Age of Calamitous! - Conan Exiles Modded Ep 1

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foreign JC hooligan coming from the dirty jurors and we are starting a new Conan Exiles modded Adventure hope you guys having a great day I'm having a great day so we've basically got a whole new game started and I've had a lot of trouble getting this set up with the mods like I'm not even kidding you this has been extremely difficult it's way harder than setting up an arc modded server that is for sure uh we had a bunch of footage recorded and it kind of bugged out then I logged out my guy was stuck in the world it's been it's been an adventure so I've done most of the tutorial I thought the tutorial was just gonna be a quick thing but it's not so we've got to run back through here and avoid all the bad Hombres up in this piece and this game is loud and I mean like stupid loud I have turned the audio down tremendously and it's still crazy loud um sorry about that all right and these uh first few enemies are extremely difficult to defeat so the best thing to do if you're playing this game when you get to the fourth like tutorial walkthrough just run past these guys because they are going to stomp you like like this I'm already trapped this is so hard and I can't even get up leave me alone there's a portal we've gotta run through up here and that is just where we're headed straight to the portal don't look back don't stop just run for your life all right hopefully we can get out of here oh we made it we've done it oh my God all right so now we gotta basically finish it up so the age of calamitous mod has like kind of an overhaul it adds a bunch of additional characters of additional NPCs um factions that you can join it's pretty freaking cool uh I did watch a little bit of YouTube but the stuff I saw must have been older and uh quite a bit older in fact because this is completely different than what I've seen as of late so we got to talk to our boy here we are just like stamina dumping I don't know what's going on there that's weird oh I see for some reason my shift button is all right so he's got some things to do for us so now we have to start and we have to join an actual faction so explore the factions and see what we want so we're gonna receive the quest and so basically um there's several factions and they all have different abilities so let us go explore said Fashions factions Fashions factions I said all right I don't know where these guys are uh they must be this way ah that would be the flags I would assume and some guy just walking kind of weird so we have the kingdom of stormwold the cold Embrace order of felgarth order of elvenor and I think that might be the one I want to do because they've got like magic and they've got some cool building things so uh we the van ghoul Clans those are the big guys that we were fighting a moment ago uh so story during the events of scorch of the all right The Forsaken Vanguard 80-120 where's the very class focused gear so you get different armor different weapons different story lines even to go through so let's see here Van Gogh plants are online takes place amidst the 1714 incursion I don't know what that means and faction lore okay cool backstories all that stuff all right so that's a choice oh and these are like what their houses and buildings look like yeah I'm not really into that I'll be honest it's kind of ugly so next we have the cold Embrace Guardian oof that sounds creepy the cold embrace uh hmm not not I don't know that's kind of neat looking house isn't it can we go in we cannot go in we're too tall can we duck in watch we're gonna break the game I discovered the Hall of Champions oh we can stand inside our little house cool the cold embrace all right following the scourge of the East the cold Embrace storyline takes place years after the initial incursion Lord gorathorn gorthorne as you make landfall so we get Siege weapon trebuchet oh heavy armor one H one H I don't know what that means um all these different weapons the sanguist units assassins oh that's kind of dope what kind of lore do we have here roughly brace okay yeah we've got all that so that is a thing wait hold on let's reread that as you make you assist the cold Embrace and carrying out experiments and deal with any potential threats utility Frost torch Soul prison okay okay that's neat all right let's go check out the next stuff and things who are you guys the Elven Covenant hey baby whoa what's happening he couldn't help but sorry all right so these are the building Matt Terry owls um that roof is fugly as hell I'm not gonna lie what you got for me homie during the events of scores of the East it's all about the scores of the East hi Elder nirosh aaronville the Ranger Army the Covenant in Acts they're planning to get rid of the van ghouls once and for all whoa they got a ton of stuff night Rangers medium armor I'm into the medium armor stuff and things I don't really care about the bow and arrow sort of Stitch so hmm so this is probably more like your Rogue style character you know like uh well Elven because you got daggers light swords interesting uh utility Astro water Crescent Oculus maligans Twilight sickle of Twilight that stuff sounds freaking cool man oh let's go look at the weapons oh they look rad that sword looks so oh man this can sell me just alone on the style of Weaponry all right now we've got to go find the other guys which I'm thinking are on this side of the thing I bet you if we punch whoa you are whoa look at your eyeballs why are your eyes looking like that what if we punch you will we get a humongous fight all right so we've got to locate felgarth elvenor and one two and Kingdom of stormhold we are we're actually um the the soldiers we ran by were part of the kingdom of stormhold so this is Guardian of elvenor this one I might get into because I like the looks of their buildings and look at the weapons guys look at the weapons oh I don't know I don't know if I like the weapons to be honest I I just I know these guys are like more into magic but I just I don't know man I was kind of digging the all right let's go talk to this guy see what's what following this scores the East order eleven or storyline simply usually okay so um we get you summoning Stone Spirit fire Arcane prison simple planter director armor Mages outfit so Dawn breaker May stagger staff spells so you get spells and a pet Drake oh baby that's pretty cool um but I don't know man like I don't I don't I'm not feeling that one also I wonder if there is a way to go into settings gameplay uh is there a way to toggle on or off the Run button let's see mods blah blah I'll figure it out later okay so if we push it oh we're back to holding it okay this must be the guardian the storm hold let's go look at their their Weaponry oh that building is pretty neat okay we've got hammers we've got tridents oh baby this is the cool weapons look at those swords man it's got a little bit of a uh uh I'm trying to think narcile like kind of thing going on there um so these are gonna be the people's all right playing as a nice normal you can access the Armor Gear whatever especially designed for this faction once you reach level 80 you'll be able to choose between two sub factions as a knight you get access utility wilderness stew metal torch wardens give it give it I don't know what that is Chef's Cleaver decorative pieces heavy armor um this one is a strong Contender guys um let's go find the last one I'm feeling like this one I know might be a little ordinary to be like a knight uh or what is and then these are the felgarth people so what's what's up with you guys it's funny that I'm just kind of looking at the Weaponry just to make that decision um okay okay I don't hate it but I don't love it the order of felgarth all right order a [ __ ] oh so these are magic people too um I was kind of feeling like the Elven people over here possibly oh God there's so many cool ones honestly you know what I think we're gonna go with this faction right here guardian of stormhold uh Weaponry I like the fact that there's two subclasses just in case that's the way to go all right let's do it we're joining these guys we are joining this faction we received the token all right did we Joe joint okay all right so now we need to go talk to our guy all right so we have joined a faction we are part of a team feels good are you over here my guy you are is this food can you eat this food you cannot eat this food oh you are regenerating though oh nice we just stand by it that's cool all right so now we go in here and we set complete Quest and we got 10 tokens now we need to do customization oh professions choosing a professional is the first step to generating income each of the professors offer unique ways to earn coins get up the main stairs and look to your left you'll be sure to find the Guild Hall on the opposite side you'll find the Market Hall explore the guild and the Market Hall okay goodbye why does he sound like Gandalf I'm just saying he just sounds like Gandalf to me all right so we're supposed to go up the stairs I believe these are the up the stairs and so we're supposed to pick a job man I didn't sign on here to work kind of bull crap is that all right uh is that is this the is this the Guild Hall is this where we get work I was told to come here sir are you offering jobs in job land on a job tree Hunter's Guild oh I see what's up the stairs I see there's an animal right there get it okay who's up here the farmer's Guild wait is this the oh is this the drinker's guild all the Moonshiners Guild all right let's go see what the rest of them look like before we uh jump on that Moonshiners I kind of feel like you shouldn't use stamina when you're running around inside here I'm just saying just saying what are you my guy you're just a dude Guild vendor open what what do you do forestry Guild Miner's Guild but you don't what are you Oh weird um what happens like do you sell them stuff like I don't get it I don't get it forestry Guild hmm I I'm uh I'm going with the booze we are going full on we are der keto uh religion so we might as well go with the booze right I feel like that kind of lines up with our like belief system let's do this Moonshiners kills a group of Outlaws who are pursuing illegal trade of alcoholic beverages yeah that's pretty much what that is gather resources and Brew quality moonshine to sell to the open market you're only able to use one profession unless the server allows multiple freshers to be learned check your inventory for your token oh we've joined this one okay so let's check our inventory so it looks like Moonshiners token there we go all right so now we have our job can we jump off or oh probably not and I do apologize for the noise in the background again you guys if you've watched my videos and my live streams you know that there is literally construction just right outside my window woke me up bright and early uh to the banging and the clanging of the things all right so we're supposed to go check out the marketplace uh also my uh Quest tracker oh it's on okay all right yeah that's a obnoxious banging and clanging we got going out there this is ye oldie Market okay what do we got going on here what are you all about tell me your ways weapon dealer I like it what do you do wait loyalty vendor possibly that doesn't look like a pickaxe to me Tempest rain what is this guy how much does it cost 20 20 what loyalty tokens I have I don't have any loyalty tokens how do you get loyalty tokens ingredients Trader I see can we can we sell this stuff to these people um can we sell you bugs oh yeah you're all about that kind of stuff can I can I sell these to you give uh did that did that do anything I don't know what that did like can you sell them this stuff I don't know how this works so she needs 10 coins okay so we have some of those okay okay that's cool all right what are you guys all about oh you look like a bad hombre purchase dispatch board okay noted dispatch unit oh what a a jerk somebody cares about you not me but somebody oh hey girl what's what's shaking that's hire dealer she deals in tires apparently oh my God her stuff's expansive wow she wants all kinds of stuff and things all right does that count as a completed Quest I do not know we are going to find out can we just swim down there that'd be great all right let's go talk to our guy again this place is pretty dope looking I'm not gonna lie and it's running beautifully I'm not getting frames or any of the nonsense I'm just hovering writing that 120 range all right dude that count are we done all right wait oh my God uh does this count as complete you haven't required the look wait what hold on goodbye all right oh my God all right guys I'll be right back all right gang I went through a bunch of these tedious stuff but there's a couple things we still need to do I did learn the path of magic we're gonna do blood magic so in order to get out of here we've got to find these relics so in the hands of oh lord of the storm we're like collect the storm Relic from ganthon blood fist in the unnamed City I'm not sure how this works um can we get out of here make finger outside I don't know if I want to do these quests you know we could add them on let's see if we can do this oh my God it requires level 80. oh these are huge okay all right so we can't do that so we need to get out of here it looks like we are ready to get the heck out of Dodge as it were these were some pretty goofy little things where you're just basically running around and looking for this that or the other hopefully we can get out of here now how do we get out of this joint uh that's a door how in the world I don't know how to get out of here we're lost we're stuck meet fengar outside of the faction Hall I don't even know how to get outside of the faction Hall also you can die in here I uh decided to jump down the stairs I didn't die completely but I I almost did uh I'm guessing that must be outside the faction Hall is that how we get out of here feels like that's the only way you interrupt so I've been thinking this game underway this is uh this tutorial is excessively long um are we done with you uh I don't know where the required location is goodbye be careful out there it's dangerous take this uh is this the way out I don't even know I hope you discovered farungar okay but oh he's right here whoa this place looks cool oh this is the temple we were just in this place a moment ago oh my God it never ends it never ends uh all right there's a tomb nearby that holds ancient secrets you can find a path leading down to the left once you go downstairs though I must warn you ancient tubes like these are dangerous watch out for traps as you wonder it may be dark so use the torch I gave you explore the tomb of egg Cartage for hidden secrets this oh my God so okay we're getting there we are absolutely getting there let's receive this Quest Dungeons and Dooms are focused on tracking down artifacts legendary creatures Etc time attack this mode allow you to take the dungeon on a time limit oh there's daily quests okay all right let us explore so be careful out there the Talisman of echo Terror Dash oh baby what is happening okay so he said hold on is there a way to is there a way to track this two nearby holes you can find a path leading down to the left once you go down the stairs okay so we have a sword we don't have a lot of like stuff and things we have some food we do not have any water so I'm a little nervous about that let's go ahead and get this bad ombre out because we're getting some fights I feel like is this the path to the left oh hello dear what are you all about you're all about this and one of these and you're gonna run away I see how you are that guy swings that sword horribly slow grab some rocks why don't you is this the tomb I feel like oh yeah this is that this is this this is giving off some hardcore tomb vibes uh oh baby this is scary um I'm already in like scared uh you know what can we build is it possible for us to craft uh have we learned this fiber bedroll yes please let's craft this battle ombre up so we're gonna craft just the one oh that automatic classes oh that's awesome so rather than have to go through all the tedium of crafting the twine to craft the bedroom all right can we in fact place this down I feel like probably a good idea all right that has been placed oh this person is standing here what do you want can we talk to her we can that's our age it's incredible how they managed to build these structures all the history behind a place like this it's fascinating don't you think oh it's terribly fascinating matter that needs to be attended to be aware that there are dangers in places like this oh so she has quests as well can we you must complete the tutorial oh we can't accept her Quest I I will not but thank you for asking or telling all right guys we're we're gonna oh we're supposed to use the torch too so let's get some hot torch action uh and you know what I feel like we're gonna can we craft up a smaller sword oh we don't have enough rocks you know what I feel like can we pick up a bunch of rocks can we can we can we pick up rocks we should pick up rocks before we go in here I feel like we should get a small sword go and get some hot fiber action oh I'm scared all right let's find some stones we have enough stones to craft up a sword we crapped up uh did we not learn it uh oh construction survival weapons all right we need to learn this one all right we have learned the warrior stuff and things all right so let's see if we can now craft up our sword all right can we do it now is there anything we do can we make it we're gonna all right can we can we two-hand this battle Marie I want to put you here like so and we've done it uh where'd you go ah right there how about you go with my third three slot I like I like you there this is where I like you can we carry both oh we can carry both I'm into this this is great I like it all right we're going in we're doing this we have our torch but we have our sword I'm I'm I'm all about this uh oh my God yep that must be the traps they're talking about oh that jacked me up and I'm like bleeding to death holy crap oh oh baby okay um we learned a thing just now oh my God that was very strange it didn't really do I mean it was kind of an anti-climatic situation but oh my God you guys that almost killed us that was not great okay note to self do not step on the spikes at all but the we can pick up the Rocks interesting cave rocks holy buckets so those are the traps we we now know we know oh spiral staircase I'm into it I'm into it I'm going down it we're doing this lots of stairs I mean if it's a dungeon we might as well keep crawling downwards oh my goodness you guys this is like stairs for days I feel like somebody should have put an elevator in this hot action oh okay what the Frick is this thing oh hi oh this is the guy he's so exciting I think it helps bracelet without uh I can help you get that bracelet off without dying in the process let's see I could I would need a fragment of power okay so we need to get a fragment of power without stepping on all of the oh we got some hot jumping action oh baby Hardcore Parkour I got this oh we're doing this we're doing this where the hell are we going and we can get out of here oh what in the world is going on here that was a big swing and a miss okay there's the way out okay uh let's take a look here and see how we're supposed to do this oh I see that one moves okay let's try this again Hardcore Parkour we got this we're doing this reading okay you're gonna take me over here aha we got this I haven't done a Dungeon Crawl in a forever in a game like no joke oh damn it ah swinging a miss all right we got this this time we're gonna do this this is all of us it's all us we got this it's all I need my guy can we do it can we do it can we in fact do it we can I think we can I'm really certain we can do this I feel like jump jump jump jump oh that uses stamina like nobody's business jump all right let's try not to miss this next one or that last one that last step's doozy and that's weird because the climbing mechanics I felt like in the vanilla Conan like climbing was stupid easy oh we've done it okay Talisman a correction Okay so we've got the Talisman is that that was it that was it that was it okay um I mean we can swim back but let's see if we can let's see if we can Hardcore Parkour this all the way oh but we're swimming all right I don't know if this guy wants that but we need to take this back to our guy oh that wasn't the worst thing ever I mean just don't step on spikes that are obviously placed everywhere like an idiot I'm just saying you know it's just don't step on those you guys will be fine all right did we get the thing you needed well you uh gather a fragment of power if there's a good reason why you're here I know my charmingly good looks can pull anyone in so is there not I mean how do you how does one get a fragment of power I don't even know that is not how one does it okay careful not to step on spikes I think that was it though I didn't see any way else around in here there's no doorways okay so maybe we bring it to him in here somewheres if we find one all right let's get back let's take this thing to homie and see what our reward some hot reward action up the thousand and 128 flights of stairs all right okay so I didn't see any other doorways or passageways don't step on the spikes remember guys it is vital don't step on the spikes walk on the pathways that somebody conveniently placed for us all right let's go take this thing to our guy [Music] it's raining inside all right we got this we are running out of stuff hopefully there's no battle Hombres out here well that was not as scary as I thought I mean it technically is still like a tutorial so I guess we're gonna think this uh I think this is that Temple that we were like in at the start of the game um I feel like has time passed would the time passed weirdly while we were up in there I don't even know but I feel like we should probably pick up our bedroom now all right can we talk to our guy we did this and let us complete the quest we got 25 10 coins all right gang I think that's gonna do it for this episode uh thank you guys so much for joining in uh smash that Thumbs Up Button give me a comment down in the down there below if you'd like to see more Conan Exiles modded and it wasn't a crazy fun start I didn't know this tutorial was going to be 3048 steps that's an exact number by the way uh so again don't forget to subscribe if you're new here feel free to share it with the video as you see fit JC hooligan signing out and as always you you have a great rest of your day
Channel: jch00lig4n
Views: 9,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conan exiles, conan, conan aoc
Id: uO2Juf3yKv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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