BUY these Dollar Tree ROUND DIY Plaques and DO THIS!

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well hello there how are you doing today do you feel like doing a little bit of diying with me today well come on in let's get started [Music] what do I have going on for you for today well today's DIY it's using the round wood plaques that you can get from Dollar Tree these are a diyable diyable is that a word diyable well I'm gonna say it is even if it isn't and I'll just add it to the Kelly Barlow vocabulary dictionary that I add to every so often well these diyable plaques they are amazing you can get them in a couple of different sizes if your Dollar Tree doesn't carry them Hobby Lobby Michaels and Joanne's does carry them for about 3.99 and you're gonna get a four pack and they are a bit bigger they're kind of the size of the pizza um pans at Dollar Tree those are the ones I picked up because I wanted bigger ones and I thought heck for 3.99 you can't beat it but if you want a smaller version like I said use the ones at Dollar Tree today I'm going to be showing you a DIY with these These are so fun to DIY they're easy to do there's tons of inspiration on Pinterest using these and today I wanted to show you kind of a Dollar Tree Twist on them so guess what I'm gonna do I'm gonna quit my cabin let's jump into it and let's do some DIY and on a budget because why not because we can let's get to it who is today's KB Creations crafter of the day you'll want to stick around to the end of the video to see if it's your creation that's being featured in today's video if you're interested in being featured as a crafter of the day in one of my videos submit a picture of one of your Recreations of a DIY that I've done to either Facebook or Instagram if you want to DM it to me you can then you just simply have to look out for the end of each video to see if it's your DIY that I will be featuring in that given video These here are the round plaques that I will be using today I think I said it was a four pack it's not it's a three pack four of these peel and stick removable wall tiles I wanted to find the center of this tile I found it it's six inches there it looks like this is a 14 inch tile so I just kind of eyeballed it a bit I found the center because it makes placing these peel and stick tiles a bit easier just by placing that one corner of the tile on the center point it's going to give the placement perfect and the pattern is going to be even and yeah it's those little details that make all the difference by flipping over the plaque and using a fresh yes straight edge razor you can get these at Dollar Tree as well and a cutting mat you can then easily cut off the excess tile just by using the plaque as a guide I do not suggest using Scissors because it won't get close enough it won't be even and yeah it's just easier to do it this way if you haven't seen my matte hack I'll link that at the end of this video flipping the plaque back on over I'm gonna go in with some of waverly's yeah yes my favorite cashew I love this color my Walmart now carries Waverly again they did away with that hello hobby brand I was not a huge fan of the colors the consistency the coverage of that paint I was told that it was by Waverly but I don't think it was I am a definite Waverly girl and so I am super glad that Walmart uh did away with that brand and has brought this one back they've got a whole new line of colors that is amazing and so yeah it's time to stock up again you'll be seeing more Waverly in my videos anyway back to the program I'm gonna give this plaque a good coating of this paint these wall decor stickers are elevated in areas so once it's dry you can see those elevated areas but we want those to stand out just a bit more so taking a light gray sandpaper and you can get a 25 pack of this in the tool section at Dollar Tree so invest it's great to have in your stash by lightly rubbing over the top of this oh my goodness that is my dog playing with this toy by lightly running over the top of this those elevated areas it's going to do away with some of that paint bringing through the pattern and giving it more of that rustic distressed look that we're going for that I'm going for that I love so much I wasn't feeling like the Sandpaper rustic did up enough rustic did I tell you I have got the best vocabulary dictionary ever ah yeah so I didn't feel like this was rustic did up enough and so I decided to go in with some of Tim Holtz distress ink in the color of Walnut stain and using a makeup sponge you can see that just by lightly going over the top of those elevated areas that I didn't remove the paint from it is now bringing those to life a bit more and really adding to this piece giving it more character and personality and yeah it makes it look a bit more rustic [Music] I've got my hot glue gun good and primed up ready to go with a couple fresh uh glue sticks on hand and I am going to just pound this bottom section of this plaque with hot glue and I'm gonna put a healthy amount on this now if you find that your hot glue starts hardening up because maybe you're using a cool temperature one instead of a high heat temperature one just run over it maybe with um a blow dryer and it'll soften it up a bit once you've got it good and softened up you're going to take some a Dollar Tree's moss and you're gonna apply it to the top there now I know some people are gonna say you don't like working with moss because it kind of leaves a mess it falls everywhere well I've got a solution to that pick up a can of hairspray and aerosol hairspray to be exact and you are again just going to apply this all over that Moss you're going to be generous with the amount that you apply to this Moss because if it's good to keep those flyaways in place on your hair it's definitely going to keep this Moss from making a mess once you're done with this Decor piece and so let me show you just by lifting it up and giving it a good Shake not much has fallen off there if you need to apply more hairspray do it from Dollar Tree you're going to want to pick up one of these galvanized farm animals I'm using the rooster they've got a pig and a cow but they've got these holes in them that are kind of pesky to me I really don't much like them so an easy solution to that is by putting a place a masking tape on the back side there covering up those holes so when I flip it over you can see that they really don't show much and when I go in with my sponge Dapper sponge Dabber did I say that yeah and some of Apple barrels black matte paint and I dab that paint on there because I'm usually using a sponge Dabber it's going to give it texture and those holes aren't going to show so you don't need to use hot glue and make it uneven just put some tape back there and put a good healthy amount of paint and it's going to cover it up you will see that by using a sponge Dabber you're going to get full coverage on these galvanized pieces in just about one coat versus using a paintbrush if you use a paintbrush to try and paint these pieces it is going to come out uneven you're going to get those brush Strokes we don't want that so just use a sponge Dabber a makeup sponge and you're going to get full coverage on the back of this rooster I placed a couple of Jenga blocks and some hot glue because I wanted this Brewster elevated up off the plaque you want to elevate as many pieces as you can off of a DIY because it adds Dimension and dimension adds character personality and kind of elevates your DIY to another level I still felt like this piece was missing um a bit more distressing and so I decided to pull out my distress ink again and hit this with some of that really rustic it up a bit and uh yeah let's go take a look at this piece now that it's done this piece was most definitely missing some burlap so I decided to incorporate it into a bow with some Buffalo check wired ribbon some Raffia and finish that bow off with a wood button this piece was quick easy budget friendly and the outcome is so rustic in Farmhouse I can hardly stand it who is today's KB Creations crafter of the day well it's going out to Anna Walker who's bringing to us her own DIY using the wood plaques the round ones only this one's on a stand I am loving your DIY Anna thank you so much for sharing it with us today how about a little fun with our life with Winnie Ibiza so you all have seen them swim before but it is the cutest stinking thing because they know when the pool cover is on that they cannot go swimming as soon as we open up that gate they get so full of excitement when they see the pool cover being removed they can hardly stand that it doesn't even have to be off all the way and they are in the pool I tell you the life that we have with these Doodles brings us so much fun laughter and happiness I cannot imagine life without them they love nothing more than to be in the pool with us swimming I think beezy's favorite thing is when Ally gets in the pool and he just really is like hey you're over here swimming wait I need to get to you and he is just so clumsy when he gets in the pool I mean he just can't get in fast enough to her I just love him he had learned how to swim with a like this because he wasn't swimming with his back Paws and it only took a couple of weeks and boy oh boy that our buddy get it down and he yeah because he is part lab part poodle he loves the water and yep there's Winnie over there I don't know why she didn't want to swim this day but yeah she was just enjoying the shade [Music] thank you [Music] now this one today is a farmhouse Twist on these plaques this week yeah I am I'm breaking these DIYs up throughout the week because life is busy with Rey I don't have a lot of time to DIY and if I'm being completely honest with you uploading once a week is uh YouTube is dinging me for it and so to keep the algorithm happy I need to upload three times a week so my channel doesn't completely tank and so I just decided since I can't do three or four DIYs in one video I'm gonna do the DIYs and I'll break them up they'll be shorter videos but I can then get credit for uploading and the algorithm won't ding me if that makes any sense to you this is really 100 my job and so yeah the algorithm just definitely needs to recognize that I'm uploading more than once a week and when I don't do that it kind of dings me and so yeah my way around it is just breaking up these videos so if you're a supporter of my channel I would appreciate your support I'm sorry that I'm not doing more than one DIY in a video but nonetheless I'm going to bring you some great ideas and hopefully inspire you you'll want to stay tuned for the next DIY that I bring to you here in a couple of days using these plaques it is when I think you're gonna love it's budget friendly and it does not have a farmhouse vibe to it yeah these DIYs they're each going to have a different vibe so you'll want to stay tuned how I'm kind of going out of my comfort zone and yeah bring into you a bit of a different style if you're looking for more DIY inspiration guess what you can click on the video right over here and it'll take you to some of my past favorites until next time everybody I hope you have a fantastic day happy crafting on a budget stay happy stay safe stay healthy but most of all you know what I'm gonna say stay positive please because I am bye for now everybody [Music]
Channel: Kelly Barlow Creations
Views: 27,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kelly Barlow Creations, Stinkin Cute Productions, Crafting on a Budget, KB Creations, The Crafted Life, look what i do, dollar tree diy, farmhouse decor, dollar tree wall art, dollar tree diy 2023, Dollar Tree DIY 2023, dollar tree diys, easy diy, kelly barlow, quick and easy diy, dollar tree farmhouse diy
Id: Zw4f1vJElqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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