Building a Quad Anchor

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hi everyone welcome to exploring traverse i'm mike and i'm here to teach you how to do a quad anchor using just ten dollars worth of cord here i have seven millimeter cord and about 20 feet of it you can do anywhere between 18 and 20 feet of cord to make your quad anchor so let's start off i take one end of the cord and i pass my finger through making sure that all knots and bends and kinks are pushed out take both the ends of the cord overlap them for about 20 inches grab the middle take one end passing it under one revolution make an x pass it over one more time and then cross it through at that x with the other end do the same steps except reverse that direction that you originally went i'm going to go over i'm going to cross it and i'm going to pass it right through that x making sure that both knots are dressed well have ample tail in this case 3 inches and when pulled tight make two equal signs on one side and two x's on the other double up the cord very easy just take it curve it and then pull it tight so that you have two overlapping strands take one end step on it making sure it's tight pull that double fisherman's knot that you made up towards one end but not in the way of this end here you're going to grab below that and do what's called an overhand make a loop and pass it through we have one arm of our quad anchor be sure to dress that knot take the other end repeat that process being sure that when you make your second knot is roughly 12 inches from your previous make a loop pass it through and pull it tight and we have ourselves a quad anchor if you like this video make sure you hit that subscribe button hit that bell for notifications and follow me on instagram hike with mike thanks everyone
Channel: Explore and Traverse
Views: 42,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Climbing, Building a quad Anchor, Anchor, Climbing Anchor, Quad Anchor, Explore, Traverse, Explore and Traverse, Adventure, Rock Climbing, Cordallette, Fisherman's knot, Fishermans knot, Knots, Overhand knot, 7mm Cordellett, Cordellett, SERENE, Hike with Mike, Mountaineering, Sport Climbing, Bolts, How to
Id: rgPRjd_EKic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 31sec (151 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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