Bullets hitting steel in slow motion - Challenge Targets

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[Music] hey guys welcome back so today we're out the range doing some upgrades yes it's springtime and every spring we like to clean up the range reorganize it and our friends at challenge target will come out and bring out some new products for us to play with one of those new products is this play track here behind me this is something we desperately needed here on the Mac range I love shooting play tracks we'll talk about it plus some other products that they brought out some affordable products and some kind of expensive products like this but if you have a permanent range you'll definitely be interested in a play track system possibly but also we had the guys from Kessler out and they brought out a professional-grade high speed slow-motion camera to capture bullets impacting steel plates a lot of discussion goes on out there on the internet about what actually happens when a bullet impacts a steel plate and how close is too close and if it's safe or not so we're going to kind of touch upon some of that in this video with some evidence from a slow-motion camera to show you guys exactly what happens when that bullet contacts steel so let's get everything all set up and start filming this afternoon's video because I'm really excited to show you some of these products and I'm also excited for you guys to check out this slow motion video because it is incredible let's get going [Music] alright guys I'm going to try something new today these are called sport ears these are not electronic devices they're mechanical but you put them in your ear like an ear plug and normal conversational tones or noises are reduced by 5 DB or 5 decibels when an impact noise occurs they immediately shut a little valve in there mechanically I don't know how it works but it's supposed to provide 33 decibels of noise reduction so I'm kind of curious how these are going to work this afternoon because they're not electronic and I don't know what to expect so yes I do have yours on today you might not be able to see them because they're black but this is my first range session with these sport ears I'm kind of curious how well they perform this is the new challenge target plate rack system plate racks are an incredible amount of fun because it really teaches you speed and accuracy this plate rack is a little bit different than other plate racks I've used in the past now this is rated up to five five six which you can also use you know five four five by thirty nine or even seven sixty by thirty nine just not 308 and the reason you don't wanna use 308 is because the pins that hold this AR 500 steel in place really get beat up by 308 but if you get back to a hundred yards or so you can use this plate rack with your rifles which makes it pretty cool another thing that's really interesting well first of all let's just talk about some of the basic functionality of the plate system so here's one of steel plates the plate when you hit it obviously falls rearward we have a nut right here that we can turn in and out to adjust just how much lean forward these plates have so you can calibrate them to different calibers the heavier the caliber let the plate lean a little bit further that way it requires more energy to knock the plate over you can quickly and easily take the plates apart simply by pulling out little pull pins I'm not going to take the system apart right now I want to leave it set up so we can do some shooting this afternoon now each one these plates is also rotatable so right now we have the plate rack facing the shooting line this way if I pull this one big pin out in the back and rotate it to a 45 degree angle now I can shoot at the plate rack from a 45 degree angle I can go one step further and rotate it a full 90 degrees and now I can set the plate rack up where I knock them down this way all right so that's kind of cool our range doesn't allow for 360 shooting so we're going to set it up and only shoot it this way today because we have houses on both sides of us here we just have a big berm behind us and so we're going to set it up for the safest way to shoot it this afternoon so these little plates are 500 sorry a are 500 and you have six plates and once the plates are knocked over you have the reset arm and there's a little cable that runs back to the shooting line when you pull this cable and pull it and so bar comes up and resets the targets then the weight of the reset system will want to pull itself down just gently ease it down if you don't have the plates properly calibrated if you drop the bar you may knock one of the plates over and that's common with all plate rack systems so just go ahead and reset the plates and then just ease it down so it doesn't bang you won't reset interview or knock over any of your targets so the plate rack that we see here sells for fourteen hundred ninety five dollars it weighs about 300 pounds so I don't even know what shipping would be but it comes with everything you see here including this handy dandy little challenge target banner ships with each one of them saw your friends know your cool guy in town because using challenged targets [Music] this is another one of the new products from challenge targets that I'm really excited about you'll see me shooting Texas stars when I go out to Young's long shot which is about an hour and a half from here that's our long range but every chance I get I love to go over and use their Texas star because it's just kind of fun it gives you a moving target to shoot at and teaches you leading targets this is the challenge target shooting star and it looks pretty conventional but it does have some differences from other products on the market alright so first of all it has two weather sealed bearings inside this will stand back here the whole target is armor-plated so this is all AR AR 500 armor you can see where we've shot this purposely both with nine millimeter and forty five and you see it's just scratching the pipe there's no divots or anything like that and these are AR 500 steel plates as well and these pop off when you hit them now it is just a pistol target you don't want to shoot any part of the mechanism down here especially with a rifle at a hundred yards you could probably shoot at these if you're really sure of what you're doing but if you're going to accidentally hit this hub system it's not made of armor plating you don't want to hit it so we're just going to use it as a pistol target let's take a look on the backside of the target so this is how the plates work when a bullet hits the plate it pops out against this spring and just falls away okay when that happens you'll see that now the wheels free to move each time you knock off one of these little steel plates it changes the balance of the system and makes the wheel want to spend more you can also make things a little bit harder for yourself before you start shooting just start the target spinning and go back and you can see that the bearing system is pretty slick it'll let that thing spin for quite some time you see the bearing working here now this is another important part you notice that this bearing is exposed it's because each side of this housing has the same weather sealed bearings in it this is their first product come to market with a Texas star but they have plans for this basic mechanism that will increase the fun factor let's say you'll be able to take another star wheel and put it on back here so you'll have two stars going instead of just one so you have multiple plates to shoot at another thing that they're working on is and using this as a base is just swinging targets and counterweighted targets they have a lot of plans for this unit but this is the current star system and I'm pretty darn happy with just having a Texas start out here to shoot these things can be quite challenging now we're going to give the Texas star try Jason went down range and spun the darn thing so I've never shot at one that was spinning that fast before let's see if I can lead this target properly Wow they get going fast I got really lucky there that it miss one let's run downrange and reset the target and make the weapon safe take the round out of the chamber lay it down here so the muzzle is not pointing towards this and let's go down here and reset the target so to reset it you just pick up your steel plate mm sorry I'm getting over a cold guys grab this little hook in the spring pull it back set the target and it's recessed notch there and that's one pleat down so it's fairly simple to reset the target [Music] and one more [Music] and that's all there is to it three set the target so I'm going to do two Jason what he did to me all right I have never ever ever shot one of these targets before so this is going to be a challenge for me yeah that thing's going fast all right a lot of fun one thing guys that you'll always want to remember when shooting steel plates I don't care how far away from as you are is to wear eye protection when we're shooting these steel plates at seven to ten yards you will feel bullet fragments coming back at you and that bullet hits a steel plate we can see in slow-motion video that spotting goes out and unpredictable course away from that steel plate it also has a lot to do with how much that steel plate has been too faced in the front how many divots it has in it how those how those spalling pieces will come back towards the shooter and sometimes they do and it also has to do with how far the target leans forward versus being perfectly flush or straight up and down to the shooter to play it safe always wear eye protection because even this afternoon I'm feeling bullet fragments hit me it's probably from the fragments hitting the plate going up and then just falling back down they don't hurt but you definitely don't want anything to get into your eyes so again shoot steel put eyes on so I realize and challenge target realizes that not everybody has $1,495 you spend on a 300-pound plate rack system that plate rack system once you get set up you're not going to want to tear it down every weekend and take it home you're going to want to put it in some place that's semi-permanent well challenge targets came up with a cool concept it's called the do-it-yourself plate rack system and that's what we have here for $199 you'll get the plates that you see here everything that you see that's metal comes to that hundred $99 kit what you're going to have to do to get this up and running is run to your local hardware store and pick up a 4x4 and at least four cinder blocks you can stack it up maybe six cinder blocks high three on each side if you would like I wouldn't get it too high because then you might have to worry about knocking it over but the way we have it set up right here is really really rigid and it can easily handle handgun calibers now you can set these plates up to do two different types of things you can use them with the spring that's that comes supplied in the kit and when you hit the wait it resets itself you don't have to go back downrange and reset your targets another way that you can set it up is simply take the spring out that comes in the kit and when you hit the target it just stays down which will require you to go downrange and reset the target because it doesn't have a pull system pull rope system and reset system like the $1400 plate rack does so this one can be easily torn down stuck in something as small as a jeep and easily portable you can set it up in just a few minutes and you can go to your buddy's house or wherever and I'm probably going to wind up using this quite a bit simply because I can fit it in my Jeep and it's not ridiculously heavy you guys may not know this about me but I actually competed in Cowboy Action Shooting back in the 1990's I always wanted to get a model 1887 shotgun Winchester but never wanted to spring for an original well for 319 bucks J&G Sales has these chinese-made shotguns that are pretty much a 100% facsimile of the original 1887 which means it's affordable for you to shoot and play gun games with like Cowboy Action Shooting it loads through the top like this it's like a big old piece of artillery so you got one in there too three or fourth one in there I'm just going to stick a fifth one in the pipe close it up now if you guys are fan of the Terminator movies you'll recognize their shotgun Arnold used it in one of those movies all right here we go this is our do-it-yourself $199 plate rack wow that's a long throw on that lever that's actually pretty fun not to play around this some more at the NRA show this year I noticed a new target from challenged targets that really caught my eye it seems like it was a popular seller at the show as well and it's their new hostage target now this is nothing new it's been done before but other targets that I've seen and used have the bad guy target have the hinge mechanism welded or bolted to the back of the good guy target or the no shoot target so when you hit that target for something like a 308 just the energy of that target being hit will spin the bad guy target around so challenge target took that concept and evolved it so that that won't happen so you'll notice that the two targets set independently of each other on two separate stands so no matter how hard you hit the no shoot target it will not cause the bad guy target to flip it has an added bonus of these two targets when a bullet hits them will kind of vibrate in opposite directions making that second shot even more difficult now if you don't want that to happen if you want them to stay rigid and you don't want two moving independently of each other you can take this little bar right here which has two bolts holding it in place and move it up to here where you have two more holes cut and this target frame and it'll pinch these together so now when they do move they'll move together after an impact so it's user configurable it's also very easy to take this target down for port up for easy portability I should say and easy setup 369 bucks not a bad price for target like this [Music] well guys it's time to wrap things up this afternoon head back to the house but I hope you enjoyed coming out and checking out the Mack range with some of the new toys that we have courtesy of challenge targets if you would like to purchase some of your own challenge targets I'll put a discount code down below in the description you guys can swing by and pick up some targets at a discounted rate I do not receive any kickbacks for those sales that's just simply a gift to you for me and my friends over a challenge target also if you'd like to support the military arms channel given all the craziness we're having right now with YouTube the best way to do that is swing by and check out our patreon page become a subscriber and we give you all sorts of perks we give some outstanding deals on products we sell stuff at rock-bottom prices just to our patreon members and all sorts of fun stuff some behind-the-scenes stuff gets posted and some private videos as well if you haven't already also please check out copper custom it's another way to support us here at the military arms channel it's copper custom comm which is our online store and of course check out full 30 com that's full30 comm we've taken all the web's best firearms content creators and brought under one roof and that is full30 comm thanks for watching guys thanks for all those years of support we'll talk to you guys soon Oh trying to walk and shoot not real good thanks for watching guys
Channel: Military Arms Channel
Views: 237,804
Rating: 4.8035526 out of 5
Keywords: military, police, rifle, pistol, camping, fishing, xbox one, ps4, playstation, call of duty, battlefield 4, ghost recon, how to, hickok45, funker530, iraqveteran8888, jeep, chrysler, dodge, mopar, ar15, training, hiking, action movie, hollywood, outdoor, movies, video game, recreation, holiday, entertainment, challenge target, steel targets, safety, safe steel target, shooting steel, shoot steel, reactive target, plate rack, texas star
Id: 6Ob2PIU4RzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2017
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