Busking for singers: Amplifier vs Acoustic test!

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this week i want to try the difference between busking with amplification or just acoustic i am very used to bus with amplification so it was a challenge for me to bask only acoustic and in this video i am going to test how much money i can make when i feel the most comfortable and how the performance is affected to test this i bust for 3 days with amplification and 3 days just acoustic and each day i try to bask for 2 hours on the first day i started with the acoustic setup i usually have a busking outfit so i like to wear that when i'm going for a busking set but it's not always the same sometimes it's just good fit that you're going for a show and actually it is not too different from wearing a nice shirt when you're going to work in an office that's just a different outfit for another kind of job it is very quick to get ready as only a few things are necessary and when i left home i thought i forgot something because i felt very light [Music] and it is really a good feeling not having too many things to bring with you and for these three days i only had the guitar and some water to drink basking with no amplification is very challenging because you need a strong voice to sing on the street if it is crowded but you know this is not really the period where there is a lot of people on the street so i wasn't too worried about it setting up for an acoustic set it's pretty simple i just had to put in place my gear case and my sign and that's all and it takes less than 30 seconds literally i just didn't know how to put my sign up so i just did this [Music] after basking for 30 minutes i realized that i was busking between two other buskers there is a basket with an amplification on the left and there is another one with amplification on the right today is really hard like for the first day busking acoustic is really hard to just use the guitar and your voice so i'm pretty tired i'm already tired but let's let's keep going so i started to sing louder but i immediately realized that i couldn't sing that loud for one hour and after the first 30 minutes i kept drinking water every one or two songs being my voice very tired because i wanted to stay at the same level of the other baskets with amplification after one more hour of busking my voice was completely tired and so i decided to stop after that i just went back home and going upstairs to my apartment it felt like a normal these three days were more or less the same with no difficulties at all to go down to the street from my apartment to find a spot to busk and to set up my equipment but my voice was very tired every time that i tried to sing louder to reach more people or to stay at the same level of other buskers with amplification not too far from me [Music] and so after a long experience basking with amplification i can say that busking acoustic is less stressful to move around but it is very tiring for your voice if you don't have a strong voice for the next three days i went busking with an amplification setup and this was totally another story first i had to be sure to charge the batteries on the previous day after that it took me at least 5 minutes to pack all the equipment on my trolley well it takes 5 minutes only when my stuff is not ready from the day before otherwise it just takes a minute to grab the guitar the water the batteries and the sign once the trolley is ready i have to go down to the street which is not an easy task because the trolley is really heavy with the amp and the rest of the equipment you have to be very careful on the steps if you're planning to bust every day with amplification you have to keep in mind all these and you have to be very passionate about what you're doing but i am having a trolley is great to bring your equipment and it doesn't take too much time to find a spot for busking but i really felt that i was going slower than the other days and it takes five minutes to set up all of your equipment and i'm always scared that it can start raining after a few moments because this happened to me many times and it would take other five minutes to pack up all the equipment again if i have to [Music] leave after the first hour i decided not to move to another spot because i didn't want to risk not to find another place available if i don't find a spot available most of the time i have to bring my stuff with me and wait until a spot is free and it's annoying when i have to wait because i can't go that far with all this stuff this time i didn't have to sing loud because i had the amp but i immediately realized that approach to sync with amplification is completely different but i will tell you more about this in a minute when i finish busking i packed my stuff in 5 minutes and i just went back home going upstairs to my apartment was not comfortable at all as the trolley with all the equipment is heavy and it is not made to be carried up on a stair after basking for two hours straight i just wanted to lay on the couch and rest you have to be very committed to bus with amplification if you want to keep doing this every single day to recap in the first three days of busking acoustic i felt very light and comfortable and it didn't bother me at all to change spot for the next hour or if i wanted to go somewhere to get some food or to the toilet it wouldn't have been a problem however i felt that i got tired faster seeing in without an amp and this is because i had to sing louder for the reasons that i said before on the next three days basking with amplification i felt like it was taking a lot more time to go for a set what bothered me the most was the fact that if i needed to go somewhere i had to bring with me all my stuff like if i needed to go to the toilet or to get some food it would have been just stressful and uncomfortable the very first day of busking with amplification i realized that my approach to seeing had to be totally different from busking just acoustic what i mean is that when i was busking acoustic i tended to sing as much loud as possible to reach more people and this was very stressful for my boys but at the same time at the end of the third day i was surprised that i found a good technique to sing loud for two hours the problem singing loud is that you can't work on the dynamics of a song a very simple example to understand this is that usually a chorus of a song is louder than the verse while the verse has more dynamics and guys i tend to sing all the song louder when i bust acoustic and so on the first day of busking with the amp i had to change the way i was singing because i knew that the amp could support the dynamics of a song with some parts louder than others with just a soft voice and also a passerby could hear me from a further distance and my voice wasn't too tired after singing for two hours oh and this is how much he made busking during these days and there you have it the difference between busking with amplification or just acoustic subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and i'll see you guys with the next video
Channel: Tito Larios
Views: 18,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: busking equipment, busking guitar, busking experience, busking acoustic, busking experiment, busking challenge, busking with amp, busking acoustic guitar, busking advice, is busking good for vocals, tito Larios, Tito, Larios, is busking good, Amplification vs Acoustic test, amplification or acoustic, busking with amplification, busking equipment for singers, affordable busking setup, busking for singers, busking singer tips, busking for singers test, busking without an amp
Id: ltNw3sO9p-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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