How To Quickly RUIN Your Busk!

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foreign [Music] how to quickly ruin your busk in other words what not to do in order to succeed in life as a musician Slasher also let me know if you notice anything different about today's video have a guess a little bit colder than I anticipated today which is a bit shocking because that kind of rides with the first point I'm going to talk about [Music] failing to plan that's the first point I'm going to talk about in this video you've got to be organized it will make your busking life a whole lot easier now planning comes into a lot of things like today checking the weather making sure it was a good temperature I should have brought jump it's important you prep your equipment make sure you're all packed the night before at least I do anyway make sure everything's charged make sure you've got all your spare batteries there's things like familiarizing yourself with the council guidelines deciding where you're going to play this week making sure that you know when the train times are or where you're going to park if you're in the car Park your planning your organization might be watching an ARP video so you can be familiar whether good spots in a place are it's been a hot minute since I was in Crawley see how it goes I think there's this romantic notion that life is a busker or musician can be really carefree and you just rock up and you know hope for the best and whilst there is an element of that going on having a plan makes life way easier then you really can be carefree because you know exactly what you're doing where you're going what the weather's going to be roughly you're going to know that all your stuff is charged you don't have to worry about just run out because you've got spares it's just going to make life way easier trust me I've been putting way too many coins in to sweeten the pot lately I think the last few times I've been busking I haven't put as many in seems to have worked it seems to be working just great but I know that I've done all I can to be prepared and organized to be here that's cool I've mitigated all the things that are within my control that could go wrong I think other than the fact that I didn't bring a jumper should have brought jump yeah yeah let me follow you let me let me write it down do you go everywhere oh I do yeah especially around here where's the where's the um have you got any hate like foreign [Music] of course planning is going to look different for everybody all different buskers depending on what instrument you play and everything but for me it's like I detail kind of where I'm gonna play throughout the week at the beginning of the week keep tabs on the weather to make sure that stays the same if the weather changes then I might change where I'm gonna go um obviously have to make time to edit these videos so I always sort of pick four days that I'm gonna busk for sure and then there might be a bonus day thrown in there depending on the weather depending on how much I've got to do for YouTube and stuff outside of busking and then there's all the usual stuff like making sure everything's charged making sure I've got all my spares this might even include like what you're gonna play your set list planning that making sure you know you're not just going to show up and not have a clue what to do you know have some songs that you've rehearsed just things like that man it's going to make your life way easier trust me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] slow start hearing Crawley but the last few times I played here it's always started slow things in Crawley always pick up about midday I've found well from like the four other times I played it good right Point number two we're going to talk about being disrespectful one way to get to ruining your bus disrespectful Behavior [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get the heart of things busking playing performing music it's an exchange of energy right like you give an energy to the passersby and unlike in a gig scenario it's involuntary for the passes by right they haven't opted to have that energy put to them so if you come up come at that with like a disrespectful or negative energy I just don't think it's gonna go well for you as the bus go so no matter what what you're feeling and how your emotions are whether people are responding whether the bus is going well whether you're getting any donations you've got to maintain that like good level of positive energy and and maintain a respect for the people that are passing by so anyone that smiles at you that gives you an acknowledgment that gives you you know just looks over you've got to put forward respect and positivity put your emotions aside it can be hard because like if if it's not going well like you can you can feel personal like if you're playing your music can feel a bit like is it me is it my music that is is making this bus not go well do people dislike it and that can feel personal and then if like someone does come over and tells you to turn it down or asks you if you could move then it can it can feel like you want to take that personally but you've got to maintain that level of respect you know it's very important like today it's very slow here in Crawley playing for nearly an hour and a half and I've probably made about four pounds let's call the game not going to be disrespectful because of that [Music] I saw like a busker and Brighton seafront the other day and a dude came over and asked him if he would turn it down and like the guy kind of took offense to it he was like why why would I do that and like I saw where he was coming from because like I said like your emotion can get rolled up but you've got to remember the like everyone is watching you and if they see you put out that kind of disrespectful energy they might sort of judge you for it and then you're kind of Tainted with that right so you just got to try and remain as compassionate as possible even if you do feel like it's a bit unfair you know [Music] sometimes you you'll have every right to be annoyed not saying that you shouldn't get annoyed you know someone steals a load of money out of your case probably get upset that's okay just try and maintain that you know good respect here in Crawley today it's going so badly I've played once through this set and I don't think I've made my train fare back yet I don't know why I've got no idea it's really busy who knows man the last few times I've been here I've done really well too so maybe it's because I'm talking to a camera [Music] [Music] good morning the third and final point we'll talk about for today we will continue this tomorrow by the way but the last point I want to mention today is given up given up too early I think this happens a lot I mean it not just in the busk itself like when you're out busting but like as a busker you know people will go out on their first few ever busks and they won't do too well and then they give up they decide they don't want to do it you've got to persist with these things anything creative anything music based YouTube it's all the same it's a story of just keep keep showing up keep showing up keep showing up and you improve a little bit every time and it gets better and better and eventually you get there [Music] as soon as I can shine [Music] of course there's the giving up as in in the bus itself like today for example it's not going very well for me at all I'm feeling a bit disheartened if I'm on it but I came here to play at least two sets so I'm gonna play through the two sets I'm not gonna give up because you never know even if it's not going well donation wise and not having a whole lot of acknowledgment you never know who's watching you never know what's going to come out of it you know for all I know I'll get a message on the way home and someone wants to book me for a show or I've made an impression on somebody's day I get a message saying you made my day or someone just comes up to me at the end I never know so it's important not to give up even if it feels like it's not going very well because it's not right now [Music] it took so long right I've got probably another hour here let's see if by not giving up things get better or just stay the same who knows as long as I make my train ticket back I think I'll be okay [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so how do you not give up my go-to thing is just to imagine I'm like playing my dream gig I can just imagine that I'm playing Wembley like the ground is a sea of people and they're all just singing the song back I just shut my eyes and just go for it thank you so much I appreciate it all right another great way to mitigate the feeling of giving up is to remember that this is also a rehearsal every time you're out busking you're rehearsing you're getting better stick in a few new songs that you might be attempting especially if it's a slow day remember that there's multiple reasons that you come basketball no I think [Music] and then you never know when it's going to turn around someone might hand you a note someone might offer you a gig someone might just come up to you and say do you know what you've made my day and that's the best feeling [Music] it's a good way to build resilience you know I think like if you play a gig and people aren't responding but you're used to it because you're a busker it makes it so much easier it's a good skill to learn it helps you out as a gigging musician for sure [Music] foreign [Music] the question you've got to ask yourself is are you quitting from the inside or are you quitting giving up on the bus because it's genuinely worth it you need to save your voice you've got a gig later on in that day I think a lot of people give up earlier than they should because they feel like they should rather than because it's actually worth giving up although this bus has been a big struggle oh well humbling it's good to be humbled every now and then [Music] where do I go home [Music] thank you incredible well that didn't go too well but it's still good I think it's good to document the bus that don't go so well if you're ever feeling like discouraged because you're not getting that many donations then know that it happens to all of us Today's total was 32 pound 59 the train ticket here was 12 pound 80. so but it's all fine it's all okay it's part of the game we will continue our conversation about how to ruin a busk or ruin your busking life it's a funny title of a video but we'll continue the conversation tomorrow where I am playing an event we're heading to London it should be a lot of fun so I'll see you then see you tomorrow for me or the next clip for you [Music] [Music] you know one thing that is so cool about my life now now that I do music full-time and I spent majority of my days busking is that no one day is the same every day is different and a result of that is time moves more slowly I I can't even recall what I was doing this day last week because it feels so long ago it means that my life is actually lasting longer or at least it feels like it is it's a cool thing we're nearly there by the way one more train to get and then we'll be at the event [Music] I need to figure out where I'm going 29 minute walk it doesn't sound too bad although this place is apparently on a hill it's all good all part of the game and whilst we're walking let's chat about Point number four never change it I think not changing or refusing to change for a busker it's it's not gonna fare you well now like change could mean so many things to to different people change could be you know changing the songs you play change could be going to different places playing in new spots not always going to the same one but change could be something deeper too [Music] this life puts you in some weird places man oh this is so funny what am I doing here good times man okay so this place is pretty Bonkers and I'll explain what's going on in a minute but I just want to finish my talk about not changing for me one thing I've really had to work on is changing my attitude towards all of this and and becoming more patient I'm the sort of person that wants to get everything done I want to do things efficiently and like have them there and with busking you can't really be like that you have to be much more in the moment and going with the flow and it took me a while to get around that mindset there's a time and a place for like Mega efficiency if you're busking you don't need to get there as early as possible like because it might not be very busy early on you're better to hold off a little later be patient and wait you might not get the spot that you were looking at getting the day might not go as you expected but you've got to learn to be okay with it even like a day like Crawley and only making 30 30 odd pounds I think there was a time in my life in this journey where I would have really freaked out but I didn't I softened I chilled because I know that better things are to come you have your low days you have your high days and that for me was a change of attitude and it's an ongoing thing you have to be doing it all the time right let's play this event this event pretty Bonkers I'll explain what's going on so this is like company a very large accounting company worldwide in the UK today they're having like a festival for all their employees and there's six different locations throughout the UK this is the London one and I'm busking at it it's Bonkers man the company that booked me are the same company that booked me for the ultra marathons I've played which I've made videos about I guess like just goes to show is who you know you get in with an events company and you suddenly get loads of bookings for events and they pay very well because they're a large corporation I've got to play three sets are starting from 3 P.M and then I finish at 6 p.m so it's basically one on the hour every hour for 45 minutes and then I get 15 minute break easy work getting it yeah yeah that's fine yeah cool [Music] [Music] hero the only ones where it goes but it's only me and I'll walk alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Walk Alone oh hi hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's so much fun thank you I mean I hate to step on people's mic but thank you so much like one of the joys of doing like streets get people out yeah yeah and each by the way it's nice to meet you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the evening is approaching it's really cool Vibes I've had a few donations as well which is cool a few cards out I guess I should probably talk about my fifth and final point about ruining your busking life what a title that's a really hilarious title for a video but we're rolling with it the fifth and final point it's losing faith losing faith in it all [Music] [Applause] [Music] something I like to do like I went out to America for it and then I ended up at Classic Cinema so I'd always do like open mind notices [Music] so many rad people there's rad people all over the world think one huge thing that you cannot do as a musician Busker YouTube Creator whatever your Endeavor is is loose faith in it I'm in a a field right now full of people who work in accounting I wonder how many of them lost faith in their dream and gave up kind of wish they had because that's why I make these videos because I nearly did that once I nearly gave up on all this and nearly lost faith and that is the only way you fail if you want to climb the mountain just walk towards the peak as long as you're walking you're making progress It's if you decide to turn around and go back that it won't work out let's pack up and go back to Brighton [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know [Music] you know I don't know about my fellow buskers but this lifestyle just being a musician in general it's maybe more in tune with my intuition Then I then so many other things that I've tried in my life whether that's like just the intuition of what songs are played during a busk and then and then you follow that interest and you play that song and it pops or whether that's a sort of gut feeling of what spot to play that day and you play that spot and it pops or it doesn't but you learn like a valuable lesson through it I feel like those things happen more and more the more I lean into my intuition the more I lean into my calling I guess and in the context of losing faith what I mean is is the journey to to what you really want in life what you're feeling cool to do the grass can seem greener on the other side because it is so much worse so you just lose faith and you give up and one of the reasons I'm documenting my journey as a musician so I want to prove that this is possible you don't need to lose Faith oh by the way did you notice that this whole video has been filmed on a different camera you might have done because there's been a few shots that went completely out of focus still learning let's get to the station [Music] well there you go I cannot begin to express how grateful I am for this life but it takes faith in yourself in the magic of music and in the power of it too and that's what you've got to hold on to in those moments of doubt I'm saying that for me as much as I'm saying it for you I hope you found value in today's video I love that these videos have become a place where fellow buskers and fellow musicians share their insights and their stories and you know although we might come from different approaches all of us kind of ultimately want and do the same thing and that's you know more than I could ever ask for it's so cool so if you did like the video drop a like if you want to be part of this rad Community then hit the Subscribe button remember that I do have a patreon page if you want to show your support or you can drop a super thanks if you're a true fan then put the notifications on and let me know if you liked the new camera I will see you in the next video they come out every Monday August radio project signing out peace love happiness [Music] [Music]
Channel: August Radio Project
Views: 6,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: busking tips, how to busk, street music, street musician, street musicians, street performer, street performance, is busking legal, is busking illegal, is busking a job, how much do buskers make, is busking good money, busking in the UK, is busking a good job, full time busking, full time busker, busking problems, busking equipment, musician problems, musicians advice, full time musician, how NOT to busk, rude buskers, samson expedition explor, michael kelly guitars
Id: tK3kZN_nIcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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