top rope anchor using 2 points

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[Music] hey guys my name is Gabriel I'm just gonna go over how I set up my top rope system with you I'm not an instructor by any means but I've done a lot of research to anchor building and banking systems in general and I've taken some classes and ever had a few books on it so I've really taken a little bit from everyone and I've noticed on YouTube there's a lot of videos some of them aren't the best some of them are really good so I'm gonna take what I've gotten from all of them and put them into a really good video that I think will work for most anchor systems what I'm gonna do today is construct an anchor system using only two anchor points and the reason I'm going to do only because you don't always get three so I'll do another video if you guys want have one with three if anyone actually looks at this but for now we'll just do one with two and given that there are only two anchors they're really strong anchors I wouldn't trust to kind of you know not the best anchors though I'm gonna do it with these two really good bolts one of them is a blue in and I know it's about a pretty long stem into the ground so I know that's gonna be good and the other one is a standard bolt like a concrete style boat so those will be the two bolts we're using today they're both really solid yeah that's what we'll be working with I'm gonna use static rope it's not as cumbersome as people think it's pretty easy to carry around but this isn't 50 foot lane you can buy in an REI by the foot or you can buy it on Amazon which is what I did I'll try to put the link in if I can and it makes life really easy when you're setting up a top rope system especially if your going to be there for a while we'll get started the other piece of equipment we'll be using is obviously carabiners we're going to use 2d shape carabiners and we're going to use these connectors to rope into the anchors themselves I have my two pair of shapes that are specific for top rope and that way as they wear out I can keep track of them a little easier than mixing them up with my other caregivers one more carabiner to lock off one of those not hitches and then I'll be using my gris-gris and another pair should carabiner so that's pretty much what I have set aside for every single time I set up top rope so what we're going to do is then take our 50-foot set length of static we're going to figure eight knot and one of them figure eight on a bite I'm not gonna bother going over all the knots with you but if you don't already know them so I would do that before you ever come around trying to make your own action stuff you should know a figure eight knot we're gonna use a clove hitch and then just another overhand on the bike so we're gonna start it I'm going to start off taking one of my t-shaped carabiners once I got my figure eight knot in my first side of it okay take that look into that welcome to my first bowl put the carabiner upside down so the narrow side is on the anchor itself and the wider siding on the bottom and make sure that screwed nice and tight from here but I'm going to do is they got the rope depending on where you're at you don't always have to do what I'm gonna do right now but seen as it's pretty sloped I think it's a little bit safer I'm going to take the other end do another figure eight on a bite take another d8 carabiner clip-in to that then I'm gonna clip into my other anchor okay now what I'm going to use this for is I'm going to use it for my gris-gris and that way I can get pretty close to the edge and be safe at the same time so great grace got its own instruction that's pretty straightforward and go ahead and anchor into that make sure my gates locked make sure this gate is locked okay what that's gonna allow me to do is move a little bit back and make my knot while safely being and to be a little extra safe all I'm going to do is taking a little section of rope tie an overhand and that we managed a catastrophe now we're going to start off with this fresh tanker that I have on this side and what I want to do is I don't want to just make another figure eight and just one figure eight is only going to have one loop of rope so I'm going to make what's called a big hunk of not I'm basically going to look at your edge gonna come a little closer and all of them do is drop the rope to where I see it's clearing the overhead once I know it's cleared the overhang I'm gonna give it a little extra rope grab both strands bringing back up okay all I'm gonna do generally if you're gonna do a figure eight you would just use one section make your figure eight I'm gonna take the tip of it bring it hold it back on itself okay and then use this to make my figure eight knot so I'm sure it's another video that you can look up on how to make this knot and now what I have is a figure eight on a bite but with two pieces running through it and the reason that's good is that if you just have the one no matter how beefy all this is that this one rope fails your system completely fails so now you have two pieces as a backup and you're gonna have this other piece which you can do a couple things with you can fold it over instead I'm gonna just go ahead and clip it into the same master points that I have and what we're gonna do move it over the edge and see if it clears so you think so you can see that that's clearing the ledge perfectly I got lucky you don't always get that lucky now what I'm going to do is I'm going to come back up I know that I'm clearing the ledge I know that I'm good in that sense I'm going to come up to where it's safe I'm gonna take myself off the Grigri now what I'm going to do is undo my catastrophe not and I'm gonna pull up the slack come back down I'm gonna take off my figure eight on a bite that I have right here set that aside for right now okay guys now with the loose strand I'm just gonna pull it until I feel I've been starting to move the knot a little bit okay I'm gonna still come back and adjust this so don't worry about being super precise now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna tie a clove hitch again this is one of the hitches you should probably already know if you're going to be doing an anchor system so I'm not going to bother showing it too much but you can take a look there's a lot of different ways to do it I'm just gonna do it the way that I do it okay now I'm gonna just it first I'm going to make sure that the gate is locked also adjust it a little bit okay I just want to have a little bit of tension on this I don't want it to be too much but I want it to have a little more tension because when I pull the system down this will cinch down and be even okay guys now what I'm going to do is pull might not back up I'm going to take the two pear-shaped carabiner that I was mentioning earlier I only use for my top the reason is because these dude we're down the road record through them so it's easy for me contracted to wear when I have to their designated for and they're also nice and be people who take it and equip it into all three loops facing one way turn it over and then take the next one they for the other so what I end up with is carabiners that are reversed is it make sure that if one opens the same chance it's going to come out the other side so I got these guys set aside now what I'm gonna do flake the rope what you want to do is find the middle point so we're gonna start off with the two ends okay now I found the midpoint the end just tight double fishermen not you know just something to act as a stopper so if I did repeal or even during the belay side you know there's a stopper knot there both my store I'm gonna take my Center and I'm gonna put both of these guys both the carabiners onto the rope and then lock it up both of them make sure that they're locked before you send this thing down okay so now I have my two carabiners a pear-shaped ones clipped into all three loops of the master point and then clipped into the rope on both sides go ahead and slowly starting they're going down but this is going to do obviously it's going to get the rope to the ground but it's also gonna allow me to wait the system so I can tune the clove hitch a little bit more you go ahead and just drop the rope right here well no one's down there but you should yell rub before you dropped it now the system is waiting all I'm gonna do is you can see how this leg has slack in it compared to the other side so I want to get the slack out of the system and that we both points of my anchor system are evenly coated and not one is taken below more than the other so it's pretty simple with the clove hitch and that's why I like using the foam edge I'm going to take my knot and I'm just going to run the slack through the system I'm going to get it so where it's tight and I'm going to take it just a step farther than that and pull it just a couple inches past that now what that does is when this not sweating its hitch cinches it's going to take the weight and pull it so now we're there even hey make sure my gates are locked and then just to be on the safe side I'm going to take one more carabiner this is just a smaller one it's a really strong carabiner but I don't need a bulky one so I like having that small one for this I'm going to take it do one real quick you can do a figure eight if you want or you can do however you need to do a figure eight on a bite good my carabiner into it and then I'm just gonna go ahead and clip it right into he seemed angry now what that's gonna do is it's just an act as a backup for my clothing so got all that done as you look at the feast on both of them have a good even amount of tension on them that means they're gonna have [Music]
Channel: Gabe S Godinez
Views: 34,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top rope, toprope, top rope anchors, anchor system, anchors, climbing anchors, anchor, climbing, rock climbing, rock, how to, climbing bolts, climbing anchor, rappel, rope, rope anchors, climbing rope, how, stoney, stoney point, stoney point anchors, joshua tree, joshua tree anchor, climbing la, cordellette, carabiners, instructional, how to top rope
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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