Building a Rocket Stove Heated Pole Barn Workshop (what about the ducks???)

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today we're building the workshop but first you think i can make it across here i'm going to leave the camera with dawn and i'm going to see if i can make it across the pond but first safety first i'm going to get my gloves on cold water rescue [Applause] i'm gonna take a run at it all right let's go build a workshop well hello guys as they say carpe diem it is the second part of a two-part series on this outdoor workshop it's gonna be indoors soon but it's currently an outdoor workshop so we're gonna go indoors today uh and the reason why we're going indoors i looked at the weather forecast the next couple of days is going to be extra terrible i don't mind snow but it's rain and snow not good as you can see blank canvas so i got a plan i'm gonna take the loader bucket on my little tractor and i'm going to level out the floor in the shed and then i've got some uh waterproofing material over there and i've got my insulated panels over there ideally this is going to go quickly seamlessly perfect all those other buzzwords let's clear this out a little bit and get started oh and and on another note i can get my truck back here now so a lot of the material that i need that i can't make in the forest i can just drive it back here which is it's a world of difference when you get your material close to where you need to actually use it it's half the battle especially when you're dry walling or something like that half the job is actually moving the drywall hanging it's easy let's offload some material and let's go uh go grab a tractor move some dirt [Music] anybody want a stump that was easier than i thought it was going to be now that we've got the stump out of the road we're going to level out this area here and to do so use the loader bucket i'm more efficient with the loader bucket than i am with the backhoe move some dirt flatten some ground make a nice level floor now that we have the ground more or less level i'm gonna put a little bit of sand on top and that'll further get me leveled maybe fill in some of the low spot get me out of this sticky clay like sand mud stuff and then i'm gonna leave my uh my sub subfloor yeah it's like a sub and then we go from there to our finished floor [Music] you know those bubble buildings you see where they got soccer pitches and tennis courts and i guess factories and stuff and they they're pressurized bubble building so anyways this is this is what happens when they're at their end of their life they basically get uh chopped up and thrown out and that's where i come in so i ended up salvaging a big chunk of this thing i'm not sure how big it was really heavy there's an internal layer and external layer and i basically cut the internal layer off and i'm left with a really thick material outer layer it's very thick tarp so i'm going to put this on the ground and then i'm going to put my subfloor on top of that so this is the sub sub subfloor and it's going to keep the moisture down and in turn we'll make a more comfortable workshop well guys we might have just got enough done yesterday in order to continue on today i was worried about not getting the flooring because i didn't want to be fighting this tarp in the rain and the rain is just starting now we're supposed to get a real wallop of a storm scale force winds lots of rain lots of snow and that's the worst when you're working out in it our plan today is to to make a floor so i've got my uh my sand all spread out my uh my bulletproof tarp big shout out to the uh was it the farley group is the company that makes this stuff we've got a factory that makes the bubble buildings in your in your city and your town they've always seemed to have stuff out front that is a pretty good home it's great stuff i know farmers use it to cover silage keep the rain off of it firewood guys used to cover the firewood like it's it's got like a billion uses and and you know what the best thing about it is it's free it's durable um and if you want one of those bubble buildings you should go check out the friday group they're they make great bubble buildings what can i say so the plan is to take these uh these basically the skids and make somewhat of a platform on the floor in order to give us something level for our subfloor which is uh our osb subfloor and then i've got a special flooring that i saved for on top of that now that i got all my cribbing down i can move on to my cheating sheet the whole thing it's still raining but it is nice and cozy in here [Music] well guys winter is in full swing and it's getting increasingly difficult to uh keep these ducks watered and fed and i don't think i have proper accommodations for them as of yet and these ducks were always kind of being raised as food as hard as that is to they know we're talking about them if i had better accommodations maybe i would keep these ducks longer originally these ducks are our food at the end of the day so yeah so keep as long as i can i think they're just it's just cold it's just miserable it's not it's not a great situation for these ducks maybe next year maybe next year it'll be better a better place for ducks all right keep them warm it's hard to keep the water from freezing and everything else so it's the beginning of the end i don't know we'll see gotta do some more thinking quack quack walk it in a winter wonderland it's overnight rain slush snow the rain and the slush decided to turn into snow so today we're back working on the workshop because this is this is the goal of the workshop carrying on see it doesn't hit the snow when it opens i guess it hasn't snowed that much yet time will tell let's get some uh let's get some insulated wall panels up today see how far we get so between my posts is around just under 10 feet the easiest thing to do would be to just kind of tack them to the posts go all the way up problem having is that i don't have enough panels that are long enough to go from post to post the other problem is i don't want to use that much space inside my building i want to be able to just basically go inside the post inside here and inside here with this panel what i'm going to do is i'm going to trim a little bit off the bottom here and then it lets my panel sit right down below a lot of the panels i have don't quite span the whole thing so i'm gonna try to cobble them all together to make myself a seamless panel probably spray foam all the gaps and then build corner posts in order to fancy it up a little bit gotta get something done it's cold long as i keep moving [Music] so i've i've got the insulated garage door panels up on the two and a half walls i've run out of panels i need three more panels i spoke with my garage door guy and he says he's doing a big job he's got a couple extra ones kicking around that are gonna show up probably in a couple of days that being said i'm just going to move on with another stage of this project which is the floor and i've also picked up a number of these rx ports which is three quarters of an inch one inch actually it's one inch uh foil backed foam insulation i got it from my local hardware store it was basically they're like well it's it's got some issues and i said what kind of issues because well i got caught by the wind by the wind i think i got hit by a tornado i got about 20 sheets i think they retail for about 40 a sheet i ended up picking them up for about five bucks five bucks each i've got that for the upper portion of the roof in order to basically secure all that up as opposed to cutting these metal styrofoam pieces when people talk about sunshine and solar and all that sort of stuff a lot of the time is location specific it's about three o'clock in the afternoon and we're in the forest and it's full sun so what's interesting about that edge of narnia over there is that i don't own that property that's my neighbor's property you can kind of see you see the sunshine coming through and that's why solar doesn't work in the bush is because you don't get that much sunshine and in the winter time it's just low on the horizon that that uh it's not efficient look at that she just built it right here right next to my neighbor this just goes to show you another kind of reason why monocultures are not great it's because no light gets in to the forest flora now eventually this this forest is going to be thinned out and i'm maybe get some sunshine because you can see i'm kind of going back into the shade all right let's get insulating because it's cold the shade this is what you call rx board or in my neck though it's code board and this is the stuff that they put on the outside of buildings in order to get their r value up it's got tinfoil or some sort of foil backing on both sides and in between the sandwich styrofoam it's really good for retrofitting if you have a siding house and you pull all your siding off you can bat on the outside of the uh the building up bump up your insulation or if you're doing uh any kind of retrofit this stuff's great it is a little pricey again i think in my neck of the woods it retails for 40 dollars a sheet insane i don't know if that has anything to do with the the current climate dawn's back that's always exciting when dawn's back he had to go get some uh some teeth work done so he's got all brand new no he doesn't have brand new teeth he had he had a tooth that was having some issues so he got his tooth renovated upon cool gadget time it's like cool tool time but with gadget little guy here looks like a mouse for a computer it's uh made by a company called okupa a rechargeable hand warmer imagine that you plug it into your usb port and it warms your hand so it's got three settings like i think it's like low medium and burn your hand and actually i don't think it gets that hot it's actually quite toasty i've had it in my pocket for the last couple of days and it actually keeps keeps me warm and you know what like i think you can charge your phone with it too it feeds stuff back in it's kind of neat so they were asking me if i wanted one i said absolutely i want stuff so i got one for dawn so there's uh there it is there dawn merry merry christmas i like to throw it down oh wow thank you very much that's excellent keeps his hand warm it's uh they're neat little gadgets i'll have a link in the description below if you guys are interested in those things um message down in the comments and they did indicate that they might be giving a giveaway and now we're ready to do our flooring i have three and a half inch four and a half inch by three quarter inch cherry floors we said we scavenged this from a scavenger we actually removed it from a house that that was renovating their floor and they decided they didn't want this floor anymore so we took it it was two days of de-nailing or something like that and uh we did end up saving a lot of it and i sent it up north to my father he made baseboard out of it because it's really nice stuff the only problem is it's tongue and groove but there's no there's no ends tongues cherry hardwood solid cherry hardwood floors that'll look amazing down to the last couple of rows a lot of guys will uh either drill the jill the tongue and and then put like a hand handbag and nail in we're not gonna do that some guys have the the short little stubby nail guns that they can get right next to the wall and install it we don't have that either what we're gonna use is this traditional brad nailer well i guess it's kind of traditional it's cordless and we're gonna just nail through the tongue into the just on an angle hide the nail and then we're gonna just face nail the back of it it is a shed in the woods at the end of the day so we're not that concerned and it is reclaimed cherry floors and there's no tongue on the on the ends or the grooves so they kind of they just flop in should be good we're not even going to glue it last row and then we got uh we got our floor i think it looks awesome another fine day in paradise it uh decided the skies opened up and decided to snow on us so we've got this snowball here we're going to mill up actually it's not a snowball it's a ash log and the plan on this one is to mill it into essentially veneer so we're going to lie on the inside of our workshop with ash wall cladding and that's going to uh get rid of our garage door looking hospital feel we want it to look more like a wood shop workshop wood shop and less like a cold seller or a cooler so we've got our uh norwood hd36 here we've just uh making sure she's all got some our oils all good we had some uh we had some issues with one of the bands on the actual drive wheel and there was pith stuck underneath the drive band and that was causing our blade to wobble and uh so yeah maintenance issue on my part so we added a chisel in that all out and now we've got a blade that runs perfectly smooth straight true all those other those other buzzwords dawn's just making sure everything's safe set up we're going to mill this log this log is about 10 inch 10 feet long by about 20 inches in diameter 18 inches in diameter we're going to hoping to get a 12 inch cant out of it and that means like a 12 inch square block and then we're going to mill it into half inch half inch wood that's going to act as our veneer in order to cover our walls in our workshop [Music] so we gotta get ourselves a little more comfortable before we rebuild our workshop so it's always good to have a barrel nearby to start up light up dawn's just about got her going we're going to finish our back wall which is our uh our insulated garage door panels we've got our we've got our walls pretty much uh all done we're gonna get this done and then we're gonna button up the little cracks with some spray foam it's been a long haul it's it's it's tough working in the winter you gotta deal with the cold fingers and the cold cold everything so we got a special we also have a special a special project special project a special thing that i built many many moons ago that we're gonna repurpose again [Applause] this is a half inch thick by nine and a half inch ash tree and uh we got some really nice boards basically tack it up on the inside walls and uh that's that and maybe depending on how it weathers if it shrinks a little bit because it is not it's not exactly dry but it's pretty dry so if it doesn't weather well or if it shrinks a little bit we can always add battens to where the cracks are because there's no there's no tongue and there's no groove this is a reclaimed workbench this is i salvaged this from uh from a tear out and it's it's a really well-built bench it's like mortise and tendon it's old-school wood you know what if it ain't broke don't fix it and in this case if it's already built why build it again so we're going to move that in place and see how it fits because we got to fit our rocket stove in there beside it so we're going to see the best placement on this on this workbench it's about eight foot quarter inch long it's built out of solid bricks so we're gonna move it over there and uh hopefully not get a hernia in the process that's why dawn's here whenever i have the opportunity to reuse something i'm going to and especially this bench you don't find benches like this anymore like i was saying before this is this is a salvage bench you can see it's got like threaded rod with bolts and it's tongue and groove and there's like they've got the pegs in here where they old guys old guys at a time craftsmanship to build stuff it's just amazing stuff you see them on the classifiers all the time where like people are moving or something like that and they're just trying to get rid of like get more space and they're just getting rid of stuff and a lot of times you can find these for free they're all workbenches good for pounding all right let's uh let's measure up some boards now we gotta we got a workspace now look at that a workbench we can work on a workbench you guys ever heard of nvent before i found it in the scrap it's like a stainless steel elbow used for venting of probably some sort of new space age furnace back in the day and now they're discontinuing they got this weird clippy thing that we're trying to get out and we can't seem to and john's trying to jab himself in the leg with a screwdriver oh oh we got it [Music] that's that's cool stuff we're going to be the silicone on there though grease or something yeah it's kind of cool because it comes in three foot lengths and stainless steel it's better than the um i guess it was the heavy gauge 26 gauge galvanized i was thinking of using so we're going to use this instead this is the going to be the vent for the rocket stove i previously had it installed with 26 gauge 26 gauge galvanized and all we know galvanized like it doesn't get that hot i've got some thermal imaging of this guy in operation and it uh it doesn't get crazy hot because it stays mostly in that guy in the vent the actual vent gas it doesn't seem to get that hot it's great i've i've never seen it before until the other day when i saw it and i was like yeah that's cool so that's what we're gonna put in does anybody else get excited from pipe look at this guy it's telescopic just get the pipe in the hole [Music] in there it dropped down to uh really really cold last night and uh anyways it gives us all the more reason to make sure we got heat in our in our workshop and that's what uh that's what's on the agenda for today is the uh rocket stove once we get the rocket stove rocking we will be able to heat our little workshop in order to you know get stuff done and not be frozen i got my my thermals on my six layers i just keep adding t-shirts underneath my existing clothes until until the end of winter so i've got it's a two t-shirt day with one sweater in my jacket so i just keep adding until the end of uh until the end of winter how many layers you got on dawn uh four today it's got four layers it's four layers cold today i guess i got four there's two one two three four i got four layers where else it's a four layer day today which uh in canada that's a cold it's a cold day and uh in divorce today we're gonna get our rocket stove rocking and uh we're gonna do some odds and sod so we gotta get uh yeah we gotta get some stuff rocking all right let's get uh let's get a hole in here so we can uh so we can get our rocket stove rocking the venting on the rocket stove i ended up using an old piece of bee vent for the actual insulated piece that goes through the wall in order to prevent my structure from catching fire now the exhaust on the rocket stove actually most of the heat stays inside the rocket itself and the actual that goes through the wall doesn't actually have that much heat at all so you'd almost touch it so i'm pretty confident that that is going to uh last a very long time now that we've got our rocket stove all hooked up we got a little bit of fire going it takes a little bit of time for this guy to heat up because there's so much thermal mass in it because it's it's a lot of steel to warm up but the idea is that the air combustion air gets pulled down in through this little tube also the wood goes down into the tube so you put your little scraps and whatnot while you're woodworking in your little tube and it basically sucks the air down inside and there's a little combustion chamber down below this little heats up and then there's a there's a tube that kind of goes up to about here inside the tank and then the exhausts spill back down go back around and then up through the chimney above and it's a great heat exchanger to the point where you can barely touch this thing but the chimney itself you can hold on to it's that good at exchanging heat it uh it's a really phenomenal way to heat i used to uh in a former life when i lived in the city i used to keep my double car garage with this thing in the uh and i had it vented out through the wall just like this with a bee vent and i had some thermal imaging uh cameras at one point at the house and i and i checked it out i took a picture of it and um and you can kind of see where the heat is and it's basically down by the firebox up and around here and doesn't really get the exhaust hot you can actually i can hold on to it which is is is a phenomenal way and again it doesn't use a whole lot of wood but if you know somebody wants to say this thing's going to heat up the entire outdoors they're they're wrong because you know btu in btu out sort of thing so if you're you're still just burning very little amount of wood so it's a very efficient way to produce the a lot of heat using a little bit of wood and in this case it's a large surface area so the idea is to basically heat this area of the shop and then the heat radiates this way and you don't really want it that hot in your workshop anyways while you're working just enough to take the edge off drilling some pothole holes so we get some more lighting in here [Music] let's take you guys on a tour of the inside of the off-grid workshop come on in this is my this is my happy place nice and warm in here well it's getting there anyways we got the rocket stove rocking the rocket stove rocking we've got well i guess we should start at the bottom this is our this is our reclaimed cherry floors this is these solid cherry hardwood floors milled up ash wood for the walls and our clapboard siding and we've obviously got uh we've got our insulated garage doors panel underneath that anybody knows that's ever built a workshop maybe you haven't built a workshop it's never really done you always kind of modify and adjust and and add things and change things and move things around so this is a good start this is going to uh get us a lot of stuff that we need almost on a daily basis out here at the ready so it's you know you just kind of come and grab a drill or you know we've got a little bit of style we got some led rope lighting up there just to give us a little bit of a little bit of modern it's not all doom and gloom all the time is it you're in your workshop you want to be comfortable should be warm should be comfortable it ain't worth it wait worth it if it's not fun the power on this guy is an energy power pack and it's a lithium power pack it can be charged by solar you can plug it in at home you can plug it into your car when you want to charge it up but it provides a ton of power you can you can plug in a jigsaw cordless skill saw any kind of saw you want to plug into that thing drills you can even plug in a coffee maker i might say hey you know what let's put a coffee maker in this bad boy because i like coffee especially when you're working this is the inside of the off-grid workshop dig all in boys
Channel: Modern Self Reliance
Views: 286,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: building, tools, hand tools, power tools, sawmill, cabin construction, how to build a cabin, tiny house, forest house, construction, sawing, cutting wood, off grid, homestead, self reliance, axe, saw, build, house build, tiny house build, tiny house design, lumber, framing, windows, doors, house on a budget, off grid living, off grid cabin, build project, woodworking, hammer, nailer, air nailer, cutting, cut wood, renovation, roofing, workshop build, shed build
Id: EFgjSWy9sWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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