Building in The Sims but each room is a different budget (Streamed 8/29/20)

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hello hello everyone welcome back it is good to see you hello hello i hope you're all having a good day um it's saturday isn't it oh that's fun let me gift a sub enrique hang on um welcome back by the way i'm gonna turn this down a little bit uh i want to do some build challenges today i thought about doing fixer-upper and then i was like nah i'll do it on monday so now i'm doing a build challenge i want to do something dumb oh i have to get five subs too hang on let me give this one and then i can madison thank you for the three months lil simsy with the sub gift to enrique why isn't it it looks like it's still processing but it played no well it worked um vic let me give the five steps as well i'm still hosting vixela it looks like but i'm not i'm right here i'm not hosting vixela i'm right here if i type slash on host will that fix it no channel is currently being hosted well then what am i then am i here or am i not i don't know anyway hi everybody welcome back like i said we're gonna do some sims builds today simsy's so tall she broke twitch oh yeah i'm 10 feet tall so sounds about right yeah builds plural all right laura i don't know we'll see what we get too simsy pancakes why would you call me that thank you for the two months am i i don't know i need to get a i need to get a camera that can autofocus this is really just a curse in every way yeah that's fine dan has the same camera as me but like a slightly newer model and so his can be autofocus on without like having the little like box that follows my face and like tracks it because basically what i'm using is a real camera as a webcam um and so you're seeing like what you would see on like the little tiny square on the back of the camera but i have to turn the whole ui off i can't turn the ui for autofocus like the little square that tracks your face i can't turn that off on this camera and so i can't use autofocus on my camera but dan has a newer model that he can turn that part off and he likes to brag about it please can you start building now aj i've literally been live for two minutes it i've been live for two minutes oh my god you have to wait like 20 more okay lucy thank you for the three month resub oh boy not fast enough of time two minutes and 56 seconds why aren't you building yet notifications literally just went out too oh boy bear thank you for the four months bri thank you for the sub thank you guys so much um talk to us please uh [Music] i like blanked on anything to say i was gonna be like hi how are you what's your favorite color and then i was like hello words uh minty grace josie thank you guys for the recepts 35 months too minty by the way oh my god thank you so much um and llama thank you for the bits thank you so so much well um goldberg i don't know if i'll post this on youtube or not i don't know if i liked posting the other one on youtube i haven't decided i guess we'll find out maybe if it's good i'll i'll get dan to cut it down into a youtube video if it's not good then i won't get down to cut it down into a youtube video so we'll see what happens i don't know um this is exclusive content i think what i don't know if i like it when videos are cut down and when streams of interest on youtube videos i only did it once but if i like it maybe i'll save that for like i had a really bad day i'm gonna post this so i don't need to record do you know what i mean hanley happy birthday can i sing you a [Music] song it's not free boyfriend labor i pay him koala um ek thank you for the three months kimmy thank you for the bits mackenzie thank you for the five months riley thank you for the bits um sabrina thank you for the four months as well thank you so much uh raid thank you for the prime sub thank you thank you thank you guys simsie is sad day that is most days these days if we're being honest let me get my sims game open um anyway that's what boyfriends are for to be paid that's yeah what i meant to say pre-marital editing gross jillian thank you for the sub kitty thank you for the uh for the bits brook thank you for the four months thank you guys so much um yeah watch fate flow i um i watched the video back like the stream that we cut down into a video um no b baby we've been dating for a lot longer than editing my videos oh dear god um met dan like three years ago uh he was a film major in college he now has a film degree last year i was like i need an editor he needed a job and i was like this could work out um no i didn't start dating dating my editor um my boyfriend started being my editor oh dear lord anyway the um the video so i streamed a build challenge like at the beginning like monday i forget what day um and then dan cut it down like i kind of recorded it especially to like become a video like i was like testing it to see if i liked it or not um and i noticed that like i definitely don't look at the camera very much when i'm streaming like i i very much look this way because the chat's over here um whereas when i'm recording i talk to the camera right so that was kind of weird about that video and also there were like alerts playing above my head but that isn't like the end of the world um but uh i didn't realize that i did that as much as i do on stream like i didn't realize that i don't talk into the camera when i'm streaming um so that was a learning experience you know um star house congrats on the weenie roll by the way i should just not read chat um no i'm just kidding that's not the case um but anyway you missed my plant though when i had the green screen up oh oh you want to see my plant you say well too bad imagine i don't even turn the i don't even like um do any color photos i just like leave the green screen up so you just look at green behind me and it just looks like this all right that's not oh there we go it's like that's not good i made direct eye contact and it freaked you out why you don't like it you don't like it it's i don't know if that that zoom is like in the right place or not i haven't moved it since i like set my camera back up when i had it downstairs um anyway oh we're not using the green screen chase thank you for the bits um uh thank you for the bits uh oh my god i'm behind wait professor thank you for the bits uh nyaya with the resub 23 months doodle does for the two months jasmine with the four months um thank you so much for the for the recep queen rose thank you for the bits um i know starting university is really scary trust me i've been there but you got this i believe in you um guru thank you for the two months penny tiny sim steampunk thank you all so much azor thank you guys all for the subs and stuff do you know what um one of my favorite youtubers right now um her name is royalty soaps on youtube um and she makes soap videos like she makes soap like handmade homemade soap uh and today i saw she like just posted a video called soap wars with like the star wars logo and the thumbnail but it says soap instead of star and i was like i can't escape it it's infiltrating everything that i love it's everywhere we can't have one nice thing i'm gonna watch the video i don't hate star wars or anything just made me laugh because like you know with what's been going on this week in the sims community i mean ooh i don't know if we need more of that so um but i really like rosie soap she's great so [Music] um own chickens i think the green screen like it kind of messes with jeffrey a little bit when i put the chroma key on yeah um this is like me with the color filter on that um does the green screen like if i had the green screen up you wouldn't see it right um but it kind of kind of makes poor jeffrey look not so good wow simsie what happened to your plant yikes is is he okay oh boy um anyway he died yeah no he didn't he's doing just fine i'll have you know he looks beautiful he looks beautiful emma thank you for the for the bits uh antonio thank you for the three months taylor thank you for the three gifted subs it's jeffrey like geo jeffrey spelled like jeffrey landgrab he's named after jeffrey landgrab um that's not a joke he's literally named after jeffrey landra older kayla thank you for the 10 months emily thank you for the 28 months oh god and cassie thank you for the prime stuff thank you all so much i really appreciate you guys um let me go and this is the right save file okay cool so here's what we're gonna do i watched jessie do this on stream um like last weekend maybe and i thought it was so funny um she did this challenge where she had like a random number generator just like kind of we did on monday with that like whole house budget with the number generator but like with this like each room's a different whatever theme um and she like used the number generator to have a budget for each room uh and i really enjoyed the video it was really funny um and i think i want to well i watched her i didn't watch the video watch her stream i really enjoyed her stream um i thought it was really funny like one of the rooms she didn't have like she got like a hundred simoleons as the budget um and so she like couldn't afford to buy walls for the bedroom or anything so she like didn't have it was just empty um and i loved that so i think we could try something similar and just see if it's fun on stream um jeffrey plant grab oh my god father bold thank you for the five months um kelly pancake name for the four months laura thank you for the 13 months pineapple thank you for 11 months uh watkins thank you for the five month resub um congrats on passing the theory test by the way uh not a plan thank you for the bits sims and sins thank you for the bits uh chai thank you for the sub as well uh and left thank you for this for the gifted stuff the three different subs thank you all so much i don't even know what's going on right now but thank you look at the little beautiful debug house okay i don't know if you watched my video today but this is what i did today um i made a house uh using only debug items who are these people people moved into it when or maybe they were already here and i just built on their lot either way um i used only debug items so like we don't have real walls it's like this wall um and then on the inside uh i used a bunch of debug items um the house looks like this it's it's technically um i don't actually do they walk through it i didn't even think about that i can't like i try to put the walls down and you can't oh oh you don't need a door oh that's actually really funny these things don't work obviously because they're fake so that's annoying um well we could upgrade the trash can that i guess would work and this stuff works so like while you can't eat um you you can sleep and stuff in here so it could be worse yeah they're just it's just debug so they go through the walls it looks like they both um like routed this way through the bush which is interesting um but you can order food yeah you can just order things the tv works the lamps were i mean like they're all good it's all good mr wolf thank you for the five months jalen thank you for the bits um you move into the debug house yeah i like how it has no windows and doors i like how it has no windows and doors it really um just feels very cozy this way you know um moomoo thank you for the sub glamour with the sub uh wing thank you for the bits as well uh luna thank you for the sub gift i'm sorry if i miss anybody it's not on purpose um i really appreciate you guys though thank you how much is that house oh it should be free because i get well maybe not free because the um some of the furniture costs money but most of this stuff is like the walls are all free but like um these items like the bed that stuff cost money so the house itself is four thousand simoleons that's fine honestly the outside stresses you out i like the roof i think it's cool i don't know it made me laugh i had fun doing that earlier so bo thank you for the bits also okay well anyway we were gonna do the the challenge i don't know what lot to do it on i guess we'll figure it out um do you know what we need to do though we need to decide because like we know how jesse did it jesse was like okay i got 4 312 simoleons for this so then she would like give her i don't have a sin here but she would like so she started out with an empty house and she built it like room by room basically um so we could do it like that so you can't afford walls in some circumstances but we could also build a house um like just you know like figure out the shape of the house do the floor plan whatever and then decide like okay we have you know this much money for this room and this much money for this room and this much money you know so we could do it like that i don't know which way is best like to build the shell first or to build the room individually um i think that this one would be easier but it might be funnier to do it room by room because then we wouldn't have like some if we get like 70 simoleons and you can't afford walls like you know i'll do a poll this is a good opportunity for a poll uh manage poll new poll um how room by room shell first all right you can vote in the chat poll um and then we'll be able to see all right weird start thank you for the seven month resub haley thank you for the two months of entertainment thank you for the bits as well it looks like um room by room is winning so that's exciting i guess spin for the price of the shell oh that's interesting that's a fun concept if we if we did the shell we could like spin to see how much money we could spend on walls um that that's a that's a theory um i don't know we'll figure it out sasha thank you for the bits by the way um i hope you're doing okay i hope you're on a good day so room by room looks like it's winning so maybe maybe we'll maybe we'll do room by room i don't know if it's kind of close i guess 59 to 41 is kind of close i don't know you want to change your vote to that oh oh no i don't know a room by room one it will it'll be funny to do room by room jalen thank you for the 24 month resub by the way um little simsy have you started your period do you mean like ever i am i'm 21. okay jalen thanks for 24 months i really appreciate that okay anyway emma thank you for the prime sub so you people are people are still in chat saying different things it's like spin for the shell do it room by room i do think that room by room would be funny it's gonna end up with a much uglier house if it's room by room um which i don't know if that's a good thing or not but like we say like we get the living room is gonna be this much money and then the kitchen is gonna be this much money and then oh we only have one simoleon for the bathroom so you know um keira sims thank you for the tier 2 gifted sub by the way emma thank you for the prime stuff thank you guys so much room by room one so we'll we'll do room by room i also uh wait i'm confused hang on sid just sent me a screenshot of a message in chat at sydney you are doing a better job than her mods see sid is a um sid is a mod um sid you know what little cindy needs to get some better mods people like sid in the chat are really doing a great job jalen thank you for the tier three stuff [Music] little thing oh god sorry tanya jax thank you for the seven month reset taylor thank you for the tier three resub uh megan thank you for the seven months my mods do a very good job they're they're good at what they do maybe i'll maybe i'll mod sid someday maybe if sid's lucky she can get mods someday um mia tori thank you for the prime sub maybe like two years ago said could get mod please mod me please molly thank you for the 17 months as well okay okay let me pull up a random number generator so we can do this um i should when i started to google it it pulled up a random color generator that's a different challenge that's a different challenge for a different day actually so molly thank you for the 17 months all right all right oh my god jaylen thank you for the five gifted subs also my do you hear me my voice keeps going oh no also i'm almost out of water i've made a mistake lol thank you for the eight months lal or lolly i always call you lol am i wrong antonia i have a lot of mods if you type slash mods in the chat it'll show you all their usernames um some of those people are just my friends like that aren't like i wouldn't consider like duck dan to be one of my mods even though he's modded in my chat but you can if you type slash mods um it'll show everybody um like it won't i mean sorry it won't show everybody it'll just you only you will see it in chat so it won't like spam anything um so you can type slash mods and it'll show you a list of the mods in chat um annette thank you for the sub gif by the way um still thank you for the six months as well thank you thank you thank you you did the right it's um not backslash oh you can do slash vips too yeah um slash oh my god what the am i done kellen thank you for the vids after a week at work with no ac i came home to find no ac either loving this florida heat oh kellen kellet i'm so sorry what it why is this happening to me oh god um and also kellen i'm sorry you don't have ac at work or at home that is my worst nightmare it is so hot right now i hope you're all right you get yourself some ice water or something um always thank you for the two months veggie wolf thank you for the two months izzy thank you for the two months thank you all so much um you you guys are i can't tell if they're kidding or not i think they're doing it to like spam as a joke but you're doing it wrong other slash other slash when is it ever that slash oh izzy thank you for the two i thanked you already tonight and that thank you for the sub kelsey thank you for the 30 months okay um i think i think we're ready to build now think we're ready to get started now um okay you know what else i might mute my alerts temporarily just in case i decide to record this you never know what you might expect right okay okay i'm kind of nervous now because here's the plan we're going to use a random number generator to decide the price of every room so like for example we get like 4 000 simoleons okay living room we have to build a box and then furnish it for under 4 000 simoleons bedroom bathroom each room individually one at a time and then slowly but surely we will hopefully have an entire house but the thing is when you use a random number generator like this like you kind of end up with um not ideal choices like for example when i did this last time we spun for the price of the entire house like for the entire house's budget and i got 1800 simoleons so like i don't have high hopes here i think i'll put the max at like i might make the max 10 000 simoleons and then the min we can make like 100 oh not 200 100 right because then you you'll at least be able to afford like one wall you know or maybe we can make it 200 so you could afford two walls right i think that's reason okay and then we just go for it like oh i need to move a sim in first hang on we'll need to have a sim for a budget i don't know i don't want to have 1k is the minimum because i feel like that might make more sense but like i also sort of would rather us struggle a lot if we have to have like an empty room i think that makes it kind of funny right like there's definitely more reasonable like practical ways to do it but that doesn't make for a good stream so i think we'll do it this way am i lagging crazy smile oh i am actually not dropping any frames so i don't know what to tell you i'm sorry it might be lagging on your end um sometimes your internet or like your computer can't handle running the stream of the bitrate that i'm streaming at you can try and lower the quality and see if that helps um but uh i don't i'm sorry it's frustrating i think that 200 is a good minimum maybe 500 but i think 200 is probably best let's just spin this will be the living room entryway living entry something i don't know 2336 simoleons for the entire living room it could just be the entryway okay i'm actually kind of nervous now 2336. oh now we have to because does this mean this means like the front door maybe a staircase some sort of furniture like this is fine we'll be fine also i don't know how to build houses room by room like i don't know how to do this oh it's so expensive ah oh no oh taylor thank you for the bits by the way yeah i think that's that's my plan is to try to get as close to the number as possible like if we could spend every last simoleon i'd be happy so like if we get like like you said at ten thousand million bathroom we just spend all ten thousand yeah stairs are expensive too we're doomed cameron thank you for the eleven months neve thank you for the for the bits uh courtney thank you for the prime sub thank you all so much rini thank you for the six months as well higher max please for a single room i don't know if we can pull that off all right we're fine i'm gonna get a front porch does this count maybe the front porch can be part of the exterior we could like spin for the whole exterior and the front porch part of the exterior so let's just do like an entry room i think that's fine i don't know what door to use i don't know what style we're going for like we need to kind of pick somewhat cheap items i feel like like seasons has some decently cheap things i feel like if we went with seasons we could afford like windows for the rest of the house pretty easily i think i wouldn't regret that i'm scared i'm really scared mason thank you for the two months shelby thank you for the five months um it might be a cheap house laura but the thing is we might have like a bathroom that costs 10 000 simoleons you know so it also might not be a cheap house at all oh it's gonna be expensive okay it's fine i want to put like a corner staircase i feel like um i'm gonna make it kind of interesting all right that's gonna once i have like other rooms it'll look better i promise because like once there's a floor upstairs it'll look less odd i guess we could put the floor up oh i can't do that very easily can't i it's just gonna look weird were these doors 50 simoleons before did they tune the price of them maybe you're right i think they did because those doors were 50 simoleons before and now they're 250 when did they tune the price of them hang i feel really cheated right now i feel i'm feeling really attacked they tuned lighting to they tuned like the prices of the the lights i know that but like how many of them what else did they change because i mean i know they made the good light cheaper i didn't realize they made these more expensive that's that's rude the audacity and my thank you for the three months brianna thank you for the 15 months mason thank you for the two months as well um i guess it was just a couple updates ago but you know what we're going for small i might regret this but i feel like the smaller we make it the better i hate to say it but i think it's true and then maybe there could be like this could be an archway into like the next room oh god we're out of money oh no oh no okay this one's better that one's cheaper okay oh no i didn't think this through we have to afford like wallpaper and stuff too on on this budget you think we're like made of money or something because we're not and then oh no we need to have like oh no can i make it even smaller i think it might have to be cheaper door i like this door it's okay small is good small is good i like this i'm pleased with it i think it's a nice touch oh no this one hurts doesn't it it's okay we'll make it work it's fine and then we need a light i can't even afford like a ceiling light oh god i feel like i've made a really big mistake like i feel like uh i did this to myself we we have two simoleons left that's fine that's the entryway we did it it's fine it's fine this is yeah i didn't think it was low either the thing is like 2 000 simoleons we need to buy like the staircase because the stairs themselves are like almost a thousand right so we definitely could get rid of like the under bit and save a bunch of money but i don't think that i think it looks bad and a ladder is cheaper but we're trying to make it look good i don't want it to look bad i'd prefer if the house looked decent cow plant thank you for the 2 500 bits thank you so much happy almost birthday can i sing you a song [Music] um thank you for the sub blood sniper thank you for the 13 months rex thank you for the three months um i'm sorry if i missed anything i'm not trying to miss anything but um i i think it um it just this is the way it goes okay uh as for the next room this will be the living room so 7844 is good we can work with that because we can afford like a tv with that which is what we need we need a we need a tv okay 78 40 oh 44. okay okay oh i might move this on the lot because it's in a weird spot i don't know why i built it like in the middle of the lot okay i don't know how to build houses from like the shape of a room it's really weird i don't like this um there also needs to be like oh god because like this is supposed to yes okay that's expensive i don't know if that's good or not oh what if we put like oh i guess we can't put the bathroom inside of it can we cause we're doing the living room right now so never mind maybe i'll make it smaller when in doubt make oh it needs to be bigger because we need to put the tv somewhere it could go like on this wall couch there tv there random hallway space maybe maybe you think we put 30k as the maximum i think that's an interesting concept because you're right like having too much money is difficult like it definitely is a challenge to have more money than you need um but that i think it would involve too much furnishing so i don't wanna i don't wanna we could leave a hole there for the bathroom if we wanted to we could just like pretend that we did it like that but i don't that's weird i think we'll keep it as a we can put a desk in the bump out yeah we'll figure it out okay let's do it we need a light we need to put windows too so we're gonna spin eventually for like the entire exterior but that'll be for things like landscaping and like the wallpaper outside and stuff um as of right now we're just doing like the interior essentially i don't know where we're gonna put the next rooms like i don't know maybe like maybe it could go back like the kitchen could be like the next room in the dining room could go there i'm gonna try to fit a bathroom in somewhere because like let me just hear me out we could and this is a theory there could be like a bathroom there there could be like um i don't know the kitchen and dining could be somehow split up like in this space so i don't know what we'll do we'll figure it out this is going to be a disaster oh no see you guys are trying to get me to raise the the maximum i'm more worried about the minimums i don't think you guys are are thinking logically about our issues here oh no oh we had two simoleons left over so that's fine remember we had two simoleons left at the end so we can fix that we literally had two simoleons exactly left oh god um hey savannah we have 7844 for this room we've got like 6 000 left uh i think i'll put an archway there for the next room or maybe maybe there and the desk could go in the corner that'll work i don't like this i'm feeling nervous i feel so stressed about like how much i can spend i don't think i've ever felt this stress doing a build challenge before we do cheap stuff like cheap cheap computer cheap desk cheap accents bigger archway the bigger archways are more expensive this one's only 50. so i'm trying to lean towards not that trying to save as much money as possible and then we could always upgrade it if we have some leftover money but as of right now we don't have leftover money so i'm i'm um proceeding with caution i feel like it's a good idea to maybe try to have like i don't know the most is that good oh i actually kind of like that we could stick it like that i want to have like the most expensive stuff possible not like couches but if i could upgrade the computer i would or like have a nice tv i'd prioritize that because i feel like that matters more having like the nicer tv or having like the nicer computer because your sims actually gain like fun and skills from them faster that way so like if i can afford to buy this like 2 000 simoleon tv i would like to make the minimum one simoleon okay so we talked about that but like if we did that you could have a room that is like two simoleons and then you literally can't do anything so i feel like having 200 is the number we picked because then you can at least buy like two walls or something because then you could decide like okay i need to buy like walls like that to close off the bathroom or whatever um but i don't know we'll figure it out two walls and a door is all you need huh your bathroom is just an empty closet yeah it makes perfect sense okay let's go this is gonna turn into a blue suburban that was not my intention by the way i didn't i didn't set out to do this i swear i didn't set out to do this it's just happening this wasn't my original plan i swear why does this always happen um like honestly the white curtains are nice i like these curtains i think they're really pretty can we like why does the lighting look so weird it looks ugly from the outside too you hate this carpet this is like my favorite rug people complain about this rug a lot but it genuinely is like my favorite one in the game i like that rug so much it's so interesting that you hate it and i like it because i like it so much like i just said okay what about a book what about a bookcase i meant to say uh that's probably useful bookshelves are good maybe like a we need to put wallpaper we don't have any wallpaper maybe even just like a that's ugly what if we did like no oh no i don't know about that one either okay why is this happening beth thank you for the three months ellie thank you for eleven months thank you so much um paulie ty thank you for the sub uh fn thank you for the prime sub anonymous thank you for the bits as well you think the the beige looks good it looks really dark in here but that's because of the fact that we have like this weird like this room has outdoor lighting so it would be better once the rooms are all closed off it just has like this outdoor lighting coming into it so once we have like a second floor and stuff it'll it'll be less bad i promise we just aren't there yet it's still open uh to the outside and it looks bad we know i'm so sorry okay what about a big plant like this one i always use this this looks like every house i've ever built in the sims we're really going back to the basics here we run out of money and then we just go back to the basics um davi i just explained why the room is dark once i close off this open archway to the outside it'll look a lot brighter you just no one listens to me i know it's annoying but it's because the lighting is weird when there's outdoor and indoor spaces having like that outdoor indoor lighting combo makes it really look weird on the inside uh unfortunately it's just always like that i want paintings on the wall but they're all so expensive someone else asked me to make it brighter i just explained why i can't you're like taunting me it's not even possible are you doing this to mock me on purpose also hi rochella um it's good to see you that's kind of an expensive plant but i feel like it might be worth the money and then we could afford like a lamp oh god this is sad how much does the cork board cost is it like a hundred no it's only 70. oh that's perfect okay that isn't that's a decent room it could be better it could be worse it's fine it is it is just fine and thank you for the bits by the way my 2016 christmas vlog was in your recommended today and you watched it oh god oh god oh i hope you enjoyed it kellen thank you for the bits daisy thank you for the bits um beth ellie thank you for the resubs weird cat gal thank you for the six months um you guys it is brighter there's just an open outdoor space you see how it's fixed now the second i closed off that room it's got like weird lighting because of this open outdoor space and then once you fix it it looks better indoor outdoor lighting combos always look weird in the sims it like breaks when there's indoor outdoor lighting so it is brighter there's just an archway to the outside so the second i build the next room it'll fix itself um thank you again weird pal for the six month reset though all right let's do the next room the kitchen or the dining room well we'll do kitchen kitchen oh four thousand simoleons for the kitchen okay that's fine four thousand five hundred and seventy one for the kitchen money four five seven one okay we can afford can we i think we can afford a kitchen with that i i think we can afford to have a whole kitchen we kind of have to like have sort of closed off floor plans in here i know it's not like the most ideal situation but it kind of just is the way that it is like we when you're building a house with like a room by room challenge you kind of have to close it off so we'll do this oh dear maybe we can make it ugly we can just go for like oh maybe we can make it ugly oh wow do you guys like it i'm gonna keep it we'll put the archway like right here but i'll leave it um not there so that you guys don't get confused with the lighting because i know the lighting is confusing so i won't put it now kaylee thank you for the bits not a plan thank you for the bits thank you guys so much i like it it's horrible it is absolutely horrendous and i i really like that about it so i'm going to keep it okay that's probably too many counters i don't think i can afford that many counters although maybe we can um i guess we'll see i guess we'll find out as we as we try to furnish it here maybe i'll uh do it a little bit less like what if we had like one end counter after that or something that's fine i don't know where the windows should go because i don't know where i'm gonna put oh that looks bad hang on let's raise those up oh oh it's not centered that's so frustrating oh my god that's so frustrating okay that's actually really ugly so that's cool and we could do like a couple there could just be like two upper cabinets for all i care it could just look like that we don't really have much money so oh hi hannah welcome to my stream we're doing something really special today um mac thank you for the bits thank you so much a true masterpiece do you really think so do you really believe that do you really think this is a true masterpiece because i don't i don't agree with you maybe we could have like oh watch this fruit bowl yeah wow and then what i'm thinking i don't have the money to do it yet obviously but i think i'll make a bathroom like that and then maybe we'll have a dining room kind of like there is like ideally what will happen i just don't know if we'll have the money to afford that um i don't know if we'll have money to be able to like buy walls yet so we'll see how it goes we'll we'll cross that bridge when we get there because for all we know we could have like five simoleons to to do the bathroom and then we won't be able to have all that space so we need to be careful oh how about it like a a microwave that's useful we need a trash can as well and that's a fully functional kitchen we could also put like maybe a kitchen table in here honestly it's probably for the best if we do that because what if we don't have any money and then your sims don't have a dining room like what if the dining room is worth like five simoleons and we can't afford a table maybe it's for the best if we do it with at least something to eat at in the kitchen i think that makes sense yeah well yeah okay so if this is gonna be the back of the house should we put like another window there why does that make it look so weird and dark in here maybe that helps though and then there could be like a plant in the corner this corner yeah and then of course you guys were gonna have like the archways and stuff i was just sort of waiting until we had the rest of the room done because i don't really i kinda this one is very much dependent on how much money we have for the next rooms because like i think it's gonna look like this i think emphasis on i think it's gonna look like this i just don't know how much money we're going to have so we'll have to sort of play it by ear but then we'll have a bathroom and the the dining room right we still have like 500 simoleons i could buy some wall decorations people keep suggesting a back door but i think we could have that out of the dining room instead i don't know if there's space in here for that where would i put the back door here is that really do you think that would look good because i don't agree with you like i don't like the idea of that at all i simply do not i mean the dining room is going to be like that so i guess we could do something like that but it just seems like so many archways and stuff i guess maybe the the bathroom door could be off the dining room so the bathroom could go like that and then the dining the bathroom door could be in the dining room but what if we don't have enough money to put it there what if what if we don't spend enough money in the dining room to have a door that's what i just worry about these things i'm i'm like exceptionally worried about not having enough money for anything take a risk it's not worth taking the risk we could always change it i guess once we know how much money we have because i don't like how it looks right now but we could always move it so it's no big deal i want to get some paintings but i don't like any of them maybe we could just do like three of these this room is so ugly it's like genuinely really ugly and i'm i'm sorry it doesn't look good how about a clock a clock is good oh oh we can't afford a clock never mind mirror maybe there could be like a no that's weird oh i don't know what to do hmm we could stick this like i could all place this by the stove that would be nice that's fine i think that's fine yeah this house is really ugly don't worry it's got like the um fire alarm and stuff and we trash can cover all the bases i didn't put the parenthood board because i wasn't gonna use parenthood but i guess we could how much does it cost how much is the parenthood board 125 oh actually that's nice i don't know i guess we'll have we'll make sure we've got a kid's bedroom then i still have extra money we still have so much money left over um okay 50 simoleons left not enough simoleons for i'm just gonna leave it i'm just gonna leave it i don't know where you guys think i'd put an upper cabinet i think you're stupid for wanting to change the counters we don't have enough money to change the counters this we have a very small amount of money there's i'm not i don't want to clutter it more we have so much clutter as it is just let it be please just leave me be uh mad berlin kale thank you guys for the bits and prime subs and stuff lindsay thank you for the two months um all right let's spin for the bathroom next watch this one be the most money we get like exactly ten thousand some only all right we got two thousand simonians for the bathroom i think that's reasonable though because we have to we have to buy walls but i don't know we're gonna oh sorry friends have changed my money it's 2108. we don't have to buy that many walls so that helps i think we'll be fine i also could move the door if i wanted to which i kind of oh dear why did i do that oh no okay i hate this should i continue the same tile i kind of feel very inclined to continue with the same tile it's a nice trend i i quite enjoy it and i wish to keep it we get like a giant window in the bathroom i won't do that i we won't spend all our money or we won't waste all the wall space on a window but it's so ugly i love it it's funny because the chat is like exactly like completely polar opposite you're like absolutely yes or absolutely no it looks ugly on purpose don't you just love it isn't it great all right we need to make sure we have like the best bathroom possible with like all the all the fixings because i don't know if we'll be able to afford another bathroom like i don't know if the next budget we get for the bathroom will have enough money to get like all the necessities so i'm gonna make sure we get all the necessities right now while i know i have the money so well we aren't gonna do a half bath or anything we'll make sure we have like a full tub and shower combo and like maybe even a a toddler potty because then we can make sure the kid can pee if we need if we have a toddler i don't even know if we're gonna have a toddler but you know just in case just in case can we afford a rug why are all the base game ones so expensive i'll use the the cats and dogs ones i don't know it doesn't bother me any oh it looks really nice yeah we got 14 simoleons i don't even think you can buy anything yeah you can't find anything with 14 small lions we can't afford toilet paper we only have well i guess i could get a cheaper mirror and no we still can't afford toilet paper oh we're literally one simoleon off from being able to afford toilet paper that's so sad okay no toilet paper for us that's fine we don't we don't need it we could always maybe if i have 39 what can you buy with that why is why are the toothbrushes 35 i was hoping i could get like one of the towels on the wall but the towels on the wall are too expensive i'll just keep my expensive mirror we could just go for like the that yeah that's fine just just leave it queen thank you for the prime sub art thank you for the five months shelby thank you for the sub gift um wolfus kaya mad berlin i think i thanked you guys already but thank you so much if there are a bunch of electric toothbrushes is all yeah these toothbrushes the 35 simoleons ones they're like really fancy toothbrushes it's just funny how like the toothbrushes are 35 and the toilet paper is 50. like where hello like how does that make sense this window i think is 30. yeah the window costs less than the toothbrush how how and why it doesn't make sense how does that add up oh my god all right next room dining room i'm kind of scared we've gotten really oh see i was gonna say we've gotten really lucky so far but 1600 1612 to be exact we can afford a table and chairs with that that's fine that's fine it could be worse okay we could have gotten like six 16 12. and luckily we don't need to buy like a door into the bathroom or anything oh yeah we can afford this that's fine and we'll reuse like that flooring we'll get this yeah i'm glad i put the back door now fine fine i'll give in i'm glad i had the back door beforehand fine you were right and i was wrong that might need to be smaller i guess we'll see i i would like it to be as big as possible but we might need to make it smaller so we'll we can always expand it if we have more money i'd like the the chairs to be kind of nice too like for example i really like these chairs i think they are absolutely beautiful i just don't know if we can afford i think having it be this like four tile four four seater small one this is good we can keep it like this oh we could get a square rug too how much this one's 190 are there any good colors on it there's like that yellow one that's super weird we shouldn't do that oh i like the green that's pretty and colorful the house isn't though oh that one is nice wait honestly we might have done something there that's kind of nice we can't afford anything else but like that's a fully functional dining room so oh i never put high chairs by the way in my builds i never bother with high shares like the toddlers don't need a spot to sit they can sit on the floor i think that works out really nicely i'd like to have something on this wall but i don't we can't so it's okay honestly the house itself like is kind of a decent floor plan too like i think it's a pretty realistic floor plan maybe i snapped with that dining room i know gene thank you for the sub by the way uh wolfie charlene thank you guys so much my cat is doing well charlene thank you um the debug wall art is expensive like the do you mean like the ones that your sims can unlock that stuff's expensive too you put a living chair in your dining room that's actually pretty smart to put like a living chair in the dining room instead of a toddler chair because the toddlers like crawl up on it themselves to eat and then you don't need to put them in and out of it because i don't like having to take care of the toddlers too much i prefer to not have to like carry them in and out of toddler high chairs and stuff so putting like one of these chairs that they can sit on to eat is actually kind of smart i respect it onyx thank you for the sub okay now is where it gets concerning because like i don't really know um what the house is going to look like from the upstairs like i'm worried about trying to do a floor plan uh just like from boxes like i usually build the hole upstairs and then cut it into a floor plan i don't know how to like do you know what i mean i'm scared i'm really scared i'm kind of stalling to be honest jess thank you for the bits by the way thank you so much i appreciate that smaller upstairs here's what i'm thinking let me let me give myself some money so i can show you i'm thinking that i will like we'll do a bathroom like right here right i was gonna have the master bedroom be kind of like that maybe um and then if possible or even just a bedroom we could put um another bedroom like here and then like another bedroom like that does that make sense but we'll we're aiming for a three bedroom one bathroom upstairs and maybe one of the bedrooms could be like an office or something if we wanted to we'll figure it out but we just gotta hope we get enough money to make it work because i don't know if we will sleepy thank you for the seven month reset thank you so much pull and get famous and make the second floor huge for absolutely no reason jalen that is a horrible idea why would you say that to me how dare you say that i don't want to hear i would rather die than have a huge upstairs you know how like um and get famous they've got like it's like this it just like overhangs off the top oh frog sings for the three months okay let's spin for the upstairs bathroom yeah 29.36 is pretty good we could afford some like nice bathroom stuff all right that we can work with watch we're gonna i'm listen we haven't gotten anything super cheap yet we're gonna end up with like a five simoleon room just just you wait it's gonna happen i am nervous but it's it's bound to happen all right we'll do a door into it there or wait should the door be there in the hallway or should it be like off the bedroom we can afford toilet paper exactly i think um off the bedroom maybe yeah we'll put it off the bedroom no the hall bath there's gonna be three bedrooms upstairs i think that it should be i think it should be a hall bath back to using cheap lights though just in case all right big window expensive shower how much i want to use i'm sorry you guys i'm using the same tile i'm bringing it back we're not we're not going to not use this again like this is the theme now everything is going to look like this now i guess we could probably afford like maybe i'll buy the hmm that looks weird in that corner because it like overlaps with the window but we could buy imagine i buy like a super expensive shower no we'll get like a slightly more upgraded shower i didn't set the money oh i didn't change the money oh i'm stupid we had to start over i didn't change the money i was close though it was it was just about the right price 29.36 okay we have 70 less simoleons guys let's try that again okay um i was trying to cheat for an extra 70 simoleons and you caught me i'm obviously a dirty cheater who can't be trusted cancel lil simsy for that all right let's see same thing as before well we could do we could always put like the toilet in that weird corner and have the shower like right there because the the toilet would fit back there and we could afford like i don't know where to put the sink i don't know what to do with this i don't know what sink to use maybe this one oh actually that's pretty nice how we have so much money left over still i could get like an even nicer honestly can i afford the really expensive shower no i can afford this one seems like really out of place in here but we can keep it and then i can have like some toilet paper we could have like maybe a plant in the corner you know we could get oh if we're feeling extra fancy some towels can we afford like uh oh no these things are too expensive like the the medicine cabinets are out of our price let's lower this down let's get a cheaper one of these and we could decorate more because then we can actually afford like a medicine cabinet and stuff 240 why this game's a scam i someone needs to retune the price of everything in the sims 4. also hi dylan mac thank you so much for the five months simply thank you for the prime sub joe's thank you for the six months uh karis thank you for the three months thank you guys so much oh my god the fake laundry basket might be an idea i don't know do you think that we could like get a curtain or something i think the curtain could be a fun idea because we have like a blue that sort of matches well it's not quite the same color oh maybe it could be white instead i like the idea of there being a curtain in there the curtain's kind of a luxury too the curtain is a nice luxury i didn't think we could afford i don't know there's not like a good spot for a rug in here though we really have so much money maybe i could get a better toilet how much money are we gonna spend 580 on that toilet okay maybe get a better mirror too i don't know which one like really what is a better mirror to you like what does that mean they're all the same lex thank you for the four months marissa thank you for the bits i got three simoleons left so i think we kind of did it i think we made it work yeah that'll stay okay let's spin for the hallway yeah because we need to build some sort of and then the downstairs will look less stupid because this room is all weird and glitched because of the lighting let's do the hallway next just you wait this is gonna be the most expensive room in the whole house okay it's not it's gonna say like we get 10 000 simoleons just for the hallway imagine oh bex did i miss your sub i'm really sorry thank you for the three months um that's my bad i'm doing them kind of in waves as of recently and sometimes like i miss them it's not on purpose it's never on purpose okay 23 19. i don't know how big to make it like that big no wait a minute because we wanted we're gonna try and like lay out the rooms yeah that's right okay and then we'll do yeah yeah okay okay okay we can cut the rooms that way i 29 23 19 monsters inc we've got it oh my god thank you all so much okay you know what else is annoying maybe i'll move this window over one so that i could like have this same window in the same place upstairs maybe we could do two of them even if i'm feeling special it's gonna look dumb from down wait oh we didn't have any money left over in that room to do it so i can't anyway never mind i was gonna say we could put one in that room but we didn't have any money in the downstairs hallway so we can't sad um i said the money didn't i i set the money twisted thank you for the three month reset by the way thank you so much put a sock for reference okay um let me get a let me get a light we do need one of those and then we'll let's do the doors too because then we know we can have doors we'll spend the the door budget will be coming out of this this room we could probably get a desk in here maybe not with anything on it but like at least a desk you know and maybe we could put like a bookshelf on the desk or something but then the kids could do their homework up here right and we could put like this bookshelf i don't know like over here i don't know i'm just i'm just thinking actually that could turn out pretty nice this house isn't that bad we've gotten pretty lucky somehow i wasn't expecting us to get lucky like at all with this but i i kind of think we have i feel like i'm gonna say that and then our luck's gonna totally run out like next spin that we do we can't afford a computer but there's one downstairs we've got a computer down here so we don't need a computer up here at least like there is a computer in the house maybe we could do like oh what if we used like you know the parenthood uh these thingies like maybe the kids had some artwork they worked on and they've got it on the wall hmm that's cute yeah i'm gonna jinx myself i know raspberry thank you for the six month reset by the way put a sock oh right the sock you guys wanted a sock because wacky wonderful carnival sock alien what other maybe okay hang on maybe not a sock but you know what that thing it's like that toddler little baby my game's frozen don't crash oh my god my life just flashed before my eyes i hadn't saved this whole time okay we fixed it it's fine we fixed it it's fine save and sip everybody that was scary i didn't like it oh my god okay i'm talking about uh this the little shoe thingies why is that so expensive why are why are baby shoes so expensive can that be the sock does that count as your sock yeah that works that's your sock there you go team you're welcome and we can get like maybe a little plant in the corner of the desk and then i got seven simoleons left so the hallway's done that's easy that's really easy all right let's do the bedroom next yes maybe the parents bedroom oh no oh like i said lugs kind of run out i don't even know if i can afford all the walls with this dang it okay this is fine 784 is fine we can do that this is fine i wanted this oh no oh i didn't set the money yet okay money 784 oh no oh no oh no okay this can't be the parent's bedroom never mind parents bedroom's gonna go somewhere else where we already where we have more walls oh my god oh no oh no oh wait it was supposed to be like this big wasn't so close so close so close it's so it oh it's right there it's right there okay i don't know what to do do you know what if we do it like this wait okay the room is just under construction is all um they're they're in the process of renovating this room so they haven't furnished it yet they're just they're like buying new furniture right now so uh there it's they haven't you know they've just not furnished it yet so we can at least afford walls right we got that can we afford like okay no flooring oh we can afford wallpaper okay no do you know what let's make it functional because with debug testing cheats on bb dot show hidden objects all right there's like that eco lifestyle bed hear me out it's 25 simoleons look at us that's all they get now functions there's no lights they haven't painted the walls yet it's it's under construction it's a work in progress so it's okay i don't know if we can afford anything else maybe we could afford like do you know what what if there was like um like two floor pieces in there that it's the parents but we said it was the parents bedroom so it's gotta be the parents bedroom that's the thing with this like if we decide before we spin that it's gonna be the parents bedroom then it has to be because we could like change our mind we could get like 10k and be like actually this is gonna be for the pool so you have to like pick the room first and then pick the budget so you can't cheat it's the only way we're not cheaters here beanie rabbit thank you for the three months shy road to sarah z pace thank you guys for the resub thank you so much um get rid of the shared wall i mean we definitely could delete the shared wall and then like have the next room pay for it but i feel like that's cheating i was thinking about that too and we like definitely could do that and like save the money um for the rest of the stuff but like i don't know i feel like you guys are being kind of sneaky and i don't i don't really want to be sneaky we're not cheating here let's just do the next room this sucks all right fingers crossed for not more bad luck please this is the next kid's room 3484. do you know what these parents are pretty selfless and i respect that i really do bibi dot hang on what am i doing i was trying to type type money bb.3484 this is not bad this is this is good money we can work with that this house is gonna look super ugly from the outside this is going to be really bad maybe i'll make it smaller hang on because i'm thinking about the roofing because like this kitchen's really ugly if we do it like this this is why i was trying to have that like slightly smaller piece just a second ago because like we'll we'll try and roof it kind of like this do you know what i mean because then um i don't know i feel like it separates it all a little bit we can even make it like have a bigger overhang over the little patio back there we do our best we do our best okay this is fine we only have the one room after this too so like if anything we got really lucky like we've really lucked out with with the pricing on this house like this could have been so much worse it really could have um folly thank you for the two month reset by the way um delete the roof why i didn't use money for the roof the roof is free what are you guys talking about the roofing is free i didn't use any money for the roof what are you guys talking about all right let's let's um valid concern don't worry but we didn't so we're fine i'm thinking we could use like some kid's room stuff like we could make uh let's pick the furniture furniture first i was thinking we could pick like the classic like this this stuff or maybe we could maybe this could be like the team's room let's make it like a teens room because we have a little bit more money yeah imagine paying for roofs could not be me could not be me i like this bed i think the pattern on it is really ugly and that's why it appeals to me something about it just kind of speaks to me you know i see ugly and i'm into it uh there's like a purple swatch on this yeah the pink and purple is good these parents really love their kids they don't they're like i said the most selfless parents i know they're like you know what i don't need a bedroom but you do i i will do without a room but my children you deserve the world and so i will spend all of my money on you and your bedrooms i like it the kid can have a desk maybe the kid could even have like not to get too ahead of myself here but we might be able to have a computer for the kid i'm just saying like i i don't know you guys i feel like we kind of got some money i didn't paint the walls yet let me do that wait okay oh there's no dresser we'll get a mirror instead we don't need we don't need a dresser that's fine we got mirrors that's what mirrors are for serves the same purpose same functionality just cheaper so listen i feel like in the grand scheme of things the computer is more worth it for your sim and i'm trying to save my sim as much money as possible so maybe she likes soccer a lot you can just grab your clothes from the mirror yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe she stores all of her clothes underneath her bed that's fine are there any there's like no skill building items we could get that are cheap or maybe wait what about instead of that we have a bookshelf for her and then oh i don't know i don't know we don't need storage though i know one thing and it's that i don't need any storage because that's for losers so couldn't be me i think a poster we can afford oh god okay no computer we're going no computer uh well the thing is we could like the computer would be so good but then i can't afford a poster so like what am i meant to how am i supposed to choose how much do posters cost there's like that kid's room one that's pretty cheap i think i'm looking at just bit wait i was just looking at base game i shouldn't have been there's cheap oh see we're fine oh my god that's what i was talking about that one's 26. it's perfect it's literally perfect we got one simoleon left we did it that worked out really well i didn't even know still playing my base game so we're fine honestly i'm kind of proud of that one why do these kids have such nice rooms compared to their parents oh okay designer may thank you for the bits cupcake karate thank you for the two months beth thank you for the bits all right last room last but not least we'll do the outside too of course but we don't we'll get there when we get there last but not least the final kids room why do they have so much money for their room oh whatever whatever 4715 for the last kid's room this kid is so spoiled oh i didn't give myself money yet i just started trying to build with one simoleon 4715 okay let's do it they love this is the toddler's room yeah the toddler's room is gonna be worth so much money how is this fair okay i was gonna put the roof similar thing to the back i was gonna do it like this just so that there's like some more interest in the house why does this toddler have such a nice room okay well whatever i feel like if i was i don't know like this kid even this kid is gonna be so jealous of their little sibling like i would be so mad like how come the two-year-old gets all of this stuff and i get nothing mom oh there could be twins we could do two that's a good idea actually we could do like twins or triplets maybe not triplets we'll do twins though i like the idea of twins that gives us more of a reason to have like the biggest bedroom for these two imagine we give them like both these beds they've got these like four poster beds for these toddlers wait i yeah yeah i mean we can we have to it's only fair the toddlers are getting four poster beds apparently that's fine everything's fine the world makes sense it i don't see the problem this is perfect helen thank you for the five months raffy thank you for the seven months tay jumping pistachio thank you guys all for the recepts and stuff i what lamp should they get we have so much money like we can we aren't even going to have like enough space in the room to put lots of nice toys for them because i'm spending all of our space on stuff we need to buy like a this is a wait they can have the really expensive dollhouse that makes sense okay they'll have a 1 500 simoleon doll house because that obviously isn't weird at all i know lots of children with 1500 simoleon doll houses what do you not have a fifteen hundred dollar doll house as a as a child i think your parents don't love you i have i've got a 10 000 doll house actually it's like how those like um like really rich celebrities they they give their kids like specially made custom playhouses and stuff like honestly i'm not here to judge their kids are living their best lives i'm just jealous i might do that that's nice i don't think we can fit a dresser in this room either but that's not my problem so maybe i'll make this smaller hmm maybe wait we could put it like there okay that could work dollhouse there we could have like oh the tiny living dresser is smart yeah cause then it'll at least fit because we could put it just in the corner there or something or well we could always put the tiny living dresser in between their beds like that might not be a bad idea yeah no that's smart it kind of matches like the the color scheme too we've got a toddler potty downstairs we already put a toddler potty in the bathroom so we're good to go there oh yeah the rug is cheap that's okay we can have a cheap rug um we're just trying to have money on toys i think it makes more sense to have like the rug is actually zero simoleons which is kind of sad but i feel like it still makes sense because like will spend all their money on like really nice toys for the kids which is what they deserve do you think tablets the thing is like the wabbit tablets are expensive they're like 500 each so if we did that like then we wouldn't have any money left over i'd like to have at least some money left we'll get a blurfy and then this is good what about like the parenthood there's like that toy what am i looking for the parenthood no decorations somehow this is what i wanted i like to put this in like bedrooms i'm making for my sims kids because i feel like it makes sense and then maybe we could have like like you guys said like the actual blocks for them because they need to play or they need to get their skills up i mean i guess we could afford like the one tablet yeah that makes sense yep that looks good right there i don't know what else to put in here we still have 300 simoleons sharing is caring exactly hunter thank you for the seven month reset by the way uh i don't really like how this toy box looks but i like the functionality of the toy box which is upsetting because like what am i supposed i have to like pick between them and now i have so much money left over oh the bookcase oh that makes sense oh yeah that makes sense okay okay what else maybe we could just like stick some toys on the maybe oh honestly we could stick like the toys on the floor like they've been playing with them the duck they could have a cat they don't need them a rocking chair is a good idea too but i don't know if we've got the well maybe the tablet could go on the floor they just leave it on the kids these kids are making a real mess oh there we go we can put it away we can store it maybe another duck can go up there oh oh my god never mind that's perfectly fine that looks great maybe i'll get rid of that one so that i can buy a lamp can i buy how much do lamps cost oh hang on oh yes i can buy a lamp okay maybe they maybe they like soccer too i don't know the thing is like the money goes really fast you think you have all this money and then all of a sudden it's all gone like we finished all right like we're out we have six simoleons left and the room doesn't even seem like that expensive like the room seems like fine i wouldn't look at this and think it was like some rich kid's bedroom oh by the way everyone in my chat is yelling about night lights you can yell all you want i use mc command center i have turned off the monster under the bed my my sims don't have monsters out of the bed because i turned that off with mc command center so i don't need a night light you might need a nightlight but that's not my problem because i don't have that i turned that off uh teddy todd thank you for the prime sub bridgette thank you for the three months um sweet pea crossing thank you for the tier two nine months thank you so much i love you thank you thank you thank you um how do you turn it off um it's in like the occult settings i think of mc command center okay so let's spin now for i guess the entire exterior i think it might be fair if we make the budget a little bit higher for the exterior right instead of 200 make it a thousand because then we can actually afford to put like some stuff most people are saying yes someone said no maybe i'll do a poll in chat because then i feel like that's fair all right i'll make i'll make a chat poll budget higher yes no this is what streaming is good for you ask twitch chat what are our thoughts it's like a resounding yes as of right now so we might we might make it a thousand i mean i think it's reasonable here here's the oh god let me pop out my chat so i can show you oh no um let me let me pop out the chat so we don't have like weird streamception yeah um i voted yes personally but as of right now 86 of people have voted for a slightly higher minimum budget so i feel like that's fair the thing that i'm worried about is because i wanted to have like some some patios and we can't really afford to put a patio with no money um so i don't want to have like zero simoleons we already have like we had to paint the house too and so if we don't have 1k we can't paint the house like i think those are these are all valid concerns so um i think i think we'll go for yes we'll make the minimum budget a thousand instead all right all right um where did my did i close out of my did i close out of my random number generator why would i do that i brought it back all right minimum 1 000 max 10 000 watch us get the 10k now all right ready set uh are you kidding me all right well never mind it doesn't matter anyway because we got 9 000. oh that's actually good we won't cheat for landscaping we'll we'll use actual paid landscaping we don't need to use debug we're fine this is unbelievable this actually turned out pretty good to be honest non-turn always thank you for the 15 months lily thank you for the sub uh kelsey thank you for the 14 months royalty back thank you for the six months thank you guys so much i don't know if we can get a pool i don't know if we can afford a pool though all right money 91 91.78 okay well let's just get started then shall we we can afford like little little patios and stuff like we're like made of money or something yeah these selfless parents with with the 125 simoleon bed and they've got this nice honestly it's a nice house like it's it's a pretty decent genuinely pretty decent house i i feel bad for the parents um i don't know if we can afford a hot tub the hot tubs are like 3 000 simoleons although that would be fun to have a hot tub because then we would be so rich looking so rich looking we wouldn't actually be rich but we would look rich if we had a hot tub and that's all that really matters you know in life is that you look rich um even if you're not um appearance is everything right um anyway maybe we'll get a cheaper hot tub for this sims 4's sixth anniversary hey guys next week with the sims 4's anniversary hopefully we get another hot tub looking f oh my god that's ugly never mind never mind false alarm false alarm sorry false alarm that was a close one honestly i think this house considering the fact that i like built it room by room turned out pretty good because i never build things like room by room like that so i was genuinely very worried about how i was gonna build this like i was like i don't know how i'm gonna make a layout work if i build the house like that so i think that it turned out pretty good uh all things considered you know given the situation and stuff because my hopes were not high i hate to say it but my expectations are very low yeah roofs are free um i don't know why i'm not complaining though it does seem a little bit odd though right that like the roof is completely free because like in real life it's kind of a big expense so again not my problem though so i i will take whatever free stuff i can get actually i am not here to complain chimney oh we could maybe put a chimney there isn't really like a super good spot for one like i usually would have it centered we could have one that's like not centered it could be like that uh which i'm not necessarily a huge fan of we don't even have a fireplace so i don't know i don't know we can figure it out though maybe we maybe we would do that later on who needs a roof honestly nobody roofs are uh they're overrated personally is my opinion on them so um well we'll have like honestly we could even get like a fenced in backyard like we have the money to afford like an actual fence and get like a real backyard which is kind of nice like i'm not complaining about that i i sort of like it oh here's what we need to make sure we have a trash can before i get too ahead of myself let's grab some trash let me just grab some trash quickly um james arnold thank you so much for oh not arnold sorry sorry james hey donald thank you for the 13 months hb sims thank you for three months lola thank you for the three months uh stem for cop thank you for the 15 months bethany foxy nocturnal i don't know you guys i've all i think some of you but thank you so much again this turned out to be just like every single one of my builds no you're absolutely right it looks like every single one of my builds yeah i think that makes a little bit of sense though because you know when in times of stress we turn to what what comforts us so you know it looks just like all of my other things but are we surprised i don't think so i mean a build like this is not the time to try and branch out okay we we don't have any money i was thinking about putting like maybe brick on the bottom floor and then um a different like maybe like a paneling on the top floor we have to put a room so i can fix the rest of this um but i think that would make sense i'm just trying to like you know like that yes yes exactly exactly like that actually oh wait what have i done oh no help wait wait help okay this was right there and then this was like right there oops oops okay um we need to put more of those back here too god it never ends sorry blarfy welcome home though um so we'll have that one and then we need to have this over here honestly i'm kind of wasting money by doing this but it's okay because i'm putting them like fully around everything uh the tablet was on this we put it on the shelf so the tablet's fine too thank you for the 13 month resub oh it was your birthday i'll sing you a song you know what i'm doing okay so i was trying to fix this trim um without putting that little weird room there the trim wouldn't go all the way to the end um so you see how the trim disappeared right there we don't like that i wanted the trim to be all the way across the whole edge so i put the little room there so the trim would cover the whole side the whole side anyway hi kiwi welcome to the stream um where we have uh really quality content such as this anyway i'm gonna make this brick looks good everybody it looks good i might make um oh i was gonna put like these columns oh i love this i'm so glad i have money to do the outside i feel like the fact that we have money to spend on the outside of the house is gonna make this whole house look so good when we're done like it has the potential to be super ugly but instead it's gonna look really nice because we are rich i say rich we have 9 000 simoleons like that's not that much money but the fact that we have some money is is much better than no money which is what we had for a lot of the rooms inside i mean this one doesn't even have a light so uh it's okay though everything looks good yeah okay i wanted to do maybe like a bright color um paneling on the this lighting on this lot is terrible i don't know why i chose to build here but i was thinking we could pick like honestly the yellow is a little bit extreme maybe like the honestly i do the orange i'm not opposed to that like i i kind of like the orange something about it sort of speaks to me i'm not making it blue you've seen enough blue suburbans from me okay it's pumpkin suburban you know lexington thank you for the bits by the way but with the brick yeah i like it with the brick what do you not i like it ah that looks like pumpkin in a bad way oh the house is ugly it's a no from me you're a no from me do you know what can i offer a piece of advice to those of you in chat the more you yell at me the less likely i am to do things in your favor when you type in my twitch chat and say ew i take that as a oh i am absolutely gonna do this and then make it worse just to anger you i don't i don't know what you're hoping to achieve you're really testing me um i had a troll at heart what do you mean yelling doesn't work i like it simply because you don't literally just because you don't i like it and i mean that i mean that when i say it now i feel really inclined to pick more things that you don't like i'm gonna do that just so there's more interest there it's not a big deal by the way i just um this house is weird no matter what and i like how it looks so i want to keep it that's mean kayla you think i'm being mean you mean to tell me that you think you can yell at me and call my build ugly and i'm the one being mean you you get to type ew in all caps in my chat and i'm mean i don't agree i don't agree at all finding joy in other people's suffering is a little mean okay fair enough okay fine fair okay fine i do find joy in your suffering and that's mean fine i'll accept that fine okay god this color scheme is terrible all right i mean it's great and i love it it looks really good it's my favorite build i've ever done it looks super good and i love it and i'm not doing this just to spite twitch chat because i i like it so much i think it looks great i personally adore this build well that fits nicely that's good these bushes are expensive it's like the game thinks we're made of money or something i mean we kind of are made of money so maybe they're right but um i don't know how to landscape this i mean i i don't know how to like judge how much money i actually have to spend on this landscaping which is part of the problem like i think we kind of have the ability to go like a little bit all out oh maybe we could use like um orange plants ooh we could put like some orange flowers around tie it all together you know yeah that looks good actually i think it does look good i kind of like it i think it's pretty okay it's subtle it's nice it's cozy there's a mailbox that will go right there fire thank you for the prime sub um tucker thank you for the sub gift um is there a couple birthdays in chat i saw too let me sing you guys birthday songs um okay let's do this honestly is working out really well we can get some trees the oh the orange is so bad okay we'll get some trees just ignore oh we can it's fall it's fall oh my god it's fall look look it's fall oh i'm telling you right now pumpkin spice and stuff speaking of which i'm literally burning a fall candle i'm burning pumpkin apple uh by bath and body works right now next to me um as far as i am concerned it's fall um so we can put like some debug pumpkins outside i don't know this is my first autumnal build of the season so i want sweaters and cold god i'm not gonna get that am i at all oh do you know what here's a confession i have never had a pumpkin spice latte from starbucks ever in my life um ever which i feel like is uh horrifying to some people but i don't really drink coffee so like i've never had one but some people like live for them you know and they like probably couldn't fathom like what do you mean you know but i've just never had one so uh that's my confession to you i need i don't like that table i want a different one i want the stripy one this one yeah i think coffee's gross too we're all in this together that's ugly oh my god okay that was close which one do i use that's not the right color that's the kind that's not the right color either i don't that one's fine i don't know just get it over with i don't think we can afford a grill annette thank you for the bits by the way people keep saying fairy lights but i think we don't have enough money to do that um i would like to have some landscaping in the back i don't i'm not sure we have enough money to purchase fairy lights unfortunately um we can definitely get less of a we'll save some money like that that's smart okay and this can go back there the lighting is so bad it's so upsetting do you think monkey bars we might have enough money for monkey bars i don't want to get my hopes up too high that's that's what i would hope to have i mean it makes sense the parents are yet again um in an act of selflessness have decided to instead of buying um anything for their backyard they have purchased their children some monkey bars and i i respect that that's that makes sense oh god we don't have any money left oh no okay never mind landscaping's expensive when you when you aren't cheating for it never mind we have 70 simoleons there will be no monkey bars well we can make it slightly smaller i can put that like right there and we could scrounge up an extra like 40. we could probably like open this and instead of having a gate we just have it open like that we're not gonna use debug landscaping on purpose because i feel like we're trying not to cheat you know um and i think that debug landscaping is like let's be honest kinda cheating so we're not gonna use debug landscaping how much does the swing set cost 340. i could probably scrounge up that much money and they just got to sell one of these plants these orange plants are so expensive autumn is here in the form of my swing set i like it no i'm not gonna maybe make it no i don't like that just make it black it didn't look good just you don't need to do anything weird kayla we don't need to make it that weird okay it can be a little bit weird but it doesn't need to be that weird oh toddler pool or slide is a good idea i don't know how much 120 for the toddler pool [Music] i don't know if we can like super afford that i guess we could no i think the landscaping i guess we could get rid of that one because it's kind of small and hidden and then we could buy something for the toddler oh that's smart oh i like that oh wait that's cute and then we have like 200 more simoleons we could buy like these are only 35 for the planters we could get a couple planters i guess these are debug planters but that's okay we could buy like three of them kind of fills up the space a little bit and then we oh the pumpkins i don't know if the pumpkins are free or not so we'll we'll do that now okay we'll we'll use debug for the pumpkins um if i just filter by like spooky stuff yeah i think the backyard is pretty realistic i like that about it too oh here we go they are zero all right good we can have as many pumpkins as we want this is perfect i'm so happy look at my little pumpkins maybe i'll like size down some and like kind of have a few pumpkins around you know what i mean oh they like fall these people like fall if i know one thing about them if they like fall real thank you for the prime silver wolf thank you for the six months thank you guys so much on the porch too oh yeah we could put one like maybe we could have like uh some of the goofy ones by the porch i don't know because they're free i like that that's nice maybe we could have some back here too we're really just doing so much for no reason like it's kind of ridiculous even just a couple is like totally fine with me i wonder what other things we could afford like the grills are all too expensive as far as outdoor decorations go like a lot of this stuff's pretty expensive even like benches are too expensive how much do the rocking chip that's actually kind of smart how much is the rocking chair 120 oh we could have one maybe on the front porch honestly wait wait wait that's pretty cute i think that's worth it all right team i think we might have done something here with this the bike's a fun idea but i feel like i like the rocking chair better god the colors are terrible can i change the color of the roof okay can i just do something about this i don't know what roof texture is better like this just makes it look more like halloween i might be a lost cause can we like switch up some of the coloring of the trees maybe have like some of them look more green than others i don't know i did not expect the house to turn out decent in any way i really thought it was going to be so ugly so i personally am really impressed i don't know about you guys but um oh we don't have money to upgrade the brick we have the money to like lessen the brick would it make you guys happier if we had like a brown brick instead or like a the beige brick they're all screaming yes oh no and we have some more money i just don't maybe the roof would be better if the original if we had this or like there's nothing that matches like none of the nothing works i don't know what to do with this i don't like the brown either but i understand that you like the brown better so whatever fine fine you can have it and then maybe we could afford like how much does this bush cost 120 never mind we cannot afford anything else what if we tried to get like some terrain paint back here if we like i don't know just to spice it up a little bit even if it like went to the just to the front of the house like that i feel like that helps i don't know we don't have enough money for an easel right like isn't that like in the 200 300s 350. we already have a rocking chair i think people were suggesting a bike i think the bike could be a good idea i mean these are only 50. the university 100. i think the university one's probably a good idea though we can stick it like on the side of the house why does it jump up well maybe we could just stick it like against the tree oh that's so cute okay okay oh we could get cheaper stairs how much 64. 12 okay oh well we're slowly scrounging up some money slowly but surely we're scrounging up some money can i just like what if we just made this like free or sorry not free just just like the two low-lying bushes i don't know i'm just trying to think of ways to have like something else there because it looks kind of empty to me add a pool i'm sorry how much money do you think i have right now we literally have four simoleons i think that we did the best that we can the lighting is terrible on this line every way like four simoleon pool what are you who are you talking to honestly it turned out pretty good all things considered do what else i like the dining room like this rug with these chairs i think looks really good i would like to have more money to decorate the dining room but we just didn't have enough money left to decorate the dining room so we couldn't but honestly i think we did a good job not bad team we do have a pool we got the kiddie pool yes we do what do you mean we have a pool pool more like puddle all right i think we did it i think we successfully built a house where each room is a different budget each room different budget oh i'm out of characters uh maybe let's call it different budgets i used a random number generator to decide the budget for each room some are better than others okay honestly like renovated this house could be really cute to be honest like it's really not that bad it definitely could use like some updates uh it definitely could use maybe a couple changes but it's not bad nice work team nice work team okay um it's got the mailbox yeah don't worry we got a mailbox we got the trash can we got like fire alarm kitchen trash can all the but all the bases are covered don't worry i don't like how the outside is painted but what are you gonna do lowry thank you for the seven month reset i i did get the first comment i'm assuming i was really speedy with that one there's no way i didn't there's literally no way i didn't get the first comment oh god why are there so many of you where do you all come from i win the kitchen is awful but like in a good way no i didn't put a thermostat because i wasn't um i don't know i i didn't think about it i was gonna blame it on not using seasons but then i was like wait i use seasons windows everywhere so never mind that's a lie i did use i did use seasons okay hang on dan's sending me dan dan's like trying to set up his green screen some more um in case he wants to use it for his stream tonight and he just sent me some screenshots he made a looping video of his background because he has like lights that move so he made a looping video of his background to play as the background behind his green screen when he starts his stream so they need to like pull the green screen up and down or not because like i have to sit here and be like all right team let's game you know but i could i suppose just get a picture of my background and like leave it as my irl because then when i start the stream like this i would like green screen in my background and then it that's a really but he's just like a looping video mine could be a still because i don't have like moving lights but this is a looping video you wish you were me i honestly don't i respect it but like essentially what he did right was um take a video sort of like this oh this is a small picture this is the background of his room he just like recorded this right and then you can set it as his background behind his green screen we used to do that as a joke sometimes like when i moved out of my dorm i would like set my my background like a picture of my dorm room as a joke because i moved out um but i would like use the green screen and put a picture of my dorm behind me like haha get it but green screens are fun honestly dan's lens looks so good too like his lights look so pretty with this lens let me tell you guys getting a nice lens it makes such a beautiful different difference like his room looks nice anyway but that's that's also a giant bunny by the way i don't know i don't know i don't i could not tell you why have i been live for two hours already i feel like i just got here how did that happen someone tell me how that's possible i don't get it i don't understand well well time is fake i should take a break in a second my bottle is like almost completely empty it's been this whole time um so i should go fill my water bottle up uh now it's probably a good time for you to also go fill your water bottle up and then maybe we can work on another build when i get back um dan and i are going to play fall guys on thursday i think we've kind of got this like thing going where we play fall guys on thursdays we did it the last two thursdays i feel like now we just like we'll keep playing fall guys i'm not going to get off stream by the way um i'm just going to take a quick break uh and then we'll work on another build i usually stream for another like hour so um i will fill my bottle you should fill your bottle um and then we will all game together i'm gonna run some ads while i'm gone just so you guys know not everyone will get ads only some of you will i just i literally press a button it's like run 180 second ad break and then twitch play some ads but when i do that it disables pre-roll ads on my stream for the next 30 minutes and it makes sense to run ads when i'm not here so that you won't get ads when i am here yes so um don't complain at me in chat you can get up and walk away if you want i'll be gone for like exactly three minutes um and on that note um go fill your water bottles i'll be back in a second okay bye i mean it this time bye [Music] me [Music] bye [Music] wow [Music] [Music] bye [Music] oh [Music] wow [Music] wow [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] wow [Music] hello hello i am back i've decided that i want to do what dan did i've decided that i wanna i want to like take a picture of my background and put it behind me with a green screen is that really stupid someone just someone just got banned for saying they hate my cat thank you sid they said i hate snap four times and they got banned for it as they should anyway um please don't complain when i run mid-roll ads i'm not even here i think that's like so frustrating to come back to i like get back in my whole chats like oh my god i got six ads just walk away would you rather get ads when i am here please bear with me lady peach thank you for the four months thank you so much okay here's what i'm gonna do i need to like move but i like okay i'll sit on the floor for a second because then i can get a picture i have to go down here hang on please get your alert off my screen why are you all playing alerts don't you know i'm trying to get a screenshot madison thank you for the 10 months lonely egg thank you for the four months love thank you for the two months as well what if i just stream like this i think i shall okay stop gifting subs clever thank you for this stop following me i all right i got this go away okay i got it okay i took a screenshot now i i take screenshot i paste you tried nessie you tried thank you for the bits abby i was trying to get um an uninterrupted screenshot of my background oh my chair stuck okay i scooted it we're fine no subs allowed actually um now i have an uninterrupted screenshot of the background of my stream um and then i can save this image watch wait watch hang on wait watch i can save this image and i can put it behind me with my green screen look you'll see just you wait lori thank you for the bits you've been playing candy crush for like two hours you are a real gamer girl now congratulations i'm i'm genuinely so proud of you you should feel so proud okay let me add um i've got so many things on this scene image okay that's funny it's too big please don't do that there that's fine okay there we go all right now watch this oh that's close uh lori thank you for the bits by the way again uh cold freedom morgan congrats on the egg rolls that is awesome now watch this watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch now you can i have to crop it hang on now you can kind of tell a little bit oh because there's like some weird border around my chair and there's a little bit of like you know she's struggling but like oh sometimes i don't have a hand but that's you know what are you gonna do uh lori thank you oh i just thanked you twice i do you know what just happened my phone buzzed and then i like by default went to thank someone for bits that's so i that was duck dan going live i just heard like a noise and i was like thank you for the money nice word kayla idiot well um the reason that i would do something like this is like uh if i wanted to use my green screen but like so for example if i don't have this background on say i wanted to go to like an irl scene and i wanted my face to be big like what's gonna be behind me you know like it would look i could like put my face big like in front of the game or something but like this this way um if i like have to go to an irl scene for a second when i'm trying to play um oh that's not right sorry that's that's my obs if i'm trying to like be like this and i want to be like hey guys really fast i can have both i can have the best of both worlds do you know what i mean um oh that's the wrong that's not this isn't good this isn't good at all um yeah that's that's why i would do it so that i could like have my camera like this but then if i wanted to go big for a second still look like i you know have something behind me instead of um you know what it actually looks like um but i i'm not i could put dan's room behind me oh i could literally do that right now he sent me a picture did that just sound super weird to you do i have two stream scenes open no why did it sound like that was that just in my ears or was that in your ears too no it didn't sound weird it was just quiet maybe my headphones aren't like plugged in properly i don't know i'm using i have like a cable extender for them i don't know maybe that'll fix it i don't we'll see we'll see okay i'm gonna add um oh i have to let me just add image i'm gonna stream from duck dan's room watch this but why is it so small give me a better picture you know what it's blurry but that's because it's um it's a high quality uh lens you know what the more money you spend on a lens the more blurry it gets right okay emma thank you for the sub that one sounded fine maybe it was just my thing not being plugged in properly hi guys i'm in duck dan's room meow boxing here for the five months though whatever thank you for this sub hi everybody you know my lighting is kind of weird like it's too much oh and you can see like the border oops let me make it bigger again no wait what border am i seeing is that from my face can't no i don't know um it's the you know the illusion it works what how do i make it do i make it like i made my lights more yellow and it didn't make a difference this is a disaster i'm too bright for the room it doesn't make sense you can tell it's a lie hi everybody i flew to the uk i'm in this room right now look dan's streaming right now um also from this room it's like magic watch how are we in the same place wow um oh no is he i mean but look at how dark he looks compared to my background oh my god oh he flipped it too i respect it it's a good meme it's a good meme wow we switch places anyway you can follow duck dan on twitch if you want but i wouldn't if i were you um oh we see he trying to make it brighter oh my god he does look like me i don't know what color filters he has on to like make it look the way that it does but he has some weird color filters on to make his like all like gray toned or something i don't understand what he's doing i don't get his intentions i don't agree with his intentions i don't like see like why does he look so dark how do i hmm hang on filters uh add one let me add like a i don't know let me turn the brightness no that's just that's not that's not the way to do it i could like up the contrast that um it's kind of spooky wait he's got my stream open leave summer thank you for the five months leave okay do you know what feels like horror honestly it does it does kind of give off that vibe my eyes look so much darker than normal like i think that's part of the problem serena thank you for the bits also my sweater looks i didn't even notice my sweater looks so dark you can't see like any texture on it that's bad that's a problem you can't see any texture on it it's okay i'll put it back whatever it's fine i'm like wearing the void or something yeah what he put it get me off the screen oh my cat's here snappy hi sorry if i scared you with my green screen being up you have the twitch loop i'm sorry it's definitely scary i want my cat to cuddle me but she's just licking my hand which is not pleasant there's so many simsies there is so much going on snap well someday she'll um jump on my lap snappy come here i don't think she wants to it's okay whatever i'll get over it it's fine i'll just stay oh i like rotate my chair too much and it's like a dead giveaway no no no no guys i'm actually at dan's house my chair might be being cut in half but that's just um it's just the lighting i'm really there it's not this isn't what it looks like hi everybody yeah i just you know um uh my chair it got it lost a side in the plane so that's all yeah um now i'm back home even this is a lie even this is a lie i don't like this is the problem with this chair is it like has like a weird like it's too open there's like a hole and then it you can see it like the chair really gives away the green screen too that was a fast plane ride yeah um technology these days you know give me your game thank you for the bits i'll turn it off i'm sorry i'm sorry cam link filters chroma key okay well it was fun while it lasted folks oh i pulled my headphones out oh no oh no well i'm home now oh my cat is like staring at the green screen on the floor she's like what just happened what is going on can we go thank you for the bits though thank you so much miles thank you for the two months sp thank you for the bits i can't tell what's real anymore lil since he's a liar it's not my cat missed me so much um while i was on my trip you know my trip to england that i went on the one where i just now do you know what's fun is i can use a green screen to put like whatever i want behind me for a while i was i had like kiwi's background and stuff but he wouldn't really stream with a face cam so today's your birthday i can sing you a song [Music] oh we're not ending early no victoria i just um had something to do i was just busy you thought i meant actual kiwis like a stock image no i meant kiwi i meant kiwisi like the streamer i didn't mean um like a stock image of a kiwi the bird or the fruit that's not uh this is awkward hmm i don't even know what i want to do today on stream i don't know we finished a build namara thank you for the tier two seven months by the way did you know that i'm hyped well i am i don't know if i'm cut out for kate emerald's shell challenge people keep telling me to do it it's too hard i'm not cut out for it vampires i kind of want to build i'm like in a really building mood right now um maybe we could do like a micro home of sorts [Music] um we're doing miss griffy's house on monday you can spam all you want i'm doing that on monday i already saw it trust me i'm gonna do it on monday i promise um that's my plan maybe we could build like um like using strangerville some sort of like how is the lighting here okay why this lot is so pretty why does the lighting have to be so bad it's really unfair micro home for seven packs do you mean oh sorry i was trying to open a second obs because i wanted to record the build um strangerville micro home i changed title two i don't know let's wing it see what happens shall we i don't know is it really gonna be a micro home or we're only gonna do like i guess we'll figure it out i don't know i'm just gonna wing it thanks messi i appreciate that um maybe i'll make it a tiny house because i like the idea of having like uh oh i hate the lighting on this a lot i'm already getting upset and i just started i'm gonna have a wraparound porch i like it except porch is a strong word um because you know reasons let's use strangerville like everything i'm just looking for an excuse to use strangerville stuff strangerville has some kind of nice stuff i mean look how cute that'll be i'm not gonna put it on a foundation because the foundation counts as tiles and we don't have any tiles to spare um so i i won't i won't put it on an actual foundation just because of the tile issue um this is a tall house that's what i want it's kind of tall and skinny i hate the lighting on this lot i'm getting upset it's just so ugly no matter what skinny house too yeah but like actually though um how many we got a few more tiles so we could kind of have like a little oh that's cute gonna use orange siding for this one absolutely i am no i didn't mean that uh well i did mean that i wanted to use orange siding i feel like this is my new favorite thing so it's happening okay so the roofing this is like that's a kind of a tutorial um the roofing on this is gonna we might have to change this i don't know if i could use the orange siding i don't know if i can bring myself to use the orange siding um the roofing on this is interesting because we are going to try and do this wrap around porch deal right so um we have to kind of do it in a few parts so you can see what i'm doing here um i built like one corner piece i might actually switch switch it so that this part is like right there instead because i feel like it doesn't look as bad pumpkin spice house pumpkin shaped house it is really very bold isn't it the fact that the lighting looks like this doesn't help [Music] it really isn't good uh but it's okay we could do red maybe instead how does the red look honestly that's not worse i don't know if it's better certainly interesting can this be a balcony we have to fake it so it isn't really a room help oh no no there okay oh can i even put oh i can okay good i was gonna say i would be very upset if i can't put trim around it it's not supposed to look like a barn or a schoolhouse it's not supposed to be either of those things it's not supposed to be christmas either oh no what if we made it not it won't be red anymore what if we made it like uh purple with like that yellow roof that's kind of nice let me move this whole lot so it's like there you think it looks like a church oh that's upsetting can we go back to orange you liked before i don't know i'm scared hang on i'm trying to have like uh more of a wrap around here um and then can i get like this fit we really have to put the wrap wraparound porch around the whole thing huh oops that looks really nice folks i think we did something um i guess we're kind of going for a slightly more victorian look i don't know if you caught on to that um just doing our best with what we have though because we are living with a very small can we not oh they won't i don't think it looks like a church i don't know what you're talking about like genuinely i don't agree with you um local penguin thank you for the bits so many times thank you so much rhythm thank you for the three months as well chloe thank you for the uh three months simmering thank you for the bits um thank you all so much pastel yellow would be cute maybe um i want to i'm going to use get together because i want these columns i hate to say it but i need the trim i can't do it without them this is gonna be an expensive house and it's gonna be so small it's gonna be kind of a scam to be honest but that's okay what are you gonna do about it it'll fit we could probably have two bedrooms too well at least i'll aim for two bedrooms we'll see what we can actually do um i wish it was on a like 20 by 15 lot jasmine annette thank you guys for the bits and happy almost birthday jasmine can i sing you a song a rich person's tiny house it is big for a tiny house i mean it's it's the tiny tier it's the 64 tile tier so um we could always have like a fenced in backyard or something too i don't know um let's get some strangerville windows this house is going to be so expensive for no reason but that's okay it happens um i want to put like i like the idea of a window up there i don't know if we should or not but i like the idea of it which is all that matters right oh no oh no oh no what happens if we make this short wall height and you oh god the house is gonna be so weird now it's gonna look so ugly now this is sad oh um we'll make it work with these giant walls we won't be able to fit here's the other concern now that we have done this is staircases i don't know how we'll fit a staircase hello oh dear hang on what if i what did we do ladder oh that's ugly i mean it's definitely a possibility but uh it's not my preference the lat i think a ladder will be scary looking i mean we can make this look good even despite the fact that we have to do it like this so um to make the roof shorter no i think the roof needs to be if anything a little bit taller to like make the house seem more realistic it was supposed to be super tall and skinny that was always the concept the plan was always to have a super tall super skinny little house um that helps i don't know okay we can always put windows on the sides and stuff once we do the inside um but we'll figure it out oh we don't have a door to go here either because that's not the vibe we'll figure it out we'll figure it out ancient ideas dragon green plum bob thank you guys for the resubs um simmer ray um i'll sing you a birthday song i feel like i'm being used for birthday songs all day i'm sorry i didn't have my harmonica the day that was your birthday i'll sing you a song now [Music] it's a bit strange but i like it i mean that is the vibe isn't it that we're going for um okay let's put some lights in here i like how little it is um i would prefer to not have a ladder but i feel like i might have to have a ladder so but because like if we had a staircase the staircases are enormous like it's physically impossible if we had to have a staircase it would take up the whole house and we just can't do it it doesn't work um so i think we'll do a ladder it's um it enhances the strange as you say yes sure i'm not gonna put a staircase outside that's so ugly i don't agree with you um i'd rather have it inside i think um two bedrooms pretty good if you ask me and this one gets a nice um balcony to themselves which is cool [Music] um we go i think we kind of did something here no toddlers though that's okay we don't need to have toddlers here they'll be fine um wait i don't think they can use the ladder like that i just realized we have to rotate the ladder um like this which is probably for the best because then or no wait yes because the kitchen can go there or we could [Music] um um yeah that's fine that's fine um the background music sounds like high school musical to you okay that's offensive how dare you say that um zach hi hello thank you guys for the bits thank you so much um okay the tiniest little bitty hallway and that functions so they'll be fine there um and then i'm thinking we'll have like a kitchen i'm not gonna be too pleased that it's in front of the windows but you know it happens uh so we'll have the kitchen be like um we can do it kind of like this and we'll oh maybe i'll use like the vampires counters oh in that color see i like that i might i might do it like that i hate to say it but i think it looks decent i don't know if your sims can walk through here i don't know if the sims can get through but you know they can they'll be fine i like it i think it looks nice that fits perfectly okay can i decorate the hallway what do you want me to go back and decorate the upstairs hallway right now well we'll do the upstairs hallway i just haven't gotten to it yet well we could also do it like that that could be good we could also like i don't know i don't know if your sims can actually get through there but strangerville didn't come with cabinets and counters no i think i like it better like that because then your sims can walk i don't know i don't know and then we'll have uh the door this is gonna be the bathroom downstairs i don't know if you noticed but that was the bathroom door um fridge doesn't work like that uh it'll work holly i think you underestimate um how smart sims can be um they'll they'll be okay they'll be okay you think i should put a half wall i don't like how it's like partially into the like no matter what i think i'm gonna dislike this i mean we could but i don't know can i put a column here just fill it up so your sims can't walk through there at all um i think we should just keep it we should try and have the space as open as possible i feel like um i'm gonna get i don't know like there's not that much stuff from strangereal there's a bookshelf from strangerville that would be fun to use um i don't know if it's a good idea or not because it kind of takes up a lot of space where we could have like something else going over there um oh my god what if that was like a divider what if we had the oh what if the room was like split up you know what that's kind of interesting it's not like the most ideal for like actual living you know but it's kind of cool because i feel like in real life you want to have as much open space as possible but like it's the sims we can instead you know have as much as much closed off space as possible it looks cool with the latter i like that that's really cool okay okay i think you just did something emily thank you for the prime stuff by the way i'm sorry if i didn't read that sooner um i thought i thought i did but maybe i didn't um should we use like a let's use this let's use a two tile wide couch oops what i was thinking about doing i don't know how possible this is this is probably a bad idea because we have like such little space but i thought it would be cute if we could try to have like a little dining table like dining set back there i think we'll use we'll change the stuff out but i think it fits i can maybe fit that okay we'll change the colors obviously once we get through it more i'm just like laying out the space right now and we can always go back and like address colors once we know what we need to put in here oh and then we could do like you know just a little table like that they could even have a big tv like we could put like a fancy tv on the wall if we wanted to but i kind of like the pink couch too to be honest like the pink with the the green something about it kind of appeals to me like we kind of can tie it in we could keep the pink there's nothing wrong with the pink i think it could say um i like that can we get like a lamp that one's kind of fancy maybe we could get a second window it won't look great from the outside but that's okay we want it to look good from the inside it's a really small house we gotta prioritize as much as possible the interior cosmo and wanda ain't slick okay are you calling my house cosmo and wanda's house how dare you i look nothing like them um that should your sim should be able to walk through that just fine this this bathroom honestly is pretty big too which is kind of exciting um we oh do we have any curtains that are like super big and tall that we could use like the cats and dogs ones basically can i'm gonna use that green i'm gonna use the green i'm sorry i feel like it's my duty too you're out of control listen i could make that like i could i this is out of control i'm not doing that i'm not that out of control okay i will have you know that i am perfectly in control everything is fine i've got a handle on everything it's two different greens yeah that's the point what do you not like it i like it it's it's not supposed to be pretty oh i like that destiny thank you for the bits i hope you're feeling i'm sorry that's terrible news i hope that you you feel better soon um and alison thank you for the five months as well watermelon tiny home you think it looks ridiculous take it back it doesn't look ridiculous you look ridiculous we can have a laptop that could be i don't know if your sims can actually use this counter if it's got a laptop on it maybe the laptop could be over here well i guess to be honest there's lots of space in the bedrooms we could have a computer in the bedrooms so we'll be fine this is fine speaking of which i'm gonna furnish the bedrooms if we use like a small enough bed they should be able to walk around both sides of it ugly i like this house i think it's weird i like that it's weird it makes me feel happy this is the kind of thing we need right now it's art things like this that make us happy maybe they could have that blue bed in their bedroom i need to bring us in here to test everything hang on um because i will be disappointed if it doesn't work so we'll bring a sam just to test let me make one holy night congrats oh evil that's good oh that's nice what's your name shannon shannon strong welcome back welcome to your new home it's just over starter home price that's sad all right we'll use her to test if it if it routes properly and stuff allison thank you for the seven months i'm not actually going to build the house for this sim i was just using this sim so that i could test because we want to like make sure um because watch watch us not be able to use the the stove oh no she's fine she can cook it clips a little bit but she can cook so that's fine that works we'll go see where she chooses to eat it right there okay well can you sit over here instead yep can you sit in this one yep can you sit in this one can you come in the room yep can you come over here yep all right sim ralph's just fine she's doing just fine okay well hey there's a heat wave i refuse hang on where's my mailbox emcee cheats seasons cheats change weather sunny cool 100 hours please god get out of the house shannon stay out of the house shannon we're busy all right all right she's got like 20k we'll just i won't cheat for money yet we'll just keep on furnishing and see what happens um that works honestly house is gonna be fully functional it'll look good if she dies her tombstone will be a fun addition to the yard okay i feel bad for shannon she's a nice person she doesn't deserve this she doesn't deserve for all of us to be wishing ill will on her poor girl poor shannon maybe like a lamp on this side of the bed that would be nice that one sure mad dog thank you for the bits i love you i'm really sorry about that the um this this sucks everything sucks and i hope that you're doing okay um i'm glad we can be a distraction for you here yeah she's got two mirrors because it's nice to have a floor-length mirror i think um i don't know what to put here i have two mirrors in my bedroom i've got a mirror above my dresser and i have a floor-length mirror in my room so i see i think a plant's a good idea but i feel inclined to put like a bookshelf or something um even though it's bigger just because then she'll have like more furniture i'm like trying to get as much furniture as possible i know that's probably kind of dumb but that's like what i feel uh inspired to do is just put as much furniture as humanly possible i don't know if any of these desks really work for the space this one will would work it's like a little bit fancier and like more modern looking than the rest of the room but add an easel she's got like the little balcony that we could put an easel on truthfully you guys i think that this house is gonna be really nice like i don't even think it feels like a tiny home i think it feels fine um she can have a little easel there i'm gonna put a desk in the other bedroom i figure the desk in the other bedroom makes more sense because there's like more space there's not really a space for a desk in this one computer on the balcony okay i don't know if that's a super great idea oh we could put a roof on top of the balcony though i feel like that might be worth doing um the house will look a little bit different but i don't know i feel like this way it's undercover so your sim won't like cry in the rain which is always good that's cute i like it okay i always do like the um the wallpaper and stuff last i don't know if you notice but this is definitely a habit that i have um i want to put can i use this bed this is a pretty bed in like that color in that color we can get like some gray that would be nice mm-hmm and then this sim can have a desk we actually have plenty of space for like a decent sized desk in here um how about the university one baby dot ignore game play ignore gameplay unlocks entitlement big a thank you for the five months by the way um this one is like it comes in the right colors though at least yeah it's so fancy why is it so fancy it has no business being that fancy but look there's like oh that's interesting the blue isn't really the vibe but you know we can keep it it matches the pillow that's actually kind of cozy you know what it can stay i've decided that it can stay um and maybe the kid can have like a blurfy too because they are a child and they need toys that's nice look that blue ties it in i don't know oh a fishbowl could be nice their house is so small it's like the size of a fishbowl maybe they got a fishbowl on their bedside table we were talking about a laptop the issue with this desk is that like um the computers look super weird on it like no matter what their keyboards are like slightly off the desk um which isn't ideal i mean like that's gonna fall off the desk just don't look just don't look too closely at it as long as you aren't looking very closely you'll feel fine yeah that has always bothered me a lot about this desk that's why i like never use it it's a nice desk it just like doesn't work it just looks weird all the time plant it's a nice room for this kid maybe they could have like what other kid stuff maybe we could put like a piggy bank up there or something i don't know why isn't it center that's annoying like why won't that place in the center of this um i am fox thank you for the prime stuff hannah thank you for the prime sub thank you guys so much yeah you can't all place computers um they have to snap in order for it to function at all i was just gonna look in debug um baby dot show hidden objects i wanted to put some postcards i like them i think they're fun and i want to get like a couple postcards on the wall even just like two yeah oh we should put windows oh hang on i was thinking about getting like strangerville windows oh i scrolled past it i wanted like the two wide ones oh oh dear well it works i have to scoot this forward a tiny bit yeah that's nice more windows in the rooms is always good i like that maybe the kid could have like oh do you know what else there's like that the base game like kids paintings these they have like a blue and a green and white swatch so it kind of like matches the room perfectly we could kind of do that i don't know that's cute this kid has a nice room i like this room it doesn't even seem like a tiny house bedroom it's like genuinely like a a nice sized bedroom for your sims kid like i don't think that you would um look at this house and think it was a tiny house it's cute it's gonna be really expensive but it's cute okay how about like i was thinking about oh this one could that that actually is nice we'll do that in her room i think the hallway is just gonna be like that i don't know if much else can be done in the hallway like we might we could put like a single sunflower painting or yeah i wish that this ladder was a staircase too that would be really nice but i definitely like how much space we have because of the fact that we do you know what i'm sorry i won't i won't do the green do you know what i'm sorry i'll change it back but i do wish that we had um a nice staircase instead of the ladder but um i i will accept this because i think it makes for a really nice house like i i genuinely really like how it looks in here so i'll keep it tired healer thank you for the 21 month resub thank you so much okay um i don't know i like the paneling on this one i don't want to go for something like really fancy but i want some sort of even if it was like this oh yeehaw that was terrifying by the way morgan thank you for the bits um tired thank you for the 21 months in may thanks again for the reset um how about that does that like tie it together i feel like it kind of does okay anyway yeehaw thanks for the bits morgan you're making tacos i hope you have a good dinner that sounds really good um i'm kind of jealous i'm hungry i'm gonna make dinner after i get off stream i'm gonna clean my kitchen um because i i want to like deep clean my house this weekend and i don't have time this morning so i'm gonna like clean um and make dinner which those things don't really go together because the second you make food your house is just a mess again but it's okay i'll make it work um anyway isn't it just terrible there's just always dishes to be done that's the worst part of of um adulthood it's just the fact that there's always dishes no matter what there is always dishes why why won't it stop dishes and laundry there's just always more like you finally do it and then all of a sudden i always clean as i go um but like you know what i mean like you like make dinner and then there's just all this stuff and then even if you're cleaning as you go you use dishes to eat it's terrible i'm gonna use a really expensive painting like i'm gonna use this oh my god that is huge that's too much so dramatic i don't like the wallpaper i want to like it but i don't maybe if it was just white with the oh hi did you know that i'm hyped well i am or you know fine i'm just trying to have something more interesting but this green matches everything so whatever thank you gibby for the tier two seven months by the way um how many tiles again this is 64 tiles so it's a it's like the mid tier tiny home um want base game plant cute oh maybe i could put like the sunflower yeah dishes like you okay that's the thing like i also usually like kind of meal prep a little bit i don't like extreme meal prep right but like to an extent i'll like make food for like today and tomorrow you know um and so you have like you use all these dishes for food dishes to eat tupperware like it just never ends that's true the high ceilings make it seem really big i think you're right about that the high ceilings are a nice touch um okay the bathroom is next this part is um concerning i oh i can use the ugly in the bathroom i can use this blue in the bathroom because i get what i want okay yeah there's a ladder in the base game they added ladders with the patch that came with eco lifestyle like they came out around the same time as eco lifestyle but they aren't eco lifestyle like the latter is in the base game um so everybody has a ladder in their game um but if you have eco lifestyle you've got like an extra one basically this window being here is really upsetting me that window is inconveniencing me uh does this one come in like no no yes okay hi kiwi hi kiwi hi kiwi hi kiwi hi kiwi hi kiwi um i think the fact that ladders came out like right after tiny living implies that they were trying to get them done for tiny living um but it was like more work and they couldn't get them out in time that's just me speaking um from theory but like the fact that ladders didn't come around the same time as tiny living seems to me like they tried and it didn't happen and so they had to push it um right because they came out like around the time of the next pack like i feel like that was what they were hoping for and then they just weren't able to get it done in time um but i don't know again that's just a just a game theory i don't know the truth but i feel like that makes sense to me i don't like i i don't think they like intentionally left them out from tiny living on purpose do you know what i mean um because it just makes sense um they wouldn't have cut they would never have come in tiny living it would come in it would always be in an update like around the pack um whenever they do like huge build features like that it will never come out in the pack it'll be like this where they gave us ladders and so we have one ladder in the base game and then one that came with eagle lifestyle like they would never do ladders like exclusively in a pack because it's this like huge build feature they wouldn't do that they just give you an extra one in the pack you know um emmy thank you for the bits thank you so much you got a baby orange kitten can you call it gibby you want a name suggestion that's my name suggestion no the truth is though i am i really like uh when like pets have human names so if i were to pick any name i'd probably pick some sort of human name for your new cat yes like the guy from icarly yes exactly exactly like him actually um the other ladder just has different swatches and is like more metal they just look different um i am not a fruit i am a bird thank you rochelle we know we know when we're proud of you um honestly i think the interior is like done i feel like we need to we could probably add some more to the porches like we could probably put like maybe a chess table on the we have lots of money by the way i could have as much money as i want i have as much money as i want um i was gonna put like some chest tables on this porch over here don't think the shower is functional oh no oh no she won't use it backwards will she oh no it's the wrong side if these things were on this side it would work okay okay okay fine wait this is terrible i don't think i get to have a bathtub oh why do bad things happen to good people it's okay it makes more sense like this anyway and then i can have that extra window that was here that i had to get rid of fine fine it makes more sense um we can't move the door because of the table and stuff um it's okay this looks good this is okay don't worry do not worry um the sink and toilet won't go here very well because of the window i could have gotten rid of the window and put it but i don't really care i'll just not have a tub it's a tiny house like we don't need a tub with you know i i was being um hopeful by putting a tub in but it's a tiny house so we don't need to have a bathtub it would be nice but it's not necessary morgan thank you for the 16 months by the way you have whitney in your campsite oh my goodness yeah everyone can see them pee and shower from the window we'll put landscaping in front of it we'll hide it okay um no rocking chairs please i was thinking about maybe just the one in the front yard i think it should come with like a green swatch yes oh that's perfect this looks absolutely stunning i am so happy we can put like a little table next to it and there could be like a little candle i want to live here oh save the game you're absolutely right i think that's cute i like it i know i put it but i think it looks nice i know i'm a little bit biased because it was me but um oh let's do this one we can make it white too that'll be fine i like that mint green color i think it's pretty oh we needed to have um like an opening into the back because we'll have like a backyard of sorts too the thing is i want to have like a little patio like i know we're not on a foundation or anything so that's why it's kind of weird but i i'd like to have like a little patio if possible um i don't know just a thought i think it would be nice the mint green door is from strangerville honestly there's some good stuff that came with strangerville i know we like to make fun of the pack but it does have some fun items um okay need a fence around the patio yeah i'm gonna put like a little um little bitty fence like one of these like this oh we can't make it a room so let's be careful there game doesn't see it as a room we just saved don't worry don't worry we just saved we just saved um what can we put out here should we give them a pool would it be like super weird if they had a pool it feels like a little skinny one too i don't know they live in the desert they deserve it look at the view so alex we can't add a foundation very easily um because then this would have to all be a room and this is a tiny house so if i wanted to like put this on a foundation it counts as extra tiles right and we don't want it to have extra tiles i know it's not ideal but we're trying to be a tiny house so we cannot have a foundation i guess we could have put it on a hill but now i think it's too late i think now we are too far gone um does this come in like a light green yes yes it does maybe they could have a couple of these honestly it's fancy yeah i never use terrain editing oh yeah they have two door hang on i just realized they've got like the doors like that that is like definitely a front door they all have all the tiny or all the strange reveal doors have like mail slots in the doors that's not ideal we could put um maybe we could like swap this one to be like the fancier one in the front with the stained glass and then this one in the back without the stained glass just to like have some separation from them i like that lexi backseat gaming is basically like um telling me what to build trying to like game through me which um is not the same as suggestions because if you're like hey kayla what if you tried to put i don't know like a yellow chair that's a suggestion um backseat gaming is is saying yellow chair and then just spamming it over and over again or even just one time or being like ew i hate this change it that's um you know making demands not the same thing as making suggestions and we don't like it when people make demands because it causes me a lot of stress it makes me feel nervous um and ultimately it is like of my build and i'm the one who's gonna decide you know um but that's that's what backseat gaming is so you know just avoid yelling at me and you'll be fine um demands bad suggestions good yes exactly um well what if we made the patio like a little bit bigger so that we could have like i don't know i'm just trying to think of ways we can make this more interesting right like even if there was maybe if we had like a fence um in the front of the house like even if there was just like a fence there and not in the back just purely for like a little bit more privacy you know because then people won't be able to see into the backyard um i don't want to put a fence everywhere but i feel like that's nice because then like people can't see in tiny house massive backyard yeah yeah um we could always put some bushes too but we could do like low-lying bushes i don't know maybe i'll use debug for the bushes uh live edit objects because then the house won't be like ridiculously expensive i'll put a pool ladder in too don't worry um i'm i just in my mind haven't furnished the patio yet i just want to put in some landscaping so i can like see so i can see what the house is gonna look like i don't know what trees hmm do you know what i think get together has a lot of good debug landscaping that would match this i know this tree is like not the same vibe but i really like it and i want to use it it's fancy you know they've they've got a fancy tree in their yard you think dirty water why it's supposed to be a nice house i want a nice house yeah what if there was like some bigger bushes even just on like the one side um can i make it slightly smaller yeah that's actually really nice just to kind of separate it a little bit but then your sims can still see over it and it's still like a nice view then you have this kind of closed off little personal patio area you know what if this was a little bit bigger no i liked it being small never mind i liked it when it was small um oh i shouldn't have messed with this i should have stayed with the get together debug stuff oh well um debug we can fit a grill now that i've got more space too so that'll be nice sammy thank you so much for the prime sub morgan oh i thanked you already sorry that was 16 minutes ago but i just read it again and i saw that whitney's in your campsite and i got excited all over again i just read your message all over again and got like second time excited about whitney being in your campsite um whitney's an animal crossing villager that i really like for those of you who don't know um that helps that's nice and we could also just like kind of put some landscaping like honestly a little bit in like the middle of the lot i don't know um i'm just trying to fill up the space a little bit so we can sort of do whatever we want um yeah cover up the bathroom window well this is the one that we're worried about this is one people can see through some of these are so ugly oh my goodness the lighting is terrible do you know what um we have like the strangerville plants too and we could use them like we have these pretty flowers that like match the rest of the world you know and we could like these are nice and like the house has them in the front yard so it kind of makes sense to place them down i think that's gonna be nice everything is just so like dark oh god you like this thank you dylan i appreciate that i also like my build maybe stick some of these flowers like there i don't know that's fine strangerville plants are kind of nice they have like these too but i don't know if i want to use that this stuff i'd prefer to keep it as like neutral as possible team chaos thank you for the 13 months like at least this house like you could easily place this in a different world if you wanted to and it wouldn't be like a super big deal oh wrong thing um but if the second we start putting like a ton of strangerville plants then it becomes a strangerville build and like you really can only keep it in strangerville and that is not the vibe nancy thank you for the bits by the way um can i duplicate these no i can't well back to debug again add the mother plant right yeah about that i don't know if i agree with you oh that's so ugly there's like a low-lying um i just have to find it there is a plant that would work i just don't know where it is it comes with get together this one i want to like see how that kind of like lines the pathway isn't that beautiful and then we could stick like this oh my goodness imagine for one second how pretty it will be when it's all together stunning stunning where did that plant go oh it's right here i'm gonna use it again i feel like i must i owe it to myself it's a nice plant we don't need it in the back anywhere i don't think uh there's like the base game debug plants too i think this place looks pretty yes i'm excited i'm having fun i'm looking for this no this one i feel like even if we just had like a couple of these like tucked in there i don't know split it up and then maybe like some more back here ties it all together or something you think i should put a cow plant honestly we could stick a cow plant like right there that's the thing like it wouldn't even be that out of place i don't think um i might stick this like size down over here instead and then i might grab um i want this tree again oh it's so annoying scrolling through debug back and forth like doing this is so frustrating there's just so many things there's just oh oh my god i pressed tab i just terrified myself i was like is my game broken i press tab instead of escape or instead of this button i mean to get rid of that that was a close one well putting this tree right here defeats the purpose of the things being there to sunbathe but that's okay what are you gonna do a dead cow plant [Music] i don't really know about that my house is pretty let me have a pretty house why do you want my house to look weird and full of dead things because this house is like genuinely pretty nice like i'm i'm really impressed by it we can get like the um what's the macauld we need like the a grill we'll put a grill back there that'll be nice stick that trash can in the corner opal thank you for the bits destiny thank you for the bits um now i thank you for the three months as well oh drink water stay hydrated chat yes work yes please um i don't know is that like good we don't have any outdoor lights i always forget about outdoor lighting i like never put it in my builds i don't know if you noticed this about me but i always don't put it anywhere um we could get a couple lights though um maybe i'll stick this one over here and then the mailbox can go like there maybe another one over there i like this build this is nice zach thank you for the two months uh lorelei thank you for the bits yeah i like landscaping does like the lights do make the landscaping look really pretty i always just forget about it or i'm like building on a budget my sims don't have any money for it so then i don't give them anything which is sad they don't deserve that we can put like um maybe another one of these candles over here that's pretty uh i guess we could like oh maybe i could put that there and then we'll just put like these lights kind of you know that makes sense the pool needs some lights too where's the pool wall light there i don't know don't know don't care um that candle is actually from backyard the backyard stuff pack backyard stuff i believe it's just called um what about someone suggested some window boxes like flower boxes i think that's a good idea too i don't know if we need to have a ton of them maybe like even in just this color oh if we put like a couple hanging plants too i like that let me look at nifty knitting i'm really going all out this house is gonna be so expensive and it's gonna be so small that's genuinely so sad i like feel bad what if we had like a couple different heights of no no that's i don't like the color of that one how does this one look no no how are you supposed to know what which one to pick that one's oh that one has green in it oh that's cozy i like this oh we should put a light like a ceiling light above that too no this door is from strangerville it's not from debug strangerville has really nice doors and windows um strangerville is a fun pack for that reason they do have some good items oh we could try and do fan oh i don't know if the fans will be too big for the porch ah wrong thing i wanted a ceiling fan hello i guess if we size it down it won't be oh not up not up that works i like that we could always we could literally put like three like if you're gonna hang out and sit on this porch like you need it um maybe we could put a little tiny bench on the oh yeah that works and we can put it in the light green color that matches these yeah a pool float okay okay i feel like um oh maybe a little fire pit could be cute just stick that over there and then if there was like i don't know what color those couches come in from seasons but like maybe not in that green color but that could be cute you could roast marshmallows do i like the purple yeah i do i said do i love the purple not you it was about me do i like the purple it matches the flowers and the house is kind of a purpley color um i feel like that kind of works maybe the kid could have like we have wind chimes too but i feel like we shouldn't put too many items down maybe the kid could have like one of these this is kind of a good spot we could like i don't know it's kind of like tucked away on the side of the house i feel like it works and then we could be done i don't know maybe a spaceship for the kid an entire spaceship johnny if you hate purple you can change it when you play in this house i like the purple so i'm going to keep it caleb please be done i'm tired okay dylan i swear i'll leave i'm sorry i went late today my bad okay well i think we've done it folks let me save again i like this house i think it looks really cute i like how overgrown and stuff it is creek corner cove no the lighting is bad on that time the morning is good i don't know that works what should we call it tiny i'm not gonna put a bike we could we gotta stop at some point we could sit here and keep adding things to this all day oh no thank you for 11 months i'm sorry if i didn't read that before um it is a tiny victorian i guess or tiny victorian inspired um this is a tiny um victorian inspired home with two bedrooms it doesn't even look that tiny oh yeah there's a plane in the gallery thumbnail that's weird stranger feels weird it's a weird pack can you even see that like is there like all weight huh you thought it was your monitor that's actually really funny i mean it might as well be did i get the first comment please please please please please oh maybe there's just so many that i can't see it anymore because there's no way i'm like this late to it it just won't scroll far enough to me there's no way i'm that late to the first comment it's just when we scroll far enough there are too many comments that's terrifying my life just flashed before my eyes give us a tour all right it'll be short there's not much to see um so on the inside of the house there's a tiny kitchen we've got a tiny living room tiny dining room um decent sized bathroom to be honest upstairs there's a ladder that takes you to a tiny hallway decent sized parent's bedroom decent sized kid's bedroom and then um that's it so that's all of it actually i think it turned out pretty cute all right i'm gonna i'm gonna close my game we'll get off stream i went late i went like 20 minutes later than i usually do um let's go find someone to raid how much is it it was uh like 45 000 somolians and it was a the middle tier a tiny home not micro tiny oh just peachy thank you for the it's too far sorry god five month reset two months in a row five months total thank you just peachy i thank you so much um okay okay okay okay okay okay okay do you know what um dr gluon is doing a subathon right now um so as in any time someone subscribes it adds time to his clock um and i he never usually streams like when i'm live he usually streams like way later than me so i feel like now is a good time for us to get a chance to raid dr glue on because he's actually live right now um and he's doing a subathon so let's go say hi to him shall we um you may know him as star of sparked the television show um the guy with the fez uh drug is a really nice guy i've known him for a long time um and i think you'll like his streams his streams are so fun he does this thing where like when someone subscribes like his sub i'll wait until you see it i won't talk about it his sub alert is so cool like i love his sub alert it's like so well put together he like acts something out and oh my god anyway he like i'll tell you he like throws a fez like he pretends to throw one and then the alert plays like in the other corner of the screen and it looks like it lands on the little guy's head it's so cool anyway um i'll see you guys later thank you for hanging out um not tomorrow but monday i'll see you um and we'll do some fixer-upper miss griffey did a house that i want to renovate so anyway i'll see you guys later yasmin thank you for the six months uh thank you for hanging with me tonight you guys and i love you okay goodbye
Channel: moresimsie
Views: 212,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: r21io4b-7Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 45sec (12045 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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