Burns Nursing Overview | Rule of Nines, Types, Causes, Care

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[Music] our next topic is Burns Burns are injuries caus by direct tissue damage from exposure to either the sun chemicals thermal like boiling liquids and even electricity now as you know the skin is made of three layers the epidermis the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue that fatty bubbly looking tissue now after the layers of skin we find fascia muscle and then bone so in first degree or superficial Burns we have damage to the epidermis the top layer so we see dry with blanchable redness meaning that when you press on the wound the redness goes away now second degree burns called partial thickness Burns we have both the epidermis and dermis that are damaged so the key sign to know is painful blisters huge enlex tip so write down these key words here red moist and shin tiny fluid filled vesicles or basically blisters that often leak fluid so just think two layers of skin for two degree burns or second degree burns now third degree burns are full thickness Burns we have three layers of skin destruction the epidermis the dermis and possible subcutaneous tissue described as key terms dry waxy white leathery or even charred black color that is not non blanchable skin big key terms for exams now fourth degree also a full thickness burn these are the worst Burns by far as they go through all the layers of skin down to the muscles and even the bones a unique sign is the lack of pain since the destruction of nerve endings from all the burn charred areas even though they may look similar to third degree burns these are far worse since they're far deeper now for minor burns like the first and second degreee Burns these do not typically need hospitalization and can be treated outpatient with wound care and dressing changes whereas major Burns like third degree and fourth degree these are deadly medical emergencies requiring intensive care which we'll cover in a moment so first care for minor burns say a client is cooking and then Burns themselves or say they spill a Boiling Pot of water on an extremity so we always always teach the three c's for prehosp care cool water cover the area and clothing removal so for prehospital care C for Cool Water key terms is briefly soak the area and no ice no creams and definitely no antibiotic ointment to open skin the key term there is open Skin So this can lead to additional damage and the creams lotions and antibiotics prodcts May interfere with the assessment from the healthcare provider now the second C is cover the area with key term clean dry cloth so write that down this is done to prevent infection and more damage in the prehospital setting and the last C is clothing and jewelry removal near the burn if not adhering to the burn skin only the hcp should remove anything adhering to the burned skin so please be sure to write that down now Saunders mentions the nurse instructs firefighters that in the event of a tar bur which is the immediate action cooling the injury with water yes that was our first C there and the second question for a chemical burn injury the nurse instructs the employees that which is the first consideration in Immediate Care removing all clothing gloves and shoes and any undergarments just strip down like you're going skinny dipping now for Kaplan that thanks for watching for our full video and new quiz Bank click right up here to access your free trial and please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel last but not least a big thanks to our team of experts helping us make these great videos all right guys see you next time [Music]
Channel: Simple Nursing
Views: 310,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: burns, burninjury, skinburns, ruleofnines
Id: Dt1oncnrkp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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