How to Make a Free Energy Generator!

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free energy a myth for a real possibility today's video is going to be a little different than my usual videos but nevertheless a diy project so if you want to know if this generator here can power part of your house for free stay tuned i started a little side business on green energy involving blockchain technology i can tell you more about that later if you're interested but because of it my friend mark kept sending me these videos of people in india building these generators that supposedly produce free energy of course i like everybody else learned in school that it would be impossible to build something that generates free energy but this video has made me curious why would these people with limited resources pretend to build a free energy generator and so i decided despite of being told impossible i tried anyway and built a generator myself finding a flywheel was difficult for some reason you can't buy a flywheel on the internet can you believe it the optimal flywheel has its weight as far away from the center of rotation as possible another way to optimize the energy to mass ratio of the flywheel is to spin it at maximum possible speed when the rotational speed of the flywheel doubles its kinetic energy increases by the factor of four that's why i decided to use machined 45 pound weights you can't ask the mailman to deliver two 45 pound weights and that's why i drove all over north and south carolina to get these parts [Music] but sourcing these parts was not easy mostly because of the mix between metric and imperial system it's very difficult to stick to one honestly i don't understand how you can build anything accurate using the imperial system with all these fractions but hey that's just me [Music] so [Music] once i hooked up that motor it just didn't sound right so i had to take it apart and figure out what that noise was from [Music] because i wanted to be able to make modifications and take everything apart in case it doesn't work i decided to use extruded aluminum profile versus welding a frame it may be a little more time consuming than welding a frame but much more flexible to adjust my bearing blocks and motor plates [Music] it's also much easier to cut aluminum than steel my miter saw does the job just fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and then my camera fell over [Music] to assembly all the cut pieces i used inner and outer 90 degree connector brackets [Applause] [Music] parker was a little curious himself and wanted to see what's going on here he kept sticking his head in there i didn't want him to get hurt so i had to move him out of the way [Music] it is important that the generator is leveled and that's why i decided to use adjustable legs [Music] to mount the generator i went to the local metal shop and got plates cut 400 by 200 millimeters that way i have enough space to slide them either direction for alignment with the pulley clean up all the corners with a file so that nobody can cut themselves degrease it and give it a quick spray paint so [Music] and now it was time for the assemblies electric generator [Music] i found a few helpful pages where you can calculate the belt length and if you forgot how to calculate gear ratios you can even find out what kind of pulley size you need [Music] in my case i wanted something where i can optimize the output rpm of the generator and that's why i bought a step pulley like you would find on an old-fashioned drill press for speed adjustments the first test run was a total disappointment the motor draws too much current before it ever even reaches max speed and trips the circuit breaker after trying this a couple times i decided that a redesign is required and use a motor that uses less horsepower than draws less current [Music] so i disassembled the whole thing ordered a bigger pulley for the flywheel and a smaller motor [Music] so i replaced one of the plates with a base just to make it easier to adjust the belt tension [Music] i'm using a gauge to make sure everything is set up properly and balanced [Music] i jokingly told my girlfriend that we will have to wear helmets in the house while i test up my generator and no kidding one of those magnets came off and good lord just about took my eyeball out [Music] i used the dynamic balancing method where you section off the flywheel into three sections and apply weights measure the vibrations and a software will then calculate the best and optimum weight distribution as you can see here the whole machine is moving because it's so unbalanced with over 90 pounds of flywheel spinning at over 1200 rpm it was very important to have it properly balanced now i needed to make sure that i reached the 3600 rpm required for the generator to produce power i was able to produce power with the generator even run another motor but every time i plugged the motor into the generator it would just slow down and come to a stop although unplugging the motor from the outlet into the generator manually was the way it seemed to work for the indian videos i questioned if i was fast enough and lost speed so i installed a relay that would switch over to the generator as soon as it hit max speed but that also was not successful in a last attempt i decided once more to install a smaller motor and i would use a current limiter that only allows a certain amount of current to be drawn by the motor [Music] but that wasn't successful either perhaps somebody has a great idea what needs to be changed to make this work otherwise i have to say this is a failure please leave me a comment even if it's just to tell me i could have told you and if you're interested here's a short commercial of the business we started what actions would not only make the loudest noise but make the biggest impact what if your sustainable eco-friendly choices get rewarded imagine your contribution modest or strong a constant source of funding for reforestation projects and renewable energy from solar wind farms and bioenergy we have an entire community with the same goal in mind to return to safe co2 levels a community focused on combining forces on a decentralized blockchain that tracks the progress of our goal for reaching 350 parts per million [Music] the blockchain of a sustainable future [Music] you
Channel: Markus Nenning
Views: 831,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aA-u0U03Ghc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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