Building This EPIC Triple Monitor Gaming / Streaming Setup

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this is gonna be one of the biggest setups I have ever built not only do I have a new microphone from Elgato that released today I also have an awesome Kickstarter keyboard that has a built-in stream deck on the side it's specifically for streamers I have the coolest Bluetooth speaker you have ever seen but most importantly I bought three amazing gaming monitors because this is a triple monitor gaming and streaming setup all three of these are 27 inch 144hz IPS and since I was spending so much money already I decided that I also needed 1440p apparently I don't really care about making a profit with these videos because I literally spent all my money which is why I'm extremely happy that I can announce the sponsor of today's video owned offers beautiful animated overlays that will make your stream look better in no time whether you want a Christmas theme for the coming holidays an officially licensed Call of Duty Warzone theme or any other style from their huge Library memory of completely animated overlay packs they have it all and they are optimized for twitch and YouTube streaming besides overlays their best selling services or the two emote makers which will let you create static or animated emotes for your stream if you want to get your own Graphics go to TVN or click the link on top of my description and use my code TVN at checkout for 50 of the price so this is what came in the Box besides the screen to be clear there's definitely a reason why I chose these screens why the screens are 1440p not only because that's awesome for gaming I will go over all that stuff later and I just want to show you what this would look like if you would use the stand because I'm gonna use a monitor arm now this is one of the most beautiful stands I've ever seen with a monitor it's extremely clean the back of the monitor also looks amazing and this is what the screen would look like if you would assemble it this is from the back now before I put the monitors on this desk I want to place the PC here because I want to see how much space I have left with which looking at this is a lot by the way the price of this PC is one thousand dollars I built it myself in one of my previous videos so you can check it out I will link it in the cards and in the description and you can find all the parts in the video as well as some information on cheaper and more expensive Parts in case your budget is lower or higher than one grand you can see that this is a very big desk and I want to show it to you because basically I made two versions of it we are definitely gonna get rid of the mess in the corner I bought double-sided tape that's completely transparent I'm gonna try to stick the router to the bottom of the desk and I also bought three cable trays that are pretty big and they're gonna spend from the left to the right all the way across to hide the power supply and all cables from all this stuff not to come back to the two different versions on the left I have a drawer and then on the right I have two legs this desk used to go from here to there and then completely to the right and I try to make it as beautiful as possible so on the left here you will see that I completely finished it with the same material as the top of the desk this is not not an Alex Gerard the name is Ikea Mickey or Mick and what I would do is do the exact same thing on the right there you can do it without the table top on the left because you will need to buy an extra one to be able to cut it down and then put it on the left and then on the right of the other Mickey drawer however it does look pretty beautiful like this the table top you see here is an Ikea Coral B it's pretty sturdy now it does bend a tiny bit but that's because it's 2 meters and 50 centimeters wide I don't know what that is in Freedom Units but I will add Ikea links to all these materials in the description as well as the legs there now I have no idea if all these crates are going to be able to fit on the desk and if I'm gonna have room to put other stuff on the desk like the Bluetooth speaker on the left there or maybe a headphone stand so let's try to see what we're working with now it looks like I'm gonna have kind of a problem because there is not much space left let's hope that when I install this monitor arm and I put the monitors kinda skewed I hope that I'm gonna end up with a bit more room than I expected unboxing this is kinda dangerous because they are all spring loaded so if I'm not careful I'm gonna get one of the arms in my face this was a very beefy monitor arm that I found it's a triple monitor arm of course it's gonna have one point of contact on the desk and then there's gonna be three monitors floating I've never installed something like this but I did install a very beefy monitor arm for my ultra white I'm looking up the price I paid for this monitor arm because it looks very premium and it was a hundred and five dollars now that's absolutely not cheap however usually a very beefy monitor arm will cost you about 200 250 dollars so if this arm can hold all monitors completely steady and completely aligned then this monitor arm is absolutely worth the price now I can definitely say it feels very beefy let's try not to drop it on these screens I'm gonna shove it over the end here then tighten it on the bottom and look at this I am so looking forward to the end result of the setup so what needs to happen now is connecting all these plates to the backs of the monitors because then we can use that to connect the model orders to these mounts they give you very easy screws you don't even need a screwdriver however you can use an electric one if you want to make it go faster let's connect the first one I'm gonna try to show you so you just slide it on it like this and then you have these other thumb screws and you can secure it like this we need to adjust the strength but I'm gonna do the other ones first now all three of these monitors are LG 27 gn800 V ones there is an extremely similar monitor from lgd27 gl83ab and this one has a slightly worse response time however it is adjustable in height so if you want to use the stand go with that one otherwise the ones I'm using right now are better for gaming now the reason I chose 1440p monitors is that first of all it looks amazing for gaming but second of all it gives you a lot of pixels to put programs on while streaming you will have two monitors on the sides to manage your stream and that's gonna be amazingly convenient before we install all the cables I want to check out these cable trays the Box itself is surprisingly heavy so I assume there are going to be very decent oh wow these are completely stable and look at that you're not gonna see anything there's a lot of stuff that fits in between I think we're gonna be able to pretty much cover the whole width I guess something like this will look pretty good and as you can see they also have room for a power strip so if it's perfectly in between there's just obviously extremely useful okay now to say connecting these was kind of a hassle would be the understatement of the year however look at this that's gonna be absolutely perfect it's gonna be like that all the way to the right okay it is finally completed now this took me 44 minutes which is well kind of embarrassing but let's be honest here it looks amazing and it's gonna hide all cables so let's put this power strip inside the cable tray this fits absolutely perfectly look at this I already did the cable management for this Monitor and it's absolutely amazing this monitor arm comes with these caps and you rub the cables through the bottom of the arm and then put the cap on it and as you can see it looks really really clean now as my mouse pad I'm gonna use a TV and dust mat now it is not for sale yet however that is absolutely my goal now as you can see my logo is here on the bottom left and I've been looking for a manufacturer for quite some time I am still figuring out the shipping part if you want to get notified when I eventually launch them the best way is probably joining my Discord or following me on Instagram I am posting stories about designing this stuff finding a manufacturer figuring out the shipping I will probably post about making the store too so that my might be interesting for some people it will be on the screen here now the keyboard and the mouse I've been excited about this for a while however before we check all that out I cannot wait to compare this mouse which is a Razer Viper ultimate to this glorious model of Wireless both of these mice are extremely light and I'm not sure what happened here like is this the real packaging I think I must have bought some deal on Amazon oh renewed oh this is refurbished how did I not notice anyway so this is probably not the premium Razer packaging but we got a pretty new mouse now this definitely explains why the price was lower than expected I thought I caught some amazing deal to be honest I kinda did because this is a completely new mouse if you look at it I don't see any Marks here this Mouse looks completely new and the weight is extremely similar to this glorious model oh I feel like it's a tiny bit heavier and one of the main reasons I wanted to switch to this mouse is that it comes with a charger so I think you can just slide it on there oh there we go it's magnetic and this is obviously going to be extremely useful and that is a big workflow upgrade in my book by the way looking at this I feel like the bottom part is going to be RGB and you can also peel this off on the bottom and then tape it to the desk so let's do it as close to the position where I'm sitting as possible because if it's over there I'm probably gonna be too lazy to put it over here every night the goal is that when I'm finished at my desk I just put it over here and I forget about it now the keyboard This is a whole other thing I should have shown this on the channel a while back it got sent to me it was a Kickstarter and this keyboard if we take off this pill take a look at this this is a complete stream that well not exactly a stream deck but it's a touchscreen macro pad this is a speaker this is audio control and then on the side of it you can also see a few ports because this keyboard has an audio mixer now in the Box they give you a few cables I'm gonna figure out what they're for and besides that you also got a bunch of colored keycaps so that's definitely pretty cool take a look at this and I also think they did amazing work on the packaging and the branding because look at this I'm not sure if you can see the whole texture on the camera but it looks amazing I'm quickly going to take my really crappy chair and this is the worst chair I have ever used now I am going to use a USB hub this is one from the brand icy box I've used it in my previous setup too and I'm just going to be installing this on the back here now at first I was going to use this Micron here as my well microphone arm however since I'm gonna be using this professional camera here as my webcam I'm gonna need a very beefy arm and I feel like this one here would be strong enough so I'm going to be installing this as a webcam arm oh that's definitely pretty heavy and feels very sturdy it does have a loaded spring let's make sure I don't have the screens with it I definitely feel like this is going to be very strong let's install it now with this setup I feel like the camera should come here another option would be if this screen goes to the right the camera would be in the middle since then I will not be filmed from above me which kinda looks weird sometimes especially if I also use it for YouTube videos instead of only for streaming getting filmed from there while reacting to people's setups Etc will look better however I wanna try putting it in a streamer setup and then see how it looks now if my editor can zoom in on this this looks very clean let's connect it now I just found out that the camera actually doesn't really fit on here so I looked through some stuff and luckily I found this converter from Elgato and I think I'm gonna be able to use this to connect my camera to this arm luckily it did fit and I think this is gonna be a perfect setup you can tighten every turning point of this arm so that it doesn't move again now this setup Works amazing however there is one flaw since this arm isn't meant for cameras I cannot aim the webcam up or down so I am going to use something called a ball head and this way I'm gonna be able to loosen this then point the camera and just tighten it so now I can perfectly aim the camera then just tighten the ball head and then the camera is just gonna stay in place it's perfect this is great and I could also just lower of the screens and then the webcam would also come down a bit and be more on my eye level now one thing I was really looking forward to and I unboxed it yesterday and it's three of the exact same as d card readers all connected to the same USB hub and I also bought a really long USB extension cable however maybe we're not gonna need it because I want to tape all three of them here on the bottom and they're probably going to be long enough now before we attach them to the desk I wanna check this out because this looks really interesting it's basically double-sided tape but it's a special kind because according to the reviews it's reusable and it's the kind of tape you put on your wall and that you can just stick your phone to it take it off put it on again take it off and it keeps working by the way the reason I do need three SD card readers is that I'm filming with three cameras all the time one there one here and then that's the third and yesterday after filming I wanted to put all my footage on my laptop as fast as possible and with one SD card reader that takes a while now this trip here I guess I'm just gonna test it on this wall and I'm I'm just gonna tape it on cut it off and then now I should be able to take off the protective peel here let's see now it's definitely very sticky I'm gonna put my phone on it make sure it doesn't fall that's very sturdy I'm Gonna Take It Off oh that's not easy to cut off okay I got it off and I also got pretty much the whole wall with it oh no now the wall is destroyed oh no look at that now I have to test it again to see if it's reusable because I think that this stuff actually works I just shouldn't have put it on a painted wall yep indeed this is probably very reusable but do not put it on a wall luckily I bought back of strips because I'm not going to use this tape to stick all these SD card readers to my desk these are command strips command is a brand and they are always amazing now I decided to use this tape anyway because well it's very strong and as you can see it's also the perfect width so I'm gonna connect them all three on the right that's the third one looks extremely clean and I'm gonna tape the USB hub on the bottom as well now this is absolutely one of the cleanest setups I've ever built this time I wanted everything to fit perfectly everything to be managed well and I feel like this is coming together very well now a part I've been extremely looking forward to this awesome Bluetooth speaker by the way I want to mention it already Elgato helped to build this video they helped sponsor me a bit to buy all the gear at satra because I'm going over their new microphone I literally launched today but I just want to mention that already since I'm really thankful for it because look at that this setup cost me a lot now I'm unboxing the wrong thing this is for later so I have two of these Bluetooth speakers and I'm gonna take one out of the package because you will immediately know why I'm so hyped about this look at this look at how awesome this thing looks now this is a more basic version than this one here but I want to test the speaker first well I want to show you ready to pair as you heard it makes an awesome sound when you turn it on I'm gonna put on some stream beats so I just turned on Bluetooth I'm gonna click on Graver star Mars Pro Bluetooth connected ah there we go and let's put on the song So this here is a touchscreen slider and I gotta say let's listen to it for a second base is amazing there is definitely a lot of bass with this speaker I recognize something in this song it's from stream beach by the way from Harry seller for which song is this oh it's from build a beach now I would like to compare them in this video but I'm gonna get copyright strike oh by the way I didn't see it from the back but there is RGB on the speaker you can change the color and I'm gonna put it over here while we check out the second one now this must be one of the coolest and the most original speaker I have ever seen now I will add a link to this in the description I'm gonna warn you it's not cheap I think it's 250 dollars I think this one is even 350 but this is pure art like it's really detailed it's very heavy it feels like steel this is a complete statement piece in any room now I have to build this myself the shield and then it's gun and then this on the back it all came separately in the Box I had to screw it on myself and then they gave you some plates like this one here that fit perfectly in the design they put a lot of work in this these things just completely blow my mind oh right I had this box this is a charging base and again very pretty there is a magnetic piece that comes in the Box you can plug it in the charging port on the bottom you can just align the legs here and then boom it clicks on it and if you plug the charger base with this cable then the speaker will always be charging and then now it is finally time to check out the Elgato microphone as I said multiple times throughout this video from the moment that this video launches you will be able to buy this mic and to be fair I have no idea what the price is going to be let's see if I got that information now unless I missed something I did not receive any info about the price I was gonna be really hard to review this without knowing what price point they are aiming at this is going to be hard to compare it to other mics now they did tell me that when this microphone launches it's gonna be as a bundle with the wave XLR which is their audio interface then the waved X done an Elgato XLR cable which I think is also new and then this which is the Elgato low profile micro so since this is gonna be a whole combo and they're gonna be selling it as a combo I assume the mic is going to be 99 at the highest 199 because otherwise this combo would be too expensive and this makes me think of another combo and in that case the mic is 99 so I assume that's what it's gonna be before you install a new mic arm it's always good to check out every possible position this one would kind of interfere with the keyboard now I had planted like this but apparently you need to speak into it from the top like this and on the promo images they connect the microphone from behind the screens and since this version of the arm is a low profile one they also have a high one that comes from here behind the monitors on the top now this would actually work I could also connect it the other side but I have plenty of room for the mouse here and it isn't in front of the screens that's the big upside of using the low profile arm it just doesn't bother you at all let's connect the Elgato XLR cable you can route the cable through the arm by the way these are magnetic and on the other side of the XLR cable goes into the wave XLR which is an audio interface that gives you access to wavelink which is the big big big upside of using this for streaming so far no other software Compares I've talked about that a lot on this channel and the other side of the wave XLR you plug a USB cable and that one goes in the USB hub now it's also time to turn on this PC and let's hope nothing explodes we have a big problem because this mouse isn't working because the USB receiver apparently didn't come with it I read online that it should be in the dog there the USB slot in the dock is empty so this sticker here quality control pass well the mouse might have passed quality control in terms of scratches but someone stole the USB so I'm gonna use the white glorious model oh this one is wired and to be fair it looks better in the setup with the white from the PC and on the keyboard than the mouse let me move this camera a bit because look at the PC setup this looks so amazing now I really want to hear what this sounds like if you want to use this Elgato wave XLR you need to go to their website to downloads and then there you need to download way link now these are some other products we can check out but I need to install this headset first because otherwise I can't listen to how the microphone sounds this here is something really interesting it is one of the cheapest wireless headsets that I found and look at this on the box it says in big blue letters number one best selling I was about to say apparently it's a best-selling headset because I mean it was very popular on Amazon but done in really small letters it says PC gaming headset brand in America so they just mean that hyperx is the best selling brand however it looks like this headset is the best-selling one it was about 60 dollars and that's definitely not that expensive for a wireless headset so let's hope it's big enough for my giant head oh too big imagine having a bigger head than me this is something I like the microphone absolutely stays in place no matter how you position it doesn't automatically move anywhere it just stays in place so that's a big plus now the wireless receiver is huge however I don't really mind and in the software as my monitor mix I'm not gonna be able to choose hyperx Cloud stinger and we can turn on the headset on the side let's hope it turns on maybe it needs batteries it comes with a USBC cable I will probably need to charge it I'm gonna take one of these crazy long cables for a second because the one that it comes with is embarrassingly short so let's turn it on now ah there we go okay so I turned on the camera that I'm gonna be using as my webcam and I also got a new Elgato microphone to work and the headset also works it's very lightweight it also steals everything around you pretty well like I hear myself differently now compared to when I take it off for now I will keep using the new microphone but this camera that's gonna be the webcam won't look that good because I still need to install this led panel right there right there not sure yet however we're gonna do it later because I quickly want to dive into this new microphone so Elgato sent me cheat sheets all right it's not that much information they want to sell the audio interface with a microphone with the XLR cable and then the XLR mic oh I quickly did some testing with this microphone here and I really have to say that like most Elgato products they just work great without changing too much and same counts for this microphone the pop filter that's inside and I think it's a double one they say in the documentation do a layer acoustic foam with embedded nylon membrane now what this does is eliminating the B sounds the T sounds some of the s's that sound too hard so if I say like plosive plosive now I'm really overdoing it but I think even in this scenario you will barely hear it and the plosive thing is only one of them by the way part of it is controlled by the wavelength program here you can control the input gain you have audio enhancements here you can add a low cut filter one is enabled here you have a clip guard here which will protect you from shouting so if I this disable the club guard and then I shout like hey that was really loud now my editor will probably make it a bit more quiet for you but you will hear that the audio is gonna distort however if I enable the clip guard here and then I do the same thing hey now that was really loud and I think the clipboard will have caught it and just overall the sound of this microphone sounds really produced really processed really professional like a studio microphone and I've always been extremely positive about this wavelength program here from Elgato and I still am and now especially since they have an XLR microphone that does sound good that does look good and that goes together with the rodeo interface this is an amazing setup now I don't want to go extremely technical about this microphone that's not my style of content so what I want to tell you is that a lot of information on this cheat sheet is basically saying that it's enhancing your voice it's tailored to voice recording it's doing things to reduce the echo from your room that goes into the microphone it is also trying to eliminate things like your PC that's running on the background Etc by really aiming at your voice pickup and focusing on that now what I am gonna say is that's a dynamic microphone it has a cardioid pickup pattern it is obviously an XLR microphone it has a swivel here you speak into it from the front not like this like a lot of microphones and the most important thing to say about it is that it sounds really good now I was gonna go over the Elgato software now however my webcam just turned off because it's overheating apparently now this is an LED panel that recently came onto my radar it's really big it's also not very cheap I think it was around 160 dollars however a lot of the popular and really good LED panels and other types of lights are around this price point that's why I wanted to give this light a chance because when I started making videos I always thought that newer was like a crappy company like one of these companies that you see on Amazon that you've never heard before the more I'm looking into newer they have a lot of really good products they also have like big lights like the light I'm filming myself with the light definitely doesn't go as high as I would have expected this is the high stick and go it will barely come above my monitor let's set it to the top of the stand and looking at it now especially with this ball head in between I don't think you would need extra height so I'm going to aim it down a bit and I'm gonna lower it like this now I feel like this setup is looking awesome I'm seeing myself on the screen there and the monitors from the side like all three of them look extremely aesthetically pleasing oh I just finished connecting everything and it's definitely kind of a mess down here because of all these stunts I have the monitor stand over here and I had the webcam that's connected with this stand here that's also on the desk and now we have another stand that kind of goes in between its push between everything and then does the light that comes out on top however we are going to fix all the cable management as you can see it already looks pretty good I am gonna fix everything in that corner so it looks like that now you can control the light with a few buttons on top here you can change the color temperature and then the brightness however apparently the light also comes with an application it's just an app called newer which is the brand of the light so I'm finding it right here newer gl1 so I'm gonna click on ADD device and choose Bluetooth and here it is newer gl1 click on OK and there it is I can find the device let's try to turn it off it works very quickly so let's turn the brightness to the maximum to see oh that's very bright now this is a problem with some cheaper LED panels this isn't a cheap one it's 170 dollars which is a lot and the cheaper ones usually don't really like your room or yourself enough however this one is absolutely going to like me enough I'm going to turn the brightness to the minimum so now it's completely off then this is about half brightness and then this is gonna be full brightness now the camera is going to adjust for the light so as you will see now I will be very bright and maybe it's gonna overexpose here a bit but you should see what happens if I reduce the brightness gradually you will see the background becoming lighter and lighter because the camera will be adding more and more extra fake lights to keep my face the same level of brightness however what happens if I turn it up this much my face is really really bright however the background isn't getting lit that much by the LED panel so the stronger this light is going to be on my face and the closer it's gonna be to my face the darker the background is gonna be and the more I'm gonna stand out now besides changing the brightness you can also change the color temperature so now it's extremely orange if I move it completely to the right you will see it's completely white so what I quickly want to show you is why the wavelength program that you're getting with this audio interface why this program is so useful and it's pretty simple to explain you're getting all these columns for your audio right this column here is your microphone this is called the music could be your music and so the way this works is that in your audio settings for example Google Chrome here you could send this to wavelink browser and so then in the wavelength program I can add another column and then I can add browser and then now as a result if I go to my browser here I press play you will see that the browser and wavelink starts moving and here's the exciting thing I have my headsets here and as you can see my monitor is hyperx cloud Stinger which is this headset and then I have a separate streamix which is going to the stream and so for the music that's playing in the browser here I can turn the music down in my headphones you can see the icon here and then I can make the music pretty loud for the Stream So then while gaming I will barely hear my music or any sound that's playing in the browser however my stream will hear it very clearly and then the last thing I want to touch on is that on the bottom this is the last step that makes this awesome so you have the monitor mix which is for yourself and then the stream mix but you can see through ear icons here right you can select one of them and so if I click the ear icon from the stream mix then now in my headphones I will hear what the stream would be or is hearing so if I want to adjust the volume of my game here for the stream and then for my music for the stream or browser and on my voice chat I want to turn it down so I hear my voice chat loud but the stream doesn't and if the zero icon is selected I can hear if the stream mix is something good if I can confirm that it's enjoyable for the stream then I can go back to this ear I can here and then I hear my mix again this is completely overpowered for streaming once you have a program like this on a screen next to you you will never want to go back because you have complete control here you know exactly where all audio is going if the stream says hey man the music is really loud you can just be like Boom turn it down and this is a complete game changer for streaming now this combo here isn't the only way to get access to that program you can also buy their USB microphone which is the Elgato Wave 1 or Wave 3 and that's gonna give you the exact same control however I do have to be honest this combo here is amazing and I sound really good now another product I have is one that got sun to me and they say smart headphone stand but it's not really a smart headphone stand you can just charge your phone here with a wireless charging pad you can see that I haven't really checked out the whole product oh this looks pretty premium like I assume you have to push this in and I think we're gonna have to screw it in we can attach a screw from the back I'm gonna drop in the screw so we can immediately test if I can charge my phone using this here by by the way this looks kind of awesome so I'm going to add it here for now plug it in the headphone stand and I'm gonna use the case because it should work with so let's hope my phone lights up when I put it on because I really like the stunt so I'm gonna turn off my screen let's put it on it's working now I think it's finally time to test out this keyboard and see what it does should have a QR code I did see it before let's see what this link is now it's doing some stuff I do have to remind you that this was a Kickstarter product and I don't think this was the final version oh it does definitely work as you can see it just turned on you can go to the calculator here you can make a calculation it works if you go to the settings they give you a QR code so then this QR code goes to a Chinese login page which I can't read this option here gives you a trackpad which is extremely delayed my editor will put my screen recording and then my hand here next to each other and as you can see so there is a big delay between me moving left and right and then the mouse moving left and right now I've been looking at some videos and apparently this button here is to change the RGB because this keyboard should have RGB I'm gonna click on something else I will turn off my lights for a second so you can see it I'm gonna choose another style that's white blue but not very visible now this is very visible now very important very important message I've been looking at the kickstarter page the in the Google page Kickstarter has a lot of negative comments about people saying that it doesn't arrive that they don't answer and then only in the gogo there are two comments one of them saying hey don't buy this it's a Kickstarter scam now whether that's true or not I can't find a lot of content about this keyboard it does feel very gimmicky like there's a lot of sound effects on them and then in the text they say it provides more than 100 default sound effects which are perfect for breaking the eyes and creating an enjoyable atmosphere while you're live streaming maximize your creativity and enrich your content now I'm not sure whether this product is legit but there is no way in hell that I would spend my own money on this so I don't really recommend it to you buy another keyboard get yourself a real stream deck and you'll be much better off now it won't come as a surprise to you that this setup was definitely pretty expensive to build I want to thank owned and Elgato for sponsoring this video by the way I'm just fixing the cable management here these cable trays are absolutely amazing I love the end result of the setup the three screens look amazing if you want to see my behind the scenes or you want to see other setups that I built you can check out my Instagram at the video nerd I will put it on the screen if you want to stream yourself and you're not really sure how to set up OBS I have a course on that you can watch it for free on skillshare you can sign up for one free month and then cancel afterwards I will link the skillshare course in the description thanks a lot for watching and I hope to see you in one of my next videos have a nice day
Channel: The Video Nerd
Views: 432,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: streaming, gaming, setup, streaming setup, gaming setup, epic setup, room tour, room transformation, setup transformation, gaming setup transformation, streaming setup build, building setup, build setup, building streaming setup, I built a setup, amazon setup, ikea desk setup, triple monitor, triple monitor setup, desk setup, stream setup, streamer, gamer, twitch setup for streaming, youtube streaming setup, ultimate gaming setup, setup tour, dream setup, ultimate setup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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