Building a Work Shop: Large Over Head Door Framing

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all right what's up guys it is day 9 I'm dropping through the snow thankfully we moved all of our materials last this would be last Friday now because today is Monday and over the weekend we had probably like five to six inches of snow which is not a ton but it blew really bad and then super cold weather came in so it's it was negative eight when I got up this morning decided to not go to site right away did some shop work but now we're outside because this front here we got to get it covered up insulators are supposed to come tomorrow and yeah I guess that means we got to get our outside wall covered up in order to do that where we're gonna concentrate on right now is axe back here wrapping up some grade board detail we got to run some plywood across the front for the brick guy who's gonna install some brick up the face and then me and Greg are gonna work on this header up here so the header detail we've got a structural interest so I'm not worried about structure for weight supporting the door it's more about just having a nice solid header to mount all the door springs and stuff to in the back side as well as have some nice lateral or in-and-out like wind loading strength on it you know it's funny I had somebody comment on the size of the gusset plates in our building saying that there's no way they would ever hold up to a large snow that they were the tiniest gusset plates they'd ever seen kind of big I mean they're really big and they're really thick do don't tell me I got a small head you don't know that looks like the whole fishing story see oh my god it's the biggest gusset plate ever no but really our trusses because we're in northern Illinois are region we are usually rated at a 35 pound loading on our trust then that's just based off the engineering spec of the truss I don't design the trusses I just tell them what I want and they make it work now as you can see we've already got our header height marked on the columns our door jambs since we've got these I guess what we call uprights stub columns door header extensions whatever you want to call them now that attached to the truss we've got to actually cut them off at the right height so that we've got a nice level door header so what we're gonna do is we're going to I would probably go get a laser if it was a bigger than a 24 foot opening but with a 24 foot opening we can get a nice tight string line snap and will basically snap that line an inch and a half above our header height that way we can put a stiffener board underneath our upright extensions and you'll see that but if we were really good we could probably do this all on the ground but I'm always worried that if there's a little bit of an up and down in the bottom cord of this trust right here that we can't really measure off of it down to foot for our door header so we just kind of do it the old-fashioned way which is pretty foolproof [Applause] [Applause] so now that we've got these uprights cut we'll put our stiffener board which is really just a flat two by six and that's going to join the inside and outside two by twelves and help add legit attila bottle of that header we will have some framing up in the truss system that will also add some some bracing and resist wind loading we got marks here dude that's twelve one and a half Center that I went three quarters each way so that should be the edge of your board hello Kyle all right off of this girl lovely I mean like three quarters of an inch off oh yeah so how's that one twelve 1/2 Center that middle one because you'll have two boards oh well I told I just make it sure dude well I was paying attention don't worry you don't think the nail tricks gonna work teach yourself where you want it you're gonna do you miss good thing we got edits no bad they say you can't edit this out all right well good give a big this is gonna work I got this dope [Music] [Music] let's video shoot for one these aren't really made for 20 pennies what yeah [Laughter] [Music] okay so I'm actually in an inch-and-a-half Greg [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] destroyed that come down low right no more right there call me lad [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] about the numbers I would rather have a hundred thousand followers watch every video then a thousand are a million followers only watch every couple video well about million followers that they all watch all right now it's probably good chance some of you are already like that is not a header you just put a joint right in the middle of a 24 foot door opening right here that's our header the truss all we're doing is dropping down and putting blocking and solid framing for the garage door so on the outside I've done buildings where this was engineered as a two by six because once again the trust is doing the work now I like to just over do it do a two by twelve inside and then we'll double stack a two by twelve with alternating joints on the inside but you'll see that soon [Laughter] you know if you were to swing like that in our food hammer competition you might have a chance of winnin so you can see one of the things that we do is we add these we call these our wing ties and basically they're tying the building ends from end to end it's a bottom floor of the truss we try to put them on every top location on each end wall so you've got a continuous connection from this blouson on this end wall all the way to the other one on the other end and then what we do is we put these Pickers up as plus what we call [Music] and this is where we like to use our grk screws they came out with a pretty new design which I don't know if you use gr KS or not they're probably my favorite screw and they changed up this design point right here where it you can see the the shaft is actually longer and straighter trying to say that with a straight face before the actual screws starts and what that does is it doesn't as it's pulling into a couple pieces of 2 by material the old design would pull those two boards apart and then you'd have to overdrive it to make them suck together now with this new design you don't have that two pieces stay together so they they definitely listen to the complaints of all their users and changed up the design also adding a different Ted now I've got an old bit here if you have a new bit and maybe you see me show that see how wobbly these are the new bits they stick in there and you can do a one-handed operation so I need to put another bit of it especially when I'm in positions like all right so today has been bitter cold actually didn't start off bad but now it's really cold the Sun has set it's about it doesn't look that dark out but I promise it is getting darker and the wind picked up feels like negative 14 is what the weather says I feel like negative 20 I don't like to complain but I think I'm about ready to go home we got this header framed in you can see behind me here we've got what we call our kickers and those are those are basically bracing the roof structure back down on an angle and tying into these wind ties that we've got going across so it kind of creates bracing that then solidifies the top in the bottom of the trust into like one big box and that's where you know a lot of that diaphragm strength but then also as I shake that door header that also adds a ton of wind loading so if this wall gets hit with wind it's not gonna allow it to push him because that is a big door opening a 24 foot wide I don't know what do you guys think drop it down below in the comments I can't even see I got some I got ice crystals starting to form on my beard and that means it's time to go so probably we'll see you guys back here and we'll get this front wall covered up and then it's time to get inside and start putting the ceiling up in this vaulted raised chord truss system so we'll see you guys later thanks a lot hit that subscribe button and give you thumbs up if you would I'd love the support and we'll see you again on the next episode - yeah yeah you totally shut up yeah
Channel: RR Buildings
Views: 110,671
Rating: 4.9786692 out of 5
Keywords: building a work shop, freezing cold outside, keep moving forward, how we install a header, large opening is required, how we install roof bracing, work shop, workshop, building a garage, how to build a shop, rr buildings, winter never ends, post frame shop, building a pole barn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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