Lower. And let me tell you right now: All it was... it wasn't even First Class; it was Business Class. That means it was a bigger seat and they came by and - asked me what I wanted to drink. - More often. More often. But I'll tell you right now, it was a better experience and I wish I could experience it more. But it was nothing compared to the flights that we are gonna talk about today. Specifically, the $20,000 flight. - There's a guy named Derek Low. - $20,000 is a lot of money! By the end of this, I think I will convince you, Link, to help me-- or just to pay for it and we'll go together. Okay? That's my mission today, is to convince you to take all your savings and put it towards this flight so we can have an amazing trip together. - So $40,000. - Ah, yeah. Hey, hold on to that, though. Okay, so there's a guy named Derek Low who's internet famous because he did something called BRAD, which was the Berkeley Ridiculously Automated Dorm. He automated his dorm room. He released this last year. I think it got two million hits. Anyway, so he's a little bit internet famous. - Okay. - So now he has a blog where he talks about this flight that he took on Singapore Airlines. He took all his saved up frequent flier miles-- apparently he has quite a few-- and he was able to cash them all in and splurge on this $20,000 flight. - Wow. - On the Suite Class of Singapore Airlines. - Is that double E "sweet," or... - It's both, but specifically it is a "suite." Now, you can go to his blog. We will link to that in the description so you can see everything that he did in all the full detail, but I'm gonna give you the overview as to convince you to be a part of this with me. - Okay, okay. - So this is called the Suite Class. It was introduced on the A380 Airbus in Singapore Airlines in 2008. Now, the whole process starts by you receiving a golden ticket. They give you a golden ticket. Like American Idol, or is it gold-plated? I think it's just printed. It's not actual gold. - I'm already disappointed. - It makes you feel like a million bucks. - Okay. - There's a completely separate check-in process. You walk by all the underlings in the normal checkout, even the First Class, and you walk all the way to the special checkout where they begin referring to you according to the way that you specified in your online profile. He ended up being called Mr. Low, but he could have been called King Low, Prince Low, Lieutenant General Low. You could be Prince Neal. You could be King Link. You could be whatever you wanna be. So when we do this, we'll be King Rhett and - King Link. Or Prince Rhett... - We both can't be King. You can be King! Hey listen, I'll be Prince. I don't care, as long as you - take me. - Well, then you'll be like my son. You be, like, Lieutenant General Rhett and I'll be King Link. Okay. The first thing they do is, before you even get on the flight... (laughs) Then they'll be like, "King of what?" Constantly asking me. - "King of what?" - Just say, "King of the plane!" - King of the plane. - I'm King of the plane today. - Kling of-- kling-- (laughs) - I'm also a Klingon. - (laughs) - They take you to this thing called The Private Room where you have a 5-star meal before you even get on the plane. You order as much of anything you want. He ordered baked lobster, he had prime - beef burgers, he had foie gras. - I don't want that. You can get anything you want. He wasn't even hungry. He'd already eaten, but Derek ordered all of this stuff to completely experience it. That's a shame. Cheeseburgers... crab legs. But that's just The Private Room. The real thing happens when you get onto the plane. You get your own cabin. This is a walled- off cabin that you have to slide a door to get into. Then you have your own private 23-inch TV screen. - 23-inch television! - I mean, it's a plane! You've seen the - ones in coach! - (laughs) First of all, sometimes it's four feet away and up there and it folds out-- - Yeah, yeah. - and the image quality's always horrible. And sometimes you get the ones right in front of you. - Like 9-inch. - This is 23 inches and it's right there in front of you. Then, when you exit... at some point you say, "I'm ready to turn down for the night." This is a long flight. If you're gonna pay this kind of money you're gonna do an overnighter. You leave the room and the flight attendants come in there and they transform the room. - Are they elves? - They might as well be. - Gold-plated elves? - They transform it into a bed - with a mattress. - Oh. And, if you like the person that you're flying with, it turns into a double bed. (Rhett) I think, in our case, we would probably put the privacy partition up - when we sleep. - There's a gold-plated privacy partition? It's not gold-plated. Don't get your hopes up. - (laughs) - But there is a privacy partition or it converts into a double bed. And you also get some swag. This is like going to the Grammy's or something like that. You get a pair of Bose headphones. - You've already got those. - Right, but I want an extra pair. - Or you don't have a pair. - No. Salvatore Ferragamo amenity kit, including a full-sized bottle of cologne. Does it have those little scissors that you can cut your cuticles off with? I'm sure it's got more than that. It probably has powered scissors. - Oh, wow. - Like clippers. - Nose hair trimmers. - He got Givenchy blankets, pillows, slippers, and pajamas. I'm assuming that I would just wear those out. We would wear those out. Because this is like going to a hotel. For $20,000, yeah, I'm gonna be the pajama man. And you get a 5-course dinner complete with anything that you want. You can also book a cook, a professional chef, who will prepare a special meal of your request and they'll have it set up for you to be delivered to you at the particular meal that you select on the flight. Okay? Link, I can get all this for you for under $20,000. Current going rate is $18,400. See, I told you 20, now I've - just dropped it $1600. - How long is this flight? - As long as you want it to be. - Really? - (crew laughs) - I wanna circumnavigate the globe until - my 5-course meals are spent. - I'm about to up the ante, because there's a better flight. There's a $40,000 flight, and that's Etihad Airways, which is a United Arab Emirates airline. It's called the Residence Cabin and the best way to introduce you to this is to let this woman from their YouTube video - tell you about it. - For the world's most luxurious living space in the air, I know you've been waiting to see this. This is The Residence by Etihad. (woman screams) Now, she was not bitten by a snake or a spider when she went in there. - Did she step on a Lego? - You can watch this whole video. We will link to that. She screams multiple times in the video. - She's never hurt. - For what reason? Excitement! She's trying to really push the excitement on you, and I got excited - when I watched it. (laughs) - That was like a scream of pain. - That wasn't a scream of excitement. - Okay, this one's even better. It starts with your personal chauffeur in a limo who picks you up and takes you to the airport. Inside the plane, it's not just one room, it is a suite with three rooms! - (screams) - (laughs) Yeah! Now you're getting it! - You have a bedroom, - (screams) - You have a bathroom, - (screams) I love this! - And a living room. - (woman screams) - And in the bathroom, there is a shower. - Tadaah! - You can take a shower on the plane! - (screams) - No, seriously, hold on. - How many times have you wanted to - do that? - A sincere scream for that one, because I've always wanted to take a shower in the sky. Yeah, of course! And listen, you get a butler. You get a butler! - To scrub your back? - I'm sure the butler will get in the - shower with you if you want him to. - (laughs) The butler will do anything you want him to do. - No... - You get your own butler and you get a chef that will make anything according to your requests. And you get a 32-inch - television. - 32 inches worth of television! And listen, this is only $43,000, but that's for two people. - Okay, so it's basically the same. - It's a little bit more, but we get the butler, we get the three rooms, we get a shower, and that's just your shower, and I-- well, no, I guess this is for two people. - I get first dibs on the shower. - Okay. And the guy who's sitting there looks like he's in a shoeshine stand. The butler will do that for you, too! So, you ready? - I've never had my shoes shined in flight. - You wanna do this? Think about this. Life changing. You gonna spend your money on this? Well, I don't think it's... it's probably gonna be unsatisfying. It's like going to a really nice hotel if it was really cramped. It's like, this is a really nice hotel but - it's really cramped. - How about this. Attention Etihad Airlines: If you would like to send the two of us on a round-the-world trip, we would be happy to give a full review of the Residence Cabin. And we'll even start a blog and put our pictures on it. (laughs) Yeah, we'll do whatever you want us to do. Give us each our own butler and cook us what we wanna eat and give us the shower... - Crab legs and cheeseburgers. - and we will talk about you extensively. - (laughs) - Deal? So, you haven't... maybe someone in the comments is gonna pony up and you can take them, because you haven't totally convinced me. - Okay, all right. - So let us know in the comments. Thanks - for liking and leaving said comment. - You know what time it is. - Hi! - I'm Kayla. - I'm Sebastien. - And we're from Canada! - But we're in Argentina. - And it's time (in unison) to spin the Wheel of Mythicality! Help us bring back our favorite childhood beverage, Clearly Canadian. If you pre-order a case, you also get a special invitation to our special - livestreaming toasting event. - Toast with us. Pre-order a case. Make it happen. Click through to Good Mythical More. Rhett shares what you can learn from a 6-year-old while playing Monopoly. (Rhett) Link has the last cookie on Earth. (breathlessly) Oh man, I can't believe we've survived this long in the - Cookie-pocalypse. - (gruffly) Yeah, I never thought - we'd make it. - Yeah. And the fact that I just put this - hoodie on for the first time. - Yeah. - And I-- Oh, there's an inner pocket to it! - Inner pocket? - There's something in here. - It better not be a... (unison) Cookie. - Okay. - You know what this means. - Yeah, we should really-- - We should really think this through! - (slurps) [Captioned by Caitrin: GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,212,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plane, flight, blog, expense, money, cost, bed, chef, butler, television, Etihad, Singapore (Country), Derek Low, miles, ticket, golden, private, stewardess, UAE, service, king, prince, title, leather, comfort, Rhett, Link, funny, talk show, variety show, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, Talking, season 6, cabin, residence, plane ticket, expensive plane ticket, most expensive plane tickets, most expensive plane ticket gmm, gmm most expensive flights, gmm, good mythical morning, world's most expensive plane ticket
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 03 2014
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