Building A Wirelessly Powered Corona Motor (DIY)

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[Music] so i recently documented my journey to pull energy straight from the atmosphere and in the video i actually succeeded i managed to extract thousands of volts out of thin air and i used it to power this little corona motor these are unique motors which create torque from high voltage static and they can actually run wirelessly because of it well you demanded to build video like bloodthirsty koalas hey oh god thanks for the lifelong trauma i think i got the message so here's how to build the ultimate corona motor out of acrylic [Music] hey i'm jay welcome back to plasma channel after you've learned to make a kick-ass atmospheric motor consider subscribing and turning on those notifications let's get to it [Music] if you're truly a part of plasmafam then you'll be in the acrylic club that's why the body is made of two six inch discs and six tubes four inches in length and three quarters of an inch in width the rotor is built from a 3.5 inch by 3.5 inch jar mounted on a two millimeter wide steel spindle this slides into two millimeter ball bearings which helps a ton with reducing friction other materials include some aluminum tape and various bolts but what if you don't have acrylic that's okay you heathen any insulator will work now grab an energy drink and fulfill your destiny keep the can [Music] first up is the rotor find the exact center of the lid then using a bit smaller than two millimeters drill a hole for the rod do the exact same for the base around the jar of circumference measure and mark six equally spaced sections for this jar they're 49 millimeters apart cut six sections of aluminum tape which are 75 by 35 millimeters and round the edges then place the tape lengthwise over each mark being super careful that they're parallel now push the rod through and make sure it's balanced second step is the acrylic frame take both acrylic discs and drill four millimeter-ish holes in their centers press the bearings into place making sure that the bearings are snug but not too tight then place six equidistant marks around one disc this actually equals 3.14 inch spacing place one tube on each mark making sure the ends of your tubing are at perfect right angles and glue the tubing into place putting it all together slide the rotor into the bearings on each disc and glue the second disc into place now this is a small detail but it's important the motor frame can't touch the surface it lays on so i settled on this design mostly because i really like curves and i always over design everything with a dash of acrylic glue it gives the motor about a half an inch of clearance preventing shorts to ground frame and rotor combined it should look something like this the final step requires some finesse placing ionization fins cut a length of aluminum tape and wrap the center of a tube do this for all six tubes equally every wrapped tube will receive an identical fin remember your energy drink well go hannibal elector on it cut six sections out of the can measuring 22 by 75 millimeters cut these corners they'll go on the side of the supports and be placed three to four millimeters from the surface of the rotor don't be sloppy susie like this or this but perfectly parallel use aluminum tape to connect them to each support and ensure that tape is super smooth the fin should be angled at 30 to 45 degrees and not touch the rotor repeat this for all the supports um all that really remains is to wire up the electrical connections to all the fins which is just wiring you don't need to see me do that but it is really important exactly how you wire the fins fins one three and five need to be wired together in parallel culminating in a power connection fins 2 4 and 6 must be wired in parallel on the opposite side culminating in a ground connection neighboring fins are connected to opposite sides and you don't need to use any of these bolts they just kind of help with energy loss now congratulate yourself on the epic mess you've made and the trophy you've built then send a picture to my instagram because i need friends [Music] nailed it if you built the motor right it should turn static charge into functional rotational motion and to power this all you really need is any high voltage dc power source which personally i just use the little mini wimshurst machine with one side of the motor attached to ground and the other side provided a few kilovolts dc here's what we get this motor doesn't require much power so i wanted to see if this would spin if powered by atmospheric electricity [Music] after getting the drone up to about 100 meters it started turning it's working baby it was going pretty slowly and never picked up much speed but it still worked this is really cool if you want to know the science behind atmospheric electricity and what this drone's doing check out my last video and if you think that's cool it can also turn wirelessly without using any physical power connections let me show you what i mean well here's my 400 kilovolt van de graaff as seen from my hair it creates some pretty epic static charge placing a sharp ionization brush on the power bolt the motor is actually able to turn by extracting energy out of the nearby electric field i mean this is fire with my setup it was turning well over three feet away must be magic i bet that's a form of wireless power you didn't think about now design of these motors is pretty critical right my first two designs hardly worked at all the first had too much friction and was just too heavy it wouldn't turn no matter how much help you gave it dead weight the second design you saw in my video it worked however since it wasn't able to output any torque it was just more of a visual spectacle this motor is a legit motor and it looks damn good but the real beauty lies in the physics involved [Music] recall that every other fin like these two are at ground potential and the fins in between them like these two and this one right here are at a high voltage since the foil strips on the rotor are isolated from one another here's how this works the negatively charged fins are sharp so they spray electrons onto the closest foil strip this causes the strip to be negatively charged and be repelled away plus attracted towards the positive fin once underneath it transfers the excess electrons plus some more to the positive fin leaving the strip positively charged it's then repelled away from the positive fin and attracted towards the negative this happens to all foil strips and all fins at the same time basically the foil strips act as electron carriers causing rotation the motor turns push and pull into rotational energy the torque on this kind of motor isn't particularly high but i did do a couple of tests just to see what it was capable of i threw together a stack of washers weighing about 45 grams and tethered it with a string well the motor still turned that's 45 grams being lifted by the little motor that could it even picked up speed indicating that it likely could handle a little bit more static charge being used to lift i mean really fascinating if you ask me these are cool little motors which is why i made two and i'm giving one away to a lucky viewer to be considered drop a comment down below and follow me on instagram or patreon regardless let me know your thoughts in the comments down below i've also included links to most the supplies used in this build in the video description and i encourage you to please be safe around high voltage thank you for watching and you stay classy
Channel: Plasma Channel
Views: 187,524
Rating: 4.9359722 out of 5
Keywords: “Water bending”, Water bending, controlling elements, Avatar, Plasma, physics, Science, Discovery, High Voltage, “High Voltage”, “Voltage multiplier”, Tesla Coil, Vandergraff Generator, Electrostatic, “static electricity”, Lightning, Electronics, Plasma globe, Plasma Channel, Jay, Plasma Nation, Van Der Graaff, Marx generator, high power, Ozone, Ionic wind, Corona, Wireless, edison, motor, atmosphere, lightning
Id: _rsAxeYc-jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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