Buster Gets Sick - Wash Your Hands | Go Buster | Kids Cartoons | Go Buster and Friends

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[Music] there's buster and scout [Music] they're having great fun playing in all the muddy puddles but oh no poor scout is feeling a bit sick [Music] oh it's okay they can play together again tomorrow [Music] now buster is heading inside and grabbing a snack but oh dear he's not washed his muddy wheels before eating that apple that's not very clean and he's left muddy wheel prints everywhere the next morning mommy comes to wake up buster but oh no buster doesn't look well at all poor buster [Music] whoa he's got a temperature he'll have to stay home today to get better now it's time for some medicine buster doesn't like the look of it but mommy knows it'll help him get better there that wasn't so bad now buster just has to get some rest the next morning buster is feeling much better [Music] scout's feeling better too they can go outside and play again but wait mommy says they should wash their hands first so they won't get ill again [Music] good job everyone wait mommy has another idea they can wear these face masks too so they don't get sick there now buster and scout are ready to play outside safely they're so happy now that they're feeling better again it's evening time and buster's cousin bandit is coming for a sleepover this is going to be so much fun first it's time for a snack [Music] i wonder what it will be oh wow cookies they look so tasty buster and bandit love cookies they're one each yummy now mommy's put them away but bandit knows where they are banded and buster have such a fun evening playing together but then it's time for bed [Music] want to stay up longer but mommy says no [Music] hmm i think bandit has an idea i wonder what he's whispering now everyone's fast asleep but what's this bandit's waking up buster too they're sneaking back downstairs oh bandit is going to steal some more cookies that's very naughty oops that made a loud noise mommy's caught them [Music] she's very disappointed in buster and bandit [Music] the two little buses are very sorry they'll go back to bed now as they're told [Music] but the next morning buster and bandit have surprised mommy by making breakfast they wanted to show how sorry they were buster scout bandit and ash are having a race buster and bandit are neck and neck but scouts dashed into the lead whoosh scout won nice work scout she really is super speedy what's that noise thunder oh no it's a storm they should take cover or they'll get all wet whoa that was close ash nearly skidded into his friends on the wet grass wait a minute that gives buster an idea whoosh skidding through those muddy puddles is great fun they could play a game see who can skid the furthest what a great idea bandit is going first swish he skidded all the way over there but scout thinks she can do better vroom whoa scout went even further than bandit now it's ash's turn he's so little he's spinning round and round he's all dizzy but he's gone the furthest yet last up it's buster whoosh [Music] oh he's getting out of control whoa oops buster splashed mommy with mud looks like it's time for all the little vehicles to get back home they're back at buster's house in no time but wait they can't go inside until they're all cleaned up mommy's going to use the hose to wash all the mud off splish blush and there now all four of them are clean again but even so that skidding race was so much fun it's a bright new morning and buster looks so excited it's digly's birthday today buster can't wait to go to the party buster eats breakfast as quick as he can look it's scout she's got digly's present ready and wrapped up how exciting oh no buster accidentally ran over the present it's flat as a pancake poor buster it was just an accident but wait i think buster has an idea look scout's grabbing that old cardboard box [Music] and buster's grabbing that bowl of sweets [Music] huh there's the wooden stick too and the arts and crafts box i wonder what they're up to it's another present but what could be inside now buster and scout are speeding off to digly's party they mustn't be late digly is waiting his party has already started but phew there scout and buster they made it [Music] digly's opening his presence and [Music] whoa it's a pinata it's digly's birthday so he gets to hit it with the stick off he goes [Music] one more smack look at all those sweets an amazing birthday present i wonder what buster's going to learn at school today oh a volcano wow they're going to do an experiment the teacher is showing them what to do first a drop of white powder then three drops of food coloring then some vinegar to make it all bubbly wow it looks like an erupting volcano isn't that amazing everyone is so excited they're going to do the experiment all by themselves what a mess it looks like bandit didn't do it right [Music] oh no scouts didn't go right either maybe buster buster has made just as much mess as the others why isn't it working can ash get it right buster's going to check ash is still putting ingredients in whoa it worked nice work ash but how did ash get it right when everyone else's went wrong oh he followed the instructions on the board what a good idea the teacher is proud of ash now the others are going to try again but first they check what they need to do one drop of white powder then three drops of food coloring then some vinegar to make it all bubbly hooray it's working the volcanoes are all bubbling over don't they look great good job everyone it's amazing what you can do when you follow the instructions the teacher is so proud of everyone [Music] oh whoa it's time for the christmas talent show bandit is going first he's doing some magic tricks good job bandit oh buster looks nervous i think he's got a bit of stage fright poor buster there's scout it's her turn next she looks so excited [Music] oh cool she's going to do some juggling very good scout oh dear buster still looks nervous he's afraid to go on stage in front of all those people hooray scouts finished her show now it's buster's turn oh but buster doesn't want to go on stage [Music] mommy's getting worried about buster the stage is empty i think mommy has an idea what's this mommy's on stage she's encouraging buster to come join her [Music] they'll do it together [Music] here buster comes [Music] [Applause] we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year the tidings we bring with buster we sing we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year merry christmas [Music] oh well done buster and mommy that was beautiful [Music] buster is having fun splashing in some very muddy puddles outside his house look it's grandpa bus oops now they're both covered in mud but grandpa has a plan where is he taking buster [Music] they're at the car wash to get cleaned up hooray it looks like the car wash is all out of bubbles [Music] aha there's the soap grandpa adds a small squirt [Music] and buster turns on the car wash go buster go hang on that's a lot of soap grandpa bus buster is covered in soapy bubbles how funny that was a very good joke grandpa now it's grandpa's turn to get cleaned up looks like buster's got a plan [Music] he's getting his own back grandpa is covered in soap he looks very silly look terry the tractor is here for a wash whoa go easy buster [Music] the bubbles are overflowing oh dear what a soapy mess [Music] otis doesn't look very happy time to clear up the mess what a silly day it's a brand new snowy day and buster can't wait to go outside and play it's so much fun to play in the snow and the best game of all is a snowball fight digly and scout are on one team but buster needs a teammate look there's bandit he can be on buster's team though buster and bandit don't always get along [Music] time to start throwing snowballs buster and bandit are hiding behind that hill buster thinks they should go this way but bandit thinks they should go that way oh dear they can't agree they're not working together as a team buster is sneaking through the trees but scout has spotted him look out oh dear [Music] bandit is trying to sneak behind the fence [Music] buster and bandit aren't doing very well but look scout and digly are working together that's it if buster and bandit want to win they'll need to work together like a team [Music] whoosh off they go and that's more like it now it's a real fun snowball fight it's much better with teamwork [Music] who threw that snowball grandpa the more players the more fun it is [Music] buster and daddy bus are having a day out at the park uh-oh careful daddy they're going to play some soccer together it's time for kickoff buster passes the ball and uh oh looks like daddy hasn't quite got the hang of this but buster shows him how it's done time for a penalty shootout buster shoots and he scores oh no daddy bus are you all right phew he's okay [Music] now it's buster's turn to be in goal daddy looks determined whoops the ball's gone flying up in the air oh look it's ash and mommy fire truck [Music] buster is inviting them to join the game great idea buster it's buses versus fire trucks let's go buster takes the ball ash dives in front mommy shoots for goal and she misses oops i think buster has another idea i wonder what it is ash and buster are teaming up it's now kids versus parents who's going to win ash starts daddy takes the ball but ash tackles him he passes to buster and buster scores go buster what great teamwork everyone they are both very tired as daddy drives buster home after a great day out oh look it's mommy bus buster waves goodbye to daddy bus but wait buster's giving daddy bus the soccer ball he does need the practice it's a brand new day and it's time for buster to head off to school there's digly they can go to school together they're going to race to school whoosh i wonder who will be fastest whoa there's a little duckling in the road he should be more careful [Music] there's a mommy duck she's trying to cross the road with her ducklings but look out here comes terry [Music] here comes the teacher too oh no phew thanks to digly and buster the duck family can cross the road safely oh they're going to swim in that pond uh-oh that duckling is walking back to the road good job buster now the ducks are going back over the road [Music] buster and digly are helping them cross safely [Music] mommy duck is crossing too well done everyone for helping [Music] but terry and the teacher want to get moving or they'll be late wait a minute i think buster has an idea hmm what are they doing with those paints white lines and some signs it's a duck crossing now the duck family could cross the road safely whenever they like [Music] there's the teacher again he's telling them to hurry up the kids had better get to school or they'll be late nice work everyone [Music] it's a sunny day at buster's house oh look mommy bus is helping a kitten with a sore leg there all fixed and bandaged up scout is here to drive to school with buster they are playing in the playground oh dear scout heard her tire [Music] buster's got an idea [Music] what is he up to he's bandaged up scout's tire with toilet roll all fixed great work buster [Music] looks like ash wants to be bandaged up as well [Music] and now scout wants her other tires bandaged up but buster is all out of toilet roll bandit has a cheeky idea [Music] they're all taking the toilet roll they're getting the toilet roll everywhere this looks very messy they're getting a bit carried away oh dear they've covered the playgrounded toilet roll [Music] teacher doesn't seem very pleased [Music] mommy bus is here to take buster home she wonders what has upset the teacher buster explains he was trying to help scout like mommy help the kitten mommy will be able to bandage it properly time to get properly fixed up it's a sunny day and daddy bus is taking buster on a trip to the beach buster says goodbye to mommy bus and off they go hooray [Music] but oh dear otis is blocking their path the road is closed buster is very upset but looks like daddy has an idea [Music] it's a lovely lake [Applause] [Music] and they can go fishing instead buster is disappointed though as he wanted to go to the beach daddy teaches him how to fish wow now it's buster's turn buster is bored this isn't as fun as the beach why is daddy so excited hang on something is tugging on daddy's line what could it be whoa daddy has caught a huge fish it's so big daddy isn't strong enough buster joins in and helps watch out buster oops they've been pulled into the water [Music] and the fish is finding this very funny buster and daddy bus won't give up that easily looks like they've got a new plan the fish is swimming in the lake [Music] daddy casts his fishing line [Music] and the fish pulls once again it's another tug of war look there's buster floating in the lake aha gotcha buster caught the fish with his net go buster daddy is very proud well done buster the fish swims away see you next time fishy fishing with lots of fun after all daddy bus is taking buster bandit and scout on a camping trip in the woods it's time to set up the campsite first they've got to put up their tents daddy is showing them how he's hammering in the pegs to stop the tent from blowing away look they are keeping the tent in place [Music] all done whilst daddy bus collects wood for the fire buster and his friends are finishing their tents what was that bandit has some marshmallows yummy [Music] oh no buster didn't hammer the pigs in properly the tent has come loose he can't see a thing watch out scout uh oh it's blowing away will buster be able to catch it scout and bandit join in to help go buster you can do it aha it's finally fallen to the ground oh dear not again daddy bus look out oops the firewood has gone flying he's okay time to finally put the tent up let's make sure all the pegs are in this time buster great job i wonder what daddy buzz has planned next wow they're roasting marshmallows delicious what a brilliant day it's time for buster to go to school he mustn't forget his packed lunch their scout they don't want to be late but who's this a little fire truck buster is waving hello [Music] at school the teacher has a surprise this is ash he's the new kid in school he's going to be joining their class ash is going to bust her because he waved hello he's so excited to have made a new friend already now today the children are going to learn about parking the teacher is showing them how to do it properly [Music] now it's their turn to try [Music] scout's got it and buster oh ash is sticking really close to his new friend [Music] he's following buster wherever he goes he doesn't understand buster is trying to park [Music] oh dear i think he's got on buster's nerves a bit buster wanted some space but ash didn't understand at break time buster and scout are playing aw poor ash has no friends to play with [Music] but buster and scout have an idea [Music] ash can play with them they're friends now after all now they're all playing together [Music] whoa good shot ash it's so nice to make new friends buster and grandpa are going shopping at the supermarket here's the shopping list carrots sweet corn and a new soccer ball buster can't wait to get the new soccer ball but grandpa reminds him they need to get everything else on the list first starting with the carrots buster races off [Music] but is that right grandpa's moving so slowly buster has gotten a banana not a carrot he was rushing so quickly he wasn't paying attention there they are [Music] nice work buster next sweet corn he's found them whoops careful buster all the tins might fall over phew great save grandpa next yay the soccer ball buster is zooming ahead to find the soccer ball but wait grandpa's been left behind he can't find him um oh no buster and grandpa can't see each other buster is searching and searching but it's no good poor buster is lost and getting worried look it's ash and his mommy someone bust her nose thank goodness he's found them they can help him get back to grandpa last buster's back safely with grandpa he knows he shouldn't have run so far ahead he's sorry but grandpa forgives him and here's the new soccer ball hooray
Channel: Go Gecko's Garage!
Views: 10,648,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids videos, kids songs, nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes playlist, fun songs, babies songs, cartoon, cartoon videos, kids learning, baby shark, bath song, cartoons for kids, kids music, color, pre school, classic rhymes, learning videos, wheels on the bus, babies, family, kids animation, kids education, songs for kids, sing-along, best kids songs, moonbug kids, learn, learn at home, toddler fun learning, get better soon, buster is sick, docotr, doctor song
Id: XqeCB2ToEYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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