Building The World Trade Center 1970s Stock Footage

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no sooner has one new york skyscraper risen above its neighbors then another is on its way to reach a little higher in 1966 this area was raised to make way for the towers of the world trade center [Music] a thousand workmen removed 164 outdated buildings miles of telephone cables pneumatic tubes gas steam water and sewer lines were relocated or removed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 1969 from 70 feet below street level the first tower rose toward its 1350 foot destination the unique tower design permitted many building activities normally accomplished in sequence to take place at the same time large open areas free of columns are a major feature of the tower buildings closely spaced vertical columns provide the load-bearing strength instead of the customary interior steel skeleton in late 1970 the last piece of steel for the tower was hoisted over a quarter mile into position atop new york's tallest building the north tower of the world trade center was topped out in december 1970 the south tower was completed in 1971 the purpose of the world trade center is to increase the flow of international trade it brings together 130 000 people each day people of business and government involved in processing international commerce [Music] the towers are occupied by the communications financing transportation and education facilities required to carry on business more efficiently at the world trade institute businessmen and women from the world's trading nations study ways to expand and improve international trade these towers are becoming a world headquarters a united nations of world trade [Music] at 110 stories the twin towers of the world trade center dominate the new york city skyline 50 000 people work in these buildings traveling here from all over the metropolitan area [Music] so [Music] more than 700 firms and organizations from over 60 nations of offices at the center [Music] this close proximity of people with business links to the rest of the world was meant to facilitate more efficient and freer exchange of goods between nations many tenants have found that they are able to operate better improve their business communications increase sales and profits because they move to the center leonidas contest a senior vice president of prudential lines gives a typical tenant reaction we have found that it's made for uh far more efficient operations both in terms of of traffic and sales uh as well as in terms of of operations uh themselves the decision has been more than validated in our year and a half of experience here what i wish to demonstrate to you today is our worldwide trade information service while the world trade center serves as a headquarters for many kinds of organizations its most important role is serving the world trade community someone entering the information center on the ground floor with a factual question on world trade can expect a prompt answer from the computerized interfail system financial status of belgium as an investment opportunity could you check me what's the uh export amount of finnish particle award last year developed in cooperation with trade centers all over the world the interfile data bank is the world's largest pool of international business information with a capacity of 65 million different world trade questions it is a clearinghouse for the data of thousands of business groups involved in the international community this is the printout of what appeared on the screen and this should answer the question that you had given us thank you very much the world trade institute is the educational arm of the center it offers practical courses in all aspects of international trade and serves as a forum for businessmen from many countries courses range from this one on petroleum shipping to foreign languages to how to do it sessions for office workers be very careful as you get near the end just that it just touches bottom and it's not touching one of the uh you know one of the frames or something and then they leave it sit there at all [Music] the world trade center is home to some of the largest and some of the smallest international businesses operating today it is having a major impact on the economic life of new york and many nations around the world
Channel: Buyout Footage Historic Film Archive
Views: 1,027,836
Rating: 4.9055901 out of 5
Keywords: Stock Footage, WTC, World Trade Center, 1970s
Id: SMzEMFkW6i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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