Simple SEO Overhaul to Stay Ahead of A.I. With Kyle Roof

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recently there's been a lot of talk about Google algorithm updates about SEO and about AI with chat GPT and you know AI content that's starting to look pretty good actually right and so what is our place as bloggers what does our future look like now we'll talk a little bit more about AI in another video soon but for this video what I want to talk about is one of the important things that we can do to ensure great success as content creators going forward I have joining me today Kyle roof now if you don't know who Kyle is Kyle is an SEO guy but he's an SEO guy who really knows what he's talking about he's spent a decade or more actually in this industry coming to understand search and SEO this guy has a patent for his scientific approach his process for how he determines if something truly is a ranking factor in Google's algorithm So today we're going to go through several different factors specific things you can do easy things you can do on your website to help establish eat expertise authoritativeness and trustworthiness this is the thing that's going to continue to set real bloggers apart from fakes and copycats as well as from AI so stay tuned as we jump into eat and how you can make it happen on your website hey uh Kyle thanks for joining us today um I've been looking forward to this conversation ever since I first heard from you so anyway why don't you go ahead and just give a little brief overview take a minute here and let everybody know who you are and what you do um because I think it's really cool what you do so I'm excited uh to get to share so I want them to have a little bit of understanding before we dive in sure thing uh so I'm Kyle roof I am the co-founder of uh SEO agency called high voltage SEO we have offices in Phoenix Berlin and Melbourne we do local and National and international to everything in between I'm the co-creator of page optimizer pro which is an on-page SEO tool and I'm one of the co-founders of internet marketing gold which is an online community where we test Google's algorithm and then also um their courses I think they're around 40 courses I think I have four courses in there and um and I teach SEO I speak on SEO I get to travel the world speak at International conferences meet very cool people people are way cooler than me and I get to shows like this which is a lot of fun and um yeah I get to uh I get to I just do SEO all day every day it's really pretty much what I do today you mentioned wanting to get to talk a little bit about something that I honestly believe in very strongly I think it's really important from an SEO standpoint I think it's important from a branding standpoint um and that is eat and I'm really excited to hear what you have to share around like what things the algorithm seems to actually care about because I feel like there's a lot we can do for eat that would be hard to algorithmically measure for Google and so I'm really really curious to hear what you have to say so why don't we go ahead and Dive Right In I'm sorry about the trust one because I think that's maybe the most tangible for people the bottom line here is I think Google's looking at like who is responsible for this content if something were to happen here who can someone contact if you were to break it up into a little into a couple sections I think the first section is is this a real business because if you're taking money from something you're doing online you should be a business of some form the other thing you need to think about too is that you know Google can't see your site you have to realize that a bot needs to find things that it can find in order to establish that this is actual real site and this is a real business so some of the first things I would look at are putting a local address businesses have an address I can probably hear the the groans from all the Affiliates that are now listening because often you know you work from home or your business is from your home you don't want to put your home address uh and that makes a lot of sense but real businesses can do that and how would you go about implementing that is that something you would just like put in the footer with contact info or is that something so it's like on every page or do you put it like I would put it on the footer and then I'd make sure I have it on the page that would be my organization schema page there's not anything set in stone there that could be your home page that could be your contact us page that could be like about the company page either those is fine in addition to the address you want a local phone number that matches that location this is important too because if you get an address that say is um a lot of businesses are at that address and that could be uh you know a building kind of thing the standard setup or if you're using a service that is providing you with a mailbox having a unique phone number is critical that shows that it's a different business with that I would have an about the company page which is the talks of the company and then I would have a separate about the team page that talks about the people in the company and again this is this is the kind of thing that real companies do but the idea is that these these are two separate things and it shows that a bot can crawl in and actually see that these Pages exist on the site it's really interesting because and I'm sorry I had to to jump in because I'm sure there's a lot more um even on this but bloggers for a long time kind of wanted to to show I'm just a normal person I'm not necessarily a company right um but in in reality like even an individual blogger they are a business once you are making money at this or trying to make money at this we need to treat it like a business real businesses have more Authority than random people I think your articles could probably still have a lot of very personal Flair to them there should be a lot of uh of that to it but I don't think that can inflicts with the idea of having real business and real legitimate information behind it your your Hunters are right in your articles you can be very personal and you can and you can talk about your experiences and what's going on and I think it's also important to point note that it's not having like one specific of these things really what it comes down to the end is ticking enough of these boxes and these are easy things to tick yep you know they're very easy to get to so that when the bot comes through and it can find enough of these you know then you're going to to pass through if we look at them is this a real business kind of in the trust side the other would be is this a real website you know and certain indicators are pretty easy one is a current copyright you know just copyright with a little C very basic you know and it's also a super easy thing for a bot to come in and see like is is this a current copyright or is it 2017 you know is somebody caring about this website there are some other things I would handle that to kind of fall into like real website you know just obviously having an SSL which you have to have being mobile friendly we all know that but then like limited 404s uh limited broken links no 500s those types of signals that are the real basic ones and again it's not anything heavy you don't have to do massive Audits and all that but just like the normal stuff that you would do I would just make sure I'm covering to get into expertise I think this is one of the biggest misconceptions on this and you know do you need an expert writing your content do you need a doctor do you need a PhD something like that and the answer is no because Google isn't in the value judgment game you know think about for a second like what's what's more valuable like a degree from Stanford a degree from MIT or 10 years worth of experience who knows you know and I'm confident that Google is not writing an algorithm to try to figure that one out and that's not that's not what they want to do at all but what they do want to know is that a real person is behind this information that there's actually somebody there so like you know in that picture like hi Steve like Steve is an actual person yeah Steve is not you know that's a very common thing that Steve is a um this person is not real photo and Steve doesn't actually exist and I think that's what would give Google some heartburn where the essentially the person that is writing the content who knows who that person actually is so really what you need to do is you have to have author Pages or bio pages and you want to have person schema on those pages within that schema you can then start to link to like their LinkedIn page for example or places they went to school their alumni of you can put in all kinds of information within the person schema that you can talk about on that bio page to establish that this is a real person like it's not terribly hard no it's not it's it's not rocket science at all it's just no fill out the person schema have a real a real bio page and be real yeah and then the big thing though is that when that person writes an article you know when they've got that blog post on there you use author schema and cite back to that page on your site that has that that is where their where their bio is so you're what you're saying is like this real person wrote this article and this is their real information right and you continue to link from there you can also on that like about the team page you can also link from there to their author bio page as well so like the kind of the signal of this is the team and even it's a team of one that's fine and then it goes to that page where the person schema is and then every time Google reads their article go back to and verify that they're an actual person what's the best way to do that then so on each article there's usually a little most themes will have built in a little about the author box or just within there do you just link to it or is there a schema that you use to show the same as or something to show this is the same person within that um a lot of uh when you're doing um the article schema within that you can put in who the author is oh okay yeah like an author card and within that that would be the author's schema you can put in and then you can Source gotcha uh your bottom page the last one would be um Authority authoritativeness um and I know some people like aha here's where I need an expert and and again not really what I think Authority comes down to it in this scenario is topical Authority your topical coverage have you answered all the questions that someone would have about this particular thing is this something where if somebody gets to your site and they're looking at this particular thing can they find the answer there that's kind of what we're looking at and so strategies you want to kind of implement strategies in order to get that topical coverage to say that you are the authority because the answer is is here I personally like to use um supporting pages so I've got my target Pages where I spent the time to really optimize those pages and and the technique that I like to use or whatever I'm going after and then I'm going to build out say five seven type of pages that they're only living to support my target page I'm gonna do like the people also ask type things and then link up to that Target page I'm gonna create a little virtual Silo out of that that creates a very strong signal like this is what we're talking about this is what's on the site so are you to to signal to Google as well as I think just from a functional standpoint for users for with those supporting pages are you just interlinking from each of those pages to the main page and vice versa is there anything else that you're doing to signal that they go together and support one another is it mostly just interlinking and so what I'm doing is I'm linking within the body so they're contextual uh lengths I don't really care about the the menu the the sidebar or the footer these are links within the body within all of them I'm going to try to get a link to the Target page in that first paragraph and then I'm going to link okay to each other it kind of covers the big things one other thing I would mention is a little secret weapon is um an HTML site map not just an XML sitemap that you would submit to search console but an actual page on your site that is a site map the number one way that Google likes to find a page is through a link and that can be a link on your own site and so it's it's to your benefit to have a page that lists the links on your site so that Google can get in there and crawl around because it's one thing to like put all this stuff out there it's quite another for Google to crawl it and and index it and understand it and you want to make things as easy as possible for Google and an HTML HTML sitemap can do that for you so I just make sure it's uh updating automatically as you launch a page that it will put the link in but way way back we ran a test one of the testers in IMG ran this where um they put up the page with a thousand links to a thousand orphan pages and Google crawled the page and indexed all those orphan pages from those links wow yeah so you can get very large HTML sitemaps and that's not a problem for very large sites and Google will eventually get through it and crawl it and it gives you that ability for Google to get in and index all those pages for everybody watching this is a fantastic checklist like go through these things and just do them because nothing that we've talked about nothing that you've shared today so far is difficult I mean these are all kind of like verify that this is happening on your site and then move on right checking for broken links and that kind of stuff and you know answering comments but you know other than that a lot of this stuff is sort of set it and forget it and then maybe every so often on it and make sure things aren't broken it's not complicated that's awesome well thanks Kyle um where can and uh where can people go to to follow you what's the best place for people to um to see what you're doing and just learn more about what you yeah what you do oh yeah they can go to Kyle well Kyle this was a pleasure um I hope to get other opportunities to chat with you and maybe see you at some uh some events and things in the future but thank you so much for taking the time to share this with our with our audience and um I guess just keep up the awesome work super appreciate it thanks for having me on happy to be here yeah absolutely pretty cool right look at income school we focus a ton on content and content is key if you don't have great content and you're not writing about the right things you're never going to get real traffic from Google search because you're not ever going to really rank for anything however oftentimes people are doing all the right stuff when it comes to content creation and we may just be missing out on a few of these SEO factors these eat factors that cue to Google that we really are a legitimate and authoritative source for that information so let's make sure that we do these things now you didn't get to see the whole interview in this video there's only so much we can pack into a YouTube video and have it still be like a really engaging compelling video but if you're one of those people who really wants the whole thing and if you are first of all congratulations because you probably have the right mindset to succeed at this if you want to hear all of it then I want to invite you to watch the rest of the video the way to access that is make sure that you're on our email newsletter for those of you who already are you've got an email in your inbox today go look for it make sure it's there if it got put in spam or some other folder put it in your inbox so you don't miss those from us in the future where we're going to be able to share some really cool some of the behind the scenes and some of the more detailed stuff um that we that we're creating that doesn't all make it into a YouTube video now if you're not already on our email newsletter and you're afraid you missed it it's okay if you go to eat you can sign up and the very first email you get will have this video in it so you'll be able to watch the entire interview and make sure you don't miss out on more of the really helpful informational as well as tutorial and guiding content that we're going to be able to create For You especially with these cool projects we're working on with our project charity site as well as our project double time right I'm going to be able to provide some more behind the scenes information and details to those of you who are in the email newsletter then I'll be able to share just out here on YouTube again there's only so much I can put out so anyway I hope that you'll sign up for that and that you'll stay connected with us if you're not subscribed to the channel this is where you want to be to make sure that you're learning how to create awesome content and drive real traffic to your website and other than that I hope you have an awesome day and that you'll join us again in our next video foreign
Channel: Income School
Views: 24,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: internet marketing, passive income, website, seo, content marketing, affiliate marketing, wordpress, youtube creators, kyleroof, kyle roof, SEO expert, Kyle roof seo, Kyle roof interview, interview with Kyle roof, SEO strategy, SEO advice, SEO tips, SEO step by step, SEO steps, SEO Guide, SEO Walkthrough, SEO update, SEO google, SEO blogging, SEO niche website, SEO website, SEO niche, SEO niche site
Id: _K3O4oqIpiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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