Single Mother of 10 Children by 5 Men Claims Thousands | Benefits Britain S2 Ep10 | Only Human

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paper was light gold in medieval times i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong [Music] in benefits britain the welfare states being cut back like never before but big families can still cost taxpayers a small fortune even if you get a fine i'm still going to have to pay at my benefit some will take whatever they can get their hands on there is people out there and they've got the whole lot beds cookers washing machines lovely others believe it's only right to make an effort i've always been one to have that little bit of pride and not scrounge for the benefit system are you going to work for your big girl yes manny this is benefits britain [Music] in benefits britain one and a half million kids live in households where nobody works take my dog again and i'll slap you and ten of them have been brought up by mandy cowie davies imagine in that [ __ ] bedroom [Music] mandy's 49 and a single mum from hastings who's been on benefits for more than 30 years you look a white trump mate [ __ ] movie and 10 kids full of tattoos mate yeah so what i'm on the [ __ ] dong mate don't like it [ __ ] off do you know what i mean mandy started motherhood young and just kept on going she's had five partners producing those ten kids who in turn have raised 16 grandchildren and counting i wouldn't have known more kids even if you [ __ ] paid me mate i had my first one i ate him and he was the last one at 36 and i've told him i want 50 grandkids mate before i die oh yeah big family big family hey it roughly works out about 1400 pounds a month i'll get jack's disability my money and child tax and child benefit at the four bed house on top and mandy's getting more than two grand a month from the taxpayer [Music] okay 10 kids 16 grandkids they all come and oh it gets murder in here trust me [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] this is quiet today only three of mandy's 10 still live at home charlie who's 14 and not a big fan of school there's jack there's a daughter who's 18 and there's teddy the chihuahua but daughter crystal and the others are always dropping in she's 24 already has four kids of her own and really knows how to max out her benefits i'm still with the baby that he doesn't live in my house and people say that he lives there when he doesn't if he was so might as well just be together and live in different houses it saves arguments too oh i could never have a man live with me again never i would do what i want when i want without no man telling me [ __ ] reg eat your dinner now i'll give me that phone you just eat what you got 80 miles along the south coast in portsmouth there's another benefits mum who's getting by just fine without a man you've got lazy legs again yeah she's sarah bellinger a 43 year old mum of seven you lazy boy yeah yeah [Music] sarah's just moved into this four bed benefits semi with the five kids who are still at home and for everyone it's a big improvement thanks to the taxpayer before i got my carpet fitted um i was sleeping on a mattress on the floor it's the first time in years i've actually had a bedroom so to actually have a bedroom and a bed and also a new carpet it's like brilliant i won't know myself it'll be amazing sarah has four kids with her husband and three more with a second partner but the blokes are long gone obviously i didn't expect to be a single parent to seven children i didn't expect to have seven children but you know i wouldn't be without them they're my world and sarah's world is supported by handouts adding up to 2 400 quid a month but unlike mandy sarah does work two night shifts a week bring in another 600 a month [Music] i'm a healthcare support worker so a portion of my income is based on my wages which i get paid every four weeks i do get a top up with housing benefit and i get 25 discount of my council tax for being a single parent in the house and i get my working tax and my child tax you know when you have the children you don't expect you're going to end up being a single parent that's the issue and obviously when you've got no financial support other than the government it is down to you or the government to basically pay for your children you know obviously i've chosen to try and work as much as i can within you know the situation i'm in with my first husband my um eldest four children's dad and he actually paid for the higher purchase on my car instead of paying maintenance that was his way of helping me and so i could go to work but unfortunately with the youngest children's dad i don't get any financial support whatsoever from him so it's basically you know i i pay for everything for them you know which can be a struggle but if he doesn't want to stand up and pay for his children then that's his choice in hastings mandy gets zilch from all five dads who fathered her ten kids but today she's more bothered about her second youngest charlie who uses just about any excuse to skip class i'm not at school because i've got ebola are you right i'm going to pass on to everyone a bit of a laugh maybe but charlie's truancy is about to land her in big trouble [Music] in benefits britain there's a serious problem with bunking off school around 10 of kids from benefits families are long-term truants and mandy cowie's daughter charlie who's 14 gets a the lack of effort [Music] [ __ ] parking mandy's a single mum of ten who sorted her benefits bought the skivings another matter so today neighbor pete's trying to help charlie why are you not at school today you should be at school today yeah so why are you not stopping she's refusing today why if someone gives me a wrong looking good guy and say something now i'm going to get because i know i'm doing everything i can mate i'll send her a school i'll send her to school i'll give her the buzzfeed to go to school within half hour mate she's back at my [ __ ] dog no i could buy her a home shooting because everyone do it will they they ask you if i could do it and you said you're done you can't earn a net yeah i'm done because i didn't go to school charlie as soon as i was 16 mate i was at my mother's ass mate i couldn't wait to get out of there you know look how i ended up [ __ ] 10 kids and on the dole yeah i know but still yeah but nutty do you know what i mean the only thing you're going to get is mcdonald's yeah you won't get a job yet public toilet cleaner that's what you're going to be no i ain't no no you need uh qualifications for that just to read the chemicals and stuff so you couldn't even be a toilet paper you think it's funny you won't be laughing when you're [ __ ] ugly just i don't know just don't like school it's because i'm naughty a lot i swear to teachers i find chairs and everything because they're rude to me and right on cue the school rings up refusing to um in send her to call she's coming yeah i'm getting her up at eight o'clock she's refusing to come in she's saying that she wants one to one um because she don't like the big groups and all this lot and she is refusing to come in well i mean we haven't got one to one here though i mean the only thing is surprising home tutoring is where she'd probably get one to run but i think she'd struggle on a full-time basis to do that yeah yeah i'm going to take her to the doctors to see what's up do you know what i mean because she's saying that she ain't going one-to-one she don't like being in a big group and no dyslexia connect yeah but i've tried for the last two days and she's with you if you're refusing i've been wrong with her and everything what i'll do is i'll vlog that's what you've said so we can look for some support yeah we can because she's refusing point blank yeah i mean this ends up in court the way she's going at the moment because it's just you know and it's not good and there's already been a couple of hefty fines come out for a couple of pounds where the kids aren't going to school and it's it's not good okay okay then thank you bye so the school thinks charlie must try harder and brother ryan agrees they're going to pay all of that for you mate they might pay a little bit but they're not playing full-time private tutoring mate that's expensive [ __ ] maker they charge 20 an hour yeah they're going to take you to school well like i said they take me a call i'll be dragging her mate i'll be [ __ ] dragging her i shouldn't have to hear about it it's not my problem i'll get fired because charlie lot going to school she don't get nothing if she does get fined i won't ask her for nothing because it'll be my fault anyway i doubt she will get fine like you can't say that charlie can you you said i was getting sent to court not you yeah but i'll still get you even if you get a fine i'm still going to have to pay at my benefits no not if i earn some money the relationship's good between me and charlie until she gets murphy and then i've gotta start shouting at her and she gets rude and then she go upstairs slam the door and yeah but she's a rude little cow no i ain't [Music] over in portsmouth benefits single mum of seven sarah bellinger is also thinking about the best way to keep the kids under control oh yeah it's a big cat well to be honest there's no point shouting at the children they're more likely to listen to you if you're calm and rather than demand if you ask and i was quite lucky actually because i did a triple p course at um abby's school which basically and teaches parents how to be able to discipline the children without obviously going off the handle if you're going off on one in the in the street they're just going to get more defiant and end up 10 times worse than what they are so there's no point really you know obviously their kids they've got to learn boundaries still um but if you're calm then it can diffuse the situation i think um you know it gives you a life skill anyway doesn't it really with my line of work and obviously with all the kids as well state of this earth mate back in hastings mandy's moved on from child care now she's decided it's time for a spot of diy why are you starting there do down there charlie stay in one place keep getting up and down to get some paint what are you doing the walls for why are you painting the walls i don't know what you wanted me to paint you didn't tell me one good thing about having a large family on benefits is plenty of helping hands today's decorating team is son ryan daughter crystal and charlie who's still skipping school teddy the chihuahua needs to keep well out of the way [ __ ] sake mate who's done this to the [ __ ] dog's bed can't [ __ ] move it can you try and move that for me right are you painting a whole lot of it yeah because this is funny emotion so it's dry quick in it i think even if you're on benefits you don't have to live like a pig mate there's no need for it you know what i mean you're at home 24 7 tidy up your house there's no need to live like animals do you know what i mean [Music] [ __ ] way [Music] you might as well have a drink while you're working hey how are we gonna do i just put these stickers on yet pull the stickers off your muppet you've got it all on my blue thing [ __ ] move it that's not [Music] you're trying to get me drunk mom i'm so strong mom drink while you're on the job in it put it from the shop at the road in town 299 a roll [Music] over in portsmouth sarah bellinger is also hard at work because there are kids to feed what's for dinner i bought some bacon and you've got you can have eggs and beans to go with it something nice and quick [Music] mummy sarah also has a recipe for topping up the family's benefits i could not not work i'd just feel like a scrounger at the end today yeah and i do claim a certain amount of benefits but a lot of people in my situation do as well you know you've got no choice you can't live on just a single person's wage nowadays no you can't sweetheart that's right yeah okay be gentle do it over that um i've always taught my children that if they want something they've got to work hard for it i've had to all my life you know i've had to work so you know there's no excuse for them not to work you know i think it has rubbed off you know my older two children once they left college they went straight into full-time work so hopefully the younger ones will also follow the same trait so you're going to work when you're big girl yes yeah going to get yourself a job good girl aren't you you need to make sure you wash your hands after yes [Music] back at the cows the decorating slowed down at out since the vodka was cracked open [Music] in fat ryan is now the only one getting his hands sticky when you want things like this i never [ __ ] trust a woman um excuse me i've done my front room that's come out [ __ ] good the apartment is i think i've done well i've done the front room myself with no man and my room you got matching you know [ __ ] off mate well you're not going to match it no mom's my mom mum's going to mind about what huh what are you done oh my goodness overlapped it what's she done then should i go another well you're not going to be able to join all that up properly mates get all these prints exactly the same on your own if you want to do that with the diy in full flow it's probably not the best time for benefits buddy pete to pop in to say hi [Laughter] and soon he wishes that he hadn't good and the situation's going to get even stickier if pete's not quick on his toes [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] he got terrorized so mandy and some of her kids still haven't got dressed today but a few hours later in portsmouth sarah's putting the little ones to bed before work right cool then because you're five you don't need one no you don't no you don't i'm here mommy no you don't to work for work yay night you two no see in the morning see you later with the grown-up kid babysitting sarah does two night shifts a week bringing home more than 7k a year to top up benefits totaling nearly 30 grand my job title is a healthcare support worker at the moment my client's getting ready for bed it's my duty to look after him during the night make sure that he's safe to be honest i couldn't think of a nicer job that's working fine i've actually been with this client since the beginning of december but the actual job itself um i've been doing for many many years actually but i do prefer this type of job where you're actually based you know in one place it's more personal mandy also likes the personal touch that's why she's got tattoos all over her body [Music] this used to be mom's sex so monk said why not because he's a [ __ ] in benefits britain more than four million working families get handouts and in portsmouth at 6 a.m benefits mum of 7 sarah bellinger has just finished her latest night shift i don't feel too bad i just feel a bit tired and i could do it with sleep really but we will see usually when i get back from work i make myself a nice cup of tea because obviously all the kids are still in bed so it's my little bit of time to chill before they wake up nobody uses my cups right i'm going to put the telly on come this afternoon that's when it all really really hit me hello alfie [Music] hello gorgeous good morning you want to watch your programs come on then come and have a cuddle with mummy oh it's lovely to get home love cuddles with you eh mommy misses you [Music] a couple of hours later in hastings there's also satisfaction at a job well done benefit's mum-of-ten mandy cowie and her kids have made good progress with the diy it's getting now it looks better than what it did trust me still got the painting then actually take his time but it would get there john is it in our bedroom what is it in my room i want to change my room because it's like a little girl's room well ain't my fault you like justin bieber is it that can all go now [Music] but it's not all about interior design for mandy she also has a bit of a thing for tattoos because i've got 10 kids loads of tattoos i've been judged mate they expect me to have a dirty house and everything you know what i mean i'm sick of people you know judging a book didn't they buy the cover um i've got my grandkids names my son's names and the others i just kind of like so got them done that's a clown and that's cut in the hat and this used to be mum's sex but it's a portrait so mango knew he said blind up because he's a [ __ ] she likes her scary tattoos she's a witch thanks and mandy's collection's been built up over 30 years on the doll let's just say over four thousand of them i come in here playing i'm going out colorful love the kids say i'm evil i'll bring the ghost to the house i'm not a girly girl one mom's just evil do you want a tattoo what would you get brooke [ __ ] you on my finger exactly why [Music] i'm gonna go get my tongue time to play here she says she'll do it for me and do bradley's tattoo for nothing you're 14 years old mate and yeah she don't ever know tattoos yet no way and she still likes justin bieber and yeah you like peppa pig no i don't that's you you're brothers and sisters and you're going like a cat and [ __ ] dog mate no i'm not saying you should do a lot of you do i'm defending she's the enemy you [ __ ] make me laugh mate oh look what crystal brought me yesterday come on then back in portsmouth the night shift finished hours ago and sarah is off out she's now been up for more than 24 hours but rather than getting some shot eye she's meeting louise and liz for a half-term benefits treat lovely thank you i'm on my own you know obviously you've both got partners that both work as well so you've got two incomes but you still struggle yeah on both two wages haven't you you know you still have to rely on top-ups in benefits even with two wages coming in yeah you know obviously i've only got my wage um so i've you know i've got no choice but claim benefits um you know housing benefit and council tax benefit you know and obviously i'll get working tax as well but you know it's a struggle you can't live without a certain amount of benefits not night shifts [Music] i've actually worked out on paper with the job centre that i'm actually better off not working if i were to sit at home on my backside claiming full benefits i would actually be better off not working because i wouldn't have the expense of the petrol to get to work and back i wouldn't have the expense of school dinners school uniforms milk you know because you're getting the tokens for the little ones you know i would be better off in hastings truancy is back on the timetable benefits mum mandy and her stay-at-home daughter charlie have just had a crisis meeting at school oh [ __ ] i know she [ __ ] oh because she's probably proper pissed me off me now they've turned up at daughter crystal's home also paid for by benefits and mandy is pretty hacked off [ __ ] taking it out on me i told them straight mate look she's got to go to school an hour a day for the next three weeks right and if she don't go then they're going to put her in this huge unit mate and then ss will be involved with me i'll tell you [ __ ] my year mate like i'm a little kid getting told off because she ain't going to [ __ ] school can't believe it mate you make sure that you've phoned the school up because they're not ed they're real you take them down to the doctors you get medical proof you do this oh i went mad man [ __ ] no it's me getting told off and i don't even do nothing go to bed oh school an hour a day from friday and you'll be going after plenty of warnings now the school's getting heavy about charlie's no-shows and she's been issued with a court order telling her to turn up or else so she's got a guy in school hour a day if she don't they're going to take her to call good and then court will put in a placement thing and if she don't go into school then they put her in a secure unit boom what's that like a prison good decision i'm a bit scared like i don't want to go to a kid's job a lot till i finish school like 16 17 and i want to live at home with my mum not and go to school i would rather live at home than being in like a kid's jail so a bit scared but i am going to go you are yeah i'm going to start friday i need sort of my life i don't be on benefits when i'm older i want to go to college i want to get a job i want to have a nice house and it maze sure they went to sleep yesterday in portsmouth mum of seven sarah already has a nice house and a part-time job and tonight she's sorting out dinner with a little bit of help you're gonna help me with the potatoes as well this one i try and cook as much as i can using fresh ingredients obviously sometimes if i've worked you know i do get tired and i do cheat and we have like um chips or something you know something quick i think children should have a very diet and hopefully when they're older you know and it'll pass on to their children as well i think once i've finished peeling this last potato we can start making the cakes what do you reckon [Music] sarah gets more than 500 quid a week in benefits but with six mouths to feed she still has to be careful not too bad at budgeting and sometimes you know if i've got an extra bit of cash i'll buy buy one get one free and maybe stick one in the freezer for another day you know whatever it could be you can get a big pack of like different veg for about a pound you know that can um get two of them and that can make quite a large dinner for the family and just add like some beans a bit of meat to go with it so i can feed the kids for like you know four or five pounds easily you know they pull up from it right can you get down then please okay you know you're not allowed up there tonight it's shepherd's pie for the main course and abby and alfie are making cakes for pudding we don't know if it's the right way that he can manage he can manage he's a big boy now he's got to learn just like you did [Music] back up the south coast in hastings there's another reason for cake i think we don't cost me man for [ __ ] popsy blooms it's jack's 13th birthday but it doesn't seem to be the center of attention [Music] but me get down now [Music] oh what a [ __ ] stressful day today chris give me a [ __ ] vodka mate [ __ ] i can't wait for mine to grow up mate all the [ __ ] they give you man and birthday boy jack's more than happy to grow up just like mum wants not can you have a vodka it's jack's party but it's charlie who's center stage fresh from the truancy crisis meeting she has decided to change her ways by dyeing her hair so you're going to go to school just go in there for an hour charlie and it mate it's a [ __ ] hour that's it that's all you've got [ __ ] do you know what i mean are you done yet nearly because it stinks chris could you start wiping this [ __ ] off her face no cause she's got nails oh shut up why are you changing your a head chop like you oh did you want art and try to say ginger ah ah you want your dad to blend in with you oh don't cry oh she's not ginger no more she don't want to be ginger don't cry i tried to go back ginger another day and out the back the birthday boys not enjoying the day much either like charlie spoiled it today getting a meeting in school and telling me what cake i had so she like spoiled the dad because she told me what i had idiot say dyke say lesbian meanwhile inside aren't you pleasing yeah yeah i smacked her in the edge okay so that's too hot yeah it's burning my [ __ ] hand are you gonna burp her head could have helped me [Music] you shut up jack before i'll kick you out my house and dad jack does finally get his moment before the benefits party is over have you got a seven seat please mate i'm gonna take the kids home and then me and crystal are going to bingo for a bit of peace and [ __ ] quiet are you ready because we gotta go motherhood ain't easy sometimes it's hard especially with these lot mate i'll tell ya no you're not allowed babe you sit in the back with no near mummy look at him [ __ ] even ram into getting a taxi who's sitting there all right come on then don't let's long [Music] in hastings mum of ten mandy cowie pockets over 20 grand a year in benefits but today her broken kitchen appliances are going to be replaced by a local charity for free i've had two single beds but uh bedding and that was last year and this year i'll just be getting a washing machine and a fridge but there is people out there also like just got their new house or whatever and they've got the whole lot bedding beds cookers washing machines even down to toothpaste and the toothbrush they've gave them them first off just put it in and put it on there there you go see who needs a man not me i swim in ain't useless you know i've got this stuff for you today well i'm on benefits it does help you out a lot if you can't afford one straight off washing machines and that don't come cheap do they this is full of drums in my one are in it what's this the 5k yeah is it can't be chooses can they you get what you're given so you appreciate it shouldn't you touching it in portsmouth single benefits mum sarah bellinger doesn't want charity when it comes to kitchen kit she's buying her own tumble dryer washing machine and freezer all on hp 30 quid a week the lot although sarah knows trying to do the right thing could cost her a small fortune i'm on the main website right there's my appliance actually red becco tumble dryer the weekly payment is seven pound 97 per week oh my goodness ouch oh and this has got to be on telly is it that's disgusting the thing is you go and get these things but you don't always read how much you're paying back it's just awful isn't it [Music] the final cost for all three bits of kit will be around four and a half grand sarah could have got them for less than a third of that price if she'd had the reddies i really am shocked at the total payable because obviously you know if you're desperate for a washing machine you haven't got a spare 350 pound for just a basic washing machine and you go to places like this because obviously you can pay weekly and nine pounds isn't a lot of money to pay for a washing machine you know so obviously if you're desperate you're going to pay for it it's something that we rely on every day to use i have to have these things for the children but it's scary it really is scary you get into this situation where you know you're in so much debt i'm gonna go cry now you sit there and you wanna have a nice house for your kids and you wanna have a nice life but there's a big price to pay at the end of the day a big price i don't think i'll ever be debt free just one vicious circle [Music] things aren't looking too good in hastings either it's 8 a.m on a school day but charlie's still in bed [Music] charlie charlie charlie a week after the official warning and the threat of court action charlie's not keeping her promise to go to school get up now get up mate char now move it mate [ __ ] stay to this room charlie yes no up now i'm away no get up you got half hour ready for school move got [ __ ] school don't go back to sleep downstairs at least mandy's having a bit more success with her grandson reggie are you going to school no not near you all no no yeah you're no no yes you are no no you watch don't start there rabbit mate you're going to school end of sorry up it's the time charlie i can't eat nothing she went to school friday uh she turned up didn't go in a lesson monday she got in at 20 to 10 left at 10 tuesday done the same yesterday refused to get up you know i'm just trying to get her back into school now she's refusing to go in still she goes up to the school goes in signs him we will not go no lessons so she's taking a piss mate that's get the [ __ ] enough now i was out gon carry on talking to me like i'm punching your mouth mate because she's a [ __ ] mate yes you are no i am get the [ __ ] up mate get the [ __ ] up there is it totally in the [ __ ] please get up now no you're going to [ __ ] school stop making excuses up mate i'm not making no excuse mate you're off to school little man so you know even your five-year-old nephew who got a [ __ ] school bait do you know i mean twins do more hours than you as well i know i will you won't be saying that when you're [ __ ] in the skew unit will ya [Applause] it's a week later in portsmouth and working mum sarah who gets nearly 30 grand a year in benefits is feeling a lot happier at the end of the day what's done is done but you learn you learn by mistakes you know and i think i'm trying to improve my life every day trying to make it better my ambition is to eventually go full time with work you know progress up the ladder do my nursing degree and go back to working in hospitals you know that's my main aim in life i've always been one to have that little bit of pride i think you know and not scrounge off the benefit system you know it is there to help you you know not obviously i do rely on a certain amount of benefits you know i wouldn't be able to live without it but you know it's it's people that rely fully on it that you've got to think well you know you question why but while sarah's looking to the future charlie still hasn't changed her ways although at least some of the cowy clan are getting a proper education i didn't make no pictures you didn't make none in our pictures being a mum of ten is not without its troubles but mandy wouldn't have life any other way you know we more likely get judged because we're on this program do you know what i mean but you know what i say children next time on benefits britain we've got people sending pictures of their freezers on facebook where i've just got to look at this it really hacks me off people point the finger at large families saying you know you've got so many kids you don't lift your finger wrong [Music] you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 606,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, Only Human channel, documentary, benefits britain life on the dole, benefits britain life on the dole season 2, benefits britain life on the dole full episode, benefits britain tenants, benefits britain, skint britain friends without benefits, only human series, living off benefits uk, living off benefits, job seekers allowance uk, job seekers allowance, benefits britain life on the dole season 2 episode 10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 50sec (2750 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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