20th Anniversary of September 11 : Walking the World Trade Center Grounds in September 2021

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what's up everyone i'm recording this video on september 7th 2021 and it's 3 20 in the afternoon 81 fahrenheit 27 celsius and this is the world trade center area looking up at the one world trade center and this will be a very difficult video for me to make because i'll be walking the grounds of the world trade center almost 20 years to the day that the september 11 2001 attacks occurred here in new york city i'll also be sharing a few personal experiences that i've had with september 11th and i just can't believe it's been 20 years of the day that september 11th happened to the world but here we are in lower manhattan at church in vesey street this is the tallest building in new york city at 1776 feet tall by spire heights not the tallest building by floor height and here is the world trade center oculus shopping mall this is going to be a very difficult video for me to narrate just because there's a lot of controversy and a lot of politics that go in with september 11. well i hope they can get that resolved but as i said before this is going to be a difficult video anyway i guess i should start off with where was i during september 11th and little old me 20 years younger i was only 13 years old at the time in a high school and the way i found out about september 11th was when i got dismissed from school it was during the morning hours i forget exactly what time but probably somewhere around like 9 30 or so where the principal of our school got on the public address system and said if anybody has parents relatives who work in the world trade center or in the lower manhattan area come down to the office right now and um when i heard that i was very suspicious i was like wait what's going on why are students getting called down at this time i thought it was maybe like a special event that they were happening that was happening down here where uh maybe people from lower manhattan were participating in back then i didn't know any better i was ignorant didn't know was going on and we normally got dismissed from school around like 2 30 in the afternoon but it was wasn't until i was in my high school algebra class i think it was the last class of the day and um probably it was around like two o'clock or so maybe a little bit before then quarter to two where the principal got back on the pa assistant again and said you know what it is all right everyone um we're dismissing everybody so please come out and have your teacher assist you and um yeah what happened there was uh i got picked up by my relatives at the time and it was on the way driving back home that i saw the world trade center i didn't see the world tracer i saw the smoke from the world trade center while uh i was on the highway from the car and it was only then that my relative told me what happened that new york city got attacked he had a very uh disappointing and upset look somewhat angry look on his face and i only needed to see what was happening in manhattan across the river because i was attending uh my high school in queens to know that something bad happened many of you watching this video may not even know or have uh ever lived through 9 11 or maybe you're too young to remember it but i do remember it very well and it's just a very sad time it was definitely a day that changed the world i think for the worse because even though new york city has largely recovered from that fateful day a lot of things in the world have not and to me i've uh found that the world has become a little bit more divided than what it was before 2011. i mean 2001 oh my gosh 2011 was 10 years ago but yeah now we have a world that's divided and it shouldn't be like this just based on race religion politics and right now medicine and science as they call it but i just really missed those days when life was more simple when we didn't have to worry about getting attacks whether it's from outside forces or now by germs of all things [Music] let's go over here we are now entering the 911 memorial park over here is the 911 museum [Music] but i remember when i got home my relatives had on the television and they just kept replaying the scene over and over and just bombarding the airwaves because it was unbelievably crazy and traumatic the scenes from that day still haven't left my mind how the twin towers fell people were running from the dust people were saying that they tried to escape but they couldn't and what was terrifying was seeing the people jump from the building and that being caught on television that was unbelievable to me that people were trapped so high up in those upper floors that they couldn't escape that the best way they had was to jump from the building and end this and their suffering and misery [Music] and it wasn't just here too the entire nation got attacked here in new york city when the twin towers went down it damaged so many of the other buildings around this area shattered windows caused lots of property damage building seven came down as well by itself and then they had the pentagon that got attacked that day it was like so much and there was also another flight in pennsylvania that fell and exploded [Music] but it's just so sad how that day really changed everything and initiated the war on terror and now 19 20 years later we have the war on germs it's like the world will never go back to what it once was and it's just sad but anyway we are going up to probably one of the most striking parts of the 911 memorial park and that is the memorial pool of the world trade center north tower and here we have all the people's names who have perished on september 11th all around the memorial pool there's also another one for the south tower i think this is a excellent display to honor those whose lives have lost that day and it just makes me so upset and sad to see this now knowing that it's 20 years later i even have a family video where i clipped the part where we were driving over the brooklyn queens expressway canty lever deck that showed the twin towers still standing you can see that on my youtube channel i quit that and i put it up and to know that those buildings were once here it is so sad here's an american flag now um back then i don't really remember visiting the world trade center too much i know that i did come here at least once and go into the old shopping mall but i don't really remember it too fondly because back then i didn't really have the urge for exploration that i do today but um when the world trade center area got attacked it caused so much chaos around this area and the days after 9 11 were so somber people were confused i remember turning on the uh the television and people were saying how their lives were disrupted and even the stock market crashed that day the airline stocks specifically i remember that fondly because uh one of my relatives had the television on and they were all over the news it's uh really crazy and um i think even like a month after september 11th maybe even many months after september 11th i didn't even go into manhattan well maybe if i did i stayed like in the midtown area but i didn't go further than that because i was afraid of uh coming down here if there would be residual effects from all the smoke and debris and it's a good idea because as we learned uh throughout the years that people who came to this area they developed so many diseases and they inhaled stuff like asbestos which was really harmful i'm just so glad that i avoided this area because it was definitely not a good environment and i really respect the people who came down here to aid with the recovery process clean up find the people's relatives and who's perished even back then so much damage was done to lower manhattan that parts of it were completely closed off i know chinatown was absolutely devastated because of the uh world trade center attacks and even the subways weren't even running through lower manhattan the subways around here the cortland street station the number one train especially that train station took a long time many years to rebuild but uh let's go over here towards the southern pool in a way when i look back at september 11th now it really feels like a movie scene how everything could be like so well produced that how can all these events happen all at once the twin towers going down building seven the pentagon getting hit the field in pennsylvania it was like wow how could uh everything happen like this and it just made me very shocked and upset angry also had very a lot of questions many of them today that still remain within me i still have questions about september 11th and um here is the southern tower or southern pool memorial pool for the south tower of world trade center i remember when um they were deciding on the design for this memorial park they had a popularity vote to see which design was like the best by members of the public and this one was uh picked but i don't think it was uh too popular at first with people now i think the general population has gotten accustomed to it if it was my choice i think the perfect thing to do would have been to rebuild the twin towers just the way they were but now we have the two memorial pools this memorial park and we got new construction around us with the one world trade center standing over there it was formerly known as the freedom tower but the building developers don't want it to be known as the freedom tower there's a nice squirrel enjoying a nut in the park so over here is a survivor tree there was a single tree that survived september 11th so um there was a calorie pear tree that stood among the wreckage of the 911 attacks and this tree is part of the descendant of that tree that survives so i'll also show you something else that survives september 11th but it's on the south side of the memorial park actually um above it as a matter of fact not in the park itself one so over here you can see a map of the september 11th memorial grounds i'll also go inside the oculus building which is now a major transportation hub i was lucky enough to not know anyone personally who worked down here in lower manhattan or who lost their lives so that was very fortunate but at 13 years old you wouldn't really know too many people down here because they're working professionals unless they were like your guardians parents here is west streets so this area over here is called liberty park it was constructed in um and opened in 2016. i think this is the true hidden gem of this area really gives you a overlook of the memorial park as well as the one world trade center here is the uh one world trade center the memorial park with the view of the south pool of the south tower what i find very interesting is why they don't have a memorial for building seven it was a complete building that just fell down seemingly from nowhere and there's no mention of it here anywhere in the park luckily no one perished in building seven's collapse but i still think there should be a mention of it here somewhere it's like it's been erased from history but i'm at least glad they have this memorial park to honor those who have uh lost their lives things are a lot more peaceful in this area and over here we have something that survived the september 11th attacks i forget the name of this exact spear but this used to be in the uh the public plaza where the twin towers were and this giant piece of art art survived but it's basically like a globe of the uh of the world and you can see all the uh the holes in it and how the metal got twisted for a while this uh sphere was located in battery park which is not too far away from here and then it got moved over here to liberty park when it got constructed hey how are you okay good you were my neighbor a little while ago really nice yeah you worked on austin underneath that yeah i know unbelievable right yeah it's unbelievable that's how it is yeah it's a good area i watch your videos all the time they're really nice yeah yeah they're great this is one of the hardest videos for me to make right now september 11 yeah never an easy subject no i know [Music] saturday two years i know can you imagine 20 years i know i was just sharing like where i was that day and like what everything how everything happened is crazy well [Music] so all right so when's this one gonna come on uh probably a little bit before september 11 maybe the 9th or the 10th okay so keep going thank you this is a impressive piece of work here this is a gigantic steel ball that survives also over here there's another monument called the americas response monument strength and honor this uh building over here has been under construction for a while now saint nicholas should be pretty impressive when it finishes coming in 2021 but it doesn't even look like it's anywhere close to being finished say nicholas national shrine even 20 years after september 11th the entire area is still not completely recovered there's still construction going on there's still that over there which hasn't opened up yet all right so um i'm done with liberty park here i'll go downstairs and then i'll head into the shopping mall at the oculus and i'll show you what's been done over there i think it's a wonderful area now great transportation hub plenty of shopping areas not really too happy about their food court or food choices though the better food court is located across the west street at brookfield place that shopping mall is also a little bit more high-end with shops like louis vuitton and gucci oh it looks like they're working on it still maybe they'll uh finish it by the end of the year i hope so so look at this 911 never forget 343 fire department look at this all the firefighters who made the supreme sacrifice all these people man or woman now this one's a little bit harder but pay attention to detail this how about this all the names are not in the list and they all count regardless they never told you about the homeless the document of people children's people no id true story the building here is called american express right it's over there to the west american express don't worry go back to work we got to get the nine o'clock stock market down underground [Music] there's engine and ladder company 10. american flag painted in the front four world trade center [Music] there's the lobby of four world trade center you know it's very brave as well being that window washer over there that's insane if you have a fear of heights then uh that is definitely not the job for you three world trade center so oh that's a gorgeous mural in the lobby of three world trade center i also love the green couch and here is the oculus shopping mall it's part of westfield properties people have mixed reactions on this design it kind of looks like a bone or a skeleton there's a performing arts center going up here on the construction all right let's go inside people this is the shopping mall and transportation hub for lower manhattan it connects the fulton center on the east side with the path trains and also the ferries on the hudson river there's also subways in the world trade center itself along portland street the e train world trade center and the one train world trade center portland station there's a big american flags on either side hey look there's a subway in the station right now number one is actually leaving the station [Music] [Music] we see a little bit of a directory i think right now i'll walk i'll walk all the way to the brookfield place area where the hudson river is and i'll end the video [Music] over here is where you can get the uh the food port that they have and also italy there's also more stores down that way here's the main concourse okay um here's the path train station stands for port authority trans hudson these trains they go across the hudson river to new jersey one stop and you'll be in jersey city at the exchange place station on normal days there's two different trains leaving the station there's the red line which goes towards newark new jersey and then there's the green line which goes towards hoboken they'll often be referred to as the newark's world trade center line or the hoboken world trade center line see make sure that's the whole broken train and the other side is the newark train so you see over here this is also part of the oculus shopping mall but many of the stores here are not open yet they're still looking for tenants i've always felt like this uh shopping mall was hard to do business in because most people they just seem to be transiting back and forth along here they don't really stop at the shops too much shops on the go [Music] is this chase bank branch wasn't here the last time i came all right here's brookfield place and the ferry terminal this is connected to the uh oculus area but it's managed by a different company i prefer the brookfield place shopping mall a lot better to me it seems more like a shopping mall where people want to go and relax there's more events over here the full court selection is also a lot better and to me the views are better on this side too now you can get to this shopping mall by walking across the street across west street but that street is a very dangerous to walk across it's high speeding cars and the light takes a long time to change oh so you can see the world one world trade center across the street event installation in progress they line the floor plastic i wonder what's going to happen here i've seen many times where people will come over here sit on the steps and watch an event that's going on around here there's even been birds that came over here flew in [Music] so the brookfield place food area is over here it's called hudson eats i'll show you it um before going outside to the ferry terminal thank you we've got a good selection of places around here [Music] dos tauros is pretty popular dig is popular as well and there's a pizzeria coming i didn't even know this was going to be here so these stairs they go down to the grocery store led districts and also to the ferry terminal oh you can't even go in this way they locked it up can only go outside thank you beautiful restaurant also gorgeous yachts park right outside brookfield place these yachts must cost millions of dollars hey the brookfield place what the world trade center in the background like oh yeah oh the ferry terminal is quite a ways from the exit of this building here but there's actually a new ferry that opened up to staten island and to the west part of midtown at the ferry terminal it's 2.75 cents to ride oh my god thank you let me go over to this side i'll show you the yachts and the view of the hudson river before i go over to the ferry terminal that's a boat going to jersey city so gorgeous yachts you can see the verrazano bridge off in the distance there's the statue of liberty and liberty island there's ellis island and the ellis island immigration center and over there we see the exchange place section of jersey city the colgate clock is on the southern end and you have the goldman sachs tower next to it here oh so okay here's the port authority ferry terminal of battery park city you know what i thought the new york city ferry serves this area but apparently not the new one that serves staten island does not come over here i actually don't know where that one is oh wait st george route launching is it over here let's take a look here's the new york waterway this is actually my first time down here i haven't ever taken a boat in new jersey before yeah i guess not i don't think the uh new york city ferry serves this ferry terminal well maybe this is it battery park city at bessie streets hmm all right uh i guess i'll be ending my video here if you enjoy this video of the world trade center area close to the 20th anniversary of 2001 september 11th then please smash the like button for me subscribe for some more videos like these and i will see you next time take care folks bye [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ActionKid
Views: 258,039
Rating: 4.9064469 out of 5
Id: jY0rpyJnYEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 3sec (3783 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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