RANS S21 ep 42 Fuel Servo and Engine Cables

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[Music] [Music] hey welcome back to my channel where I'm building a rans S21 plane uh first I'll mention that I do have a second engine on order with rans it's a long story but I am selling that motor if anyone's interested I've listed it a couple times on the Forum and Barnstormers haven't gotten any takers which kind of surprised me uh the delivery date on it is about December and I'm selling it for 7,000 or so less than the current pricing if you were to order one today so it's a good deal and it's only 6 months out from now so let me know if you're interested also there's a lot of talk about Oshkosh it looks like uh a lot of 21 Builders are going some 21s themselves will be flying and I'm going to try and make it there uh and hopefully touch bases with a lot of you so I hope to see you there uh in this episode uh I put on the fuel Servo attached to fuel Servo I install the mixture and throttle control cables and then I start the video with putting the optional Jack lugs on the wheels uh so with that let's uh let's jump into building I'm going to take a bre break from the motor for a little bit uh I purchased the uh optional Jack lug set and these are just some lugs that go on to the um axle or below the axle of the wheel if you need to jack your plane up it gives you a firm uh place to place the jack you can kind of see the design here that it just goes behind the the gear leg and gives you a place for a jack I've often thought about if I have to change a tire in the rough or no Outdoors how am I going to do it uh there really was nothing or no place to put a jack before even now as I'm putting this on I'm figuring how do I jack up a side of my plane so I came up with a process here so I'm going to get the plane jacked up using this contraption and then I'll get my lug on down here well the uh Jack lugs are on uh they're greated ition and if you are a new Builder or look or haven't gotten to this point I would definitely order them trying to Jack the plane up without those is really hard there's no place to put a jack under there the only option really was underneath this but you'll have a fairing over that later and then you've got quite a distance to the ground to get your jack up so you got to have something you know a wood brace or some type of Step or something to get your jack up that high so I would recommend these if you haven't haven't bought them already the uh it was a little bit more difficult than I had planned I had forgotten when I put these wheels on that there's only three of the nuts that come off uh that bring the tire off the other three actually hold your wheels together you know the two halves of the wheel uh so I've actually put a little Mark there a little orange Mark to remind myself that you only need to take those three off and the wheel comes off and the other three if you loosen them up you got to get Wren behind them or allen wrench to tighten them back up and you don't want your rims to split because that's those are those are holding your uh seam together and everything else you'll if you split that Rim you're all over resetting your tire again so and it also involved uh splitting the brake calipers in order to get the wheel off and it was just more than I had bargained for I thought it were just going to be replaced in a bolt but they're on I'm glad they're on and we'll move on okay I'm going to skip around a little bit while I'm waiting for some parts I'm going to tackle installing the fuel Servo um this came I I'm pretty sure it came with a motor yeah it was part of the parts that came with a motor the fuel Servo there's some bolts that have to get changed out apparently this is a bracket I think for the U mixture and throttle control some miscellaneous gaskets uh text Page 1116 Parts Pages 11 F1 and 02 and then a diagrams page where we're going to fabricate some brackets uh so we will start with fabricating the brackets that's where we start in the text the uh bracket material comes in a small bag uh it's a pretty thick piece of angle bracket uh looks like you're going to make two of them and they're going to be one and a/4 in in length and then there's some specific requirements as far as where you drill uh drill these holes okay it looks like there's one angle that's going to go down here and there's two bolts that go through but you're only drilling one hole but as you get further down you're going to transfer drill the second one later and it does say to fabricate two but this is only is showing one so I'm assuming the other one is going to come into play later so I'm just going to put put that aside and hope I'm understanding this so I've marked the Hole uh 375 in in and a/4 inch down so I think that's the mark and then we're going to attach it to the uh control Mount okay it says to ATT attach this and your with only one the pre-drilled number 11 not to drill up the second one as I mentioned and they're not labeling these down here I'm assuming this is the 3/16 thin washer and this is the 316th shear nut which is have you've attached almost all the aend bolts before so I'll just make that assumption attach it and then you're going to attach this part of the of the assembly The Next Step I guess is to get this underneath and figure out the Direction it's kind of a Rubik's Cube trying to figure out which direction so this is forward and then this bar goes back closes to the firewall so I'm just I'm test fitting it right now I haven't taken off this spacer or anything I'm just test fin it so I believe it goes in like this this is looking back at my firewall and so it looks like this instead to remove the three screws and replace them with longer ones this one looks like the one that stays and these on the right and the back looks like they get replaced with the longer ones the uh the best way I've seen to take these out is to attach two of the nuts and then tighten this top one down to the bottom one and then all you have to do is spin this top one and the whole uh bolt will come out okay I'm going to video what I did to get these uh bolts out of here so much for the easy peasy just put two nuts together these guys were in here so freaking I tried to put a pipe wrencher on here I tried vice grips this double nut thing my nuts kept sliding so I ended up doing is take after I tighten these two nuts together I took a uh socket wrench and I held the bottom nut and gave it a little less pressure than I was giving my upper nut and really really forced the two uh and finally this started to turn and I've now got it out but it it took a lot of uh fin angling with these two wrenches uh to get the pressure right on it and to get it out but it came out in replacing these uh fuel Servo engine bolts thanks to Derek Kenny who pointed out that the two ends are not identical the thread length the top is a little longer and at the top there's a little cone shape on both the one that came out and the new one uh more so than on the bottom so it looks like they go in a specific way I'm not sure the purp this purpose of this little cone but I'm going to put it back the same way that the old one came out also as far as how far to screw them in I've seen some some Dialogue on that this is the width of that um control bracket or the mixture throttle control Mount that's going to go on that ex need that requires the extended bolt so I'm assuming that's the the extra distance that we need so when I install them uh I'm going to syn them down it's not going to be the exact same spot but I'm going to sync it down to where I have just about that much if not just a hair more maybe a thread turn more than that distance CU that should be exactly what you need now that we've got those engine bolts in we're going to attach the spacers the gaskets and the fuel Servo and this gets attached but you leave these bolts loose cuz I guess you're going to line this up with the throttle cable and the mixture cable when that comes in before you tighten them down and you're not going to match drill this again until you set it so it looks like we attach it all to the bottom of the motor and then we'll final final fit this uh another head scratcher and I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do uh in attaching the fuel Servo it shows gasket spacer gasket top of fuel Servo and then your your Mount arm what came with the engine was this gasket was against the engine then this spacer then this gasket with these washers in the corner but if I try and install the servo with these washers it leaves a gap I don't know why there's washers here and then these two washers were in the supply and they look an awful lot like fuel Servo washers so and this spacer came with a motor so I think what I'm going to going to do is I'm going to go gasket spacer gasket I'm going to use these two gaskets this spacer and I'm not going to use these that were on the motor when I got it um it doesn't say anything about existing gaskets so it clearly just says gasket space or gasket goes up on the motor so that's what I'm going to do unless I hear otherwise from The Forum so that bolted on pretty easily and I've got a bracket here these are still adjustable cuz they're not tight so is the cables come through I'll be able to adjust it and then we still have to match drill that after the cables come through but this uh is attached using the spacer and the two gaskets my next step is to work on the throttle and mixture cables uh they tell you to modify the eyeball firewall fittings by drilling the center hole to 1964 so I guess uh the the current hole is too small so these are these eyeball settings that are back up in there and they're kind of back in here so we're going to have to get those out modify them and get these cables run and I believe they're going to run through the back of the let's see if I can get this the back of these brackets up here these are the ones we made with the angles one for the throttle and one for the mixture and then I assume they go on to the appropriate brackets I went out and got a 1964 bit not the highest quality but that's not a real common uh bit they only had one in all of Home Depot so got that fresh bit so I need to get that out to a 916th or I'm sorry 1964 I started with the mixture cable I set it through my sub panel and as I got about here I slid on my nuts necessary nuts and washer to tighten up in there as well as the nut for the eyeball down here then slid the cable all the way through and I did use the bottom hole from the mixture which seems to work coming under this uh fuel pump and I just ran it down here it's still loose at this point and I put the ends on and just temporarily set this up Loosely and then played with the length of the cable you can kind of push the cable back into the uh sub panel and kind of get the distance straight okay now that I've got this set where I want it this is going to slide in here remember we haven't finished match drilling this so I've got to match drill it out to the other 3/16 and tighten everything down and then this gets wi tied in it I would imagine I've got to widen this so This goes inside is what I'm thinking but I'll I'll check and uh then we'll just reattach this up to the uh mixture controls arm I've installed the throttle cable Now using the same process through the firewall and those eye nuts uh two comments and I think others have said it this cable is a little too long the throttle cable in order to get it into the proper location you have to creates some Fair kind of a swirly motion puts a little tension on it and then when you go to fasten your brackets down uh the angle that this is best suited doesn't give you enough uh metal over here on this angle bracket so you got to offset it just a little bit I think I saw Tony from S21 project he actually created a new bracket where he drilled the hole instead of near the end he drilled it more towards the middle so that when you rotate it you had enough uh aluminum over here to grab and then the next thing is this is in the forward all the way forward position here's your throttle all the way forward your throttle all the way back so in order to set this this crank handle gets adjusted see you can see some teeth in here where it's great you just take this cotter pin out loosen this nut change the position on this put the clamp it back into the teeth here and put the C the nut and the Cotter pin back on so so there's a little bit of adjustment necessary for this cable length um but not that difficult uh I've set it in there with enough to grab and it's in my opinion it's got It's the angle okay uh perfect maybe a little bit more but the angle's okay well that's a that's a good place to stop uh kind of a short section uh for this episode uh but next time we will work on the airbox and also get some of the engine sensors hooked up and wired and we'll look forward to that but uh with that thanks very much for watching and just remember dream it and just build it [Music] he [Music]
Channel: Tree Top Flight
Views: 200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PytK2fMWDEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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