Surprising My Girlfriend With $10,000 Makeover

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hello everyone welcome back to the house renovation series this video is sponsored by squarespace whether you need a domain website or an online store make it happen with squarespace and today as you can tell by the title we're going to be surprising kirsty with her own fresh new setup the last video that i showed you guys the room was in a pretty raw state so the room had no proper flooring some of the walls needed to be plastered and it needed a fresh lick of paint big disclaimer i am not a qualified person to be doing such tasks especially with my busy schedule so we've hired it in people actually a family friend everybody in the comments go and say thank you to richard pick up the legend richard he has been helping us sort out the whole house so the hard work has been done i kind of know what vibe she wants to go for i'm going to be doing the main course setup of it and then i guess she can adjust some bits at the end if she doesn't like what i've done so yeah let me show you how the room looks like now [Music] out of everything in this room that i'm planning to set up i'm the most confident about her streaming setup she's going to have a nice little desk there her computer is going to be there key light monitor all of that jazz so if you're into watching twitch streams kirstie stream pretty much every day and she's not being able to stream recently because she doesn't have anything so we're going to try and get her up and running by tonight and then if you follow me over here by the way if you think uh who's filming con who's moving the camera i'm currently connected with the dji raven eye and it tracks my whole face and movements so as you can see i'm moving around and it follows me around oh and it's lost me come back this way calm back this way this way there's a fly in this room i'm gonna go crazy is it trapped in here it's trapped in there get out there you go so yeah this is going to be kirsty's main streaming area over here is going to be her background we've got a bunch of shelves we're going to decorate them with plants and artwork and then if we follow me over here this little section gonna be a neon sign behind me a sofa a rug some plants maybe a couple of frames with pictures in them so i think her sofa is coming in the next two months or something ridiculous like that so yeah there'll be a sofa here and then over here is gonna be kirsty's vanity area as you can see i've got a professional to already install the mirror so you're not gonna see me struggle and drop and break this because she'll absolutely kill me for doing that so what's first on my list a makeup vanity unit and here's one i made earlier we built it together the other day so she does know she's getting this and that obviously is going by the mirror over there so let's just time lapse this [Music] i'm not gonna lie i'm tired already mate by the way the house tour video i uploaded that 24 hours ago and it's already on 160 000 views so thank you very much for your kind words i do manage to read up on most of my comments first things first i'm the realist and we're going to be setting up her office desk this is an electronic standing desk that was sent to me from the guys over at thank you guys really appreciate that i do want to address some of them because i think it will be fun to chat back to you guys so jin says open the place up more it feels very condensed with so many doors to places open the kitchen up to the living so you feel like you have more spaces well i'd love to do all of these suggestions however hey i'm on a budget b i don't feel like this is going to be a forever home now i hope the house doesn't hear this and gets upset but i do have an end goal of like a bigger place not that there's nothing wrong with this one but i just always have more aspirations about anything i do the same goes with my job i always want to make bigger and better videos so i apply that motto to everything i do in life also thank you very much about the whole audio tips of where to put my surround sound speakers did you do this all yourself or have you bought others to help like builders and electricians apart from stripping the wallpaper i've not done anything else myself because i'm not qualified to do any of this building work or decorative work time is a big thing for me and kirsty as you know we're always out and about on shoots doing work filming sidemen videos so yeah all of that plus doing up our own house i think that would be impossible for us that's pretty easy all i have to do now fit these legs on i need eight m6 bolts and six bolts are in compartment number c this comment cracked me up when you have a small con or kirsty kids go in the loft yeah that's right shove them in a lot there's not much space in the loft i know a couple people suggested i should make it a podcast room or that i should uh have a games room or like a cinema there i really feel like there's not enough space there i think the wide lens that i used on my camera really deceived you guys about how big it is up there [Music] speak to mars bar about smart home and surround sound setup be great for him to come in and collab mars bar is always welcome to come in here and pimp out my setup because he's on another level love the house but get bigger doors how will simon fit who says that simon is even invited around hm you come through you can come through we'll have a barbecue in the garden how about that i finished building the whole desk and the process was actually very very simple let's hope nothing breaks or collapses maybe i should unplug this for now [Music] oh wow this goes high yes now okay what i'm six one for someone my height this is more than plenty i definitely want one one of these for myself now bro the monitor she's got is crazy hang on let me show you it's almost the same size as me but this is a 40 inch wide screen curved 4k monitor i am very excited to unbox this monitor and i'm also very jealous that it's going to be cursed [Music] this box is a beast oh my god there's no more room left on this desk she needs a bigger desk please don't break i beg you don't break where am i gonna put this thing that was easy and are there any screws no screws no screws this could be good this could be a super quick job [Music] i think i've got it guys i think i've got it oh that was the easy apart from me holding it awkwardly that was one of the easiest monitor setups i've ever done oh okay it rotates it goes up it goes down does it go this way yeah it rotates like clockwise and anti-clockwise yeah this is a certain monitor so if we have it like this he's gonna love this i'm loving this i'm super jealous i'm giving it away i thought yeah i'll set up kirsty's room now i'm jealous and i want to keep it they've given us a couple cables there's a firewire cable so i assume this cable will connect to your pc and any other usb ports that you plug in it will think that it's plugged into the computer which makes it super handy to add any extra peripherals that you might have hdmi cable tick what's this cable usb c to usbc that's pretty dope oh this is going to be super handy for her laptop sometimes i work on my laptop so sometimes i might want to bring my laptop in hook it to the monitor and just continue my work that's satisfying so you can see here these are the ports you get so you have a display port got hdmi 1 hdmi two a 3.5 mil jack then we've got a usbc firewire port free usb port and uh what looks like an ethernet port which i'm not quite sure what it's for right now but i'm sure we'll find out and then the power goes in there and then at the back you've got two buttons one of them is a power button and then the other one must be like a menu switch and then got the dell logo at the back the whole stand itself feels pretty premium feels very solidly built i only have to apply a little bit of pressure if i want it to go up or down very easy to use i thought i wasn't a fan of curved monitors this looks really nice can this be my room please i don't need that i don't need the vanity although maybe i could start a makeup channel who knows lighting wise we've gone with your boys at elgato with the key lights and we don't have one we have two now this is this isn't like a new pc kirsty's had this for a while [Music] squarespace is a service for website building and hosting you can create websites using their pre-built templates and drag and drop elements to create web pages they offer a variety of different plans and you can always upgrade to a more advanced package once you need the extra features such as a fully integrated e-commerce shop if you're planning on selling either digital product or physical goods not only is the monthly fee affordable but think about how much money you'll save by being able to make changes yourself there's no need to pay a designer every time you need to make a small change this in itself makes the monthly fee worth it financially i recommend starting 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sticking sound panels everywhere i don't think she would but it would help the sound now all i have left is accessories i kind of just want to go to bed now done decoration time [Music] so i thought some of these will have some really cool artwork and also some of these are bangers fly me to the moon tony bennett got these pots faces on them it looks like it's got its hair to the side hugo spotlight led sunlight lamps that's all right [Music] i got her a record player as well it's working something's happening i love finding hidden treasures in charity shops all of a sudden we're in a horror movie getting that and the specific sofa that's going in right here is about two months away so sorry you're not going to see that in this video [Music] all right cassie come through i hope she likes it open arm i'm nervous this looks so grown up and elegant which is what i want to be dude what are you comparing this is huge oh my god so that's your destination yes yeah yeah i was watching trek last night i'm glad i wasn't watching anything else last night that's your new office do you like my cable management yeah it's not fully done yet i'm waiting for a couple more accessories to hide those ugly wires and then it'll be just like one long cable what's this yeah so this is the control panel so if you press the sitting down i programmed it to you for a sit down level let's see how short you think i am no i didn't do you that dirty sure about that so you could actually just sit on a cushion and do your work what on earth oh my god do you like it how do i get it up like this no you just yeah oh oh oh no no it's fine it's fine it's gonna hit the ceiling it went oh you're taking the piss here [Music] look how nice the paint color looks with everything and the floor wait wait wait wait i'm not done with the desk yet you've got lights do you know how to activate them of course i don't i do hey i've programmed it all for you i'm a genius oh my what's this so this is to switch between your headphones and the built-in speakers on the devil monitor right now so now i want to play some shrimp see you've got speakers now what this is the third i've not watched this one yeah well last night i ended up watching all of them also you know how you sometimes you do editing on your laptop yeah if you plug this cable into your laptop yeah it would display on there oh my god that's good because i've got 13 inch and i'm going to be like this so this is a thunderbolt connection that goes directly to the monitor and it should also charge your laptop at the same time big dub get your phone it looks like a heart rate yeah it's magnetic it's the magsafe charger that comes up well cool yeah ignore my nails by the way no one cares about your nails no they do they do they you're just thinking about playing it by daylight i am i'm like oh the killer's [Music] you coming this was supposed to be mine you know this monitor can i keep it please it's part of i'm not taking it down do you know how long everything took me to put up i'm not taking it down i really like it can i keep it you can keep it on video guys guys don't edit that out that's on the video and look we've got your camera set up so you press the button hey flip it up cj kirsty in the mix with stream when i have certain sub goals i do like workout streams and stuff and i always have to change my setup but now i probably don't have to yeah now all you have to do is press a button let's have a look at your vanity area dude dude this chair is so elegant you like it yeah is your key word for this elegant yeah because it is so elegant oh that is oh that is so cushiony on my bum i'll be here for the foreseeable future oh yeah where's the other one oh i could see how scruffy my hair is now because i haven't brushed it oh wow look this can make anyone look half decent these lights another charger that you can turn on and gets like this oh wow see that looks cool and then i need to get your plug for it but you've got the alexa echo 5. drop into the kitchen do you like your chair i'm not moving i'm sorry i'm not moving anymore this is cushy have you sat on it we are oh just in the rest of the room but oh that is sexy and even a little pl oh my favorite my octopus table i'll do the honors for you oh okay oh look at that that is sexy oh never look at look at this just actually look at this i'm not gonna lie it's so sick it's a bit freaky it's nice and stylish but he's a freaky girl he's a very freaky guest oh it's a bit sharp honey do you like your carpet yeah nice well soft i haven't touched it with my bare feet yet because i've got my granny socks on where i moisturized but i shall be giving that a go later love that so what are your plans for this section oh i don't know i think i've ordered a um a black velvet sofa bed but i told the people it's coming like two months time coming in like june or july and walk us through the pillows sorry you're so gassed about these pillows we have like a little small throw for the sofa when it comes if i get cold and i want to be snuggly i'm not i'm never going to be able to come into this room anymore no this is this is girl's corner you might be able to come in that bit but this section is girls only i'm afraid and i love these these are beautiful they look like little little butt holes big butt hole we've got two of them we've got two butt holes one each yeah so where the sofa's black it actually has like gold legs which will match the vanity so it's good that it matches you're going for a black gold and pink tiny bit of pink yeah i didn't want to open it and then this you obviously got for me because uh yeah because obviously i agree with what it says on the i'm simping you have this whole area and they look cute oh you styled them all right look i took the liberty i'm going into the garage and i'm packing your boxes and bringing some books up oh really big up lindsay kelt uh can i just say we stole this accidentally no come on we did did you did you pay for it no it must have dropped in the bag it fell in our bag and now i'm kind of freaked out because it's about death so it's 101 things to do before you die so the one i find we've got to do okay go on are you randomly going to pick it what does it say okay live in thailand for six months no it doesn't no he doesn't save someone's life actually i'll pick a different one that's not a bit of me like that one's a crap what does that say oh those are interesting positions i will do them yeah we'll do that look wait for it does it work i'm gonna do some interpretive dance to this one that's this one that we got in the charity show him i just scratched [Applause] he looks so sick where's the light there's this one oh yeah oh yeah he looks elegant oh look at these as well they're so ugly but i like them i've got another surprise for you so many surprises i forgot i forgot she she does this lana del rey has a new album and i know you're a big fan it's how we bonded remember i said yeah i love lana del rey music i like i do it's sick and this is her new album that's how i got into my pants hey this is a child friendly channel and also some tips for the mandom i wanna i wanna try it or i'll do it it's not gonna make the video because it's copyright you know that's okay you can put some epileptics out over it no let's put elvis on how do i work it hello it'll be there's not one in there there should be there's not and this is 12 pounds wait for real you're so you're such a menace all right and then put it at the start wait where's the start the edge the middle yeah and then turn the dial on it oh the sunset lamp ah do you like it so pretty i put it in front of this yeah that's your director's side coming through there oh it's like a shrine it's a shrine's a lot of direction oh yeah that looks good though doesn't it yeah she looks cool there or because it says golden in it we put elvis there oh miss on scene i like that i like that this could be i suggest maybe we can get you some more colored lights here because on your stream this side you can see it's pink but this side is too plain and white like that you can see the door a lot so you can decorate your door somehow i think that would be quite too but yeah overall have i really gotta stand up to work well for now and oh we're gonna get you a gaming chair as well so that's coming soon oh my god this is gonna be the most beautiful room like look look at the ear oh i've gotta have a sniff that's a good sheet a little candle theme oh i am a candle hole thank you also if you're enjoying these types of videos where i redo rooms and we do decorations and stuff like that let us know because we'll do more right catch me what are we doing yeah so for now subscribe and bye this is so nice
Channel: Konstantin
Views: 800,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ARb_4QrOzEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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