Building My Custom $10,000 DREAM Gaming Setup!

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this week I am finally building my dream gaming setup and it's going to be completely custom built and painted this setup is going to be insane when it's finished and we're going to build the whole thing in this video now I completely 3D designed the whole setup in Cinema 4D plank by plank I actually asked GOI to send me a bunch of RGB products and they replied with sure we'll send you all the products and sponsor the video on top of it so thanks I guess there is so much stuff I need to go over these walls aren't even real but more on that l okay real quick about the wall one year ago I bought an empty apartment to use as a YouTube Studio however there were Windows all over the living room and there was a lot of noise from the street so we built false walls to hide all the windows and also to put sound dampening material in to get rid of the noise and so today I'm finally going to use those false walls to hide all the cables and build a really clean setup I needed all the support I could get so LG is also sponsoring this video with their crazy gaming monitor I'm actually really excited because I've never had that good of a monitor now the First Step was going to the hardware store to get all the planks that I needed for this custom built setup I had the exact dimensions of all the pieces I needed and in the hardware store they had this fascinating machine to cut all the Planks on autopilot this here is Chris and Chris was very friendly and allowed me to film in the back and that way I was able to film the whole cutting process so first Chris entered all the dimensions I wrote on a piece of paper in the computer then he put the plank in place the machine then swallowed the whole Plank and then the cover goes down but then once the plank is cut now you can see the plank appearing in the front again the machine just spits it out and it's cut perfectly to the millimeter and we had a pretty hard time getting everything in the car however we finally managed to do it but it was pretty close now the total price of everything I bought was $300 this includes the wood the cutting the white paint the screws and also the steel hooks to connect all the wood together now if even one of my measurements in 3D were wrong then this whole setup won't fit together because it all fits perfect perfectly it's pretty stressful now I'm not going to bore you with the whole building process I'm going to show a time lapse it's going to be a quick one however one of my future videos is going to be a complete building time lapse of this whole setup I filmed everything I did in great detail from building all the wood painting it unboxing all the products installing them in the setup so just know that a relaxing building time lapse of this whole setup is coming there are some really cool tricks I used to hide everything and you will be able to see all of that in detail in that video this desk is like really really bent right once we attach the left side and then we attach the right side as well it's going to perfectly straighten the desk okay now first of all the front of the desk isn't straight at all you can clearly see that it's bent and it would need support on the front but that brings me to second of all I'm not a carpenter and I just want to make a setup that's pretty to look at and that will get me free Tik Tok views and I think this setup is going to do that so I just finished adding all the tape here for then painting all the wood without really affecting my wall I already started painting a bit as a test I'm going to need to apply two layers cuz as you can see it doesn't really fill okay so the next day I completed the first layer of paint and then the day after that I applied the second one because it was absolutely necessary now as you can see in the background of this shot it looks absolutely beautiful it Blends in with the wall it looks very custom built and once I had completed the building and painting of the desk I couldn't wait with unboxing this monitor because it looks absolutely amazing I've never had a monitor as crazy as this one before not even an OLED monitor or TV so I was really excited look at the curve this is an 800r curve and I'm going to try to show you already look at this I have never seen this that is absolutely crazy and boom it even has a remote I got to check this later let's rotate it it's a heavy one now the specs of this monitor are crazy it's 45 in 240 HZ olet 0.03 gray to gray response time it is 1440p so the perfect view viewing distance of this monitor is 880 cm and this is 81 okay that's actually pretty far away so since this is an 800 R curve then when you're 80 cm away all parts of the monitor of course on a horizontal line are exactly the same distance from your eyes and because of this the brightness will be consistent okay now I want to test the Monitor and I have my Cube PC here which I'm going to use in the setup so this PC is the ASA Cube you might have heard about it already or seen it on the channel I'm going to temporarily connect this monitor later we're going to hide all the cables behind this false wall also for the side monitors for all the RGB it's all going to be going to the back because as you know all of these walls are false walls there's Windows behind this there's a Street behind that now for the mouse and keyboard I went for one of my favorite combos it's the white razor combo of the protype ultra keyboard This has yellow razor silent switches and then the razor Viper ultimate the White Edition I mean this is an awesome combination it's also not an all-white keyboard it's white with silver and the white Viper ultimate kind of matches that aesthetic and this is absolutely an awesome combination also the sound and the feeling of this keyboard are amazing the Viper ultimate also has a wireless charging dock and then off to each gaming session I can just put my mouse there let it charge and then the next time it's just full again all right the next package is something I was really really excited about I had been waiting for this for a few weeks it's my own mouse pad and I put a lot of work into this design together with the designer of course we went through lots of visions and as you can see I was clearly really impressed with it in real life and as you can see the wallpaper on the screen does fit the mouse pad and you will be able to download the wallpaper for free together with something I'm really excited about this phone wallpaper looks absolutely amazing so the top part is dark so you can see all the icons and then the same thing on the bottom I will make everything available for download on gumroad I will add a link to the description you don't need to buy the mouse pad to get those Graphics the PC wallpaper also comes for different monitor sizes Ultra wide normal super ultra wide also vertical ones the manufacturer that makes the mouse pad is the same one that made this one here that I've been using for a while the quality is amazing so the link to the mouse pad and to do all the wallpapers for downloading will be in the description now my first impressions after testing this this is the first OLED gaming monitor I've ever used and well the color is just so saturated compared to another monitor it's absolutely amazing and also the HDR effect I turned it off right now because I wanted to see the difference but before this I tested Tracer with HDR and the effects of the gun here right now they are just plain white and blue and they blend them with the overall image however with HDR they really shined into my eyes it's very bright and you clearly see the bright spots on the screen which is amazing I mean also the colors of my ultimate here on the bottom they're just so colorful and I mean the 0.03 milliseconds response time together with 240 htz is just amazing for competitive TTG G games and twitch not meaning the platform but meaning that you have to quickly turn another Direction and then do something and then there and there and there and it needs to be responsive now the maximum brightness of this monitor is also very impressive it reaches 1,000 nits of Maximum brightness and displaying HDR 3% APL content and olap monitors also used to have some trouble with brightness suddenly dropping olap panels use something called a which is an automatic brightness limiter and basically it protects the monitor against things like burnning however since the monitor has an improved Al algorithm those annoying drops in brightness don't really happen now something else that's really important to mention usually olet monitors have some problems with overheating however I did check this with LG and they did tell me that their top-of-the-line olet monitors don't have that problem and that those monitors do have reduced heat emission which makes them keep a constant temperature during longer gaming sessions all right now for the RGB under the desk I'm going to use these goie led strips and these are amazing LED strips they are kind of premium and and the reason for that is that there's much more LED lights it has 60 LEDs per meter and this one is 5 m long it also comes with self adhesive tape on the back so installing them is extremely easy you just take off the protective film and then that way this will easily stay in place and I'm going to do this all the way around the desk all right now I want to see the result of the lights already so I'm going to connect the brick for a second okay we already see some light on the floor we actually see a lot of light look at that and you got to realize there are strong in this room so let me just put it out and let's check the result now wow the whole setup is going to be like that and now what I have besides this these are new strips by GOI they are the GOI gaming light strip G1 and these are specifically for monitors now these things are usually for 27 to 34 in monitors this one is 45 in and looking at it right now it's not even that bad we are almost at the sides let's plug this in for a second absolutely perfect for the back of monitor and let's again turn off this light and then look at that if that doesn't look gorgeous I'm definitely going to choose a static color okay let's choose blue and look at that looks amazing okay there is one thing I forgot to mention in the Box they also give you these clips and these are meant to tape to a surface for example the back of the monitor to keep either the strip in place or these extra cables so as you see this is a bit loose so what we could do is put a clip over that push it down then the clip itself is absolutely going to stick and the strip isn't going to move anymore it's going to be perfect for this part okay so we can rotate the monitor I am very happy with how all of this looks already I mean who would have thought it would look this clean when I started building everything with the wood Etc I'm really stoked this is going to be an awesome setup I am actually so looking forward to testing these lights I'm going to put them on the Shelf already because those are for that corner and these are for right there as you can see in the image I posted about the setup these lights are for the left and the right on top you can't see them that well but look at this I think they're going to look really futuristic look at that now currently these shelves are very empty on both sides of the setup so I want to get some decorations already and I'm going to steal them from my talking head setup this looks very different when it's turned on all right so the first thing I'm going to steal is this dragon from AliExpress this is amazing so I can just rotate the cable to the back then later this here will go through the wall and then the dragon can just be balanced on top of the mountain okay that looks pretty clean now what else are we going to steal I think these pops would be great on the Shelf so let's put these three pops here so this ring that you see here is RGB and this microphone together with this control deck from Beacon is going to be amazing in this setup and on top of that really exciting I do have an RGB microphone arm I didn't even know this existed but this whole white part is a light I'm really curious for that RGB microphone arm it definitely wasn't cheap I don't remember but it was definitely above $80 so kind of expensive for a microphone arm but if it's completely RGB on the inside and it looks amazing in the setup it's going to be worth it okay quick pause because this is pretty funny the microphone arm actually isn't RGB and at this point in the building process I had no idea as you can see on this footage on the side of the box it says RGB but then also different colors and orange is marked and so they kind of brand the whole box as being RGB but then on the side they say it's orange and it was the same thing on the product page I'm going to realize this later in the video but I just thought it was pretty funny all right now it is time for a very interesting part of the video I'm going to make the first hole in the false wall so I'm going to connect this drill bit put it to the fast stance we're going to have to make the hole below the support so right here in the plank but I don't think this is going to fit through so I'm going to have to make it a bit bigger I think it's time to take a look on the other side and see if we can get this through all right so we're going to go behind the wall as you can see Windows here I even have a Terrace this is pretty narrow I'm going to have to try to squeeze through okay I'm on the back of the setup I'm going to have to destroy the plastic and so on the back behind this panel here we can find the whole we can see the desk and the RGB strips on the bottom let's push it through oh come on I'm very sure it's going to work now this became a way bigger project than I anticipated but it's going to look great in the end so it's going to be worth it now having this Falls well to drill holes in and hide cables is absolutely amazing however as you can see under the desk the holes themselves do stay pretty visible and it doesn't make the setup very clean so what I did at this point is I researched for white tape to cover all the holes and I did find it and this tape is absolutely perfect to cover holes and especially in a gaming setup like this if it's a bit darker or there's RGB shining on the wall and as a result also on the tape you will pretty much not see it at all and this makes the whole setup even cleaner all right now I've been on kind of a shopping spree but since we have this gadget here that will need USB power and since this PC is pretty expensive and I want to well let's say not destroy it with a power surch what I found is a power strip that as you can see has search protection and it also has two USB slots so that's going to be perfect for the dragon with USB power right there and maybe something else on the left maybe even this Bluetooth speaker this is extremely cool look at this it's the coolest Bluetooth speaker I've ever seen now this Katana was from a previous video I didn't end up using it it was from teu okay so this goes on first then this okay and then this fits perfectly okay this will do for now now I'm going to be honest even with a stand I'm not sure if it's going to look great in this setup because it's gold so I might get rid of this and then replace it with an RGB Gadget I'm not sure yet okay so this is the part where I found out that the microphone arm wasn't actually RGB I installed it in the setup first and I already didn't really like it to be honest but then when it came to my attention that the supposedly RGB part was orange and also that there wasn't any power connector I started to have some questions now this is very ugly and also the orange here completely destroys it I actually think I'm not even going to use this in the setup and by the way is this even RGB I mean it looks like there's lights behind this but there's literally nothing in the box It also says RGB lighting however on the side it says RGB here and then orange blue green and black so yeah I'm going to have to find another microphone arm now I needed something a bit more entertaining after the failing of the katana and then the microphone arm especially so I filmed the unboxing of the Glide y lights this is a product from GOI I've always wanted to test in real life because it looks really futuristic it looks high-tech and I really want to see what it looks like in a setup and I mean I just want to test it so I'm going to plug it in okay and I see it already turned on I'm going to turn off the the lights so you can see it a bit better and at first side it looks as futuristic as I thought it would let's hold it against the wall look at that I'm going to connect a few of them together in the Box there's these easy connectors and using them you can easily connect two of these y lights together one side Clicks in the back and then the other side slides into another one and I mean look at how simple this is Boom all right let's hold it against the wall and then change some effects this looks really cool it is better than I had expected so what does this do okay so that changes the color let's try blue I am installing this in my studio no matter what I mean even on this side of the wall here it looks great with the setup for a gaming room because right now I'm building the setup against that wall but the goal is to build it all the way around I guess there are some effects as well okay that looked very cool now you can definitely connect this to the gov app I'm going to do this afterwards I mean the blue looks absolutely amazing so these are going to come above the setup against the wall there now I think I already mentioned this robot here and this is absolutely amazing it's a Bluetooth speaker but obviously not a normal one and I think we can all agree that the katana there even if I would get a stand it's pretty dumb in the setup it doesn't look good and so I'm going to take it down and I'm not sure but I feel like this robot is going to look amazing on top here oops now I feel like that when we're going to have the lights on the left and on the right that the robot in the middle is going to be pretty cool especially if all of these are going to be set to Red together with the red of the robot and then also with the mouse pad and the monitor I think it's going to look amazing by the way a very subtle reminder that the mouse pad is linked in the description I'm really really stoked for it now it does have RGB you can change the color so I'm going to make it red I'm going to play a royaltyfree song by Harris from stream beats I'll keep my mic closer so you can get a [Music] sample you can also change the volume on top you can also just touch it there you go now I'm not going to say that this is the best Bluetooth speaker especially for the price these are very very premium however the sound quality is obviously not the main purpose of this product it does sound very Bassy it does sound very full and warm so it's definitely a great speaker it's just that if you're going to pay the price of that which I think that one is about $300 which is definitely a lot but I mean if you're into this kind of thing it might be worth it all right now the next thing I want to install is this Glide wall light and this is going to be on the front of the top shelf and it's going to be completely RGB all right so in the Box they also give you a corner we're not going to need that right now but if you want to hang this on your wall and you want to make a shape then it's absolutely possible with this it comes with pre-applied double-sided tape okay so I definitely don't have enough of them to cover the whole WID but I do have some of these led bars right here all right it's time to put on the last one right here so let's see it does turn on basically we just need to click on the plus icon then it says it finds this device so we add it and it is actually as simple as that I really love products as you can see we can reduce the brightness right now it immediately works I'm going to select all of the parts here and then I'm going to make it red and if we take a look at it there's definitely a problem on the right okay so I removed one part from the right because the power supply isn't strong enough to power it all the way to the right which isn't the problem of the product itself I did attach more of these together than one kit offers you there were six or seven in the box and it absolutely works for that and as you can see there's a bunch of themes right now it's music reactionary mode so it works perfectly there's a bunch of scenes for example gradient right here it will change there's breath there's stacking which should be pretty cool this is a really cool effect I really curious how I'm going to be able to hide this that's a problem for later all right now some new packages arrived and I think it's all going to be for the setup okay so these are five USB extension cables these are extremely useful when you want to build a setup where everything is hidden this is the white tape and then we have another box all right I did order this so two RGB strips one for the left side one for the right side of the setup and then lastly it's a USB extension Hub now the next thing I want to do is unbox these side monitors so this ultra white is going to be vertically right here and then the other one right there so what the plan is right now is to install these monitor backlights that we installed on this monitor here I am also going to install this on both of these vertical monitors LG actually gave me two of them I want them vertically on the side as I've went over before now both of these monitors are 34 in which according to the render that I made which was to scale should fit in the setup let's hope it does actually fit and that the wall mounts or better the wallet itself can hold the monitors so the overall specs are 34 in IPS HDR 1440p I believe they are 60 HZ which doesn't really matter because they are side monitors and I also took both monitors to the top down filming setup to attach all the RGB strips on the back so these are also the GOI gaming light strip g1s and they are pretty new I believe and especially made four monitors mainly for 27 to 34 in but as you saw with the 45 in LG monitor even though they don't reach all the way to the sides they still absolutely work as you can see on the end result the wall behind the monitor is absolutely covered okay so both monitors are actually ready all the strips have been attached on the back this is absolutely amazing look at how easily you can form all the corners this used to be a pain since before what you had to do was take one LED strip and then attach it all the way across the back of your monitor but then the corners would be weird and this is actually a great solution so we've got some installing to do but I got to be honest I am so looking forward to attaching these to the wall I mean if you look at the footage from before they look so futuristic it's absolutely perfect it was what I was looking for all right now I'm still building but I definitely want to check how bright these led strips that are on the back of this plate here are going to shine into the shelves okay that's actually going to work let me turn off the light look at that absolutely amazing let's change the color to Blue usually that looks the best now look at how bright that is absolutely perfect all right so I just finished one of the two side monitors and there is kind of a problem first of all this monitor wall mount is absolutely perfect it's very sturdy and the monitor fits the setup perfectly in terms of height however the problem is that the wall mount of the main monitor hasn't arrived yet on Amazon it just says delayed as you can see from the side it's pushed to the front so if the monitor would be against the wall then this side of the monitor would be perfectly aligned with this one however I still think the setup overall is going to look amazing when the side monitor is there too and then all the RGB is connected by the way I'm very proud of how I handled the bottom look at that it's all going to the back in that corner it's absolutely amazing all right now as you can see the side monitors are installed now imagine all of those monitors being turned on with the RGB it's going to look amazing all right so at this point it was time to install the GOI yl lights and the way they work is actually pretty intuitive so the power cord and the controller can be attached to one of the sides so you click it on there and then the signal goes this way and then it spreads throughout all of the other WL lights so it's really important to choose your starting point very carefully because you want to try to hide it I chose to install them in a way that the connection point would be on the bottom right because this way the Shelf will kind of hide the connection point now I might look pretty blue but I did turn on these lights and I turned off the room lights as a test and I mean look at that look at how amazing this looks it's like an RGB wing on the left side there's going to be the same thing on the right having a PC right there in the Middle with the wing on the right as well would look epic but I mean for real let's appreciate these Glide y lights these look absolutely amazing I don't see them that much online but wo I'm genuinely impressed these look really cool also from the side so the reason I wanted to take the top part of the shelf and split it in three is that this way we can reach the middle of this top shelf and so now we can route this cable here to the inside of the Shelf then I can make a hole right here to the back and also something else that's really important on the left we have these RGB strips right so what I'm going to do is right here on the top I'm going to make a hole so that way the cable is going to the inside of the top shelf and then the cable is going to be routed to the back there into the wall and then it is also going to appear behind the false wall there and then that way we're going to be able to hide all the cables just like we did under the desk right there okay I managed to do it I'm so proud of this I'm not going to lie it goes to the inside of the this top shelf and let me show you what it looks like on the back end okay so on the back we have the hole here and so this is where the top shelf is this is the hole on the inside and then right here we have the go control module okay I was finally able to make this go Glide really clean it wasn't an easy task especially not getting this control panel here to the inside of the top shelf I think it was worth it because look at this it's extremely clean even from closeth I cannot wait to turn on all the RGB okay so we're going to make the cable holes really quick and so the thickest cable that needs to go through is this really long display port cable and that is going to work okay now for the side monitors I'm going to do it a bit different I'm going to make it here because then the monitor is going to go like this and there's no real way to see it because it's going to be behind the arm there okay now we might have a problem because as you can see on the inside besides the planks I'm trying to drill through there's a wooden beam in the back so I think we're going to have to make it bigger here and then afterwards we're just going to use this white tape to cover up the whole a bit on the left and the monitor is going to be in front so it doesn't really matter anyway all right that hole is definitely going to be big enough probably a bit too big but we are not going to have any trouble putting these cables through all right now what I did after this was finishing the decorations on the shelf on the left the overall goal is adding some things that will look good when being filmed or that will look good when I'm sitting in front of the setup and filming myself because I think this is going to be an awesome set to film some Talking Heads just like right here I will add links to products used in the description including this hyper Cube it looks really cool I think it's pretty expensive it was sent to me by a company a while back but I mean I think if we look at this end result that we can conclude that it looks absolutely amazing building this setup was the biggest project I've ever done for the channel it took a very very long time but it was also really rewarding because I didn't cut any Corners I hit all the cables I could the 45 in OLED LG monitor will be linked in the description as well as all products and all the other products I used in this setup there is a long time lapse build of this setup that will be uploaded to the channel so you might look forward to that thank you so much for watching this video I appreciate every one of you and I hope I will see you in one of my next videos have a nice day
Channel: The Video Nerd
Views: 387,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming setup, setup, streaming setup, custom setup, building setup, setup build, building a setup, wood build setup, carpenting setup, painting gaming setup, dream setup, dream gaming setup, tvn setup, the video nerd setup, lg, govee setup, rgb setup, rgb, rgb gaming setup, rgb setup build, govee gaming setup, govee rgb, govee rgb setup, rgb cube, govee y lights, govee glide y, govee glide, dream gaming room, gaming room, room setup build, room makeover
Id: gjxRzFT4H-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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