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[Music] hi you guys welcome back to my channel for another video so i wanted to share with you guys a little bit of an intro before i show you the haul that i am that i did um to stock up now i don't want this video to be alarming to anybody so i'm just going to share with you guys kind of my thoughts on emergency preparedness and you know just adjusting to the current issues that we are facing in the usa that's really all i can speak of i can't really talk about any other country because i don't know um but i do want to quickly mention that i did watch angela's video on her personal channel angela braniff about emergency preparedness and her stock up um video and then i have a friend who's only on instagram she doesn't do youtube um but i will link her emergency preparedness blog post now those two ladies really represent my thought process on stocking up an emergency food supply i know that here on youtube you are going to find some people who have enough food in their house uh to pro to feed their families for years some people also live on homesteads and grow all of their own food and have their own animals that they um you know they use for food and they're completely sustainable on their own and i love and appreciate both of those scenarios but that is not the life that god has called me to live and that is not the life that i live i live in a city and um and i feel like i represent like the majority of people who live in metropolitan areas and we don't have a farm we don't have a homestead we don't have um two years of food storage so my mentality falls right in line with angela she explained it really well and my friend ashley she also explains it really well my thought process is there so if you want to go and watch angie's video and read my friend ashley's blog that'll be great because then you'll really understand where i'm coming from so where do i fall on a scale of i'm preparing for the apocalypse or something like that um and i plan to live like in an underground bunker for two years or something and then like the person who says i don't want to know what's going on i don't want to be worried about anything i'm not doing anything that person and this person i'm like right in the middle so i do believe in reasonable preparedness i do believe that god calls you to be responsible to be good stewards of the resources he's given you and most importantly as a parent to take care of your family and your children so last year when the world really started to go through everything with the you know what um that kind of changed the way that i shopped for a while because there were points last or two years ago almost it was 2020 so it was almost two years ago um it did change the way that i shopped because there were points where i wanted to get something and i could not find it now the reason why it got to that point for me was because i saw the panic in the hysteria that was ensuing and i really just dug my heels into the ground and said i am not joining in in this madness i am not going to go and sweep the shelves like that's just ridiculous it's not responsible it's wrong um and that kind of made things a little more difficult for us if i'm being honest i chose to not participate and then really all that did was make things more difficult for me so after that initial issue it did change the way that i shopped and what what it changed was i just kept more on hand so and you know in the past i would really kind of stretch our grocery budget as long as i could go i would kind of get down low in our groceries and it was like a challenge to me like how many extra days can i go beyond when i would normally go grocery shopping eating up what we have i would do like you know let's see what i can make with the few ingredients i have left just just to save money and then just to make sure we were using what we had and not just kind of always pushing things to the back of the pantry and adding new things in front of it but two years ago when the everything started to happen in the world that changed for me and for a long time i was grocery shopping weekly instead of bi-weekly and that was because anything we ran out of in that week i wanted to immediately replace so that i was never getting into the stockpile that i did have so you'll see when you watch this haul that that is going to be the same way that i do it this go around um i will immediately replace what i run out of what we use so that way i'm never dipping into that storage that i have unless i really need to or i want to so that kind of changed for me two years ago but then things started to normalize and it seemed like the stores got back to normal and so naturally life gets busy and so i've kind of just left really staying stocked up kind of fall to the wayside so i was in need of a big stock up regardless of what's going on now if you're someone who doesn't watch the news or anything like that and then i don't want to be the bearer of bad news but i am going to tell you guys that the current situation in the usa has a lot to do with why i wanted to get stocked up so to speak um there's a chain supply issue uh with the ports being completely overloaded uh for lots of various reasons that could and is potentially slowing down stores being able to restock certain items it's not affecting everything but it is affecting certain industries more than other more than others there's also the potential in the near future for truck drivers and rail rate railway workers and u.s uh cargo pilots to basically you know there there could potentially be a very large shortage of those very important people due to some of the rules that the government has put out and so that combined with already having the chain supply issue and stores not really being as stocked as they once were is kind of what is causing the feeling of like might need to prepare a little bit for um stores to be more empty for it to take longer for things to get to where they need to go um but i approach all of that through the hand of knowing that god is our provider god is going to take care of his people but at the same time that doesn't negate some personal responsibility that is my belief on things so i'm aware of what's going on in the world but i also trust in the lord and that is why you will see that this is not a two-year food supply this is just what i would consider to be a reasonable preparation given the circumstances and the world that we're living in right now which of course is not anybody's desired situation um if anybody enjoys this i you know i might question things a little bit so this is not what i want to be the case but it is and so that's where i'm at as far as panicking and not you'll notice that in the hall i didn't buy out the store what i did was i stocked up on a few things and then really i just bought two of some of our you know regularly used items um i have my refrigerator and freezer here i have my pantry over there and then in the garage i do have a deep freezer but it is a very small deep freezer i actually never even had a deep freezer until everything started happening in the world and i couldn't find one for months because everybody had bought them and then once i finally was able to find one i did buy one but it is very small i think it's like three and a half it's it's not huge but i wanted to be able to fill up my deep freezer i wanted to be able to stock my pantry and i wanted to be able to fill my indoor freezer and my refrigerator decently so um i did make some notes because there was a lot that i wanted to say here so like i said at the beginning of this video the needs for every family to stock up is going to be very different depending on where you live and what your circumstances are um and how many people you have in your family and all of that good stuff so you know you really have to assess your family's needs now once i stock up i am going to stay um stocked up by just replacing what i use i already said that and then the last thing that i wanted to mention are a couple of ways that you can stock up and feel a little more prepared to know just like that if there are delays or if the stores are empty for a little bit or whatever um your family isn't going to go without needs not wants or convenience items but like actual needs um and i know not everybody has the financial ability to go out and do this so i heard a few great ideas from my community on instagram and i wanted to pass them along to you one of them is to buy two of each meal item that you're making that week so they don't have to be expensive if you're doing spaghetti maybe buy two packages of noodles instead of one and then that way you've got a whole other week of meals that you could make that's one easy way to do it and then another way to do it if you're really short on money is anytime you go to the store take a set amount five ten dollars and buy some shelf stable foods five to ten dollars on shelf stable items goes a long way and so those are two ways that you can build a little bit of a stock um for your family if you are short on funds or a budget the other thing to keep in mind is that um food banks and things like that generally when there are situations like this in the world the food banks really take a big hit so if you are somebody who is blessed in this season you may consider increasing your donation to food banks in your area because they are going to be passing out many more resources should we see the implications of this chain supply truck driver shortage problem come to fruition and the last thing i want to say before i show you guys what we stocked up on is that this is not everything that i did i did some different things i did my christmas shopping early i bought my thanksgiving turkeys from a local farmer um i mean thanksgiving and christmas turkeys um so i paid more for those than i would have in the grocery store but i bought those from a farmer i did that um i also you know assessed my kids clothes and shoes no one is in immediate need of anything there um and yeah so we have oh i did get more dog food for my dogs there were a few other little things that i did that you won't see in this haul but what i really want to say to before i show you what i got as far as preparation and emergency preparedness goes is that no matter how prepared you are you can never be fully prepared for things you don't know you're preparing for and i hope that that makes sense so even though i definitely have probably 60 days of emergency food supply on hand right now you know you can't prepare for years you can't prepare for everything under the sun so you just do what makes you feel comfortable as a mom or a dad and that's where you have to to safely rest and then you have to trust that the lord is going to provide so again this is preparing this is being wise this is thinking of you know a horrible winter storm that prevents trucks from getting out here this is just thinking ahead a little bit but this is not panic buying by any means and this is also not something that like we could live on for the rest of the year this is just you know hoping that i've stalked us well enough to get through a little bit of an obstacle if and when it actually does you know become more evident so that is all i wanted to say so now i will show you the haul of everything i got and show you guys um what we stocked up on if there's anything that i can link in the video i will put it down below for you but i hope that you guys enjoy seeing how we stocked up how we got a little bit more prepared than usual this year um and i hope that this video encourages you guys and is not like a source for stress or panic so anyways now we shall get into the hall all right so here is the haul um this is i tried to divide it kind of up to about here so from here over is like additional stock up things and then from here over was stuff that we already needed um because we did need to do our normal grocery shopping and so like i said i spent 917 dollars at costco and then these items over here some of them came from amazon um this was like a target pickup and so if you added it up all together it's probably around twelve hundred thirteen hundred dollars of a stock up haul so i am going to show you guys our normal grocery haul and then i will come to the items that we got um that were really just more of a stocking up um you know thought process so we're going to start right here um we were out of toothpaste so i got this six pack on sale we always use a ton of organic refried beans so we grabbed that uh this we don't do a ton of corn normally but thanksgiving holiday time there's usually a lot of recipes that call for it so i wanted to get 12 cans of corn um i got the organic tomato sauce right here i got some of the kodiak super fruit syrup i got our favorite pasta sauce that was on sale down below right here i got some organic ground beef and the homemade uncooked tortillas these are regular items that we next we got some organic bananas some organic cucumbers the organic cheddar cheesy like cheeto things some organic broccoli some traeger rub um we got some dishwasher soap i got an organic bag of the espresso blend we got the organic ramen noodles this was a new find that i found at costco that i thought looked pretty good it's no bake protein ball bite mix and um it was on sale and it looked pretty good so we wanted to give that a try i got our egg whites which is a usual item for us um these organic bean and rice cheese burritos another staple in our house we got regular maple syrup as well we were out of lotion so grab some lotion i got the organic quinoa we were out i got a box of kodiak mix we were out of butter so i grabbed a bunch i got organic baby spinach and organic spring mix we got the organic late july tortilla chips chocolate chips you know it's the time of year for baking and so i went ahead and grabbed that that's not something that i normally buy because i don't really bake chocolate chip items all year round but definitely around the holidays um i do and so we got this semi-sweet bag i got organic romaine now this was a um just something my costco maybe was just out of it i'm not sure but i usually get the uh organic low sodium salami but they did not have any of that so my kids like doing like snack plates so i got this pepperoni to substitute it definitely not the best choice definitely not something i buy all the time but i wanted them to be able to have that so i got this as a substitute item i got a big bag of organic carrots we're making a lot of soups and stews and so we go through that quickly mini sweet peppers for salad some bell peppers here uh you can see i got organic spaghetti noodles and then i also got organic coconut milk this is a great dairy free alternative for cream soups and bases so i was super happy that costco had that i haven't seen it there in a while i got some organic grapes got the organic chicken stock over here this is still a continuation minus the adult beverages back there of things that you guys would normally see in my grocery hauls so quite a few varieties of bread um artesano gluten-free bread here sourdough bread here dave's killer bread here hawaiian rolls here and they all have their various uses in our home uh we got some organic raspberries and organic blueberries we got a variety pack of cheese i got these organic fruit bars we got some avocados got some turkey lunch meat these are a new find these cranberry jalapeno chicken meatballs they're gluten free and they sounded delicious and then this i tried another one of these kevin's natural food items for when i don't have a meal prep made for myself and i loved it so i got this one to try as well now back here you'll notice two bottles of sangria and two bottles of this menage a trois red blend from california um this will be for friendsgiving i don't know that we'll need two bottles but i bought two just in case and then i like to give a bottle of wine or something if we go somewhere to you know we're invited somewhere and i don't know of a gift or something like that so i like to have those on hand so that's what that's for um different varieties of meat we got some sirloin here some beef sirloin got some organic ground turkey i got four pounds um we got organic diced tomatoes again soups stews chilis and just a bonus that there's eight cans protein granola bars for my kids turkey bacon organic chicken breast eggs they didn't have organic eggs the mexican mexican style shredded cheese this chosen foods mayo organic black beans and organic motts applesauce so that is like everything that i would normally get in a grocery haul when i need to go it's been a while since i did a big costco stock up so this was all like this stuff will be things that we just would ordinarily have now moving over here to kind of go over the things that we are stocking up on so uh we got just again we are not panicking but last year i really resisted joining into the mayhem and then you know that just really only disserviced my family so um we're not going crazy and buying out the store we just bought one additional thing so you know nobody get too upset but i got two things of paper towels and four extra things of toilet paper to just stock up on and then like i explained at the beginning of the video i didn't want to buy a bunch of pantry food that we were never going to eat for the sake of stocking up so you guys will see there's quite a bit of instant oatmeal here um there's one two three there's two things of peanut butter um four or five so there's like 48 packets in each so that is a food that we will eat in our house so it's not wasteful um but it's also just like for peace of mind because 48 packets there's quite a bit there i did the math it's like more than a 30-day supply of a meal right there so um when i went over to sprouts i don't normally go to sprouts but since i was there i stocked up on a few things at sprouts they had all their winter teas and i absolutely love them so i grabbed these ones these mini stroop waffles are fun for a tea time so i got two bags of those they actually had some really cool simple mills um things so i got two of those this purely elizabeth granola cranberry pecan and pumpkin i got some cinnamon sticks i got this is not from sprouts but i got an extra water filter for our refrigerator these last for about six months and so that's you know how we drink water you'll notice i don't need to stock water because it comes from our refrigerator and we have that filter i did want to stock up on some vitamins and supplements and minerals and things like that so i got this uh colloidal silver throat spray two things of baking powder those things were from sprouts um and then the organic cloves there also from sprouts i got this extra thing of pasta sauce you guys saw it was over there somewhere so it's something we ordinarily eat but i just got another one for having on hand i got a huge thing of honey to have on hand i got extra ibuprofen and dye free children's motrin to have on hand here's another tea that i got um i got an extra thing of the coconut milk to have on hand i stocked up on our vitamins here i have a 10 off code 4 or 15 maybe for you guys this is not sponsored but they do give this this brand of vitamins here these mary ruth's um ionic zinc immunity gummies liposomal vitamin c and liposomal zinc are some of the best vitamins on them like out there and i did some research and so that'll be the brand that i'm going to stick with from here on out and i do have a referral code for you guys if you want to stock up on your pan your wellness things um i stocked up on feminine products here i stocked up on some those are from target i stocked up from some avocado oil down here we stocked up on organic veggies frozen veggies so i have cauliflower green beans broccoli organic vegetable broth a huge thing of organic short grain brown rice we stocked up we stocked up on traeger pellets there um for the traeger outside here's the other bit of oatmeal we stocked up on espresso i got another one of those stocked up on some sensitive skin bar soap stocked up on some granola bars we stocked up on an additional thing of pancake mix that's not my preferred brand but it's good to have and it makes a lot uh we stocked up on kodiak cakes we bought one box this is for extra i stocked up on laundry detergent stocked up on some bacon we bought one we'll freeze one i got some organic mango we have a bunch of frozen fruit already in our deep freezer so we're just gonna add on to that um i got an extra thing of burritos i got an extra thing of tortillas and i got an extra package of clorox wipes because those got kind of hard to find last year so that is the grocery portion of the stock up haul i also did order protein powder online i ordered four things of protein powder that can be mixed with water so that is coming and then i also ordered dog food so an additional bag of uh two bags because our dogs don't all eat the same food but i got two bags of dog food so uh definitely stocked up here um like i said i'm not preparing for the end of the world or an apocalypse or anything crazy like that um because obviously this all will eventually run out but it is a great start to you know having more things on hand than typical and then once i put all of this away i just will not let groceries get really low so that's how i will stay on another thing that i grabbed for like our little vitamin stock up are these homemade elderberry kits from my friend elizabeth she actually makes them there's her website right there and she provides all the instructions and so we will have a couple things of elderberry to have on hand for the winter sickness season [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Grace and Grit
Views: 80,153
Rating: 4.6785593 out of 5
Keywords: Ashlee williams, grace and grit, homeschool, homeschooling, homeschool mom, mom of 4, mom motivation, productive mom
Id: lzdNuq9f8rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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