Official 11 Year Time-Lapse Movie of One World Trade Center
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: EarthCam
Views: 20,335,732
Rating: 4.907197 out of 5
Keywords: Film (Media Genre), One World Trade Center (Skyscraper), New York City (City/Town/Village), Official, Film (Film), Architecture (Industry), Engineering (Industry), Construction, Time-lapse
Id: NbA89YbWoL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 6sec (126 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
How do they take the cranes down from the top of the building?
That's a large middlefinger.
I was just down there the other day. They have done a beautiful job on the whole area and the building itself is really nice.
Amazing work, but while I'm sure I'll get down-voted for asking this, why did the construction of the OWTC take 11 years?
TIL that the Trade Center finished....
Everything about this building is so well thought out and appropriate given where it is. To have this new WTC rising above the fountain footprints of the originals really does speak to how well thought out this new WTC is.
Those are some nice steel beams.
What's the music?
Someone ELI5 how those cranes get added onto and at the end of the job get taken down? Ive always wondered this.