Building BETASQUAD's New YouTube Studio

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what's this where are we right now we're at the future beta offices I'm looking forward to this it's going to be a good one I've been tasked with my most challenging setup to dat and recently I got a surprise call from the beta Squad and they asked me if I can work on a brand new setup for them and naturally I said yes and we're not talking about your standard PC on a standing desktop of build here no sir so let me show you how I'm going to make all of this happen With a Little Help from today's sponsor revolute download revolute with my link use your card and get £20 [Music] yeah niiko and George welcome to the BET Squad HQ it's looking incredible work in progress the kitchen is underway I got I got a question about the kitchen how possible is it to add a hot chocolate machine I'm just calling my hot chocolate agent they will sort you out Amazon Prime just next to the hot chocolate machine like I've got you want a candy floss machine no no no no no come on we're not children now come on man uh but like straws maybe straws next to the hot chocolate straws of course the little umbrellas that you get for cocktails as well perhaps maybe that could be good but I was thinking more straws is more practical way of drinking hot chocol bamboo any type of preference and material paper we care about the environment I will make that my priority okay over here I thought I'd maximize this area we're going to install some work Toops in like an L shape so then people can come and sit down and eat here because that will avoid this area being taken up by unnecessary tables and whatnot as we progress through here this is where your editors are going to be sat this this table will be big enough for eight people is going to be 6.4 m in length from here to here is how big your editor's desks are going to be this sound good and there's a hot chocolate station on that as well we've got serious we've got proper serious over in this area will'll be the chill space it's a work space man we can't have we can't have chill please man just 10 minutes chill please okay I'll tell you what this is this is a premere Zone where your editors will be showing you what they've edited and it comes with a corner sofa a Telly a PlayStation PlayStation yeah so they can stream the the videos through you can load YouTube on the PlayStation surely we could use a a HDMI cable no that's that's too Boomer man a lot of C cable problems I'm thinking a corner sofa taking up this space and then all of a sudden we've got a back of a sofa here right I'm going to put a work toop on here a work toop crazy and then it will be an L shape so it'll be like this so it'll be a corner work toop and now what people can do they can drink more hot chocolate here I drink fridge under here and more working areas here so you got your big desk but then if people want to come in and bring their laptops or sit away from the desk they can come in and do that here it could be hard to picture stuff sometimes to help us visualize how the space would look like I reached out to Alex from viscap CGI and I sent him a few scans and photos and in no time we got this what that's in here that's the worktop area drinks fridge and then I thought how can we incorporate beta squads branding into this so I thought about making a whole big green Banner with the logo all this stuff there's a whole bunch of stuff here can I use my revolute card to pay for this of course you'd be able to use your revolute card Oh I thought you'd never ask great in an account with revolute couldn't be any easier you simply navigate to the App Store download revolute for free and voila you're halfway there already setup takes only minutes and then you're ready to spend save or exchange currency at a drop of a hat and there are a bunch of great security features with revolute to keep your hard ear money safe ni we all know that you like to break in places that you shouldn't be in and you've even snuck into to a banned country yep that was me yeah but do you know the one place that you will never ever be able to break into you know what has the craziest security revolute ding ding ding ding ding I got it right I knew it it was so obvious if you lose your card or it's stolen from you then you can freeze it from the app within seconds and you can turn on instant payment notifications so you know where your money is going out at all times yeah and it's trusted by over 30 million users from around the world and to say thank you for getting me involved in the project I'm going to transfer niik some cash with the revolute app so that he can treat himself to something nice in his new office and all I need to do is add him as a contact on the app and I can send him cash or no hassle chunks I recently saw that you purchased the world's most expensive plane ticket and travel to qar and when you get to your holiday destination revolute has plenty of features that will complement your travels such as free ATM withdrawals worldwide and great exchange rates when you use your card abroad and revolute will also automatically convert your currency for you when you use your card simplicity at it's finest hey man yeah AJ mhm one of my favorite videos of yours this year was turning $1 into $10,000 in 24 hours okay but did you know that there's a more accessible and reliable way to grow $1 how's that you can use revolute to save your hard-earned cash and get paid up to 4% interest annually and you get paid interest daily into your account and you can withdraw it at any time well if you do want to use it you know where to go Link in the description go go Link in the right now thank you to revolute once again for sponsoring such an ambitious setup challenge don't forget to download revolute by using the link in my description use your card and get20 see the size of this table and like The Chew area ping pong table how much of a deal breaker is this ping pong table I personally wouldn't come in if there wasn't one here wait you're telling me by a pingpong table not be here no work will get done we're all of us everyone who works for beta squad or ndl we're all ping pong professionals who just do like editing work on the side yeah so we need to prioritize this for a true Pro like myself is this enough space you don't think I reckon the only option is doing it lengthways worst case scenario we can just move everything else out of the office to make space for the Ping how about we make a whole ping pong room in there yeah oh yeah this is the perfect this is the perfect ping pong room wow listen let's not make compromises I'm going to have the space adaptable enough for you guys to then choose where you want the ping pong table cuz I think this is going to benefit from being a filming space instead imagine a collar armor backdrop there so with a press of a button you can change the color of your background and then when you need to film with more people you can use this corner space and then you can shoot from like where you're standing into a corner if it's a big group of people do we have something for like storage and stuff we can maybe dedicate this little corner here for that honestly con sounds amazing and there is another room but we're saving that for a future video so stay tuned for that I'm quite excited I must say the question is can K deliver because I'm seeing some great images the images aren't actual products are they so no they're not they're not and his breaths melt a little bit so uh a man with smelly breath you can't fully trust not a man to be trusted exactly so um we'll see what you end up doing I know you're probably watching this right now you're probably over the little editing board crying know you we've exposed your breath but honestly we're very excited to see what you can do well after that amazing vot of confidence let's get to [Music] work it's currently 1: p.m. and I've infiltrated the beta Squad house let's have a little tour around try not to wake anyone up my mission here is to collect some goodies that I can take back to the office oh my God what horror this must be the main space of where the editors work oh my what is that whoever's computer that is you're cursed get some help let's examine this what they got going on bread Amazon par parles bunch of hard drives water next to memory cards and hard drives random bits of equipment LED lights beta Source from Nando that would be nice in their kitchen they've got a decent desk but the desk could be bigger these chairs aren't exactly comfortable yeah we need to hook them up some new chairs some more desk space some better storage solutions look how many hard drives they have all these Polaroid are from different shoots and there's loads of core behind the scenes moments that have been captured but why are they just laying around like this I should get like an album to be able to store these in or at least a board to display them at because these are like really cool memories we must get them a Polaroid camera for the office as well this is incredible trying to think what is it that they'll like what is it that they will appreciate in their new office and I'll tell you what the standards are quite low already so anything I do should be better [Music] right [Music] h oo the wooden slats have installed come have a look now that the wooden slats are in it's separated the room really nicely and it's created like this little Hub here it feels very cozy and these slats are also accoustically treated so as I'm walking around in here you can hear that the echo has been reduced so I'm glad we got the window patched up because this bit of artwork that's coming through it's so huge it won't fit anywhere else it will sit right here ah we finally have our progress on this power solution for the desks so we got our power cable running through yeah that's sockets EET cables and then all of this is going to be sort of accessible here on the be lid on it how difficult was this process it was difficult it was really hard concrete we had two Diamond blades going there down that way that would that bit wasn't too bad it was getting the box out fascinating fact about concrete yes please it never stops curing even after 50 years it still gets harder and that's fun concrete fact with G so the Edison de finally arrived as well there are eight of these and eventually they'll get built up once the work around the room is done and they'll sit here in the middle of the room hey massive shout out to flexp for providing us with some desks for the beta Squad office we're about to set this bad boy up this is a standing desk got love a standing desk I'm planning to put some wheels on it later on and then we're going to use it either in this film space or whenever they need it in the main office enough talk desk me [Music] Daddy all right now it's time to set up the standing frame look at this it comes with its own [Music] tool it's alive oh I wonder what height it goes up to 126 or 123 129 12 n that's high that's good nio pight and then I press the down button now it's a standing desk for AJ what if I sit on it can it support con wait yeah I see what steo meant about like he feels like one of them rappers at the concerts like Beyonce going up on stage in elevator hey how's the weather down there always Endless Love is coming I'll be sure that but it's so hard give you all of my love but you don't seem to care put my arms around you your heart is in there don't tell me we're fine lying to yourself the blinds have arrived we've got 14 of these bad boys by the looks of it the hex lights looks like they're going up today as well very exciting times we got the breakfast bar built as well I have another surprise not really a surprise it's just I've got new stuff I've got new toys got some goodies for ulot when I say ulot I mean the beta Squad boys hot chocolate machine and hot choc chocolate this bag is way heavier than this box this is called the velvetizer and it's from hotel chakala bougie stuff got some celebrations hot chocolate some Galaxy hot chocolate Mala hot chocolate got this mug a cup of Happiness some meryland cookies I hope he liked hot chocolate I don't know if he's mentioned it before or [Music] not nicoo do you want to see an update yeah I'd love to see an update right now you're just going to see like boxes and stuff these chairs they look so comfy take a seat my friend this is this is where your editors will spend 23 hours of their day sitting I think the chair is a bit too comfy cuz they can lie back but we don't want to encourage sleep there you go try that now yeah I like that I got your a present you mentioned you like hot chocolate once or twice oh my God Hotel chocol brother thank you so much thank you not stop there I got you a selection of hot chocolates as well so I can really become a connoisseur you even got your a mug what does that say on it a cup of Happiness thank you Willy Wonka you're welcome Charlie this is the filming room it doesn't look like much right now but we got the color arm backrop holder there and then we're going to have light fixtures on the beam and then that way you can press one button and your set ha will be lit that's sick and then when you want to open the set up a bit more then you can bring a sofa in yeah I think that would and then you can film from the corner where SC standing so that's this room very basic now for the main editing space wow wow I this is sick you know how much this adds to the room I like that it's in the middle cuz it now separates different sections so I think you're going to put in the high STS here sofa here coffee table Telly under this workbench get a massive drinks for this is going to be so sick right this is going to be amazing your Lego artwork that's coming later I'm going to prop it a little bit off of the wood slaps and put an LED behind it so it glows up a bit oh wow yeah I'm hoping to do that this gives you a scope of how big your area is for the Ping ponging oh man smiling the new lights are in as well the beta Squad logo when's the last time you saw that thing work couldn't tell you you got it working yes I got it working wow that's beautiful honestly man you're absolutely smashing there you go well I hope we've passed your inspection no no this is this is great thank you so much I expect to see you here in another couple of days for a new update and then yeah amazing so far so [Music] good the original plan was to have a green Banner all around the studio but whipped out a laser measurer and look how much we're off here 3 4 in out compared to that size side so the current problem right now is that the Banner's going to look wonky and crap if we're trying to make it level but if we try to cheat it the paint's just not going to look great which is not going to look good is it no I reckon yeah just do them two walls yeah and it'll look a lot better great added added work more problems but they're all sold [Music] now [Music] nice that is the perfect green as well very nice hey edit edit me somewhere on the beach had a couple of more new deliveries today we've got our drinks fridge and our fridge freezer I'm sorting out some lighting in the other rooms yeah this is banging so I got these lights from aperture the amran family this is the f22c I want to see if they're going to be bright enough for this room these are incredible very heavyduty ones from newer I'll leave the link in the description for them they open up like this and they can be mounted on walls so you can mount it like this or to the ceiling and then have it drop down the reason I went with the flexible panels is to keep things nice and lightweight and also these come with an egg crate and a soft box diffusion uh so you don't need to spend extra on that and they're nice and flat as well so they won't take up much real estate in this room bloody hell I reckon I reckon just one of these bro I was literally just about to say I think one might be you think might be enough a look at that that is [Music] plenty in the studio we're installing a thre Point Key light system so we've got two at the front which will be our Fu lights and then a hair light going all the way to the back as you can see we mounted another bracket up top [Music] there yeah so say for example they now doing videos at this distance they've got a light that's separating them from the background and giving them more of a edge light so run along the wall like that and then we'll Mount the power box somewhere here very happy very happy let's get the third light on and then that's majority of the lighting sorted in the studio that actually looks sick like you're very well lit but it's like it's lovely and soft like there's no h Shadows anywhere like it's very flattery new LinkedIn [Music] cover chilling all day all in your space is where I want to be here in this room what did you do I just can't [Applause] get just making sure's going up me something in my brain wrong with you I've been Hing by myself asking for help but nothing seems to work on you you always me like you never leave my alone for the reason I'm going [Music] Lu yeah you know what that looks a bit strange there tell me we've got enough space on the other side move it there is there enough space yeah big strong boys I had no idea I had [Music] Wheels [Music] the final stretch building the desks it's desk time time to erect the what let's not use that word what did he say it has been a very busy day today we have had so many updates paint job done the banner bannered up all the blinds installed TV mounted a second Telly on Wheels all the editor's chairs fully built drinks fridge secured fridge freezer 60/40 split also secured we have wireless control over the lighting and the second switch on this remote will activate the beta Squad LED sign over on that end we're almost there with it and shout out to goie for their LED neon rope light for desks the reason why I love this thing so much is because of how nicely diffused it is there is not one single LED in sight look at it look at it it's lovely and I'm planning to add a couple of more of these to the build this video wouldn't feel complete without one of these oh makea [Music] [Music] as we're getting closer to the Finish Line an Australian YouTuber by the name of AJ captivations provided the beta Squad with their own custom Lego art piece this captivated artwork took Anthony almost 2 months to build and weighs in an astonishing 20 kg it also contains over 40,000 individual Lego pieces yes now now you should have seen it an hour ago I have Justin's been sending me picture updates it was all in bits I was get getting worried I've got some really cool custom artwork coming that's going to sit in this space from Jamie Brindley he's done a next day special delivery for us so that should be coming very soon I'm hyped it's going to add some more color to this space my car is filled to the brim full of full of stuff from Ikea I got like a bunch of plant pots and other little decoration bits to make the space feel homely bet Squad plaque jidon this is from the biggest Menace series beta Squad energy drinks top secret that got these incredible foldable chairs from Ikea and the reason I love them is because they're cheap they're foldable so you can have a lot of them and you can store them away they're all right they're not bad for a foldable chair and they come in at a very reasonable price 30 quid a pop a carpet for the living room space Oh can you smell what con is cooking sorry everything is coming together today I reckon we're going to be up and running in a couple of days [Music] time so later on I'll get on the ladder and I'll start fixing these up [Music] we have here the TV backlight it comes with this cool accessory that you pop onto your TV and then the LED strip sticks to the back of your Telly what I like about this light is that it's broken down into segments so when you do come to sticking it to the back of your Telly it's very simple you have this strip for like the left hand side this one will then bend over and stick on the top ah I didn't even mention what this device does this will then look at the Telly it will see all all the pixels that are on the Telly and it would emulate it so say for example there's loads of red on the screen then these LEDs will turn red incredible stuff I've also engineered what I think is a clever solution to Cable Management I've cable tied a power strip where all of these sockets can join into and then that way it runs all on one lead this is perfect because when the TV gets rotated around there's plenty of slack from one cable instead of relying on slack with multiple cables there's a lot of cardboard to deal with so let's have a little clear out oh sh that was meant to be a transition [Music] damn the time has come I've never been more excited for anything in my life you know the drive here I felt butterflies in my chest I saw the office when it was there was nothing in there and it was blank canvas so I'm looking forward to seeing what's happened cor is about to do a crazy transformation absolute Horror in the current set up yeah it's also it's quite a small place so whenever I get there I don't have a seat honestly don't really do an awful lot don't know why I'm here can we do a countdown everyone 1 oh yeah good [Applause] cutting welcome to your new editing office oh my [Music] God oh [Music] my holy crap yo yes Jay you're getting smoked here bro custom ping pong table that is beautiful that is unbelievable this is mental this is nuts what they're not leaving we're stuck here might as well wow and they got a green Henry the Hoover oh mental I found a place for me to sleep this is where I'm sleeping now the attention to detail is mental where's natural light there's no natural light my friend the aim of the game is to never know what time of day it is just so you're happy here forever I see the windows are blocked out crazy wireless switch for the lights wow ah the fridge is stocked oh my gosh can I take a prime now yeah yeah help yourselves Prime amazing we're going to choose our seats now we got we got a seating choosing my seat bro yeah this this desk is lot for eight people this is for like 25 people I mean bro look come here come here we got our own USBS USB C's we got our own we got our own free plugs we got our own little drawers doing it cuz I've seen I've seen your videos before when you do all that so I might have my PC here and my laptop here okay we can sort that out that's why I didn't like plan anything out just so you you're free to do whatever you want also noticed you L have a lot of Polaroid pictures we have something called the employee of the month board when you want to have an employee of the month you can take a snap of them and then pin them onto this board C that's great beautiful thing with this board is that the these tiles you can just keep expanding them in a couple months time when I come through again I want to see this whole wall covered in these towers I think that no one's doing a good enough job to get employeed mon that's St empty or you can track the progress of your happiness in this office yeah that's staying empty stay big shout out to AJ captivations he's traveled down all the way from Australia to build this Lego piece also thank you to Jamie Brindley for sending us some custom artwork incredible artists Jack Hit the lights off at the back please yeah when you want to wind down a little bit maybe your eyes are hurting from the screen and you want to like switch off the lights and you got some nice Ambiance there you go yeah you guys well now that the whole edit team has se the office it's time to show the better Squad boys in the next video
Channel: Konstantin
Views: 899,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kwe7UcVVFtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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