Burmese Street Food in Chiang Mai - 9 Menu Item Challenge to Finish this Amazing Food from Myanmar!

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[Music] good morning to all my friends i am stoked for today's video great to have you here we are in chiang mai it's in the north of thailand it's where i live and one of my favorite things about chiang mai is the fact that you can have all the thai food northern lao northern myanmar which is what we are going to have right now some burmese food some shan food specifically i cannot wait i am really really hungry really excited we're going to order a ton of burmese food going to share all that with you right now let's get to the restaurant thanks for hanging out [Music] okay so right here is a main road of chiang mai specifically the tourist area the fun streets to walk around and this is called right here you can see from all the languages all of the people who come hopefully even to learn about burmese food for the first time at this restaurant i love it i love hanging out with them yeah let's let's meet them first foreign [Music] foreign so walking up to the front because they kind of have to be ready for people of so many different nationalities to come to the shop you can see in the front they have actually so many menus it might be a little confusing so i'm gonna just tell you the burmese salads are what you want here okay uh they have a pork curry they have whoa [Music] oh yes that is the one we want that that is one of my favorites the eggplant the burmese style eggplant is top for flavor right there oh okay so they are very shy one reason why i have not made a video of this yet is because they are my friends i've been here i can't even count how many times i've been here but they're very shy so i feel kind of funny making a video but because this is the first day back when we can sit at restaurants i really want to help them out and just get a video out onto the you know onto the youtube scene of chiang mai and really just assure people the the deliciousness that is waiting for them at this restaurant so again thank you for watching this video today get ready for some serious amounts of burmese food right now okay the burmese hand mix salad how can i possibly in just two minutes relate to you why this specific dish has such a special place in my heart the most budget-friendly but also the most fun dish because of the situation you usually find these okay first of all imagine a wonderful motherly lady carrying on a bamboo stick which supports two hanging baskets you have to know what she is selling so all the proportions are are small and very street friendly she will probably be carrying some stools and you can just have a seat next to her and it's so fun to watch as the person makes the food like you are watching right now i remember the price usually was three or even four plates of these for one dollar and you can have mixtures like tofu you can have the broad bean salad you can of course have the pickled tea leaf salad as anthony bourdain has said i remember a beautiful quote about burmese food he says a delightful and underrated cuisine burmese food is a study in contrast so you can take it from the man himself last but not least watching something being prepared right in front of you seeing you know the the smiles of the vendors seeing the love poured into the dish and then getting to eat it immediately after of course that builds up even more appetite and just that excitement anytime i get to go on a trip it's those feelings that i take home and that is one reason why i always miss these burmese hand mixed salads we're gonna go eat them right now i also love how they serve it they just they fly through these dishes and then they put them all on one tray and then it's just like unloading the flavor to the table you order all the dishes with white rice which is also classic burmese style all over myanmar and thailand the white rice is the staple of all the meals thank you it is such a place of happiness for me there's the five mixed salads sometimes they have six or seven mixed salads i just order one of each every time so i enjoy also trying to remember the names of the dish thank you i have not ordered this one here before actually and the soup that that's another key they need to there's like no more introductions that i can give this this this is gonna speak for itself start with just because this is the one in front of you the young tamarind leaves always fresh you've got tomatoes you've got peanuts you've got sesame oil and vegetable oil and they smell wonderful they smell very nutty actually the tamarind shoots it's not the peanuts that i'm smelling it is the tamarind shoots when you just get that flavor that you're missing but also just knowing in your heart how healthy it is and knowing the people who made it for me that's well i guess that's a good description of why this is one of my favorite restaurants it is sour but it's rich too for being a salad it's so deep and so thick with flavor the tamarind leaves they are so awesome they're like almost like spinach with how how meaty they are without even needing any meat so this one is based on tomatoes you'll see there are few dishes that don't contain tomatoes and that's why burmese has that just memorable richness to your tongue because tomatoes are one of the highest sources of lycopene where msg where that umami flavor comes from tomatoes are one of the highest sources of that of natural sources so all of these foods have tomatoes and therefore all of them are high on that umami flavor factor just beginning to ripen so there is some sweetness in the tomatoes but also very sour and the combo of fresh cilantro and tomatoes that's like a a worldwide partnership of flavor right there it works very well for that salad next up the asian pennywort salad in thai this is and if you remember last week we had a drink that was made with this oh yeah the rice you can already tell just one bite of each of these dishes i'm already going to finish the whole first plate of rice so it also has meat in it it also has cilantro in it of course like i said tomatoes it also has pounded peanuts but the majority is the bible asian penny garden so different not spicy very salty a little bitter wow um it almost tastes like a very thick celery it's a very interesting flavor i love the nice warm bitterness it's also a little sour it is a leaf and then you have just extreme amounts of crunch because the whole the whole leaf the whole stem is in there and the cilantro as well mint tooth so that's where the smell wow you can hear there are airplanes landing again that's also good news sorry for the noise but that's good news that the airport is active again if there's any dish on the table that you're going to immediately order again a second round as soon as you take your first bite of the first one it is this la pe la pet is the pickled tea leaves this salad this is the national food of myanmar so it has deep fried raw beets and fresh it has pickled garlic and fresh it has fresh chilies it has pickled tea leaves so it has like a it has like a fermentation umami factor it has texture beyond your wildest dreams it's like a it's like a single meal in just one salad is yeah okay first bite that is happiness in a single recipe it's one of the dishes that i know that hits every single flavor it's it's almost like the lao somta in that it is maximal in every flavor category that your tongue can experience spicy umami also smooth because the tomatoes are fresh right so it's it's juicy it's crunchy it also mushes because you have fresh beans and uh deep fried beans it crunches there's also the mong dal i forgot it has the deep fried split lentils in there as well it is such a dish even when you're finished with the meal you order another one to take home to then have as a snack later it's just addictive from the from the first bite you don't even need rice for that you can use the garnish that they put on the side and just dip like this it has been way too long now you know what just to finish off the salads this is the fifth and final salad for today you can see the redness comes from the chili jam right there's also deep fried shallots and fresh red onions this is made first with sour mangoes those are hand shredded they take a young mango this one is like a sour variety they hand shred it right then they throw it in the bowl they add in the oil they add in the shallots and i think actually something different this one has dried shrimp in it too oh yes you can you can definitely smell the seafoody the dried shrimp oh man if you didn't know what this was it might be pretty hard to nail down what what actually is the base of all that flavor [Music] it's the sour mango but you might almost think it's like a fruit dressing or a fruit sauce on spaghetti it has that same texture like uh like a cool salad with spaghetti noodles in it oh wow yeah the shrimp mixed with the red onions it leaves quite a breath that is yet another amazing dish [Music] time for a soup oh okay i should not even have asked what dish you are reaching for first it's a meatball tomato leaf or joe and one of those friend adam love [Music] i have two countries foreign three myanmar india thailand three countries three me always what do you think about it where's the sour flavor the leaves themselves are sour they're tamarind but [Music] leaf this is the fish i won't touch i'm not touched that's buy it for me fresh tomatoes are not her favorite especially whole tomatoes every time comes here this is the one if you order another today i know they just open a baby snack and then put a baby snack in [Music] that's why i like it [Music] this is in burmese language you might call this dal it's a you can see it's a very soupy dal but definitely carried down from the traditions of india there you can see if i kind of get off some of the liquid there you can see the the mong dal the split lentils right the yellow lentils uh and there's some winter winter gourd in there too this would be one of the the staple like the lunchtime combos in myanmar to have white rice with a dal soup like this and then maybe like a beef curry so you can see just a tiny bit of oil and a ton of the lentils ah that's a winter gourd over there then you see some green onions some cilantro a little bit of chilies but this is not uh you know the depth of flavor in thai food like from the chilies and the sourness this this is all about the the oil the richness and the tomatoes the umami factor is what's the key to burmese food [Music] of all the things i love about this food also whether you are vegetarian or not it would take you several bites of food to even even realize that none of this has me it the flavor profile is so full and also so complex with dishes like this you definitely do not even need to to think oh there's no meat in this dishes you don't even miss it yeah so we got nine nine things and actually only one of them has me but i'm so happy okay and now for the aha means food but that's a thai word but yeah so this is a thai dish eggs fried with broccoli astrid you just put some some chilies just simple high heat fresh vegetables gotta get those chilis gotta get those eggs again have it with white rice and you can actually crunch on the chilies i love that feeling and i love how the spice builds like immediately from that point that's so good it's so simple so perfect i love that burmese also eat so much dog it's awesome daal is like a comfort food for who knows maybe like 20 of the entire planet earth yeah finally time for the meat dish yeah you see it's in a curry kind of a soupy curry right there yep it is beef just probably beef beef shank maybe from the cut oh yeah warm just satisfying super soft beef wow the last dish is probably the most spicy it has obviously the young bamboo but it's been pickled so it's sour bamboo shoots then the basil you've got tomatoes you've got a curry paste in this one so this is a this is a thai food but burmese eat a lot of pickled bamboo but this is this is prepared like a thai dish you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna just anoint it with two different colors of chilies picking them out if it's already spicy why not go for a real sweat so two holds two whole chilis or three oh there's another one yep so three whole chilis give it a chili cheers to this gorgeous meal at burmese food today non bees library non bees burmese it is wonderful to see you thanks for taking care of us today [Music] so sour so fibrous wonderfully crunchy the bamboo the basil smells really nice and the chilis smell really nice too the red the oil carries so much flavor from the red chilies yeah another just warm meaty dish even without any meat in it that's so good oh wow that is really spicy [Music] mango mango we had the juice of it it was the green juice that we had in the picnic a few days ago remember we have the purple red and then the green that's what that is i like it you didn't like the juice so much and now your face is the same face but there's a lot of like peanut in it too right it's like a nutty flavor right don't you think that leaves powder all over the place because it's so healthy but you're right it's it is a strong flavor this restaurant is your healthy tasty with restaurant [Music] you're enjoying it so i know you're eating healthy [Music] people [Music] it is impossible to compare as far as favorite picking a favorite button all the times that i've brought people here my parents my friends people of all ages and even all cultures a group of friends from pakistan i brought them here they had never had burmese food and they loved it it was like just close enough to pakistan with for example that beef curry and then the dal but also just new enough with all these fresh salads they loved it anyways what i'm trying to say is this is one of the more underrated foods that you could ever want to want to experience this restaurant's amazing okay so again they're so friendly and to teach you some just a few more phrases in myanmar to say thank you for the delicious food you say [Music] is like good or very good and then tamang is food i think salu is like delicious this road's too busy gotta go back [Music] the dolls you have to have the dal and the tea leaf salad with every meal and then uh how many plates of rice with how many extra options is up to you and your hunger level you can see that we were hungry today this is nine dishes and give a toast to a wonderful meal of burmese food of sham cuisine of thai cuisine all which are very much a part of chiang mai's history what a cool place what a great food city but just a beautiful place to be let's get the build and well again thank you for joining us for today this is a special restaurant for me for sure [Music] okay see you next time
Channel: Joel Bruner
Views: 115,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lahpet thoke, lah pet toke, lah pet thoke, majee thoke, majee ye thoke
Id: zFfkW1JMFrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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