Building Top Secret Underground Bunker out of an F350

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our basic formula for our plan involves a 10-foot deep by 22 foot long massive hole in the middle of this cornfield will then proceed to bury this hundred-thousand-dollar f-350 without graded engine interior will entire suspension it's gotten any level hydraulic lift will go through all that we're gonna bury that truck in the ground completely under except for the sunroof so you can get in and out this is where your bunker is gonna be better than everybody else's cuz while they're living in a steel box or or some underground Shack that they built 25 years ago and stocked with hard encrusted powder food you're gonna be living in a limited leather interior with Navy Pier stitch ceilings and a sunroof which actually is gonna have Sun coming through it that was the only problem here is that this is glass is probably not very good against fallout and stuff this is gonna be the most comfortable bunker okay guys you're gonna have heat and a/c you're gonna have a horn in case people are passing above you with weapons and they want to rob you you can alert them to stay away with your horn that's here an iPad I don't know about Internet signal it depends on your Wi-Fi connection then you're gonna have a sound system back here which it drains a battery in like five minutes which is why we gotta have exhaust for it so we can have sound down here the base is gonna be great because it's all it's all concealed and everything yeah that's the one problem provisions there's no way to get to the bed so you can only stock up on about four Mountain Dews and a bag of Cheetos but 20 foot of visqueen plastic usually used underneath concrete is it gonna protect water from getting into all your seals and stuff this is gonna go along the sides of the truck too so that first of all we have an air gap under here for your intake it's also gonna prevent scratches and dents on your doors would you care very much about you'll see that soon [Music] [Music] [Music] there she is ten foot deep ten foot wide and 23 feet long with a slight ramp a very steep ramp all dug by hand it's clay its it's like a really look at this see right here looks like a lot of moisture in it this gonna be the last time I ever drive this truck if things go wrong here but [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty so it's about 4 a.m. we've been out here for 10 hours she's in here we had to pull her out and back it back in the other way obviously we don't have access under any of this once this is shut and it's gonna create a huge vacuum if we start the truck and didn't have an intake so you can see the Integra here goes in this pipe goes under the fender well and it basically goes right into that right here we have jumper cables coming up out in case the truck dies and we can't get under the hood this thing uses a ton of auxiliary power even when you're just starting and shutting it off so just in case we do have these so that we can start it back up this is insane guys this is the I wish we could have access underneath here look at this under here look it's great it's like a freakin Ford but it's like huge it's a whole other room under here the exhaust comes out of there it's duct tape to that and then it goes out and straight up all right tuck yeah tuck her in she's going to bed it's kind of expiry it looks wrong like we're burying a body two guys digging a hole out in the middle of the night with an excavator and they just buried something covered in plastic feeling so wrong it's just not right [Music] [Music] [Music] right here's the hood the only thing I'm slightly worried about is the windshield here but you know those are replaceable so just like everything else on the truck as I pile more on here you can actually hear the styrofoam creaking on the sides I can hear it going lower and lower because there's so much weight on it okay one last bucking right hundred thousand dollars buried real quiet yeah I came right through the pipe listen [Music] [Music] like we're ready to give it to her here you see nothing right now you see there's nothing that's the exhaust guys this is the exhaust of a 900 horsepower 6-7 sticking up in the middle of a cornfield someone forgot their cables out here don't worry they're just laying here you know but there's only one end and you're definitely not gonna get him out this is the intake kind of ground little bits of water doesn't get in it it's the only spotting in here I can feel it get sucked in it's definitely sucking air these are running six seven right under me it's a clean freakin facility in there we got this is in the end of the world we are restarting civilization it is so dark in here it's really muffled dirt is like pressed in on all the sides okay way cooler down here okay here we go so John accessory power my startup so don't die that is messed up we can close the cover - I know it's gonna get dark in here it's gonna get dark real quick this is like claustrophobic oh my god dude no [Music] light first startup oh my god no Sardis is not available service advancetrac passenger airbag oh my god I can't see at all I can't see anything dude this is crazy let's play some music that's what I'm thinking okay first we need to assess our situation here oh there's plastic it's like silt it's like you can see yeah you can see the plastic in the phone is that a crash on a crack yeah that's correct yeah sure oh yeah right there I knew it would crack I told you how many others are cracked cleaned it that's a lot of weight on that it's like just solid it's like solid what if we listen to music and it shatters my eyes out it's gonna break that windshield [Music] I can feel the bass in my feet I have no words guys most freakin sickest fallout shelter on the freakin planet right now dude do not try it it's gonna let dirt in and then it won't go back up you idiot the window oh that mirror is like jammed into here oh there's like a thousand pounds of pressure on that mirror so how's that yeah that windows buried ball my backup watch you're right she pounces on it wait yeah this is what it's like to be on the other side of the aquarium Maisie hey any pup be there Oh dust is everywhere it's blown in the blow by from the yak is emptying out under the truck all that blow by okay we got it we're gonna suffocate shut that off oh there stop the axles moving some but it's not enough to you're cracking let's see what happens in the front that was a lot at the dirt is gonna bounce it'll push that windshield you know because it will it'll bounce I guess you could say it's a Need for Speed Underground it was stupid [Music] jump up now for anybody who thinks they're just gonna waltz out here and go in into our little secret port I got surprises y'all ever heard of a claymore huh anyways um we'll have to rearrange that up in there this was fun I'm it's kind of hard to sleep knowing that huge amounts of water could be pouring into my truck tonight Oh what can you do about it all right so it is 3:00 in the morning and it's freaking pouring rain so hard we might have to dig this up guys that I found a hole where water is flowing into I'm gonna get in there and make sure it's not just going straight into the cab because it's going in there fast so if you wanted to temp so we're gonna check up see all this you see this massive Creek see the excavator tracks from 3:00 in the morning here you dig trenches to get the water away the exhaust pipe it was it was going down behind the bed there was a whole certain open up but I don't know if it's going in the cab whoa whoa whoa what are you doing
Channel: WhistlinDiesel
Views: 2,825,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: duramax, bunker, shelter, secret, top secret, Underground, swimming pool, underground pool, most secret, hideout, fort, truck, pickup, f350, whistlindiesel, ford, powerstroke, cummins, dodge, chevy, diesel, whistling, whistlin
Id: ed-LgaPeY9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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