All You NEED To Know About Golems - Golem 101 Guide | Conan Exiles |

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hello everybody my name is KiahOnfire and welcome  back to Canon excels today we're going to be   looking at Gollum crafting and what you can do  all about these little friends right here so   you get several different types you get iron you  get stone you get the crystalline and they're all   called guardians but you can give them different  attachments such as having a torch head which is   the radium gem head you can give them a lightning  rod head you can give them an explosive jaw head   and you can also give them different bodies like  the tar body you can find different parts to   make them drip tar you can set this on fire and  then you can also have the brimstone ones that   are really really Smoky and they give out acidic  Burns so there you go and not only that you could   give them several different weapon types so you  can give them malls axes scythes and swords and   they're going to help with different farming or  just with attacking if you want to actually find   the recipes and learn them you need to go to the  new commercial Spire which is right here so you   go there and then you go and talk to this guy in  the corner oh wow great time for a sandstorm right   anyway talk to him do you got a choice of  learning or purchasing different parts from   him but they are extremely expensive and  currently right now finding blood crystals   is actually really quite difficult unless  they make this better in the full release   we will see anyway 200 blood Christmas is quite  a lot considering the Rarity of the things you   kill fought them crystals so I would go about  an alternative way of doing it because it's a   lot more efficient but you go to him to learn your  blueprints either way so when it comes to finding   the parts for these Guardians what you want to do  is go dungeon diving now the best dungeons I found   to find the parts is actually The Wine Cellar  and the war makers one but currently from what   I've seen The Wine Cellar is the best one of the  lot you can also get it in other dungeons such as   king sketches dungeon I had no luck in the water  dungeon but definitely Wine Cellar and this is   because you can get the parts in chests and The  Wine Cellar dungeon has a lot of chests so if you   know where there is a lot of chests in the ones in  the dungeon make sure you go for it thoroughly and   you should end up with quite a few parts to your  disposal not only that I found that the skeleton   bosses in there have a chance to drop it as well  it is not guaranteed in chests or the skeleton   bosses in war makers I didn't find them as much  but I have found them in the rooms with the giant   Kings so if you go and look in the chests in there  you can get some parts and then in King sketches   I found my first one of my parts and I only put  one of my parts I found in that dungeon so far   in the back room where you go and get the key for  the door so you can go in there and grab that key   and then go further and go and grab their chest  anyway those are places to get the actual Parts   highly recommend wine cellars by the way I would  definitely farm that a lot to get these parts if   you didn't want to go that route and you wanted  to buy the actual Guardian Parts you would need to   go and find blood pressure stores out in the wild  this can be done by letting sorcery and using the   resource detection spell so you're going into the  like the corruption section and you want to cast   this spell focus on rare resources in natural  world and revealing nearby deposits that's the   one you want to use and it should give you Vision  to find them now what you're looking for is very   specific it glows red and it looks like it's deep  rooted into the ground so it's very recognizable   amongst the other staff it doesn't really look  like any other resource you find in that mode so   it's red and long and that's the same for both the  normal tree root Golem you find and it is the same   for the blood rockners that you also find they  both look the same underground once you find them   all you need to do is go over the top of where  they're hidden and they will pop out the ground   and then you can go about killing them and then  harvesting them for the bloodstones I just used   a normal pickaxe for mine and seemed to give me  quite a bit so let me know what you think can you   use what you want you could also try just like a  normal pickaxe for me they've been extremely hard   to find I've traversed like the entire map the  only places I've found them so far is usually in   areas where you would usually suspect Rock noses  to spawn so you could go in that area where the   Mountaineer is and find one that's where I found  one or you could go to the volcano and I found   one there so hopefully you'll find some there too  now you've got your parts done all of that good   stuff you can now go to the table where you can  see different parts to craft and you're going to   see you're going to need different bits of Bobs  so again for some of these parts you're actually   going to leave blood crystals to make them so it  is going to be expensive either way and then the   other parts like if you want to make specific  heads and stuff you're going to need different   ingredients for that the brimstone stuff mainly  just uses Brimstone and it's prerequisite so you   need like a normal iron golem head which again is  going to use blood Crystal most of these will use   blood Crystal to make them and then it will use  the parts and extra stuff to have a special bit   but that's pretty much it and you should be able  to make all the arms as well all it tends to take   is a hardened steel part like a weapon to make  the parts in the arms and this differs depending   on what you use so the iron ones will use steel  and if you do the stone ones they will tend to   use iron swords and stuff like that so that's what  you'll need to make those so let's have a look at   some of these part options we have here we have  the sword arm side thumb mole arm and the ax arm   depending on which ones you use for this it's  going to depend what kind of job it does for   you so we picked them up and you can see what  they do so it'll tell you the abilities Harvest   corpses with the sword arm and it'll tell you the  damage on the side as well so depending on what   part you use will depend on the damage as well  so let's have a look if I've got a sword arm out   of all the different types so give me different  things so if I was to put a crystalline one in   you see you can get more damage from that but  it still does harvesting and then the iron one   gets a little less damaged but it is better  than the stone one so depending on which one   you find depends what job it does having a look  at the axon you can see this Harvest lumber for   you and then if we take that out and have a look  at the mall arm you can see the Harvest metal for   you so you could probably get things like Star  metal and normal metal and all sorts out of that   so my thumb is going to be foliage she can  get plants using this so maybe good for Aloe   harvesting but that's what the different arms  will farm for you so you can use them as farming   companions or you can pretty much use them to  fight with and they will do pretty well with   different weapons as well looking into the special  heads we have the radium head we have the Lotus   burner chest and the lightning head and our explo  head let's have a look at these different special   Parts you can get so the explode head does what  it says on the tin it is an embedded explosive   gel when the guardian dies it will detonate upon  death and there will be a massive explosion now   you have the lightning rod head so if someone's  doing a sorcery spell the Lightning Spell or this   actually might be useful in the new dungeon  where he does the lightning spell on you use   his head and it will take the lightning for you  so that might be useful for PVP encounters now   we're looking at the only chest that is special  in the game which is the low just burn a chest I   have found one of these in The Wine Cellar in  particular so definitely worth looking at and   this will burn lotus flowers as incense we look  at this a bit more in the minute because it has   it is amazing this you really really want this  if you can find it and then we'll look at the   radium gem head and it's pretty much just a light  bulb to illuminates the area and it's the area in   front of it not all around it now let's have  a look at what the different effects do let's   have a look at the brimstone parts so let's pop  these in shall we so we have a brimstone head as   you can see leaves behind volatile clouds of gas  you can see it gives armor and health then we're   going to put in the leg it gives me slightly more  armor and health because I've put a better part   on it it does the same thing do it again it  increases it some more and I put the Torso in   and what the Torso is when it comes down  to these things is the inventory size so   if you put a crystalline Guardian torso in  it's 15 inventory if you put iron it's 10   and I believe the stone is five inventory size  so this is going to really matter if you want   to use this for farming you want a crystalline  ideally body torso so you get a lot of inventory   Yeah the more parts you add the better Army you  get and if they're all crystalline it's going to   be the best armor you can get and the best health  but either way Brimstone coating it leaves clouds   of gas and the tar one you can set the tar on  fire and uh you know Drip Drop drips it everywhere   it's pretty handy that way anyway let's get craft  in a Golem so let's use this Guardian chest right   here let's find some other bits shall we you  can mix these all up by the way as you probably   noticed here I've put Stone parts and crystalline  Parts on the sky it's the same with this so it   doesn't really matter you don't have to have all  Stone all iron or crystalline you can mix and   match they're basically your Barbie dolls like  you know you can do anything you like with them   but you must have a farming arm you can't have  two empty arms so let me grab a farming arm I'm   going to use the Scythe arm because I quite like  the size thumb and let's uh put this together so   bang bang bang put the legs in you can see what  it does harvest foliage has pretty good health is   a Lotus burner let's give it a nice head as well  we'll give it just a normal crystalline Guardian   head and boom there we go quite nice Health armor  inventory size Etc you're going to notice with the   latest burner one and it gives you 10 instead of  15 so depending on if you have special parts or   not it can affect it so let's now make this  a reality and bring him back just as a side   note as well if you do take these into combat  they you can't repair you can't heal these guys   so if they do take damage that's it and if they  die they die and you can't get any parts back   so you have to make a completely new one  if you lose one as long as you do enough   dungeons it should be fine either way our  dude is out here he's looking awesome love it   so here we go he's following me along come along  now sir he's got the Lotus burner chest and he's   looking good one reason you really want the  elota's chest is because it gives you passive   Buffs whilst having this guy around if you use the  powder it will give you a better effect if you use   the flour it gives you a slightly weaker effect  but if I put this into his inventory he will go   and burn it and in a minute when I take let me  just take creative mode off you can see incense   Purple Lotus Flower now if we go into our stats  you can see having this around increases my armor   by 75 now that's only with flowers whatever I use  to powder which it should consume pretty much as   soon as you pop it in there and there we go Purple  Lotus powder it will tell you if you're using a   powder or a flower and you can see this increases  my armor by 150. so that is incredible and this is   going to be really useful for people who are fully  corrupted as well new sorcery so there you go   so lotus flower is armor and if you use the  flour it is uh weaker if you use the powder it's   stronger I'd use the powder because all you've  got to do is stick the flowers in a grinder that's   that easy for a better buff let's have a look  at something that's slightly harder to get and   again you can get a lot of gray Lotus actually in  The Wine Cellar dungeon so you might as well use   this there we go he has consumed it look at the  stats and you can see this gives us a 20 increase   through our strength and Agility weapon damage  so that's a really good one as well and I really   understand why they've done this on the gray Lotus  so it's harder to get but it would be a nice one   to have because a 20 bonus is really really  good for your damage next we're popping Golden   Lotus powder and see what that does Golden Lotus  powder what does this do it pretty much gives us   two points of healing every two seconds so it's  gonna really help you with healing in battle so   this is a really nice awareness as well I do quite  like this one golden latest not so easy to get on   extra lands because you have to go quite a trick  to go and get them down the volcano but if you're   on sipta they are very easy to get popping in the  Crimson Lotus powder now let's see what this one   does all right it's switched over to the Crimson  let's have a look this periodically cleanses bleed   and poison effects which is insane this will be  really useful most likely for PVP I can imagine   or just going into fights you know you're going to  get poisoned and bled a lot let's stick the Black   Lotus powder in now it's switched over so we have  a look at Stats gaining corruption over time so if   you wanted to gain corruption you didn't want to  go to the unnamed City to do it or have corruption   bruise all you can do is just smoke some black  lotus and that will do the job for you and finally   we put in the frost Lotus powder to see what that  does it just switched over to it so let's have a   look this increases stamina recovery so this is  one I'd probably like using as well when you know   you're fully kitted out and you're in heavy you're  going to use a lot more stamina when attacking and   all of that so if you can have something that age  your stamina recovery that is going to be really   really good for you as well either way that is  the Lotus burner and it's very very handy and   again if you want to see the extra stats here  you go into the actual inventory to see it if   you want to make them Farm stuff all you pretty  much do is give them something to farm so you go   into their inventory and you're like hey I want  aloe do it he's now going to go up to the yellow   and farm it I was trying to make them do Ebates  earlier and he's finally doing it oh wow okay so   he decides when he wants to do it I did try and  make them do the um these kind of emotes oh it   was it works it works it works okay so yeah if you  wonder if you want your iron golem to do things   like this throughout the base for you lots of  possibility as well um yeah anyway let's get this   rhino involved see if he wants some fun right he  wants me let's see if our golems and Guardians can   do any good I think I'm just going to call them  Guardians if I can there we go and they're at it   see if they can do any good there we  go we can see them a bit better now   so he's losing Health quite bad we can  see the uh look at this going on here   noxious gas our Brimstone guy is working and  poisoning him yep you can see it on the rider   when it happens also in Guardians actually  getting beaten up pretty bad see it slows me   as well that gas is pretty bad so using that a  PVP scenario would be really really good for you   these guys around the back seem to be  doing good he's Illuminating his bum   the stone ones are definitely suffering so you  can see he's doing it now but they're keeping   up pretty good and they're doing a decent amount  of damage against the Rhino all of them and of   course if I have the companion buffing Buffs on my  attributes then this would make them even better   as well but yep that's pretty much what there is  to know about these little friends and if you can   get the better armor ones they will definitely  help you out don't recommend for bosses really   because as you can see this guy got beaten up  pretty good by that Rhino wasn't really doing   much damage to it either it was taking a while so  probably just best to have a double companions so   you have something doing the damage and have  something doing the buff and bring them along   and do whatever else you want with them they  definitely won't replace rules because healing   is a big part of it and you won't be able to  do that but they will definitely be a handy   dandy companion to have around and a lot of fun  so this is my guide on the Guardians I hope this   helps you out thank you for watching I love you  and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye [Music]   foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: KiahOnFire
Views: 129,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kiahonfire, Kiahonfire Youtube, Girl gamer, conan exiles 3.0 update, conan exiles 3.0, conan exiles sorcery, conan exiles update 3.0, age of sorcery, conan exiles, conan exiles chapter 3, conan exiles new update, conan exiles chapter 3 release date, conan exiles age of sorcery chapter 3, conan exiles teaser, conan exiles golems, conan exiles new dungeon 2023, conan exiles bloodstone, conan exiles golem crafting, conan exiles golem, guardian conan exiles
Id: if8qIBXEMVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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