Building a RANs S21 Outbound - Ep 1 Purchase and Delivery

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[Music] hello and welcome to my new channel treetop flight i just purchased a rants s21 outbound kit and i'm going to use this channel to document my build this is my first plane build and it's also my first video so i anticipate that my editing will improve as i move through my journey building my plane chapter one is going to be a little bit about my purchase decision and then the delivery of the plane a lot of people have said that you need to define your mission first and then your choice in plans gets a lot easier these are some of the categories that i used when i considered which plane i was going to purchase first of all was budget clearly you have to spend within your means you have to define what your budget is uh i spent about 55 000 on the kit i ordered a titan 340 180 horse engine which with the constant speed prop was about 40 000. uh i'm planning on a garmin glass avionics package a light ifr that's going to run about 30 000 and then paint and extras about five thousand so all in i'm going to be about 130 000 on this project this was within my budget what i wanted to spend certainly there are less expensive planes out there and quite certainly there's a lot more expensive planes out there next was how many seats did i need the s21 has two seats that's satisfactory the more critical they were side by side seating some of the other planes i looked at had tandem seating which was not going to work for me payload an important consideration i was looking for about a thousand pounds of payload the s21 has around 800 so that works speed uh there are a lot of fun planes out there to fly 100 120 miles an hour i wasn't fast enough i really wanted a faster plane the s21 has had a cruise speed of around 155 next i also i wanted a tail dragger there's a lot of discussion about gear configuration and i just wanted a tail dragger what i did order was a conversion kit that allows me to convert the tail dragger to trike it's an option that ran sells with the s21 and my understanding it's only a couple hours of work to switch the gear around if you want to i did order a gear conversion option with the kit which allows you to convert from a tail dragger to a trike gear setup with just a couple hours of work i felt that was well worth it and so i'll have that available to me the other thing was ease of build uh being a first time builder i saw a lot of kits that required welding or excess of a thousand hours the rand's estimate is about 500 hours on this build and everything i've heard is that rants has done a fantastic job with this kit that makes it very attractive for a first-time builder and lastly reputation of the company uh ranch has got a great reputation out there randy and shelly have been fantastic to work with and so that was my final consideration and why i chose the ranch 21. so i placed my order for iran's s21 and then waited the 12 months for delivery and then on november 1st of 2021 my plane showed up okay here comes ted's rand's s21 outbound coming up ridge route on november 1st right on time all the vans aluminum is really thin yeah [Music] so here comes the fuselage and the cage here comes here comes the other part of the kit well my rand's s21 outbound is in the garage i've got to get more stuff out of the garage but that's another story i hope you've enjoyed my first video and i hope you join me on my build journey dream it and just do it [Music] you
Channel: Tree Top Flight
Views: 9,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M_8P8n13BuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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