Busking: BASIC TIPS for a NEW busker!

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what's up guys today I'm having a hiking in the week LaMontagne's three hours from Galway but anyway the video of today is a video that I made last weekend about busking in Dublin how much can be different if you start with a big coins in your guitar case rather than small coins like if you start with one euro or two euro coins rather than one cent or five cents coin so this is the video and I'll see you guys later today I woke up at 6:30 in the morning there will be basking in in Dublin here I want to make a kind of experiment like start busking I think that if you start with different different coins like if you start with coins of one euro of two euros instead of coins of five cents or two cents I think you make maybe more money right I only check it out now we start busking at 11:00 the weather is not that good but it should not be raining today because I checked the weather online [Music] okay these are the batteries that I usually buy it fagor because they're the cheapest like two packs of batteries is just 2 euros the Duracell batteries are too expensive so I just buy this this ones [Music] okay then I need this stuff so it is almost 11:00 so I will start basking in five minutes what I want to try is to start with in the indicator case to put like one euro or two euros or 50 cent coins because they think if you start with those coins you will get more money but today's it's not that busy really so there is not a lot of people so we will see how it is today we wait five minutes and I just put the new batteries in the app this is the updater that I use is the cube straight x is a good ampere this is the microphone plug this is the guitar plug these are all of your settings and I use the cube at the normal set you can use in the Ecole Normale and monks are usually you can use max your end is plugged in with the batteries usually I use normal because they last more and if I put max with the batteries it doesn't work it just doesn't work so it's it's okay with the normal set and yeah you can get ready and now we start busking see you later [Music] [Laughter] turning point for sack in the road time Raja father as a rat you are too [Music] so I just finished the third set of busking today I started at 11 I played for one hour now I am waiting today in that spot at 2 so I have to 2 hours waiting so I think I'm going for for lunch now I'm waiting for two hours so I started the busking session with bitcoins like with points of 50 Cent's and 1 euro 2 euros coins and I think I made in the first set I just played for one hour and I made like 20 euros it's not that bad so I think it's working but now it's sunny so there is a lot of people now so it might be better anyway this is Amy I was playing there [Music] I'm gonna get a role in dance tour because I found out that you can have a role a huge row or 2.95 euros so it's it's super good I have to pee I have to go I'm a bit late I have to play it busking in 15 minutes but I have to go to the toilet first and to set up everything [Music] I'm late after these guys [Music] tell me something [Applause] do you need something searching so guys this was the video well I didn't finish the video that day because then I had to play after band I didn't turn off the camera this is why I didn't make the video today was good I think I made around 45 50 euros in that in that day maybe I can tell you some tips how to bus what you really need when you bask in the street for someone else can be different but this is what I learn bus in on the street for like since November so has been for almost 7 7 months so this is what I learned first thing be ready with batteries you always need to have your batteries in your amp to play to play the guitar you don't want to stay with the amp that you're playing on the street and oh it's not working you have to be really always with the batteries another thing that I learned if you want people to listen to your music you have to make a sign with your name your social networks contacts a big sign there is a big list as your guitar case the other thing is when you sing with the microphone and your amp you can be a good musician a good singer if the people can't listen to you it's not worth it to sing well or to go on the street so you have to sing with your microphone close to your mouth you almost have to touch the microphone with your lips this way you can be heard by the people and also you won't have to use that much volume on the end and also if you do this you will save some batteries another fee that I learn if you want to make some money this works for me so maybe for some some other buskers is different like if you want to make some money you should start with the big coins like when euro for 2 euros points the people will see that in your guitar case you have like 1 euro 2 euros coins so people mostly tourists may think that to this guy I have to give one euro two euros and not like five cents or one sensor so this is another tip that I learned that is working actually it is working what else to be respectful with the other musicians if you are a new busker is to introduce yourself to the other musicians because we were playing for a long time for you you're playing in a spot be sure that you are not playing close to another busker if you are using and you play list of 100 meters in that basket and that musician this way you can play both in a way that he or she can't hear you or you can hear him while you're playing so be respectful with the others Buster's a musician this is another really important another paper and I think that it is the me this is the most important when you bask on the street just have fun because this is the way where you can engage with the people the most you have fun on the street the most you smile the most you connect with your eyes with the people with the kids on the street the most that you do this the most of the people will engage with you this means the more people will listen to your music maybe more people will give you tips and at the end of the day it would be like yes I made something that was good for me and was good for someone else yeah this is I think the most important tip that is not a tip it's just how you should bask you are the musician you're a good singer whatever but if you don't have fun on the street while you're playing it is not worth it it's not just for the money it is also to make someone else day a better day like when I when I was living in Florence and I listen to the bass players in the street I really enjoy that they were playing and I stopped by for a minute maybe to mean it may be five minutes but I always was like oh wow I would like to make what they're doing for the people and now I am doing this I really like to stay on the street play feel free to sing my songs and be part of something that be part of something that people can appreciate on on their trip or on the holiday or just on their walk back it's let's eat guys yes that's what I want to tell you after this video so now I am on the weekly mountains I still have like [Music] it should be good weather I hope so I really hope so and that's it guys I'll see you with the next video [Music]
Channel: Tito Larios
Views: 69,176
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Keywords: basic tips for a new busker, basic tips for busking, basic tips for new buskers, buskers of grafton street, busking basic tips, busking guide, busking key tips, busking tips for beginners, fundamental tips for buskers, grafton street performers, how to busk for the first time, how to earn money busking, tips for new buskers, how to busk, busking tips, busking, busker, tips for buskers, tips for street performers, busking setup, busking gear, tips for busking
Id: 6blCGb0LtEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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