Hero Day | Buster and Friends | Kids Cartoons

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[Music] get his garage hello everyone today is hero day blue zero is Captain spanner oh even heroes need help sometimes oh [Music] we've been dressing Vicky as her hero Fiona firetruck [Music] [Applause] why wait Trevor faster is better every job is quickly done so weasels Wheels is number one [Music] who's your hero I suppose it's me Turbo Tractor I mean oh yes Turbo Tractor I can make that happen easy awesome work team Fiona looks just like her hero Vicky the ice cream truck only Trevor left to go gecki then it's time for the hero Day party screwdrivers someone's tried to Turbo Charge Trevor turbo bulge more like I can't work with that rust bucket if you break don't come back to me [Music] don't worry we'll undo that weasel's worth pick up your tools and say this rhyme at gecko's garage it's fixing time let's replace this turbocharger with something new and even larger weasel's work was incomplete and intercooler will cool the heat a chrome exhaust for The X Factor makes Trevor look like Turbo Tractor [Music] [Applause] that party's about to start and I know who my hero is laughs [Music] you're the best mechanic ever Grandma I'm the best grandma you're my hero thank you Jackie and you're mine because you make everyone feel like a hero oh thanks Grandma bye everyone hello everyone I'm test driving miles the motorcycle his throttle keeps getting stuck what about time we fix that have a look in the garage for a spare part come on little ones whoopsie I'll help you find it grandma [Music] the radio is still broken don't worry Gekko will fix you oh Mia wow look at you I've always wanted to ride a motorcycle look [Music] up here it is Miles [Music] what's the matter Grandma cat got your tongue no she's gone [Music] spinning screwdrivers hang on cat we have to hurry come on Dicky may I fly you dear you know how to fly a helicopter a tad Rusty but once a pilot always a pilot [Music] it won't stop because we're still repairing him I should have asked first no time to explain I have a plan Grandma lower me down oh speed [Music] oh right now cats [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry for bothering the motorcycle gecko well actually miles is Grandma's friend wow you must be Grandma Gekko I'm Catalina Felina but my friends call me cat pleasure to meet you if you want some motorcycle lessons just ask I'm your gal you have the best grandma ever why thank you dear I'm like a gecky [Music] until next time bye hello everyone we're giving Fiona fire truck a service oh it's been a long day hmm excuse me now what's next Mechanicals foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right foreign [Music] I think this is yours blue [Music] now what were we doing Max all done spinning screwdrivers that went quickly [Music] thanks red boy really is hot today look over there huh baby and mama are going for a picnic that baby doesn't look well at all [Music] come on baby truck let's take a look at you and find out what's wrong foreign [Music] you're way too hot quick Mechanicals bit some water [Music] oh dear you've not been drinking enough water have you it's important to drink lots of water when it's hot that's better but I think you're still too hot aha I got it turn the car wash down to Coal please red [Music] all right baby Chuck time to cool off hahaha [Music] [Music] oh better now you can go to your picnic have a great time bye oh look Mechanicals it's the truck family good morning everyone oh that's a nice boat you have there baby truck oh no attire is heading right towards baby float [Music] [Music] thanks Mama now we can recycle that old Tire [Music] wait look more rubbish hmm they must be coming from somewhere a river let's go stay here yellow protect the boat [Music] rubbish there where could it be coming from [Music] Mr weasel what's he doing oh Gekko I was trying to get rid of all my rubbish oh the brakes are stuck you shouldn't throw rubbish in the river Mr weasel [Music] oh no he's heading right towards Maiden truck and her boat [Music] oh you shouldn't throw rubbish in the river Mr weasel it makes the river dirty you almost wrecked baby truck's toy boat a boat I've not played with a boat since I was a young weasel I have an idea rubbish can be recycled instead shiny new things from all things let me show you [Music] come on look out here comes the Good Ship weasel this is so much fun [Music] the river is clean once more see you next time hello everyone I'm respraying Bobby the bus and Grandma's playing cops and robbers with the Mechanicals [Music] we caught the rubber red-handed foreign Style [Music] Bobby what's wrong dear hmm Bobby's lost power let me check your battery old friend [Music] spinning screwdrivers Bobby's battery's missing an electric bus can't move without a battery we'll find Bobby's battery detective mix for Clues [Music] aha our first clue these Parks belong to Bobby [Music] but these prints don't it seems we have a real rubber on the loose follow the trail [Music] aren't my new lights spectacular my sign will attract more customers than you'll ever get Gekko how are you powering those lights Mr weasel um look it's Bobby's battery well only borrowed it to pound my lovely lights but Bobby needs the battery to power his motor we're taking it back to him but my lovely lights oh the silly wires won't reach the plug oh pick up your toes and say this rhyme at gekko's garage it's fixing time grandma's using Tilly's winch to lower their battery inch by each we'll make sure all the wires are connected and secure them with bolts that glue collected the battery provides an electricity feed that powers Bobby's Wheels to move at Speed release Bob is back to full power because I could use a sit down care to drop me help please dear thanks for coming grandma oh [Music] come on Max Let's help Mr weasel goodbye everyone [Music] hello everyone cats putting on a magic show and I'm her assistant for my next trick could I please have a volunteer yes baby truck stand here for feast ah my Q Madness attract things made of metal like baby truck this dial controls the magnets pulling strength with a wave of my wand [Music] [Applause] [Music] who's next prepare to float by Magic [Music] that's not part of the show we'll get you down yellow I'll just turn off the magnet oh no yellow stuck in the tree let's take a take a break I'll be back cat maybe we could use your magic silks as a rope to get yellow down when I eat there Gekko yellow [Music] go go Tilly tow truck hold on yellow poor yellow's terrified of heights oh no you how will we get her down from that mountain hmm I know we'll attach my spare magnet to Helena's grabbing on and pull yellow to us great plan let's go pick up your tools and say this rhyme at gekko's garage it's fixing time [Music] the magnet is heavy so to take the strain we'll attach it with a big strong chain with a wrench and bolts we'll make the change so the magnet boosts are grabbing range connect the wire through this hole to give us all magnetic control with the dial in place and the magnet below we can save our dear friend yellow [Music] I promise [Music] now let's get back to the magic show are you ready for the finale [Music] yay Bravo cat oh see you all next time hello everyone Echo here we're just on our way home what it's baby truck [Music] what's that baby truck You've Lost Your dummy [Music] don't be upset we'll find it for you go go mechanical [Music] try looking by those red flowers can you see anything [Music] what about that Green Hedge can you see anything there [Music] [Music] it must be here somewhere [Music] [Music] I'm sorry baby truck I can't find your dummy anywhere [Music] foreign well done you found it [Laughter] here you go baby truck ah all well written well thanks for your help everyone bye hello there everyone Echo here it's a lovely sunny day so I thought I'd do some bird watching oh look oh look Barry and Harry oh they look like they're having a lot of fun [Music] oh no Barry's crushed quick Mechanicals we need to help go go Tilly tow truck [Music] foreign [Music] don't worry Barry we'll soon have you out of there blue hey [Music] yay let's get you checked over that's strange your engine won't start ah Carey's come to cheer Barry up how lovely oh I knew there was something fishy going on that fish must have been stuck in Barry's exhaust that's why his engine wouldn't start it's so nice when your friends come to visit it helps you get better much faster the fishy's home safe and sound his friends must have been worried about him well all's well that ends well we'll see you again soon Bobby oh no your windscreen is cracked quick come inside [Music] oh that must hurt we'll need to replace it Mechanicals could you fetch a new windscreen please oh be careful [Music] [Music] look look at my new tooth it's gold and shiny out of my way trash cans Gekko you could mind you [Applause] [Music] oh my God where is it it was so expensive [Music] you've done Mechanicals thanks for bringing the windscreen [Music] all done Bobby I hope you go Mechanicals could you take the old windscreen away please [Music] found it [Applause] [Music] oh what a lovely sunny day what on Earth is that whoa [Music] this big balloon they'll be able to find my garage from miles around who Could That Be I'm busy Max more air for your tires fine wait Mr weasel isn't putting air in Max's Tires he's using the helium for the balloon which means [Music] I'm coming [Music] oh the spinning screwdriver [Music] how is it my fault oh something [Music] if I let some air out of the tires we'll go washing along like a balloon [Music] that's it Max [Music] aim for the garage [Music] there you go Max good as new I'll show that Gekko wants my advertising balloon is ready [Music] [Music] ah hello everyone smashing day for you to join us here at the construction site [Music] today Eric's going to knock down this old wall with his brand new wrecking ball Mr weasel fitted the wrecking ball to Eric's bucket on so let's hope it works [Music] Rusty wrenches oh [Music] foreign oh no Eric's being tricked that Wrecking Ball is really just a and rub a bouncy ball [Music] let's catch that ball [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] thank goodness you're okay hmm and you've even given me an idea red don't worry Eric you can catch that ball we can fill your bucket with Sam to soften the bounce and our vix are lid to trap it inside Mechanicals we need that Barrel [Music] what tools do we need players gekko's garage time to fix gekko's garage let's fix this yo buckets now position right I'll tighten this nut and bolt it tight this Metal's sharp so stand back there let's cut and move this barrel with hair this lid was a very good pull so come on oh let's catch that bouncy ball okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] not quite how you planned me Terry but the job is done great teamwork bye everyone wow great job Mechanicals a clean garage is a happy garage [Music] something must be wrong with our solar panels oh dear the sunlight being blocked but that's no normal cloud let's go and investigate try now Dylan I don't understand your engine should be working fine connections hit him morning Mr weasel is everything okay everything is fine Gekko [Music] I give up let me take a look Dylan hmm the bad news is we'll have to take out your engine Dylan but the good news is I've got a brand new one that will be much better for you and for everyone else hmm we're going to need the sun's help and so is Dylan this battery will charge with power from the solar panels whilst weed bit Dylan's new electric engine [Music] thank you [Music] looking good Dylan good job green clean customers are happy customers and a cleaner planet is a happier Planet Too hello everyone Gekko here today's a very special day it's baby truck's first visit to our garage so we want to give her an extra special gecko's garage welcome hello baby truck oh are you nervous it's okay you're in safe hands right Mechanicals huh [Music] baby truck oh no we brightened baby truck away don't worry mummy truck we'll find her quick Mechanicals we need to find baby truck [Music] poor baby truck where could she be [Music] are you hiding baby truck [Music] is it because you're nervous guess what me too it's your first time at the garage we wanted to make your visit extra special I'm sorry if we've brightened you but I promise we'll take extra special care of you is that okay [Music] garage doors open at speed it's time to help a vehicle in need [Music] have an amazing day baby truck you are so brave [Music] you're welcome baby truck thanks very much for joining us at gecko's garage today [Music] where's all this mess come from [Music] [Music] oh Mr weasel are you okay I made Vicky the fastest ice cream truck in the world but she jetted off before I could have an ice cream we have to stop Vicky before she causes any more damage [Music] here she comes ready blue [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] blue quick hit me off button [Applause] oh [Music] you well done blue no you still haven't had my ice cream oh [Music] I hate Rockets come on Mechanicals let's go and check he's okay see you again soon bye could you pass me a spanner please blue [Music] that's not a spanner blue it's a wooden spoon [Music] sounds like baby truck I wonder what all the excitement's about [Music] presenting Wilbur T wizzles new electro magnet [Music] how do I turn it off oh go oh no Mr weasel's got magnet trouble everything's fine Gekko uh if you could just switch off the power by turning that Bolt blue stop a magnet attracts anything made of metal [Music] s oh I know Mama recycle I need to turn the power down but I can't use a metal tool of course The Wooden Spoon [Music] it's okay friends I'll free you soon with a tool I made from a wooden spoon Ah that's not going to work [Music] is everyone okay oh great we'll see you all soon for more Adventures at gekko's garage bye hello everyone we're busy today it's really important we keep Dylan's water levels cupped up to keep his engine cool ah ready Mechanicals go go H2O [Music] that's not good Mechanicals there's no water coming from the pipes oh wonderful sucky screwdrivers Mr weasel's Fountain is using all the water I thought frogs like water we still need some clean water for Dylan's engine or heel over heat not so fast trash can you buy water from Minecraft I know green waters for sharing not wasting oh it's raining my lovely hair my mind thanks blue but we need to collect the precious rain water quick Mechanicals use whatever you can foreign great job everyone we got the rain to thank fulfilling Dylan's tank [Music] wow what a lot of water Dylan's collected we won't waste a drop of it all jobs done before we use water it's important to think how we use it wisely to wash fill and drink ah [Music] my precious fountain oh Mr weasel you just get them up and remember next time not to waste a drop hmm there you go red good is new ah it seems like only yesterday that I built you all but don't worry I keep your plans safely in here so I always know how to fix you ah if I could get my hands on those plans I could make my own mechanical then my garage really would be the best wake up Sly I have a cunning plan [Music] sly what are you doing here where's Mr weasel oh no problem with your exhaust well if Mr weasel isn't around of course I'll take a look [Music] I'm gonna get those plans I'm gonna get this plans [Music] [Music] could you pass me some pliers please [Music] give it up trash can the plans are mine now hmm [Music] [Music] phew got it you're all fixed sly [Music] oh yeah hey red do you need another repair already hello everyone today is very important it's recycling day oh rubbish day is rubbish oh hello frog well I have five bins when you can have one [Laughter] Here Comes Mama recycled to collect it all now [Music] watch out spinning screwdrivers oh mama go go Tilly tow truck [Music] let's get you back on your wheels nuts and bolts Mama's grabbing arm is bent and she's all scratched too lots for us to do Mechanicals pick up your tools and say this rhyme at gekko's garage it's mixing time your grabbing arm is bent right here but don't worry I have a clever idea with some heat the metal will bend and repair the starch for our special friend and don't forget some fresh paint too so you will look as good as new together [Music] oh help me The Wretched rubbish has returned nuts and bolts Mr weasels trapped by his own waist I don't think Mr weasel knows how to recycle let's show him how go go Mechanicals [Music] see Mr weasel recycling can be fun well you're not very good at it you missed one [Music] this is too much effort already [Applause] [Music] thanks Mama [Music] see you soon bye everyone [Music] hi hey it's Max the monster truck what can we do for you today [Music] oh you want to look like your hero King crash [Music] I think we can do that Max I'll get my tools Mechanicals you get started [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] okay got all my tools Mechanicals what have you done oh you all might think he looks great but it wasn't what he wanted don't worry Max we'll put you right [Music] all done Max is this what you wanted another happy customer here at gecko's garage see you all soon [Music] hello everyone we're just about to pick Trevor's new attachment green could you please pass me green green green Green where are you oh Green's watering her favorite tree [Music] out of the way tiny I'm going to build my new Junk Food Cafe and this tree is in my way foreign [Music] Movie Trash Can this tree's History [Music] Mr weasel you can't cut down Green's favorite tree why not it's just a silly tree because oh oh apples [Music] that gives me an idea Trevor [Music] wobbling whiskers what are you up to [Music] see Mr weasel the tree is important it grows tasty apples you don't need a junk food Cafe when you have this tree oh you think I'd rather have some silly apples then that's delicious I'm proud of you green you were Brave and protected this tree well done welcome back to gekko's garage it's a lovely sunny day so Red's heading up to the roof he's going to finish fitting our new solar panels they'll soak up the sun's energy and turn it into clean power for the whole garage [Music] hello Bobby whoa look at you you're all dirty and we only cleaned you yesterday never mind splish splash splash activate gecko's car wash [Music] all clean and ready to hit the road Bobby [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you're dirty again how did that happen I think we're going to have to wash You by hand [Music] squeaky clean [Music] you can get back to your bus route Bobby that's what's making you dirty your messy old petrol engine [Music] how would you like a clean electric engine instead [Music] are the solar panels ready the panels take energy from the Sun giving Bobby clean power for him to run oh hooray we'll see you back soon for more fun at gecko's garage [Music] foreign we're at cat's face Helena needs a new set of rotor blades [Music] oh some music while you work now we just need to attach the new rotors huh there's no electricity it must be a power cut oh no Helena can't fly my warning system doesn't work what will we do if there's an emergency [Music] wait everyone I've got an idea with these old rotors we can build a turbine and generate power from the wind [Music] here [Music] it's red don't let go once we get this turbine up in the air the wind will spin the blades and generate clean electricity for cat's face now cat red [Music] [Applause] you can let go now [Music] hello there you're not supposed to fly hurry [Music] oh yeah [Music] there you go we work together as a team to make electricity that is so clean [Music] hello everyone we're at the campsite it's been raining all day but we don't mind the Mechanicals love the rain ah green has even made a little vote she's having so much fun oh go go green [Music] maybe too much fun poor little green has run out of power and needs recharging no problem we'll just use her portable charging bed [Music] the drivers power huh the solar powered charging beds collect their energy from the Sun but there's no sunlight today we need to find another source of power hmm oh what if we gather the energy from the rain with a water wheel huh great idea Grandma we can channel the rainwater to turn the wheel and we can use the water wheel to power a Dynamo which turns movement into electricity then we can charge green [Music] I'll have a look in maldi's Hatch no [Music] let's do it [Music] hmm what tools do we need wrench geckos garage [Music] the first part of our water wheel scheme is to Chisel outer channel to make us dream ah fix spoons to the wheel and the wheel to this pin so the water will give the wheel a spin the water wheel drives the Dynamo creating electricity to help green go oh it's working [Music] [Applause] [Music] powered up and ready to go and just in time for us to recharge with a nice cup of tea thanks grandma [Music] bye everyone no Max oh what's all this noise about yeah hey great landing Max those new suspension Springs helped you land really softly guess we won't need my backup plan a red I just need to make a few last tweaks you want to be more like your brother a molly stay right here I'll give your wheels far better suspension Springs than Gekko you'll see [Music] almost done Max what's that [Music] that's bouncier than I expected we've got to stop her quick red The Back-up Plan [Music] wow ready ready use the backup plan [Music] it's all right now Molly I know you just wanted to be like your big brother let's fix those Springs shall we [Music] go Molly [Music] hmm Gekko thinks he can make better Springs than me [Music] those new Springs mean you'll land okay so goodbye Molly you can go and play [Music] oh well done cat s yes Gekko we're here at cat's place for her birthday today we've got her a big cake doesn't know yet [Music] [Applause] yellow [Music] it's Helena someone needs rescuing [Music] don't worry yellow I just need to adjust the winch all right we need to fall fast Helena [Music] most almost [Music] [Music] another happy Landing [Music] and uh Happy Birthday cat gracias Amigos hooray [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you are mummy truck your new tire should be offset all right Mechanicals let's load up that fence we don't want another truck to get a flat tire too [Music] baby truck wait you mustn't go off by yourself baby truck where are you spinning screwdrivers with this range we'll need eyes in the sky to find baby Chuck Ah that's it foreign [Music] [Applause] truck we'll find your baby [Music] of course baby truck needs her dummy to feel safe but how can we get it to her Gekko the water is rising I have an idea [Music] here you go baby Chuck now let's get out of here [Music] we're all safe but next time remember to never go off by yourself baby truck thanks for the help cats ah oops looks like the next stop is gekko's Car Wash almost back at the garage Mechanicals whoa someone's dropped rubbish on the road there's lots of it and Mama recycle does not look happy come on if we follow the trail we'll find out who's dropping it [Music] the trail goes to the left it's Dylan the dump truck his broken tailgate dropping litter but his music's so loud he doesn't notice [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mechanicals we've got to turn down Dylan's music let's recycle and Save the Day using things we've thrown away [Applause] [Music] Dylan Dylan your tailgate's broken but don't worry I'll fix it while Mama recycle and the Mechanicals thought the rubbish how's the recycling going see you again soon for more Adventures at gekko's garage [Music] Dylan turn it down yes [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] we don't want to be late [Music] garage doors open at speed it's time to help a vehicle in [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah good morning Mechanicals upright and early for a new day's work hello nuts and bolts I think he's sleepwalking wake up blue a garage is not a safe place to be sleepwalking blue blue [Music] it's time to repaint the sign Mechanicals blue can you please get the green paint and take yellow Up on the Roof to help oh dear Fiona's had a bump to her bumper come inside and let's fix it green we'll need the extra strong glue please foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you that glue isn't meant to be green blue and yellow must have the glue Quick Red get up to the roof [Music] oh poor red we'll have to get up on the roof another way [Music] oh dear what a sticky situation Let's Get You free before the glue sets completely Fiona can we borrow your hose please [Music] don't worry Mechanicals we'll soon have you free [Music] great job everyone Fiona and I both look brand new hello everyone we're just upgrading Eric's arm so he can dig holes even faster call that an excavator what rubbish behold size new Mega drill you don't stand a chance frog I'm the finest mechanic in history what [Music] oh my god oh no Mr weasel Thrill is out of control go go Mechanicals [Music] red are you okay [Music] foreign [Music] of course Eric I have an idea [Music] your arm is strong so it's okay let's use this magnet to save the day oh [Music] no I hate that you're safe now Mr weasel but oh there's a lot of mess to clean up I don't see why I should have to clean it up this isn't my fault I'm okay we better get a rope green see you next time everyone comes to the big race I'm the fastest mechanic in town in my Turbo powered monster truck it's okay Tilly we don't need a turbo engine to win you've never let me down right Gekko the race starts when the light turns green ready steady go go Tilly tow truck [Music] I'm looking forward to getting my shiny winners medal it'll match my shiny watch okay that's it Tilly don't steady activate Turbo Power [Music] [Music] don't stop we're racing to the rescue [Applause] oh we're sinking oh hell don't worry Mr weasel we'll get you out of there fast foreign [Music] [Music] I suppose you did win fair and square but next time I'll be the winner oh race back for more fun at gecko's garage bye hey everyone welcome back to gekko's garage we're just giving Poppy the bus is Jacob we're almost done [Music] Mechanicals I'm still up here Bobby Bobby oh dear he can't hear me no no no [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] spinning screwdrivers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh look a high bridge great idea Mechanicals if I can just grab holy [Music] now what whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] thinking yellow you saved the day it's okay Bobby you didn't know and nobody got hurt thank you for all your help Mechanicals what would I do without you [Music] hello everyone we're just fixing Mama recycle but ah it's getting late you'll have to stay for a sleepover oh [Music] come on everyone get ready for bed [Music] so excited I've never came to sleep but I've got an idea [Music] time to get all squeaky clean before we go to bed and dream [Music] thank you now it's time to dry you up [Music] oh yeah I'm coming to get you [Music] [Applause] [Music] they'll never sleep like this wait a minute I've got another idea sleepy Mechanicals lay down your head you've worked so hard now it's time for a rest baby truck blue red yellow green it's time for bed good night and sweet dreams [Music] good night everyone [Music] stores open at speed it's time to help lots of vehicles in need fitting screwdrivers Mechanicals our friends all have flat tires [Music] oh dear sounds like the vehicles are tired of waiting [Music] oh nuts and bolts I've never had to fit so many tires this fast speaking of fast tires that sounds nice [Music] ah they're my little gecky with a very big job to do how did you know the dear little blue one let me know it's okay to ask for help sometimes thank you both happy to help just as you've always helped me and everyone else now then kids let's get organized yo grandma right Mechanicals I have an idea [Music] you've been practicing gecky I learned from the best [Music] come again soon dear thanks Grandma I never Tire of working with you and you never Tire of your jokes either now who's hungry you deserve a rest Grandma but I brought your favorite Grandma's apple pie it's dead in the dump truck how can we help you today you're having problems with your dumper go go Mechanicals thank you [Applause] [Music] hmm I see your dumper keeps dumping itself let's have a look I think the Piston needs replacing pulling this legal will stop it dumping oh whilst I bet your new piston [Music] this will fix the problem oh huh how did that get flipped back [Music] [Music] so it was you plugging the cable back in oh that's okay you've had some fun now let's get the work all done that's your new piston fitted Dylan but I've got an idea for this old piston okay mechanical all done check out your brand new snipe built using Dylan's old piston [Music] come on Mechanicals we have Fiona fire Trucking today whoa [Music] I'm Wilbert T weasel owner of weasels Wheels fully automated to fix things fast hello Mr weasel I'm Gekko oh [Music] here's my first customer every job is quickly done so weasels Wheels is number one see you frog uh the name's Gekko okay florella won't take long [Music] I'm not too too sure which buttons service oh pressing them all should do the trick [Music] come again Felicity that was quick [Music] oh dear she doesn't look good come in Fiona let's have a look [Music] that's the problem weasel was in such a rush to get things done that he put soap in your tank instead of oil [Music] we fixed the problem properly now Fiona's running bubble free foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh sounds like you could use our help follow me [Music] nuts and boots I can see the problem already [Music] hey your gears Max we'll need some gear oil and Grandma geckos super strong reach [Music] one more careful Mechanicals you need strong muscles to clench to lift up this wrench [Music] ah there that's better those are some cozy cogs try it now Trevor tractors need strong gears to push and pull heavy loads perhaps Trevor could use his strength to help us pull away friends hooray jump team [Music] see you again soon Trevor bye [Music] There You Go Eric your arm should be as good as new Mechanicals what are you doing oh I see you're looking for Pirate Treasure yeah what was that noise [Music] Eric's found something maybe it's pressure [Music] I wonder what these are [Music] oh yellow it might not be gold but that doesn't mean it isn't treasure [Music] it's an Old Railway hand car but hmm something is missing wow Eric's found the Old Railway try it now it's now Mechanicals see just because something isn't silver and gold doesn't mean it's not treasure go go Mechanicals [Music] hmm what's that yummy smell oh please this is sure to get me more customers in You Go Eric [Music] faster [Music] is something burning oh oh oh what's wrong with this silly thing wow [Music] no my beautiful barbecue Fiona fire truck there's a fire [Music] let's help fight that fire go go Mechanicals oh [Music] shave it hurry up hurry up hurry up oh I'm soaked oops sorry the hose won't reach great idea Fiona let's use the fire extinguisher oh I got you [Music] thank goodness everyone's safe great job everyone [Music] see you again soon [Music] assistant good job baby truck we're almost done with your driving test you just need to reverse up this ramp [Music] oh easy now nicely done you passed your first driving test baby truck [Laughter] you call that a driving test ah now this is a driving test A sly exactly are you testing for how much better we are than you [Music] this is too easy for me baby truck we have to rescue them [Music] it's your time you can do this [Music] great touching baby truck don't worry Mr Weevil I'll have you down in no time just like you reversed in the test baby truck nice and steady [Music] there we go say friend sounds like oh looks like I finished that driving test quite nicely baby truck you're like no other you pass the driving test with flying cars hello everyone it's a hot sunny day and we're off to the beach doggy screwdrivers the bridge is shut and Vicky can't deliver her ice cream [Laughter] I must have ice cream don't worry everyone we'll help Vicky get to the beach come with us [Music] there I've made a couple of special tweaks to help Vicky get to the beach but we may still need your rocket blue blue garage doors open at speed time to help everyone in need of ice cream oh we need some more speed now blue foreign [Music] don't worry Vicky a gecko always has a plan B [Music] ounce what a journey now who wants an ice cream that's my ice cream [Music] my ice cream see you next time everyone [Music] hola Mechanicals hi cats the Mechanicals have been so excited to see you foreign I think the Mechanicals wish they could fly like you cat make that junk fly sigh ah no more pesky pack cluttering up my nice clean garage [Music] she's not a junk you're right cat we can use this stuff wait it's not one not I can tell you have an idea already Gekko let's just say I'm Aiming High [Music] amazing work team that was quick as a flash we built a flying machine from a pile of trash go go Mechanicals it's time to fly high up in the sky [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] nice and clean after touching that horrible junk and it's vanished already I'll never see that rubbish again [Music] foreign [Music] on land and now in the air yes cat that's true and the sky's the limit to what we can do [Music] all right Mechanicals Max wants to get better at jumping so we need to upgrade his engine [Music] [Music] blue could you see who's at the door please [Music] I hope you enjoy my little present gecko what's this I wonder who it's from thank you wow a new car jack Let's test it out since I put that spring in the Jack I think you'll find it a little bouncy [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] oh [Music] thanks Mechanicals I think that car jack is a bit broken wait a minute [Music] okay Max give it a try [Applause] [Music] I guess there's a use for everything good work everyone oh yuck hello everyone we're at the construction site with our friend Dandy who he's teaching baby Chuck and red how to be firefighters oh geez I'm super excited too now recruits the next lesson is fighting a fire the lighter practice fire for Dandy a put out a fire we pour water on the Flames time to grab your home oh safety Birds red helmet on probably there [Music] I've got you buddy that's what I call fighting a fire wow great job YouTube Fiona okay [Music] Dandy's safe Fiona nope foreign don't panic Daddy's here to deal with the danger ah but how will you get back down the next lesson is using Fiona's letter to rescue someone stuck up high like me [Music] oh no the owner's ladder won't reach spinning screwdrivers that he might fall ah we need a longer ladder fast [Music] I know to reach dandy let's join Fiona and baby trucks ladders together pick up your tools and say this rhyme at gekko's garage it's fixing time quickly let's undo these screws because there's not a minute to lose [Music] together tight so we can give them extra height [Music] that Final Fix to reach our friend is to Bunk Eric's bucket on the end Dandy climb into the bucket [Music] Brave recruits you everyone's safe thanks old pal you taught us a lot today and you all told me the true meaning of teamwork goodbye everyone [Music] come on Green Let's load all this rubbish into Tilly [Music] whoops [Music] sorry yellow that old sofa needs to go to the rubbish dump we can't keep it [Music] it's the trap Family mummy truck Mama recycled and baby truck [Music] yeah oh no [Music] hmm cool baby truck that was a hard Landing if only there was some way to make it soft [Music] what's that Mama you have an idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you go baby truck you should land softly this time [Music] you're welcome baby truck oh thanks Mama recycle it's always good to make something new out of something old [Music] wow hello everyone welcome back to gekko's garage it's a quiet day today we're just doing some spring cleaning what on Earth was that noise Bobby the bus you don't know wet at all [Music] come on let's take a look at you [Music] [Music] oh dear Bobby's not well at all [Music] let's see if we can work out what's wrong hmm maybe your radiator needs water go Mechanicals no that's not it [Music] hmm [Music] wait a minute oh aha oh Bobby has an oil leak oil keeps the engine running smoothly we can fix that we found the source of your gripe there's an oil leak from your pipe green will make your whole shut tight by welding with Sparks so bright a plaster will keep your algae clean [Music] hooray well done blue well done green are you feeling better Bobby [Music] another happy customer that's it from us see you next time at Geckos garage [Music] oh that was some rainstorm it's good to see the sun again foreign [Music] I can clean any vehicle better than you up to the challenge Gekko sure sounds like fun how about we take the owner and you take Bobby ready Mechanicals ready to go Fiona [Music] oh [Music] your turn Mr weasel good luck I don't need luck to clean this muck Billy [Music] more power I think [Music] oh dear that doesn't sound right no no no you silly [Music] [Music] yeah never mind Bobby come on over and we'll do our best to get you clean [Music] sparkling clean [Music] oh come on in Mr weasel we'll get you dry no thank you great job Mechanicals now everyone is nice and clean even Mr weasel [Music] you're right green there's a fire it looks like Fiona fire truck is on her way oh no mummy and baby truck are having a play race they're running too loud to hear Fiona's siren [Music] Fiona it's time we fitted you with a louder siren [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on Mechanicals time to fit Fiona's new siren that's it we need a nice loud Nino sound done give it a go Fiona right [Music] sounds like a doorbell let's try again [Music] and that sounded like a dinosaur we need a Nino [Music] that was a Nino but it needs to be much louder hmm that traffic cone made you louder yellow maybe something like that will work with a siren [Music] now that's allowed Nino bye Fiona thanks for visiting gecko's garage wow a pothole I'll get Dylan the dump truck and Eric the excavator to fill it in oh dear Bobby the bus looks like he's in trouble not some folks he's had a crash let's pull him out Tilly oh don't worry Bobby we'll get you fixed up and back on the road [Music] garage doors open at speed it's time to help a vehicle in need now to find out what's wrong Bobby first we'll check your eyes no Mechanicals [Music] I said there's nothing wrong with your rides then check your wheels [Music] [Applause] [Music] no problems with your wheels either [Music] I found the problem you've got a bent axle no worries we'll soon straighten your axle [Music] hey no more zigzagging for you your axle is as good as new [Music] I'm glad we could set Bobby straight it feels so good to help a friend [Music] hello everyone we just visited a brand new brush to the car wash look how well it works [Music] hooray it's working brilliantly well done Mechanicals [Music] with this new engine I'm the fastest weasel in town oh dear I don't like the look of this Mechanicals oh yikes look out mechanical [Music] oh yuck the oil has spilled everywhere oh take it off fitting screwdrivers Mr weasels out of control oh [Music] that's a huge and nasty oil slick let's clean it up nice and quick but this oil is very sticky oh we're gonna need a bigger brush of course we can use the old car wash brush please can we attach it to your mama recycle [Music] grab some tools it's fixing time while we fixed we sing this rhyme so we can clean up in a rush let's attach this car wash brush then you can spin it round and round and get that oil off the ground thin that brush nice and quick and let's remove this oil slick ready everyone go go go [Music] great stuff Mama recycle it's working [Music] great work everyone now this thing is nice and clean unlike Mr weasel [Applause] I think you might have another customer Mama recycle bye everyone [Music] hello everyone oh there's a lot of vehicles waiting to use the car wash today oh thanks Bobby foreign customers than me if I break his car wash everyone will have to use mine oh baby [Applause] [Music] screwdrivers what's happening to the car wash we need to switch it off oh no we got to run away Car Wash [Music] oh this is just too funny Good Golly good gosh follow that car wash so get away from me I took a shower last week thank you we have to get in front of it Mechanicals we're going in [Music] Mechanicals climb up and unscrew that control panel [Music] [Music] now cut the red wire no they're yellow wire the red wire [Music] no [Music] foreign [Music] Car Wash but hmm how are we going to get this back to the garage bye everyone [Music] ah phew thank goodness it stopped raining now we can get on with our picnic is the name and the rescuing is the game I'm here to keep everyone safe hello Cat I'm Gekko and these are the Mechanicals we're just having a picnic would you like to join us oh do you have any tuna sandwiches I think so are there any left Tilly foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right gecko use the umbrella that was close ah there you go Tilly we make a good team Gekko we do thanks for the help cat [Music] all done with these improvements you'll be unstoppable Mechanicals [Music] blue he's too high up for us to reach him we need some help [Music] Bueno this is cat cat it's an emergency we need your help to rescue blue got it Gekko it's a rescue time Helena [Music] thanks for coming so quickly cat this tracker says Blues close maybe closer than you thought [Music] he's running out of you now's our chance cat blow me down to Blue time to be a superhero oh [Music] don't worry blue I'm right here [Music] oh blue [Music] time to test those improvements [Music] I think no geckos could fly neither did I hello everyone we're going to the beach today remember Mechanicals and we take what we need [Music] ah oh garage doors open wide it's time to go to the seaside go go Tilly tow truck green can't wait for an ice cream oh no hickey's broken down let's take a look ah I see the problem let's tell you to the beach and I'll fix you there [Music] [Applause] are you all right Tilly if you need to take a break that's okay spinning screwdrivers now we're stuck we'll get you home Tilly but first we have to help Vicky hmm no wonder you're feeling tired a brand new spark plug is what's required [Music] you'd best get going Vicky [Music] we'll just have to go to the beach another day we need to fix Tilly hi Trevor would you be able to help us please I have an idea thanks Trevor [Music] huh our dear friend Tilly we love you the best now what you need is a well-earned rest but first go outside you all deserve a special treat if we can't go to the beach with our friends our friends can bring the beach to us [Music] [Applause] goodbye everyone hello everyone Mama recycle is on her way to collect our recycling here she comes now right on time oh and baby chucked here too [Music] oh oh what's wrong Mama spinning screwdrivers your suspension needs repairing you'll need to rest while we fix you more I I worried because there's more recycling to collect oh baby wants to help oh thank you recycling team well done never mind the important thing is you try to help and if at first you don't succeed try try again foreign suspension while blue green and I help baby become a recycling truck just like her mama what tools do we need wrench spray paint geckos garage time to fix geckos garage [Music] these boxes will help us recycle right so let's glue them down nice and tight wrapping arm is what you'll need to pick up recycling with safety and speed [Music] a press coated paint and label stud babies now a recycling jerk you just relax Mama recycle red blue and yellow will look after you let's put our fix to the test go go baby recycling truck that's it baby truck now which box does the metal can go in foreign [Music] [Music] now back to the carriage [Music] great job everyone we've helped to save the planet and MOA had a well and rest goodbye everyone yeah hello everyone it's busy today baby truck and Max the monster truck need a tire change but where's Max oh hello Max Go Go Mechanicals [Music] no yellow's gone and bumped her head so it's over to you blue and red foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] spitting screwdrivers [Music] come on yellow looks like the tires got mixed up it's okay we all make mistakes we just need to swap the tires back oh don't worry Max we'll soon sort this out [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby truck we know you're having fun [Music] but they're Max's Tires shall we give them back to him now [Music] ah oh well done baby truck it's important to always give things back after you borrow them hey see you again soon bye hello everyone we're just on our way to cat's face for a cake sale [Music] hola amigos welcome to my cake stand hahaha we have Donuts cupcakes and my favorite tres leches uh here are the cakes cat oh no my kicks have been stolen um these cakes are delicious and they're all mine um oh I'm so full I think I'll just shut my eyes [Music] [Music] oh no Mr weasels asleep at the wheel after that sports car [Applause] Mr weasel wake up we have to stop them hold them tight Mechanicals [Music] phew [Applause] oh Mr weasel are you okay it's okay Sly it's just a flat tire we can fix that [Music] Gekko knows just what to do with a patched up Tire you're good as new Gekko any sign of my kicks [Music] excellent you found the cakes yeah well done sly [Music] no no no no no the binders Keepers they're mine [Music] come on cat let's get these treats back to your cake sale so bye everyone laughs I don't feel so good oh dear it's carry the busiest service today [Music] can you handle that Mechanicals [Music] thank you is everything okay [Music] huh what was that noise [Music] it's okay I feel a bit better now oh [Music] looks like the Mechanicals have it all under control job everyone [Music] success Mechanicals another happy customer oh no it's a disaster what's wrong Mr weasel hi my precious cars and [Music] slides welcome to use our car wash my weasel wash is far superior come along now Sylvester stop dawdling you need to be here uh oh [Music] not me you robotic wretch oh [Music] do something oh no you bumsy clown so I need to help blue quick grab my toolkit hand me my wrench this weasel wash has gone wacky thank you [Music] [Music] ah are you okay Mr weasel never better glad to hear it oops Mr spot [Music] I love what you've done with the garage my little gecky looked very different in my day oh thanks Grandma enjoying the scrub-up hey miles he looks squeaky clean little ones Mr weasel he's in trouble Grandma wait thanks Fred stand back kids Grandma rolling out [Music] Mr weasel what seems to be the trouble uh the accelerator is stuck I can't slow down hell [Music] oh the sunroof you've got this kiddo Gekko make it stop [Music] oh sorry oh he accelerator's stuck down with bubblegum ew [Music] oh phew that was a close one nonsense I had it all under control [Music] I couldn't have done it without you Grandma no problem kiddo quick thinking there I am proud of you ah thanks Grandma [Music] There You Go Eric all better now what was that oh it's Max the monster truck he shouldn't be playing here construction sites are dangerous look at all the mess Max he's causing [Music] oh no Max has run out of fuel we've got to get him out before that concrete dries quick Mechanicals fetch the spare fuel oh dear that concrete will be Hardy less than a minute [Music] how on Earth are we going to get the extra fuel over to Max [Music] Eric's made a bridge [Music] oh the concrete's almost set [Music] go Max Go [Music] looks like Max has learned his lesson thanks Max another panic over see you next time [Music] come on Blue I think it's time for bed [Music] good night Mechanicals huh [Music] Bobby what are you doing here so late [Music] dear you need a new wheel I can fix that but we need to be quiet thank you [Music] phew that was a close one [Music] no no no no no [Music] oh oh [Music] done Bobby good night [Music] perhaps I'll hmm just sit down for a moment ah [Music] do do [Music] great job man screwdrivers sounds like someone's upset oh look it's Max the monster truck and his little sister Molly let's see if we can help hello Max hello Molly the roundabout needs loosening don't worry Molly we'll get it turning again [Music] [Music] look it's the truck family hello baby truck you need some help to make your kite fly and I got an idea Mechanicals we'll need some oil and a wrench [Music] okay Mechanicals pushed [Music] [Music] now to test out my plan [Music] ready Mechanicals careful this time it works great job Mechanicals everyone's having fun hello everyone it's very cold today so we need to wrap a warm oh what is wrong with you Sly why won't you start [Music] sniffling screwdrivers I think Mr weasel and Sly could use our help come on Mechanicals it's important to look after our neighbors oh Mr weasel you and Sly need some help let the Mechanicals take care of you and I will look after Sly go go mechanical oh you know [Applause] it's okay Sly we'll take you back to the garage for a little checkup [Music] leave me alone trash cans oh well I think I need some grapes too [Music] Dice and grapes not breaks oh first I have to work out how to open your Bonnet slide [Applause] [Music] which one is the right button aha don't worry Sly I know exactly what the problem is your battery needs recharging and your water tank is almost empty what tools do I need jump leads water hose Echoes garage time to fix gekko's garage let's fix this slice feeling thirsty and needs a quick drink time for a Top-Up of water I think now connect the jump leads from slide to Tilly so size battery can charge and he'll stop feeling chilly turn on Tilly's engine that's all fly needs to share Tilly's power and zoom off at speed [Applause] [Music] ah you're welcome sly better take me home dear sly haha no no not backwards forwards oh fine thank you Gekko ah you're both very welcome anytime hmm goodbye everyone you can do it Molly [Music] [Music] huh [Music] don't worry Molly we'll rescue your teddy come on everyone [Music] the Teddy's on Fiona follow that fire truck stop oh what the hopping frog let me fast Wilma T weasel coming through ah no the light is always red wait Fiona I need to look on your roof [Music] it's about time [Applause] [Music] well well a new mascot to share our Journeys with Sly where's my camera I want to take a photo and maybe I'll use the teddy to clean my windows too yeah we'll keep looking Molly don't worry [Music] get a better view from the sky [Music] spinning screwdrivers it's Molly's Teddy I wasn't expecting that where is it going Sly it can't have just vanished bye everyone that's right Mechanicals let's get the garage nice and clean [Music] oh sounds like we've got a customer it's the truck family mummy truck Mama recycle and baby truck who doesn't look very happy a wobbly tooth that's nothing to worry about baby truck when it falls out you can place it under your pillow and you get a gold coin oh no baby truck sneezed her wobbly tooth away oh don't worry we'll find it Go Go Mechanicals [Music] sorry green that's not a tooth foreign [Music] watch it yellow [Music] oh we searched the whole garage and there's no sign of baby truck's tooth anywhere oh [Music] just a minute there's one place we haven't looked in blues feather duster here you go baby Chuck now get home and put it under your pillow see you soon for more exciting Adventures at gecko's garage [Music] hello everyone Trevor's just a living his Cloud for us to fix huh [Music] it's freezing out here hello Dandy hi Gekko Mechanicals who wants a game of tag so it looks like I'm it shall we get started on your checkup Fiona hmm Mechanicals where are you [Music] huh everything's looking good so far Fiona let's just check your hose are you hiding in here [Music] are you okay whoa go [Music] the water from the hose has frozen purple blue it's not an ice rink hmm the ice is too bumpy to skate on how can we make it smooth and safe [Music] I know how to make an ice rink we'll turn Fiona into an ice resurface air what tools do I need French gekko's garage time to fix gekko's garage let's fix this [Music] the ice is too bumpy so to make it smooth the blade in this plow can remove all the grooves attach Fiona's hose to the plow here please to create a flat layer of water to freeze this is how our sponge will polish and shine and now our ice rink is mighty fine oh it's working [Music] together we turned an accident into brilliant fun look how much fun the Mechanicals are having I'm so excited to skate it's safe to skate now bro I've got you I'm skating goodbye everyone [Music] oh what's wrong green whoa Captain Helena are here for us to fit the brand new catches get ready mechanical green [Applause] oh hi cat time to fit some extra special kit go go Mechanicals [Music] may I talk with her Gekko thanks cat what is wrong Corazon [Applause] would you like to help me with something all done and ready for a test run wait we can't test it without green [Music] sometimes I don't feel so great too but sad feelings will pass like the clouds we're ready on the ground cat [Music] go go Helena helicopter all your screen I believe in you [Music] oh great job cat that was amazing it was all green oh well done green [Music] hello everyone it's Green's birthday and we're getting ready for a beach party steady these are helium balloons so they float up ah everything's ready we're just waiting for Fiona fire truck to bring Green's birthday cake careful Fiona don't drive on the wet sand [Music] quick the tides coming in oh [Music] we'll get you out somehow Fiona aha we can lift her out with all of your balloons green I know you love your balloons but Fiona really needs them can we use them please [Music] it's working it's working uh oh it's working too well she's flying off that's it Go Go Mechanicals [Music] nice what Mechanicals and here come the rest of the party guests [Music] glad she could make it everyone [Music] well done for sharing green and happy birthday to you hello everyone today we're helping cat deliver her compost to Trevor's Farm release the compass now cat s [Music] great question blue what is compost well composting is like recycling our food waste is used to help make more food [Music] over time my food waste has turned into precious compost thanks to lots of tiny creatures then Trevor spreads the compost on the soil to help his vegetables grow big and strong [Music] now let's attach Trevor's compost spreader [Music] look out [Music] oh that cabbage pushed the lever into overdrive and it's causing compost chaos he defines something to hit the lever and turn off the splitter I can use this oh spinning screwdrivers it's broken no there's vegetables won't grow big and strong without compost you can fix the spreader right Gekko we can fix anything if we work together right Mechanicals [Music] hmm what tools do we need screwdriver wrench geckos garage time to fix gekko's garage let's fix this secure this cup back in its place so the spreader works at a safer pace for the to spin around again let's reattach this broken chains now a squat of oil will be just the thing to help the spreader get composting [Music] great job ah thanks everyone [Music] I have an idea to thank Trevor for all his hard work [Music] mmm yummy Trevor's fresh vegetables make the tastiest chili ever and best of all we'll put any food waste into my bin ready to make compost for Trevor next year composting cuties goodbye everyone it's mummy truck and baby truck why are you waiting on here the tunnel is blocked and you can't get through hmm I'd better take a look [Music] whoa there's been a cave in [Music] foreign we're trapped inside don't worry I've got my toolkit [Music] [Music] we're going to need a bigger toolkit [Music] not even Tilly's strong enough to move the Rock how are we going to get out [Music] wow I didn't know you were so strong mummy truck saved the day I better call Eric the excavator to clear away all these rocks see you all soon for more fun and Adventure at Geckos garage you're nice and early Eric [Music] Mechanicals Eric's eager to get his repair done come on sleepy heads you should be full of energy after charging up all night [Music] let's get Eric's repairs done so he can get going [Music] um whoa [Music] I don't know what's wrong with them today [Music] huh you're right Eric their charging Bay was unplugged overnight no wonder they're so run down come on sleepy Mechanicals time for a charge up [Music] oh check mate okay mechanical you're all fully powered so let's get the job done [Music] he finished Derek we'll see you soon back here at gecko's garage [Music] hello everyone Eric the excavators in for his service we have to check he's fit and healthy for all the digging he does who wants to help [Music] I think I'll choose yellow [Music] I know you want to play but I think you'll have just as much fun working in the garage we'll start by checking your engine Eric let's have a nice loud Rev you can do better than that Eric foreign time to test your caterpillar tread [Music] that's part of the service Eric let's see how your Digger arms working oh need to spot of oil yellow [Music] well done Eric you've passed your service so you're all ready for lots more digging do you want to go and join them yellow [Music] I told you what could be fun see you all soon for more work and fun here at gecko's garage ah it's so nice to have a holiday I love camping hmm the fire's getting low yellow could grab some more firewood please then it's time for a story I think the storybook is in the Caravan green thank you Daddy thank you wait a moment these are the wheel stops which means [Music] that Caravan [Music] hey oh oh there must be a way to stop this phew thanks green [Music] oh hey [Applause] spinning screwdrivers [Music] hooray nice work Tilly oh good job everyone panic over yes green it is story time now see you next time bye hello everyone we're just upgrading the car wash so it can spray paint okay mummy truck go [Music] now we just need to wait for the paint to dry what should we do how about a game of Hide and Seek one [Applause] six [Music] seven eight nine ten ready or not here I come thank you [Music] have using baby and the Mechanicals mummy truck could they be [Music] thank you [Music] ah where could they be hmm maybe I'll look over here [Music] found you now it's my turn to hide [Music] see you next time bye [Music] welcome back to gekko's garage everyone we just been installing our emergency alert system huh someone must be in trouble [Music] like go go Tilly tow truck foreign [Music] the excavator I think he's hit a rock look he's broken his caterpillar trap oh oh blue I know the storm is scary but we need your help will he be brave for us [Music] I like to fit through that Gap huh oh dear we need to be fast [Music] I think that Sam's going to overflow [Music] blue is small enough to fit under well done blue you're being really Brave [Music] oh no the Dam's going to collapse hurry blue [Music] ha oh well done blue you faced your fears hey look a rainbow it's Cheerio from Gekko hello everyone it's home time remember next don't leave anything behind [Music] one two three four Mechanicals yes [Music] blue blue where are you we've lost blue green come with me we have to find him garage doors open again it's time to find a little friend [Music] oh where is he [Music] blue hang on we'll get you out Tilly let's use your winch to lower me down nuts and bolts no more tow rope oh poor blue you've had some bumps we can use your rocket to get us out of here hmm nothing a little tweet can't fix we'll be out of here in just two ticks righty tighty [Music] let's get you back to the garage [Music] well done everyone we found blue and now let's fix him up like new pick up your tools and say this rhyme at gekko's garage it's fixing time unlike mine your legs around to help you move along the ground let's get those arms fixed left and right by making sure the joints are tight and last of all a new wee spray now you can go back out and play oh baby blue sleep well then we're so happy you're home again goodbye everyone [Music] hello everyone welcome back to gekko's garage oh it's very muddy today so we're getting our car wash ready oh look Here Comes baby truck to get all cleaned up oh hello baby truck let me guess what you're here for Splish Splash and splosh activate gecko's car wash [Music] hmm that's not right you're still all muddy of course we haven't filled it up with soap you can't get squeaky clean without soap [Music] now the soap is filled to the top we can wash all that mud off [Music] not strange the rollers are meant to roll the bubbles off [Music] aha that's it baby truck is too small for the rollers to reach ah [Music] hooray the car wash is working and baby truck is sparkling clean it's Cheerio from Gekko bye hello everyone we're having a beach day today the Mechanicals are playing hide and seek with Helena have fun but don't go too far if you get lost stay put and call out one [Music] three four five six seven eight nine ten ready or not here she comes [Music] salty screwdrivers that seat fog that is rolling in fast all right Mechanicals stay where you are and call out we'll follow the sound [Music] there you are oh we found you oh yay it's Helena's tail rotor don't worry cat we'll find her wait listen and hear Helena sway but look that it's coming in we need to reattach Helena's tail rotor quick in gecko without her tail rotor Helena [Applause] [Music] Helena hmm what tools do I need screwdriver wrench gecko's garage time to fix Gekko garage let's fix this hurry now mix this fix is a race to beat the tie and get this rotor in place [Music] this boat will hold your rotor tight when spinning fast during flight [Music] now let's adjust the rotor here so it can help you balancing steer [Music] oh you're welcome cat [Music] goodbye everyone [Music] hello Bobby oh dear let's replace that old bumper ah all right Mechanicals could you take the bumper off please very carefully oh steady steady careful Mechanicals we need to work together [Music] oh [Applause] oh thanks green [Music] oh oh dear you'll need to finish the repair yourselves Mechanicals foreign [Music] [Music] thanks Green Oh Mechanicals you need to work together [Music] haha [Music] oh nice work Mechanicals what a little teamwork can do all done Bobby [Music] nice catch greens [Music] baby trucks here for a play date with the Mechanicals [Music] I'll come play soon I just need to finish changing Fiona fire trucks Wheels [Music] someone needs our help oh no there's a fire and Fiona can't help her new Wheels haven't arrived yet what will we do [Music] aha that's it the car wash baby truck how would you like to be a fire truck for the day [Music] go go baby fire truck [Music] [Applause] it's okay Trevor no need to fear geckos firefighters are here [Music] laughs foreign [Music] no problem Trevor ah and well done baby you make a really good fire truck [Music] bye everyone [Music] Fiona fire truck what's the matter your hose isn't working let's take a look [Music] don't you worry Fiona we'll soon get you fixed I'll get my best wrench [Music] um [Music] Mechanicals give me a hand please thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ER [Music] there you go mummy truck your indicators will work fine now lucky I always carry spare bows it's Molly playing with her favorite toy and baby truck too [Music] make sure you share it [Music] oh baby truck you've got a boo-boo but you'll be okay I promise Molly let's take a look at you now Molly are you okay oh no Molly is leaking oil I don't have the tools to fix her here we need to get you back to the garage fast [Music] I'm going to need your help baby truck can you keep the road clear so I can get Molly to the garage quickly everyone let's move at speed it's time to help a vehicle oh no Eric and Dylan are blocking the road thanks Eric and Dylan well done baby truck grab the tools it's mixing time and while we fixed we say this rhyme don't worry Molly we're here for you our fix will make you good as new work and tools will help us mend any part of any friend you're welcome and fix and check and then stick all the parts together again made you as strong as before so you won't recoil anymore oh we couldn't have done it without your help baby truck ah and look Blues fixed the toy truck well done blue I'm great sharing YouTube I'm so proud of you both hi everyone Hi everyone we're giving our friend Victory the ice cream truck a full service thanks cat [Music] I love to help and I love ice cream too we just have to repair Vicky's ice cream maker let's hurry before the ice cream in here melts [Music] it with a truck like that I could have free ice cream all to myself [Music] [Applause] weasel's got Vicky oh no poor Vicky and the ice cream in here will melt without her come on cat [Music] go go tele tow truck ice cream delicious ice cream wait to taste that cold sweet smooth ice pole wobbling whiskers how can you be an ice cream truck without any ice cream it must be in here somewhere which button for ice cream oh oh [Music] no no go away I don't have any ice cream for you or even for me oh where is Vicky we need to get this ice cream back inside her to keep it Frozen wait do you hear that [Music] Vicky excuse me [Music] defeat it's a digit wasn't me I'm no ice creams here [Music] Vicky oh we're so glad you're safe Gekko the ice cream yes let's hurry cat grab your tools it's fixing time and while we fix it we say this rhyme to move your ice cream maker in a pinch we'll pick it up with Tilly's winch with your tasty treats in the right place you can bring a smile to everyone's face [Music] first plug it in for the power to freeze then connect the pipes [Music] and serve with ease all right who wants ice cream [Music] till next time everyone goodbye heading screwdrivers who could that mean oh hello frog perhaps you've noticed my new car this is till mister or Sly for short hi Sylvester nice to meet you excuse us please someone needs our help Dylan's in trouble at the construction sites allow us to help we'll get there in no time I think we'd better go anyway Mechanicals Tilly tow truck [Music] I wonder if we can help Dylan without getting close to that horrid mud ah [Music] a I knew we'd fix this oh slime [Applause] do I have to do everything myself foreign [Music] [Music] don't worry we'll soon get you free go go Mechanicals [Music] perhaps you'd like to visit my car wash Sly and you're welcome to use it too Mr weasel no thank you see you again soon everyone bye [Music] where are you hmm hello everyone we're working outside today because Fiona's ladder is stuck She's Too Tall oh we better check your tires too Fiona oh blue could someone get the car jack please [Music] good job red I'll just get my wrench [Applause] bouncing box [Music] don't worry red we'll get you down somehow green yellow fetch your blanket I have an idea red when I say let go you let go okay let go [Music] [Applause] blue it's time to be a hero ready blue three two one go [Music] don't worry we'll catch you [Music] phew [Music] you saved the day blue hooray for our hero come on super mechanical let's finish Fiona's service we'll see you again soon bye hello everyone we're getting ready for a carnival the Mechanicals are just finishing off their costumes hey Grandma [Music] key Carnival is All About Love now where are my mini metal ones I want to see their costumes a brilliant banana oh blue my heart no need to be shy green you look amazing wait where's Red come on you Lut let's get this show on the road what's wrong buddy this is the design for your costume it's amazing it really is it's okay to feel nervous red but don't worry about what others think of you Carnival is all about expressing yourself and being proud of Who You Are and I'll always be proud of you [Music] thank you oh hey yay [Music] come on red you can do it [Music] I'm so I'm showing you all let the carnival continue hello everyone we're just finishing miles's Fresh coat of paint it price for Grandma oh I don't like surprises gekki unless they're good of course okay open your eyes for a special surprise holy handlebars what a perfect paint job oh miles it really suits you darling let's go for a spin and show you off next the first to ride gekki then you get [Music] be good Max we won't be long [Music] isn't it wonderful to be together on the open road again gecki it really is look out Grandma handles like a dream barely noticed you were there gekki Jackie spinning screwdrivers I need to make this steady [Music] you but I don't have any spare breaks oh whoa whoa hang on gekki Grandma's coming [Music] Grandma I have an idea good care always carry a spare just like I taught you oh [Music] phew that was too close I'll need to make some adjustments I was thinking maybe some rocket thrusters oh Grandma almost done Fiona here comes your new ladder [Music] [Music] be careful [Music] let's go [Music] try a big one oh look out cats oh no I'm coming oh are you okay red Gekko I can't land without Helena's kids oh no quick Mechanicals we've got to help fetch me those Wheels please [Music] ah just a little closer [Music] [Music] blue grab their skids I have an idea no blue [Music] phew [Music] another happy Landing thanks for the help Gekko no problem cat all part of the service [Music] what's all that noise [Music] oh it's Barry the bus looks like he's in a rush are you all right Barry ah you're worried about being late you're not going to get anywhere like this let's take a look at you green [Music] could you fetch my best wrench please [Music] um oh green you're feeling stressed aren't you I think we all need to take a deep breath let me show you first we take a deep breath in then we breathe out [Music] now you try in one two three four five [Music] one two three four five there better hey [Music] remember it's always good to take a deep breath if you're feeling stressed bye Barry
Channel: Go Gecko's Garage!
Views: 121,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baby videos, buster, cartoons for babies, cartoons for kids, go buster, little baby bus, nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes for kids, songs for babies, songs for kids, videos for babies
Id: 81DhoQeyMyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 54sec (12714 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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