BUILT TO LAST | Mariah McManus Goss - Mosaic

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up you guys welcome to church my name is mariah mcmanus goss and i'm so excited to be with you today and to share with you today it's amazing to be in a new year and every time we enter into a new year doesn't it just feel like a breath of fresh air even maybe more so than ever to be in 2021 it has um so much hope it's full of possibilities and we know more than ever that we're in this together and that we get to do life together but something that i that i think is funny about when we enter into a new year is that sometimes we think everything that happened last year it's gone 2020 i've left you in the past but we realized as time goes on as our new year's resolutions start to wither away all the time that we thought we would spend in the gym didn't happen we realized that the 15 pounds i gained in 2020 have followed me into 2021 that the things that i said or that i did or didn't do in 2020 have followed me into 2021 and that's why i love that we get to do this together we get to do church together because we get to build better habits and new habits together we don't just leave the past behind we build a better future and one of the best things for me that i've been able to celebrate about 2020 is that i bought a house my husband and i we bought our very first house and it was the craziest learning experience of our lives we spent a year all of 2019 looking for a place to live for a place to build our family for a place to to build our future and we finally found one after one full year of looking so something i feel like you don't learn until you're just thrown into it is buying a house and the first house that we found that was like the most perfect house ever it was one of those things that you know you prayed for you prayed for the area you prayed for um the kitchen you prayed for the parking you prayed for the area all of these things that i had prayed for that i felt like i had put on my wish list brought them to god and just said you know this is obviously what i what i dream of um they happened and that's just the craziest thing so so we so we get approved for this house and we move forward and one thing that i learned about buying a house is that you get to do something called inspections what i know and what i've learned about inspections is that they protect you from buying a house that won't stand they protect you from things like realizing that the roof isn't as strong as it as it should be or that the water lines or bursts or all this or all that so when we got into inspections in this house this dream house that i had dreamt up and prayed up that finally existed in my life we inspections are usually about a four hour thing and so the person comes in and they check everything from the from the screws to the pipes to everything and about 30 minutes into this inspection the guy comes up to me and he says if you back out of this house right now i won't charge you for doing this inspection and i was like okay i don't know what this means what does this mean and obviously this is our first experience buying a home i've never had an inspection before i've already dreamt the next 20 years of my life in this home everything that i've built in my dreams now all relies on us living in this house he tells me you have to back out of this house there is a carcinogen poison um painted on the foundation of this house that will slowly kill you over time and you know at that point you're like wow that's really really really intense and really dramatic because someone lived here before us and if we don't buy this house someone is going to but he began to tell us that the houses in la at the time that were built around that time all were treated with this this poison basically that they thought would hold the foundation together and studies start started to show and and people started to have these experiences where they they couldn't breathe in their house it constantly smelled like wet paint and so the fumes started to wither away in their bodies and he told us that you know maybe in two years this won't matter but in 10 years it will that maybe it won't affect us immediately but it will affect us eventually and this is crazy why why would you ever build a house that would kill you why would you do that and it's crazy to me because one of the first verses that i read when everything locked down one of the first things that i felt like god showed me was the scripture in luke 6 46-49 in the english standard version will you read it with me why do you call me lord lord and not do what i tell you everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them i will show you what he is like he is like a man building a house who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock and when a flood arose the stream broke against that house and could not shake it because it had been built well but the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation when the stream broke against it immediately it immediately fell and the ruin of that house was great now there's a lot of scriptures in the bible that i feel like are really hard for me to understand you need context you need all of these different things you need to understand the times you need to understand all of this a lot of times i'll call my dad and just say what on earth does this thing mean can you just explain this to me can you decode this for me i don't understand but when i read this i didn't need anyone to decode it for me i didn't need somebody to explain to me what it meant to be a wise builder what it meant to build a house on a foundation and before we get to the positive part of this verse i first want to go to the foolish builder part of this verse and it's funny because in the message version it actually describes them as a dumb carpenter and it tells us very very clearly that the dumb carpenter built the house but skipped the foundation and the way that he did that was clearly laid out in the scripture the scriptures say he hears but he does not listen he did and the house didn't just fall it was ruined the ruin of the house was great are you the kind of person who hears but does not listen are you the kind of person who has everything that they need to succeed and yet continues to build house after house without a foundation you know i look at my life and i think it's maybe not just one house that i've built it feels like lots of little houses built with an extreme different level of skill the houses that i built when i was 15 look a lot different than the houses that i'm building now at 28. when i look at my life and i take inventory of the houses i've built some of them with foundations not all of them but some of them and when i think of the houses that i've built with foundations i think of my marriage and i think of that house being built with a foundation that that storm after storm which if you're married you know it's just a series of storms after another that test the the integrity of the house a house that was built at the foundation is my family my parents built this house with a strong foundation and if you have a family if you have a brother you know that this house will be tested time after time but it's still standing the house that we get to live in together that has a strong foundation is mosaic is this church it was built on a strong foundation and storm after storm still stands but to be honest i haven't built every house with the foundation i've i've had some successful houses built but pretty much every other relationship i've ever had besides the one the guy that i married was built without a foundation and the second anything came the second any storm came the ruin was great i i realized and i've had to dig deep in my in my soul and realize that some of the dreams that i have weren't built on a a strong foundation they weren't built on the foundation of having a conversation with god and acting on it a lot of times those dreams are built on me deciding it's what i wanted and not involving god in the process at all and if you have pursued a dream or if you're pursuing a dream you know that every no is the biggest storm that you'll ever weather and every single time my house falls if my house isn't built on this type of foundation it says he hears but he does not do them this is the dumb builder this is the unwise builder what we're facing in life is storm after storm that tests the quality of the houses that we've built everything in my life has been tested how about you every single thing and not just in 2020 i wish i could just say it was specifically last year that every house that i've ever built was tested but sometimes it feels like life is a consistent series of storms it's a consistent series of tests to see how strong i have built myself and the life around me some of you have nothing left especially after 2020 some of you have nothing left some of you have no hope some of you have no joy some of you have no dreams because every house that you built was built without a foundation so you were left with nothing your joy was rooted in money that didn't come your worth was measured by a relationship that didn't last your hope was based on getting what you wanted so your joy your worth your hope came crashing down the second the unexpected moment came the second the test came the second the trial came you know my my husband is from a small town in arkansas called bentonville and me being a la girl through and through from basically a birth until now going to bentonville arkansas was quite the culture shock and actually still is even six years later but one thing that's really cool about the house that they live on they built it over 20 years ago and it's on this beautiful plot of land outside of city limits they have like 20 cows which is just hilarious because when you think of arkansas i guess it's exactly probably what you think of it's just cows they live on these hills and it's it's a beautiful beautiful place um green there's trees everything that i didn't grow up with they have it right there on the gost property one thing that's really really crazy about their their whole basically their whole street is that it's a flood zone and arkansas is called the natural state so it rains all the time and it doesn't just rain a little bit like my concept of rain is like manageable but it's like downpour it is crazy the kind of rain that they see so everything around them and their property is a flood zone and so when they built their house 20-plus years ago they had to look at the land and decide what they would do because knowing it was a flood zone they would have to make decisions to build their house in a different way so they had an architect come a landscape architect and tell them okay this is where you can build they had to build an actual hill and that's where their house sits on top of a hill in the middle of all of this flood land with cows entries so about i want to say like five and a half years ago jake and i had just gotten engaged and usually when you get engaged you know the person but we had only known each other for like nine months at that point and i had only really been to arkansas one time so we decided we're gonna go back to arkansas he's gonna have his bachelor party there and we'll hang out i'll get to know his parents better and it'll be great so there were about three days where he was gone at a basketball thing forever and i was there in arkansas with my mother-in-law to be and my father-in-law to be um and one day all of a sudden the storm came in and jake was already gone so here i am with my new in-laws to be and we had been completely flooded in for three days straight we couldn't leave the house one single time now if you've ever gotten married or ever been home to your boyfriend or girlfriend's family you know that this can be extremely nerve-wracking that the second time you're meeting someone that you would be locked inside of a house storm everywhere not being able to go anywhere get food get anything you were just stuck now this is amazing because thankfully i love my in-laws and it's great but in that moment you're definitely like what do i do for three days inside of this house the crazy thing is that it took them the foresight to see the land that they had chosen could be flooded could cause ruin but because they did the hard work of building the right foundation and not even just the foundation of the house but the foundation of the land they are protected from any storm that comes their way when you're building your life are you only building on what's there are you only building on what you see are you doing the hard work of constructing something tough and timeless you might feel the water rising up and you might feel the pain of every house you've built toward down but god tells us that there is a solution i love scripture that tell us and correct us tell us the truth but also give us hope and instruction to build a better future the scripture says everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them i'll show you what he is like he is like a man building a house who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock and when the flood arose the stream broke against that house and could not shake it because it had been well built so how do you build an unshakeable house how do you build a strong house how do you live an unshakeable life jesus tells us three things extremely practical things that i want you to hear today one everyone who comes to me it starts with showing up it starts with calling on jesus it starts with with inviting him and integrating him into your life and to your decisions it starts with meeting jesus where you're at it just says everyone who comes to me how easy is that how easy is it to come to jesus all it starts with is showing up everyone who comes to me the second thing he says is everyone who hears my words do you just um do you come to jesus to be heard or do you come to jesus to listen sometimes we hear um come to jesus and think that's all we have to do i love you know a lot of times we say it's all you have to do is show up all you have to do is show up but doesn't it just get kind of old that the people around you are just doing the bare minimum doesn't it just really frustrate you that we've allowed that kind of language allowing us to live beneath our potential allowing us to just show up it is not enough at some point to just show up you have to hear his words you have to hear what he's saying it it's not enough to build a foundation on showing up you have to listen the third thing he says is everyone who comes to me everyone who hears my words and does them when you listen do you move you know i know just as much as anyone that hearing doesn't always mean listening if you've ever been a relation in a relationship with a human person you know there's a difference between hearing and listening listening doesn't always mean obedience listening doesn't always mean action you know that there is a massive effort to be made in the space between listening and acting he says everyone who hears my words and does them how do you become a wise builder you live in god's presence and when he speaks you build god will be your architect if you let him he will build through you the most beautiful life and world that can withstand the most intense storms when i think of a standing house i probably think maybe a few windows are broken maybe there's a leak we're human and things get tough and and things get difficult to withstand and some of you are dealing with some very real issues some of you are dealing with um the past some of you are dealing with with what happened in 2020 to you or with you anything financially or family wise or or physically things things carry over things don't just get left in the past you are dealing with real things even if your house is built on rock it doesn't matter how strong your faith is it will be tested no matter how tough you are a house built on a foundation is a house that is built to last nothing can shake it there's another scripture in first corinthians that i want to share with you it says it's first corinthians 3 10. it says by the grace god has given me i laid a foundation as a wise builder and someone else is building on it but each one should build with care for no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid which is jesus christ if anyone builds on this foundation using gold silver costly stone wood hay or straw their work will be shown for what it is because the day will bring it to light it will be revealed with fire and the fire will test the quality of each person's work if what has been built survives the builder will receive a reward oh and this last verse it says if it is burned up the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved even though only as one escaping through the flames it doesn't matter how beautiful the house that you've built is it says it doesn't it doesn't matter if you've spent gold or costly stones water hair or straw the work will be shown for what it is the foundation is where the real value is when i bought this house last year i thought that this was going to be the house that we lived in and it didn't end up being the house that we lived in clearly because it was poisonous but when we thought it was it was the most beautiful house i could have ever dreamt up it was too good to be true it had the most beautiful light fixtures and the most beautiful bathroom and tile and floors but it didn't matter because it was just for show because the real problems were underneath the surface the foundation wasn't strong enough for us to live in the foundation was not built to last your work your house your foundation will be tested with fire and storm and you will suffer loss if it is not built to last but you will be saved you will be free to rebuild again the house being torn down does not mean that you don't have the opportunity to rebuild this is the grace and the love and the generosity of jesus is that even if the house can't stand we still stand with the opportunity to rebuild the right way maybe your house has been tested and has fallen apart time and time again but you can be saved this scripture says everything else can fall apart but you will still stand so rebuild this is your opportunity jesus offers you an opportunity to start again to start from the ground up to do this in collaboration hand in hand with jesus christ the greatest architect to ever walk the earth with the most brilliant mind with the most gracious heart he offers you another chance to rebuild and what he says is is come to him hear his words and do the things that he says but the first step we can't overlook come to him jesus says come to me we'll rebuild together we'll build this foundation right and some of you are hearing him call you you're hearing his words right now and the first step is to answer that call the first step is to come to jesus and so if you if you hear that if you hear those words today i want to encourage you to step into this beautiful new life to step into a life with a firm foundation even if every house you've ever built has fallen jesus offers you the chance to start again maybe your house has been tested and it's fallen apart but this scripture says that you will be saved that everything around you could crumble in fire and in storm but still you will stand and jesus offers us the chance to rebuild time and time again the scripture in luke says everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them i will show you what he is like he is like a man building a house who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock and maybe right now you want to you want the opportunity to rebuild everything around you is in ruin but jesus offers you a new start so it says come to him it says hear his words and do them so first you have to come to jesus you have to have this moment where you invite him into your life that you decide together you will rebuild together you will start fresh acknowledging that the greatest strongest sturdiest foundations are only built when hand in hand working with jesus to build your new future it says come to him hear his words he's calling you he says he loves you he's inviting you into this new life and into this new future and you can't just come when you can't just hear but that you can do that there's actually a step an action step for you to take today in the presence of jesus hearing his voice calling you if you've never made that decision to follow him to rebuild that foundation from the ground up to start over he's calling you right now into an opportunity to do that with him so when you come to jesus and you hear his words you do them so if you feel that jesus is calling you in this moment i just want to give you the opportunity to act to build to start over by just saying these simple words jesus i give you my life it's really easy it's really that simple showing up and hearing his voice showing up and countering jesus and deciding to say these words and to live by them jesus i give you my life it's that easy to re rebuild your house jesus i give you my life and if you're you're saying those words in your home or in your car wherever you are right now i just want to pray with you i just want to pray that that this moment would be a radical transformation in the rest of 2020 into the rest of eternity the rest of your life rebuilt on this firm beautiful foundation that is unshakeable to any storm or any fire that comes your way so what you pray with me jesus we give you our lives we give you everything that we have we give you every dream and every relationship every word and every decision we pray that in harmony with you that we would rebuild the strongest homes the strongest foundations the strongest buildings the strongest lives the strongest relationships the strongest dreams that we know in relationship with you that everything we build is unshakable everything we build will stand because we have built it with you and jesus for every person praying this prayer that they give you their lives i pray that you would burst open these doors that you would start to show them all the things that they need to be able to rebuild this new life with you and we thank you endlessly that you give us opportunities to rebuild to start over all of these houses that we built without foundations that it's not the end that we still stand that whatever comes our way we still stand with the opportunity to rebuild we love you so much jesus and in your name we pray amen
Channel: Mosaic
Views: 6,967
Rating: 4.9597988 out of 5
Keywords: MOSAIC, MOSAIC Los Angeles, Erwin McManus, Erwin Raphael McManus, Los Angeles Church, YouTube Church, Church, Jesus, Worship, Mosaic MSC, Mosaic, MSC
Id: hLesQgMH5l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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