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harry hello yes yes hello what are we doing we're we're building my desk well i've been my office right you've moved into a new place i've been to a new place i want like a nice functional office i'm sick and tired of just doing the most long-winded way of filming videos i want to streamline okay okay because what you do like copy and paste coffee and paste recording the camera take the sd card it's just long like jj does yeah yeah okay now i know you're about to laugh at this but i don't want just like a standard desktop you link me a stinky little like a fair enough like it's like a school desk or something like everyone's got one fair they're not stinky they're great okay but you want to be different and that's understandable yeah that's fine so i went on etsy it looks like you went to the recycling i won't lie it's a bit warped it's a bit wonky but hopefully it can work look tell me this doesn't look very light okay flip it over let's have a look oh look at that oh look at that looks lovely we've got white speakers for you as well yeah yeah yeah okay wait white speakers yeah you ordered white ones didn't you i [ __ ] hope not did you these white legs are black legs black legs good i want black blood white you want black everything yeah i think black and brown i don't know man it's cooler show me the speakers all right let's see let's see let's see oh you got black ones gibb's they're great speakers though they're a really good size i like them and they sound great why do you need me to get you first what we need to do to start here i don't i'm not gonna lie i feel a bit rusty okay surely build the desk right yeah yeah yeah [Music] um but i'm about to leave and buy a lemon tree okay why are you doing that because i want to lemon drink the flower but we've got it cool like how big is it what's it like it's like this big like i've got a sponsor for this video i'll do you our sponsor is rev luke wow revolut is a global financial super app and it's used by more than 18 million people and the best part is when you download that app and sign up for free you get a 20 pound bonus fee for using the link in my description i'm going to give it to you yeah i'm going to trust you to spend wisely yeah so treat yourself to a lemon tree and yeah see you in a bit what's also amazing is that when you use revolut you can save up to 40 on brands such as nike adidas and asos just by paying with your revolut card how much a lemon tree is what like 20 quid something cheap that's too cheap you can also save up to 30 cashback at your favorite restaurant the cashback is then credited directly onto your revolut account after payment 50 quid no i would say about 500 pounds 500 yes or a lemon tree uh-huh i might need to go who chase harry back for this car he's gone no need to chase harry down to get my car back i can just freeze it in my account on the revolu app to stop him from spending my money all right so i'm here at the shop my revolution card look at this we've got the orange trees i don't know what to go for but we'll pick one but we'll be nice this time harry is a legend who deserves his lemon tree i'm gonna put 300 pounds on there all right and i'm gonna do it through apple pay take money from my apple pay account to the new revolut account processing so now harry's got my money and he's gonna spend it on a lemon tree yeah harry things and if you love to travel abroad like myself don't forget your revolut card because you get some amazing rates i just got a notification from revolut app it says harry i spent 180 pounds at least it wasn't 500. don't have 500 on there that's right you get instant notifications sent directly to their revolut app keeping you posted with your spending i'm glad my money's going to a good use guys check out revolut in the description you know what they say you can't have lemonade without a lemon tree why does he need a lemon tree for why are they so expensive also don't be like me and miss out on the chance to customize your metal card in fact i'd love to see what designs you guys come up with so feel free to share them with me on twitter and here's an attempt of me drawing a camera it looks like a camera right don't forget about that link in the description download the app sign up for free and claim your 20 pound welcome bonus [Music] so [Music] um i think i think there might be a problem mate i just realized so these legs are supposed to screw onto the desk and these things are in the way where it's supposed to go the frame is supposed to go in the middle [ __ ] oh no hmm like it's workable in terms of like if these were to be removed and put somewhere else okay i could do that give me 20 minutes [Music] [Music] if that is not the best desk you've ever seen in your life i don't know what life i love your definition of best i love that harry you've got a supreme court that was a gift it was a gift it's cool though right it's very cool yeah i'll say it okay it'll look good in the background [Music] so that's that's the desk ready but now we have to like cable manager harry's all about the diy this video's just gonna be chaos there we go nice i'll do two more in the middle and that should hold it yes yes you're back i'm back to rescue me from the boredom hopefully this is awesome hopefully this won't take as long as simon simons took what eight hours yeah we were there till like five am yeah tonight just doing the wires i've got a little cheat that will help me cable manage quicker so i've got these metal trays and then hopefully i could just put these metal trays on the desk and a lot of the stuff it will save me from having to velcro it and stick it and cable tie it we just sort of hide in here the cheat code cheat code hopefully we can just tuck all the cables and everything in these metal brackets and then when we flip it upside down it will be nice and neat next up we are going to install the monitor power bricks and then the data hub and then that will sort of help us figure out where all the cables should go monitor-wise what we've gone for we've i've suggested harry to go for the rog basically this one yeah i mean it's 27 inch 27 inch so it's a good size and we've got three of these three of these bad boys so yeah we're gonna sort out the power management for them first uh because they've come with power bricks and yeah [Music] the plan is we're going to lay out all of our gadgets on the desk and then we're going to decide how to clamp it once everything's laid out what i have in my hands this is a competitor for the go xlr what have they called it they've called an audio mixer because because that's what it is and it comes in a little box like this i'm really gassed by the size of it because i didn't want anything super clunky on harry's desk it's more expensive than the audio mixer from go xlr razer print yeah a razor premium but the footprint of this is tiny that's nice these feel good it looks nice update everything's everything is connected but it looks awful so we're just going to try and tidy up a bit got some double-sided sticky velcro and this is going to be used to stick down a lot of these gadgets i rate it though it looks really nice i like it as well character that's what it's called you know what i'm gonna give it some more character with this i'm gonna write my name on here um this is definitely a fight hello i'm on a set of what's good with the what's good boys we got randolph hello and we've got simon hello uh now currently con is at my house oh no bit i know awful news but building my setup oh how how do you think it's going to done a good job so far no i'm gonna put okay yeah it looks like okay it does look okay it's because of this bloody thing all right you know what should i just do it here nice it's good though you could do an over there it really smells of burnt wood now i reckon he's just how long has he been there like six hours nah oh you're like four or five nine again he's just on the desk he was what he was working hard and that's very very slow just to be different i'm saying it's a normal job just to be different if i go back he's an awful job the thing is it's already all wired up like he's builds the into the desk right so like if i don't like it it's hard to change it so anyway fingers crossed hopefully you haven't [ __ ] it con i'll see you shortly man have a good one i think we're ready to flip the table over now it's actually time i think it's fine oh there's also let's continue [Music] oh yes keep going keep going oh that's the anti-collision you wanted to test it yeah no i just wanted to stack the table decent desk all set up i'm gonna set up the monitors next there we go we have mounted the monitor arm and it looks pretty slick i like how many ballistic it is and these rotate really cool this is about to be really easy or we're going to break the monitors [Music] that's it what that was out of my whole life of like mountain monitors that has been the easiest experiences ever that's it that's done there we go wow she's off she is up yeah what you know what it looks all right is it state it is stable yeah the only thing is the monitors are so hench that they take up all your real estate i don't care you're all right with that yeah it looks good man because like look you can't even see the speakers now and the speakers are kind of care about the speakers well that's cool all right yeah let's look sick man come press come press some buttons oh you got to hold it for now and then we can program it yes look at you happy boy yeah yeah everyone's like oh conn's going to give everyone a stand in there but i think if you haven't got a standing desk you're missing out right yeah i like it i like it does it so the desk holds up all right yeah the desk is nice we had a little teething issues with like making these perfect oh i just ruined a few so that will sort out after again don't worry cool huh yeah what do you think from that side what do you think of the cable management so far oh yeah oh wow yeah that looks like a fire hazard is it no no no no no no no no that's fine man that looks sick that looks very sick and you get there's nothing underneath the only fire that's going to be happening are your videos being created on here thank you oh this is sick this is very exciting how far on the road are we what's the well we've got monitors done speaker's done yeah and the rest is pretty like you could just be handing us stuff and we could be connecting it okay like the hard work's pretty much done with everything being wired up and what's this this is a usb slot this is something somewhere where you can charge stuff yeah so this is all charging yeah and then over there is your data hub so you can connect usb devices yeah usbc devices yeah and if you've got an sd card there's an sd card reader in the corner over there that's dark so you can just plug it in and it will connect to your pc yeah i'm a big fan i'm a big big fan man good good thank you how was the podcast it was good it was good it was a little waffle a little waffle yeah they weren't they were a bit i got video for you they're a bit they're a bit worried that you're going to [ __ ] my room up yeah they thought you were going to burn the flat down but speaking of burning there is a surprise when you watch the video somewhere [Music] so i think he wants his camera a bit more to the side nothing too you know in the center direction on [Music] here we have the logitech mx3 it's a wireless mouse and then keyboard wise i mean harry's not a gamer so i haven't got a gaming keyboard but we've got oh this is the wrong keyboard oh no did you mean the uh to get this keyboard yeah i think so or is it the one that i linked no i didn't like the one you linked oh i don't like this one why not the one that links you has like a backlit keyboard and everything has this got backlight on it illuminated keyboard okay yeah you know the one you literally was weird i use that one i don't like it man i can't remember what it wasn't like okay five five five five five yeah you like the mouse though yeah the mouse is called ergonomic they're gonna somewhat fits my hand quite well wrapped up my friend that's how you notice the proper stuff look at that man okay what more do you want from the keyboard i just want to make sure it's backlit oh that is actually really nice nice i know what i'm doing but i have lost a little notice there oh i really like this see don't doubt me man i got this i got this i got this i got this this what's the update um i mean the monitors are on besides this one because we just need an extra long displayport cable otherwise everything else is up and running we've got the camera running we've got the xlr up we're gonna we're about to set up the mic yeah what we're using we're using the short sm7b because there's not much room and you don't want like a mic hanging over i'm thinking low profile one coming out like this and it will look great but yeah look the camera it's all set up over here yeah it looks good i mean we're on we're pretty much there and this has taken just a day yeah i think we're going to call it a day today you know let's not burn ourselves out jj's fuming i'm supposed to be doing hiss out but i've got some delays so yeah but yeah hopefully his is coming soon i'm gonna get a text from jj be like hey what's going on yeah hello hello hello it's been a whole day it's been at a what time is it it's 11 p.m jesus yeah it's nothing good though man it's looking good it's very promising there's a couple more bits i need to add can you do the rivet reveal why is it some dodgy no it's nice i just wanted to show it off when we kind of reveal that's [Music] yeah maybe a smaller one but maybe a smaller one okay but it's cool man this is sick it's likely to be up a bit higher i will take a smaller one though are you sure i'll take it why is this associated i'll think about it the the comments decide whether or not i'll stick with this for now oh that means i've got a release part one then and then part two oh no no i'll just get i'll yeah all right we'll see you see you in a couple days bye-bye day two we are back at harry's i've got some improvements to make today's current setup and i also got some new stuff so your boys from elgato have sent me their new light strips which are very new to me i haven't used these before i'm looking forward to using these yeah they look very cool so i'll surprise harry with these i've got a new monitor mount because i feel like this one will work better for what harry wants this one that we have right now it's nice and all but we're having some issues some issues with it yeah like adjusting it is a bit of an issue and or like when it comes to monitors it's good to have flexibility so this one provides a bit yeah like this one has just one straight arm and you can't really have as much flexibility but it's a nice stand it's a nice stand it looks cool but yeah we need something different yeah we're gonna swap over the monitors and finish the cabling new stand coming on jeez see these arms very different compared to the other one so you've got full flexibility we should be able to adjust our monitors a lot easier [Music] monitor number two hell yeah yes now he can do like all sorts of different movements with it [Music] mic arm i've never used this before and i'm very excited to open it up so here we go we've got our mic arm and then we have the clamp what is it that's great oh this is going to be easy and quick to set up i love when that happens it's got good gear it's good girl for you does it so we should mount it like it in the middle somewhere yes raise the monitors up a bit so they don't get in the way okay let's do that sweet [Music] okay we got our microphone arm mounted to the desk i'm gonna put the microphone on there this is the short sm 7b basically in the elgato pack you get this brown little bag with different adapters nice nice well we've got one inserted in here for this correct thread so if you are looking to buy this arm yes you can attach other microphones to it it doesn't just have to be little gatto wave mics there you go now he could just move his microphone about there's not in the way too much and then when he wants to get rid of it he can just lift his monitor pop the mic there and pull his monitor back down jeez nice boom boom boom and i like that you can put the cable through the arm it comes with like this metal magnetic bit on top boom so i'm not a fan of how this speaker cable is just it stands out a lot doesn't it it looks a bit unfinished so i've got this braided sleeve we all know i'll have a braided sleeve cable but for those of you watching these kind of videos for the first time i get a little sleeve like this and i thread it through the wire and now i've got a really beautiful wire like this instead of this ugly looking wire yeah come on show us something oh wow i've got a lemon tree as well it's got lemons on it yeah it's got it's got sprouts what are these lemons no there are they're going to be like kumquats or something well if they are where's the lemon tree calamundi it's fruit it's gonna lemons on it but either way the revolute cardboard to treat thank you very much my friend i appreciate it yeah yeah well thank you yeah you got a name for it no yeah but i'll have a thing a lot of things okay cool all right you might be thinking yeah you're ready to record videos where's your microphone yeah well lift this screen up oh wow this arm comes out oh wow put this back down i can just have a waffle into this yeah well that's very sick that's very sick indeed wow yes we've got some more adjustments to do but yeah yeah cool nice some to unbox the elgato light strip have a look instructions the light strip power cable another important accessory they feel very very nice very high quality and i'm thinking to stick this around his desk let's give that a crap okay so i've installed the light strip at the back of the table let me show you around and how that looks so what i've done is i've created some space with these clamps and i wired the light and stuck it at the back of the desk here so you can see it running all the way from here all the way through these devices to the end boom and also overlapped it i didn't want to cut it too short so how simple was it to connect to the computer and get it up and running really simple a control center i'll get a control center that controls the key lights and also control the strip lights and on this stream deck i have set it all up so i got like if he really wants to access like the silent channels you can quickly just you know sidemen more side when cyber reacts you're just showing off now this is right now show us the led strip then the led strip so initially you can just press this and back you can see the little blue light there let me go around this side have a look that's that's really nice and bright really nice and soft i think he's gonna like that and he can do more with this you can change the brightness 50 20 you know but can also change colors so we have the the blue oh that looks nice and that's my favorite we have the green nice we have the red what wow on camera this looks nuts we have the good old white yeah and then we have a bit of a you know like a warmer tone white i've also done some more cable management at the back so you can see this braided sleeve coming from the monitor so all of the cables the display port and the power cable neatly runs across this arm and it goes all the way to here and it runs all the way down down down down down and connects to the pc all the way at the bottom and we have three monitors connected that do the same job so there you go they all meet in the middle here and they go all the way down to the pc and of course i've braided the cables here for the old ghetto light and the speakers so that looks pretty neat i just got a couple of more cables to tidy over on that end over there where the consoles in the computer are and then i think we're good to go and i mean just looking through all of this junk right there's junk but then there's also precious awards like the 10 million of bloody hell that's heavy stuff like this it's just not very well taken care of is it i mean it doesn't even look silver anymore it's like it's grey it's just old it's matte alright well this will be for another day me and viz have had a very productive day we've managed to finish off the desk it goes up and down it lights up different colors and all of the stuff is working pretty nice and then we're going to replace the razer audio mixer with a go xlr audio mixer which is going to be a lot more reliable wow yeah this was good man we've got some issues with this thing okay software problems oh so nothing you can do okay uh it's like a new device but their software isn't great okay so i might have to get you to replace that for another unit so it's unusable no it works right now it works we've got all right and then we're waiting for some cables to come for your camera someone didn't order okay it looks good it looks good it looks very good my playstation xbox oh yeah we connected all your consoles as well so your xbox is connected and your playstation connected and this is going to show you an example of how all of that works okay so you get this little remote all you do now so number one yeah that's your ps5 yeah and then you just aim it there number two or just switch and then give it some time okay okay no no no i'm liking this i'm liking this oh my there's my friend oh he's our wizard there you go oh okay switch these lights up what's this what these buttons here for oh yeah harry we've programmed you some different modes i mean i was just playing with it okay okay just click on it let's switch off please there you go it opens your channel oh that's it oh that's good that's pretty sick though still waiting on my you know sideline channel quickly that's actually very cool what's this in the middle here oh and then if you open the folder this one yeah and then you can just change it you know blue [Music] [Music] that's so cool he loves it he loves it and this is like how much how powerful it is yeah yeah yeah that's very sick that's very sick indeed that's that this is sick i really like it i really like it next up we gotta figure out what's happening back here yeah it's all a bit of a state in it maybe i can come around another time i'd lock mountains we can do it together yeah something special yeah i'm gonna get rid of this sofa like i said so no sofa no sofa and you're thinking to mount the boards on the amount of boards maybe a dart board over there oh maybe it's double something just here perfect darts do you have a chair no would you like a chair no i'm getting them coming i've got her miller yeah so for now i'm happy to stand man this is cool i prefer this here than other so then you can just move out of the way and it's not yeah yeah the mic is a big game changer i reckon [Music] all you have to do is just press sit in oh okay and then if you want then you press the standing ah cool yeah my other little fiddle about i'll get all this working it's cool that led strip's well nice oh and have a look at all the cables yeah they're all like uniform like look this one's in a sleeve oh yeah this one's in a sleeve see i see what you're up to i'm getting the top treatment here wts this is sick this is really to this i'll play with this for hours you know this is very cool this is great man this is great i'll plan out what i'm doing as well and i'll have a little idea of what we'll do with it yeah wicked thank you very much [Music] harry look at this beautiful background don't you wish you had something as lovely as that no that was [ __ ] like i want like a i want like a i don't know what i want yeah i want to mount my stuff i've got the ball coming i've got i haven't figured out in my head what the dollar board okay but for now yeah release this video okay and i will update you soon on what the background is okay so harry's egging on for part two yeah well eventually okay i need some lighting back there i'm like this is bright white when i'm filming yeah okay we'll saw that what's up all right take care bye
Channel: Konstantin
Views: 2,967,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xjjOCtVpbXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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