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what's up everybody look we're out here again I got a few trinkets I picked up in the Jeep today while I was doing packages I'm going to pick up some Treasures today maybe is this an Al miniums [Music] appears to be an aluminum grill with like aluminum we pick up aluminum ones [Music] got a stacking good today [Music] maybe these are aluminum too all right I got one pole that one's got concrete it can [Music] stay we're on the board I did not go out last night the cards just were not in my favor to go but we got to get to know what we get to go tonight is what I'm trying say let's go find some more stuff there some big old bed rails thick boys we'll stand them up straight here in a minute or crooked whichever we got a chair a dog cage it looks to be in halfway decent shape and there's a a microwave oh look it comes with barbecue girls come with their own little vertical stand [Music] there we go that might work a little bit scrap so far they got cords vacuum cleaner got cord yeah oh that ain't going to stand up there is it I just want your cord man it's a shark probably worth millions the TBS I w't cut I don't know what this thing is but it looks kind of chunky oh actually it's not chunky at all let's see if this is coaxil oh that's what their stuff there the city's doing some work think they might get mad mad if I do that like fiber optic or something all right let's go get this there's a Salem fan down here let's go get it we must break blades [Music] [Music] what oh should have just left yall on there might be some Treasures here looks like Treasures to me oh that thing's broke treasure treasure sellable good Booth fod right there all right yes ma'am we'll have a couple of things tonight later got them out I don't know if Beal or wood okay all right thank you you have a good one what all this is is that a the battery's got been got out of it though it's got a chunk of Rox on it cut that thing off [Music] now half the work's done for me battery's been got I like it I don't know what's in those bags I see all kinds of stuff probably give the scrap and mallet man kick good you any Treasures in here I'm not going to bust them open but okay land I have where gu live yeah trashed it up yeah i' say you be stretching for I'm not I don't I have I don't bust open bags cuz I don't want that but I always give it the kick you know just to yeah these are 10 can or some mason jars I hope I hope nobody makes a mess but have you too sir something me as well I better fix that chair let just do it back there real quick I think this has been cord has been got no it ain't oh dude look at here oh those are some Treasures what size of them Crocs oh yeah Daddy got him a pair of Crocs [Music] we got room for one don't we that's the only one I'm going to take for the N how about this seater or lawn spreader or whatever it's shreddable I say it is all right see something out so's that all right let's do some rearranging roax off that wire it's the best tying down stuff you can find are these are these aluminums no wonder if they're stackable ow they're lot which isn't a good thing right now is it but you know what I've got the little truck by stand on standby I aired its tires up today so we got that going for us maybe we can be more picky when we come to that those aren't bad need some new cushions oh we got some Smalls I'm going to go out on a tree on a tree limb or a branch and say that probably works but not that I want it I do want the DVD player so C scrapable we're going to have to already do some rearranging with those darn chairs whatever oh and I got scrap metal dropped off at my scrap Shack today from a nice couple in L rock thank y'all I showed up about 12 at my scrap Shack to unload my Jeep because when I got done with my Amazon packages I found a nice trash pile trash pile and I got a I filled it up so I was unloading it and they had that scrap there so it's in there and then I aired up the little truck so it's on standby like I said and thank you so much for the scrap I appreciate it cool stuff yeah take my gloves off to hander these usually I keep my gloves on but I take them off got some back seat material that'll be a good shop cart all right than what youall think right on top of them chairs thing's already Ling that way Ain it what do some rearranging soon I'm not going to take this thing but I am going to take some of the I'm take that old clock on a mailbox that thing is pretty cool looking like an old bathtub or a trough or something to cut in half yeah I'm going to test that dude out and if it works we'll throw a dollar on it it's an old bathtub that they've turned into rusted out a Ain't Heavy at all and it's too bulky so it's cool though I never seen nothing like that it's pretty cool though all right on we go here's a few little trinkets these chairs fold so I think we need to tone it down on bulky chairs don't you guys don't want that I guess we'll take that as well grabbing everything else that if I can't figure this do down it's not coming there we go just had to put some horsepower behind it [Music] [Music] [Music] is the shape good a shape my bad shh dog quit barking oh something's moving around back there Smalls that's what we need man look at this stuff A Little Closer oh go just put them over to the curb broke a mower let's go get [Applause] it I found one today that works and I sold one of those other ones right off my truck at the scrapyard way well on with rusted out boy get out of this cars away looks like that's where it's going to stay he this is lot but like I say that's not [Music] there we go put a strap on that that guy that brought out the mowers brought just put out a hot water tank so I'm going to do some switching grab it and well I'm hitting the perfect timing yes all right hot water tank right better back here can you make that surely to God they can she can't make it let's try this again well with the n oh [Music] that work all right make this disappear real quick thank you sir let's do a dance my dolly back there is just for looks Red Gold [Music] all right now we're strapp it in all right he brought it out of mini fridge too he said it probably [Music] works that I've got to get that screw off there that is the how many time we don't need that no more on here do need it on the chair though yeah always room for more got a lot all right com oh cool awesome save me from driving around looking for it I'm just going to tie this in just in case there we go I assume this do yes sir anything metal huh metal yeah metal or Treasures I mean you know I'm after [Music] [Music] all right thank you sir see beat that Blazer there's some ceiling fans but think got might better off on the whole de I here's some Smalls we can throw back here okay gas jug keep new looking gas [Music] jug old mother-in-law's ride right there all right leave the rest forever [Music] here's some [Music] [Music] [Music] Smalls monitor some weight how's it going man I'm not aim like a Jed not like a [Music] stormtrooper that's funny not that I'm going to grab the toilet you mind for grab your metal yeah you do mind or you don't okay that's funny this thing car it's got some metal in it or you just uh yeah maybe I might I'm going it kind of getting full [Music] so yeah do what I guess last night I had my old 3 and 1/2t pool i' taken apart had all I mean that whole thing was mounted up with metal but then I got by to day and it's gone yeah they don't STI They don't stick around long not this no yeah usually if you put it on the curb any week though usually somebody will see it and scoop it up yeah I can grab them too for you all right thank you sir I'm going to have to that ain't going to work you too brother [Music] got a lot of void right there ain't going nowhere now I'll put a spongy around that all right getting somewhere we guys oh some saw horses oh they're light ones but they're still saw horses they're going to make a good tailgate maybe we worried about that tailgate coming out pushing [Music] open all right how are y'all doing you take that basket and on May Day you fill it full of flow you put it on somebody oh I'm I don't know I'm trying to figure out if I need it or not ah might as well you have a good one I don't know if I need this but I don't know if I got it fit it in here take you the truth I don't break it that'll work grab this iron real quick I can get it in there D I have to find some small stuff there's some L what is that a printer printer all right I'm kind of blocking away I'm going get on this curb don't want to hold nobody up [Music] now these are a little cool man at least I think they are [Music] there's asking $25 for them gosh front my seat material right off the bat huh and I don't have we have to be extra gentle I'll sell them for 10 treasures and the small truck did I tell y'all no I haven't told y'all let's clean this thing out today I killed two in it or three a mama and two babies living in my truck man here we go it's just scrap metal but we can take it come on hopsy Daisy only one handle umbrella wood I would umbrella all right domil dude this is a epic stop for me normal stop for some of the the folks oh man they got a bolt bolt they got a concrete thing in there concrete anchor there we go next I'm going to grab this little cabinet crock pot top thing I don't need the glass part but guess I'll grab it what kind of shape's that in a wheelbarrow it's full of stuff now we find the nice stuff oh all right brass fireplace I better be quick maybe breath I found one earlier and it wasn't hello huh I should turn that BR fireplace around gosh darn it man let's find out not breath Just sh all right okay Swiffer kind of want the wheelbarrow the Bottom's cracked I think I can fix it well say that this that ain't going to work I don't need it that bad let's see about that stuff it's broke like I said so oh picture frames some brass fittings basket maybe I need that okay is that hummingbird fure it is I need to roll down that window on that other side I don't have one on this side I busted it out that's aluminum I don't really care if it there we go take one more one more looks over plastic all right I think uh yeah that might be my walls to my I don't know should I grab that thing I don't I don't want it I should grab it I could sell it but that take up a lot of room all right that's a good stop I got him mower left the that wheelbarrow though had a crack in it it's plastic and the front of it was broke off so thought I had a big truck I would have grabbed it but somebody will get it there's some stuff here about that carpet though I don't need it for that rug I'm out there's an umbrella we'll grab an umbrella there's a rubber tree scrappity says I don't want this thing to if I knew that wasn't bur I wouldn't have grabbed it that looks to be aluminum it is nice now say it for the guy on the white truck I wonder if this dude has a battery in it oh it does look at that what I forgot to do forgot to grab any Clippers I don't think I have any in this truck yeah that's got a look I got to fix that right now I don't listen to Glen Campbell he's singing in there treasure y'all guys like treasure well that somehow that lawnmower I should have strapped in I guess maybe my paintings won't I think I broke them already go darn it that's a lamp that hand painted that's cool man put that up front Georgie Foreman I'm going to end up breaking down stupid lawnmower we'll have to find a spot and do some fixings and arranging [Music] howdy hey puppy dog oh I'm sorry oh you're all right I deliver for Amazon I'm used to the dogs getting me to what's that thing have a good night I think we can get I don't know about that or not honestly to go tailgate down and I don't want to we don't need that big old bulky thing we'll get this lot thing that's worth way less I don't want to tear up my stuff these things are yeah leave it for the next guy more go that's a fancy dude there man oh they got it welded oh we got her maybe we can that's welded all right [Music] tell it [Applause] down oh I ripped my pants now it's almost over there all right let's get this s table next oh goodness going get you to go down all tail get down howdy how's it going good how you all right making it disappear quick yes sir I like that yeah you just want metal I'm after a little bit of everything I got a booth that I sell stuff in and it just depends whatever catches my ey you yeah that was I was pretty excited about that um you wait a half second are you going to scrapping it or you going try and fix it up probably try to turn it into a table or sell it as it is to somebody that likes to do that or something like that I've got the rest of the pieces for it okay in here I think if not it's all right I got out yet I stay in don't have them I understand it's okay I thought I did that's all right it's still cool like it is people like to do certain things with them so yeah I kind of get the scrap metal to pay for the gas and oh man I'm ripping my pants thank you sir you too my pants are ripped all the way down all right I reckon that is it CS about something like this oh yeah I can for sure take that bring your rest of them out to you okay thank you sir put them up for front I met I went and filled my big truck up and it's the one with the with the stuff that I got room stuff like that you know what I mean yes sir these are cool your name for you yeah I'll take it for sure that's cool I appreciate it app oh it's fun that's a fun part like treasure hunting to find something to wrap them up in put something up there in a little bit all right take one of these for protection all right hey What's Going hey not a whole lot how you do I tell you but them for padding all right GoPro I don't remember if y'all are on or off there we go all right let's go oh I'll rip my pants more oh goodness down a pair of pants I think I'm just going to cruise home now I really don't want a trash pick with my gads hanging out all right guys I went through the neighborhood again a little bit and eased my way back out of here and I've seen more Scrappers than I did new trash piles so I guess we'll the rest for them and and we're down one pair of shorts ripped my shorts how many people can say they ripped their shorts loading a singer Singer sewing machine today well I did I didn't have that on my bingo card but anyways thank y'all so much for watching I had fun tonight I'm pretty tired for some reason and uh we one more night I hopefully I'll get to go tomorrow long as I don't get held up at work too long but uh so here's a scrapper pulling out he's got a trailer he's picking up bulky stuff mounding that dude over it but uh put that up before somebody yells at me I have it down cuz I the sun's in my eyes anyways thank y'all so much for watching you guys are awesome I'll see y'all on the next one [Music] [Music] thanks for going along with my guys
Channel: You Coonts See Me!
Views: 5,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, trash picking, scrapping, street picking, street scrapping, recycling, treasure hunting, garbage picking, scavenging, Curbside, ewaste, free stuff, dumpster dive, urban treasure hunting, scrapper, scraplife, youcoontsseeme, junkman, goldfingers, picker, trash picker, bulk trash day, heavy trash day, found on the curb, trash to cash, copper, brass, free money, scrapyard trips, scrappers, free in the trash, scrapman, picking, how to scrap
Id: cq2nMB-CGug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 8sec (3368 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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