Building Our Mighty Fortress!- Conan Exiles Age of Calamitous - Ep 2

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foreign JC hooligan coming from the dirty jurors Conan Exiles modded agent calamities and we're already started right bang chugging down a beer if you look behind me you can see we've made some changes to the base yes right ladies and gentlemen we have been hard at work building building buildings so we actually have a base we didn't have a base in last episode we had a million tedious tasks to do on the tutorial but we in fact have that done so now we have the tinkerers bench we have the blacksmith Mitch we have the Tannery as you can see hard at making leather we have the Tanner's table as you can see here's bench carbon excuse me storage not a lot of storage today though we need to definitely get some more walls up I want to get a second floor up in this piece um outside let me show you kind of what we've done as well uh I didn't want to just have a normal box so I thought I'd add these little porch extensions it looks quite cool in fact um however we need to get seriously building also um we did discover that there this is the area with the metal directly across from me um this is the correct uh quadrants uh so this has metal for days you guys there's throws over here as well so that's another thing we need to think about getting into is the thrall situation um yeah and we need to finish the steps I think we're gonna put a door on each side as well in a set of stairs um let's see here one two three four five six seven eight so it won't be exactly in the middle um but we can probably turn one of these into a a door instead uh make things a little easier to access we also have a large Dino gate as you can see wow it's quite thin in fact I didn't realize they were so skinny um we need to put the uh torches back up you can put torches on the edges of the thing it's really cool but we've been hard at it also guys check this thing out we have a sickle watch this this is absolutely out of control so fiber has been kind of a thing watch this nonsense look at that look at that 500 fiber we now have 600 fiber almost 700 900 we are encumbered now with fiber this is Bonkers how much fiber you get we can't even like run that's our run speed and it uses stamina oh my God that is amazing let's put this stuff away fiber situation has been solved I am so excited for that you don't even know um we need to start getting our um healing wraps crafted up though I believe this is the chest for all of the important things indeed it is look at that 1113 fibers it won't even let me put it in there oh my God there's so much we got some trees put away and seeds we don't need let's put some more of this so we're gonna need some of that I'm not exactly sure where that goes um can you go in there awesome all right let's do uh we are still fat though how much does this weigh 30 twine is almost like 200 there's a lot of there's a lot there I was like holy crap why is it so much all right there we go but we're still quite encumbered in fact all right can we do that awesome uh the the boots and the pants the boots and pants uh are giving us a weight bonus as well um so let's do a quick run across the way here we're gonna swim it and look at all that metal you can already see it now you see a bad hombre hanging out up above there but whatevs he has no uh concern to us now his friends might be the last thing we need to do oh we still need to craft the shield because this thing is like barking up my butt for a shield so we can continue our Warrior progression so we can get our xp's uh pumped there is a crazy monster that lives on this island I was gonna build over there but uh you know what we decided we would move the crazy tree monster can have that whole place it's all on him I have no beef with crazy tree monsters what's up homie you wanna do this what he ran away from me last time and we might not even need to go we might not even hit words we might not even need to climb up oh yeah look at our weight already oh we're gonna be so fat just off this two things oh yeah one more all right oh we might even have to throw some of it out oh crap hola Let's uh you know what let's just drop this stone stone is easy not a problem all right can we swim now back to the oldie casa it's gonna look quite cool I'm sure these guys are quite concerned now that they see somebody moving across the way with this super cool base with just one wall High all right guys I'm gonna get to smelting this up we're gonna Harvest up a ton of resources we need to move that bench into the inside as well uh and we need to get uh no I see an alligator over there I see an alligator we're gonna get a fight with an alligator this this place this little this little bit of land is Peninsula as it were is covered in freaking crocodiles alligators whatever you want to call them there are so damn many of them it's not even funny should build a bridge I feel like the bridge would be a good thing to try to build if we can hear him you hear that the effort it took for him to jump he's so fat right now all right let's go ahead and fire this baby up now that our metal situation is under control I am so excited like it's what is this arsenic beard I didn't know such a thing existed in oh that was weird Conan Exiles so I'm just putting some of the Rando crap over here um that I know to do with uh so that's the thing so all right I'm gonna start chopping down a bazillion and a half trees uh crafting up all the fee Brays so we can build walls and floors and stairs and what have you I look so Majestic and get this base underway burbs guys we just unlocked the animal pin we can now start taming Critters I am excited for this you guys so I've been busy I built some more chests and I just unlocked the large chest so we're gonna build some of those as well uh and we've got wood for days um wine hmm that's interesting I thought we built like a ton of twine we probably can't I don't know we used a bunch of it so we're gonna have to craft up a ton of twine and harvest up more of that it's kind of slow going I got a fight with like a demon crocodile I had like glowing silver eyes and that thing took uh baiting man like no joke it's like I got a Hyrule type Shield wearing there but uh yeah so we're continuing the the the the journey as it were in fact let us put you in the Builder's slot because we're not building anything and let's get some of that hot hot fiber action oh my God it's so much all right that should be good there let's chop down another tree or two get on my way rocks I'll kick your ass all right I'm fat one more tree and it's probably gonna be an alligator crocodile whatever it is it's gonna be right there all right we get it all right we are gonna run this back to the base weight has become an issue I need to pump weight so we're at level five on um our attack and or strength whatever we're also at level five on our health so we do auto heal now which is a great thing uh that'll cut down massively on the amount of healing wraps that we use uh we need to get some torches up in this piece we got a lot of work to do in order to get this base uh crafted and going um I still need to build that Shield let's see can we build the wooden Shield we cannot we need to build this stuff let's craft all of it why wouldn't you uh while that's doing its thing I wish there was a faster way to craft those I really feel like uh like bulk crafting of that stuff would be phenomenal uh and I also built a drying rack and I'm not entirely sure what it needs let's jump in here swap you out throw you down get some hot F action uh is it is it a decoration it is not is it a crafting station cooking that's the large cooking thing farming General there it is the dryer it needs shaped wood and Twine which we have I believe we have plenty of shaped wood we have 24 shaped wood look at us we can absolutely build the drying rack I feel like we're gonna put it over here by our food some hot drying rack action up in this piece crafting General drying rack uh is there like a specific way it should go I feel like this way maybe we've done it awesome so we can throw this in here how does this work it burns fuel what fuel does it prefer I don't even know oh bark so it needs bark as well okay that's fine we can throw some hot bark action in there so let's throw that in there now we had some meat in here let's throw it in there let's throw it in here all right let's uh grab that now we need to go ahead and grab some bark get rid of the bugs we are making progress folks this is like further along than we got in all the other episodes of playing this game um so I'm pretty stoked about that we're gonna put that actually you know that's a finished product I feel like I feel like a finished product should go like in here or something all right cool uh bark bark is easy you just need to take the hot pick action to a tree which happens to be right here we're gonna knock this poor bat poor bastard down oh there's wait is that that demon alligator again is it nope you're just a regular alligator and now you're dead because you're stupid you could have been alive but he didn't want to be so I make I made sure that wasn't a problem for you anymore all right let's get all the bark hi tree I still need to get that crafting station put in the house but it's full of crap so we need to get rid of that all right some hot bark action get rid of everything oh the music is epic epic music Let Me In all right so this uses bark and the tanning station uses bark let's eat that hot bark action okay and you know let's just throw it all on there so what does it do oh it makes um dried meat which I assume will last much much longer awesome we need to get more hot fiber action in our lives the grinding of the stuff is real gang like this is no joke when I was just building the base and Foundations just the basic basic bass basic basic base that we've got going on that took hours I mean like no joke hours uh if you watch the live stream over on slash JC hooligan you missed out a good time we had a good a lot of fun just watching we run around knock down trees and chop up bushes um so I highly suggest you get in on some of that action next time can we access that um if we take all this we're gonna be like boom way too fat what if we put some of that in there okay that's the thing what if we put some uh this in there okay that's a thing uh what if we drop that and what if we dropped the bugs and we still can't move because we're fat what if we I wish you could just craft up a bunch of walls can we even move we can move we don't really need to move very far because we are in fact right here at the base so I'm just gonna do a whole layer of walls around this second level and then we'll put a um what do you call it a thing on top of that nope can we just all right I'm into it let's do it hopefully this will help unfatten us very soon oh baby it's coming along I also want to move our bedroom and like have a real bedroom um oh I like it this is I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do with the roof though because again I don't want to just be a big wooden box it's not my cup of tea as it were oh this is some hot sexy building action thumbs up for building action also guys thank you much for all your support likes and comments um you guys been killing with Conan series uh the arc series is still uh a thing going on quite nicely um so while we're on the subject if you're new here please don't forget to subscribe and also don't forget to smash that thumbs up button it does help support the channel can we oh oh we're gonna be like that now placement gets a little squirrely sometimes and I'm not entirely sure why that is oh baby we have like a second layer oh my God I love it all right so now we need to do some hot ceiling action how much inventory do we still have left we need to craft up a crap more twine I would speculate let's go ahead and that's not the thing that's the thing let's go ahead and craft all that and we are low on wood okay all right gang I'm gonna throw the ceiling on here get some hot stairs see if we can get to the top and we'll burbs all right gang we are back I have been hard at it this building has been taking forever and I'm trying to do something neat with the ceiling but that's kind of not working but let me show you what we've done here we've got the whole outside completed walls and everything I'm gonna put some awnings on this too to give it a little bit of uh texture on the front we've got some torches placed all around and about the area we've been crafting up all of the metal and all of the dried meats that were in here somewheres there they be as you can see dried Meats more metal we probably need to get some fixing on our tools as well they're looking a little Haggard we're gonna move the bedroom upstairs uh I'm gonna do like kind of four-way sloped roof but I'm again I'm having a little bit of difficulty getting it to place so I'm probably gonna have to play some uh some uh ceiling panels and maybe like scaffolding so I can get up there and kind of play around with that a little bit better but uh I think that's gonna do it for this episode so thumbs up for the building thumbs up for coming next and thumbs up for no tedious tutorials anymore also guys if you're new here please again remember to subscribe JC hooligan signing out and as always you have a great rest of your day
Channel: jch00lig4n
Views: 952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conan, modded conan, conan exiles, age of calamitous
Id: knQZ7KdRH54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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