Building Xiao, but he's a thief (Genshin Impact)

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hey moglots today we're going to be raising xiao we're also going to be building him with his artifact set but obviously we got to level them up a little bit first so let's go ahead and start with that uh we're probably going to have to farm some more books our plan for now is level 80. unfortunately if you happen to watch my summon video we were not able to get his like cool weapons so he's currently stuck with crescent pike till we get to level 35 in battle pass that's just how it is i guess but here he is level 60 what do we need we got to fight some new with the boss no we need uh one of these let's see if we can uh craft it real quick by the way we managed to smash that 169k subscriber goal which was very pog i'm gonna be a little sassy and say our next goal is 200k would be super awesome to hit it before the end of the year but yeah we also have this cool little feature now where we can transform the ones we don't need however this stuff the dust of azoth apparently it's called yeah kind of expensive you have to get it from the star shop so first of all we're just gonna see what we can do here let's go and transform all of those that is the green stuff right i know we have so many of the water ones that we don't need like take a look at this dude it's crazy 47 of the mid-grade ones 94 i don't know why i was fighting the water dude so much i have i don't really have water dudes whatever let's go ahead and make some of these we will also do a sort of little showcase just a little test run more or less with our xiao but yeah he's not going to be really done and ready for a showcase until we get to battle pass 35 trying to rush that a little bit you know got the super super whale gnostic chorus whatever it's called to get those 10 levels earlier and um yeah we're going to be trying to do the uh bp period stuff got to do some spiral abyss as well but yeah so what's up you ready to go to 70 you are ready the cool thing is since you won't actually be ready for a showcase for a while it gives me time to get more books and like perfect his artifact set and all that and really you know dig a little deeper into him so we gotta go fight some of these bosses and i guess the cube as well unless we're gonna get some of the stardust stuff i guess we can do it and try it out sure whatever yeah we gotta go spend some time with the primo geovishap over there also i found a really cool strategy using uh zhang li and ganyu can try that out real quick as well also i find it cool that he like changes elements every now and then but anyway here we go so here's the strategy boom get the shield with zhang li and just kind of chill up here with ganyu it it doesn't seem like he he can actually really hurt you while you're up here with most attacks anyway it's kind of cheesy i guess but i guess he will eventually break the thing but jungle has a pretty uh oh yeah and here comes the thing it's pretty cool because i mean you get a shield with zhang li as well so it's like you know you also cover that base yeah see he's just like hitting the pillar being a little dum-dum like you just have to hit a little higher dude but yeah it's a pretty uh pretty pog oh god but if you're too close the thing will just disintegrate he still does get a shield john lee's buffs are so amazing it's crazy you gotta be a little further away so like here is good then just climb up there oh well i haven't really experienced yeah i mean you still don't take damage i guess not that i need to resort to such cheese to beat this guy he's really way easier than i thought he would be the little baby ones are harder than this boss anyway what do we got no green ones of course two of these good helmets crit damage and the subs are in it i got a tip to throw a portable teleporter here and while that might be pretty nice generally i'm just spamming one boss over and over until i get the stuff i need i can just quit the game and come back you can quit at about 15 seconds so it's generally way faster than spawning somewhere else and coming back i mean maybe it'd be pretty comparable if you were gonna use a portable teleporter but this method doesn't really require a portable teleporter just for science 15 seconds on the clock we can leave and there he is takes about 15 seconds to get back into the game so this is kind of a cryo one so ganyu isn't doing as much here i guess let's try some banette action yeah but that does quite a bit i saw a 37k there guess that was a melt though another zhongli shield also now that he is like reducing their resistances it's pretty cool let's try an alt here how about a melt okay that was way less impressive maybe it wasn't an actual melt looks like he's also standing in binet's ring so it's like he's always on fire anyway let's see what we get now we got three of them this time uh we did get some jade which is cool oh no that's the ice nevermind feather bad honestly still quite disappointed that's how weapon summons work i thought there would be some guarantee at one point that you'd get the weapon you want we did get that sword i'm probably going to raise it heard it's really good for electrocatching and uh i was thinking maybe banette as well although seeing that it has basically the lowest base attack for any other five-star weapon i figured it's not as great as i originally thought for benett probably still pretty good for like a support dps banette 44 crit rate is no joke plus i guess the hp boost is not bad i mean he'll heal a little bit more i suppose is that another ice one well then banette you're up whoa what's up oh yeah he doesn't take any damage till he actually gets like ready all right here we go now we can do some nice melts maybe here we go here we go boom 50k banette going crazy i've also been meaning to do a dedicated banette showcase i know i talk about him quite a bit but damn he he deserves a dedicated video this boy oh god my shield isn't ready still just a bunch of cryo stuff this any good crit rate not really still need at least one more run maybe two so yeah right now he's got crescent pike on i guess mainly just for the base attack because when he does results you know all of his damage goes into uh animo so it's like it's kind of pointless we did get our primordial jade cutter already up to level four so we're getting there i guess we'll raise it a bit while we're waiting but yeah dude it has 13 credit rate at level 10. that's already crazy again super low base attack but literally 44 crit rate at max pretty sure it's still higher than any four star space attack so there's that well that's our cap for now as we can't get those till tomorrow he really wrecks himself when the shield reflects it is what i was trying to say anyway can we get some of the some of the animo no we cannot but we did get enough jade so whatever death main stats so meh yeah probably for the super showcase we will get him up to 90 of course swap out crescent pike eventually and race his talents obviously well we can raise his talons decently yeah so this will get him up to 80 and that's where we're stopping for now this will just kind of be the initial showcase with average's stats so can we do anything we can only make we can only make golden ones so we don't have any small ones yeah we just made those actually well in that case i guess we're gonna probably so yeah you gotta use stardust for tin start with like 150. it's not that expensive when you think about it i guess oh no you need a specific okay never mind thank god so i want to make these and i don't want to use red ones i want to use uh i actually want to use water ones because i have so much water stuff okay so that's how it works yeah let's just get all three honestly yeah it's not too bad you know i'd much rather have to buy this weird stuff than it you know being like two of these for one of these because i know some games do it like that and i i actually prefer it this way even though it you can only get it from the star exchange which kind of sucks but maybe there will be other ways to get it in the future we'll see but yeah especially with this new boss dropping them randomly i think that'll come in handy seems a bit like an apple move when i think about it though they create a problem and then sell you the solution whatever we can ascend him to actually might have some talent issues now that i think about it oh and we also have book issues we can only get him to 75. i think i'm gonna start with his alt actually oh and look at that the life drain goes down as well doesn't his alteration also go up or was that only in like beta no i guess the alteration or the cooldown doesn't change yeah i think we're going to probably just get his ulta eight honestly slimes are our bottleneck would you look at that but yeah duration cooldown you know three seconds not bad so many of my characters already needed slimes thankfully we have a good chunk of the small ones so give us a bunch of bonuses please 17 bonuses not bad not bad and since his ult is kind of based off of his basic it doesn't make sense not to raise them both honestly like even if you are going to try and make him work as like a support dps where you're that doesn't even make sense though because he can be an alteration like pretty much all the time at least on paper he's kind of like a forced main dps thankfully we do have all the slimes we needed for level six we could try and make it more balanced i mean honestly this is the only thing that goes up i guess besides the life drain but i don't really care about that you just have to throw like a chichi or a barber on him first and there's like five percent bonus damage for plunge or normal attacks whatever but then considering everything else goes up here a lot more i don't know it seems like probably it's the math seems to side more with just basic yeah i think we'll do 767 for now so yeah he's pretty much as raised as i'm gonna raise him for this showcase i would say would have liked to get him to 80 but honestly it's not going to make that much of a difference um as far as his artifacts are concerned we have one currently for him pretty pogflower we might honestly just steal some stuff from vintie when i did a stream pull the other day we got much more people saying half gladiator half of iridescent over volviridescent so i think that's what we're probably going to start with i'll play around with that and then maybe try full verdessent as well first things first animal damage bonus goblet let's see what we're working with here most likely going to be the off piece though we do have one here that's on sucrose right now that doesn't look dead actually well damn if everything didn't go into hp it would have been actually decent man this would have been awesome attack crit rate energy recharge boom 20 hp though on the gladiator set animal damage bonus surely oblige might not be elemental burst damage how would that work because it kind of bases itself off this basic attack i would think obliged has to be an option though i'm gonna get this goblet up to 16 and see if it goes into hp again what you got for me thank you oh my god oh my god though wow half obliged have iridescent see what that last sub is probably hp percent flat hp even better probably just gonna steal this off shanling for now honestly yeah i think for now since i'm not really happy with my current selections i'm just gonna mostly steal things off off of people for now uh right now we're just missing a gladiator feather so who can i steal that off of i just want crit rate on it i guess kaching i'm gonna give it back to you okay it's just for the showcase pretty solid one though with the 11 crit rate tin attack 9 attack i guess keep in mind he's only 75 but here are his stats right now oh wow way too much crit rate for that crit damage well then kaching i think i'm gonna actually steal your helmet honestly venti i'm gonna have to steal your feather actually oh man everything's getting mixed up all right i think we're still good two-piece two-piece that's a little bit better now it's a little bit skewed in the wrong direction oh that's right shaw has a massive amount of like base crit rate yeah i mean i'd probably run something like this maybe and i got banette for attack boost zhang lee for zhang lee for resistance down chi chi to put the little ring on him though i don't know if banette's uh thing if i put that down before doing his ult would be enough also well we have some daily quests to do let's showcase him there first all right here we go let's go ahead and do this go into his stuff there okay oh are they all dead already okay here we go yeah that was a 20k yeah i mean that was pretty good considering like considering the circumstances all right here we go round two oh yeah it's also kind of cool yeah 19k 19k not bad for an attack you can do relatively quick and it's aoe you know for being a little 75 with kind of random stuff thrown on him here he just got some enemies they're they're all too weak for me to even get the setup properly which is sad he is a little bit squishy and i'm also always forgetting to actually like do chichi first all right let's try this again so going to start with gonna start with zhang li get the shield gonna go to banette do that gonna get chi-chi do her thing and then finally cue time and let's try this out so that was a non-crit non-crit non-crit i mean you have 50 crit it should be actually not too hard there we go there's a 28k not bad damn honestly his crit rate would be pretty much perfect as soon as i got black cliff i guess i should actually try him out without doing plunge attacks also although i can imagine it's going to be a little bit less awesome of course we're going to do the viridescent test as well uh i would like to take vinti but i think vinti is kind of uh borked right now and sure let's take barbara see if her healing is enough to keep up with shousela she also has thrilling tales for a little bit of extra damage boost let's get this started so banette old barbara just for book xiao queue does that hit well it hits when they're back down i guess oh whoops that was useless um all right well unfortunately the uh this dude is kind of just chilling over there yeah i'll need some more practice with that i guess oh and we forgot to give the stuff to um let's go and do another alt and just do basics this time oh and that's weird oh yeah there they are but they're eight wow wait what there are a lot more oh maybe it's because of all the attack boosts we got i don't know that was weird why was crescent pike doing so much more that time oh yeah in this dungeon physical damage is boosted although it should still be the same it's just the 35 of my attack why is that so i don't know difficult to understand oh and whoops uh i don't have i i don't have his old so it's kind of bad i mean without any sort of buffs he is still doing a good amount of damage uh dual death there yeah i think vr doesn't isn't going as well because my vinti is messed up right now very messed up as a matter of fact oh i think we got a new uh zhang li hey yeah boy give me all them oars wait there's some more over there now it seems to be a much more consistent 398 apparently i just don't understand how crescent pike works but um guess that'll pretty much do it for the initial showcase obviously nothing too special just to kind of get a general idea there's some charge attacks weren't really trying many of those honestly but yeah considering his artifacts are probably going to get changed around at least a little bit his weapon is going to get changed he's going to be raised a bit higher i don't think there's too much point of like going super in depth yeah make sure something i think in the comments down below if you have any like uh suggestions for you know builds or teams or whatever make sure to drop them in the comments down below thanks as always for watching and until next time you
Channel: Moga
Views: 659,103
Rating: 4.9529085 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact xiao, xiao, genshin impact 1.3, genshin impact hu tao, xiao build, genshin impact gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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