Building a PC with my Wife was a MISTAKE

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
we finally put our epic employee gaming lounge back together but there's a key thing missing check this out we got our playstation our xbox our switch we've even got an nvidia shield where's the freaking gaming pc to power the vr experience no problem we know how to build gaming pcs or at least some of us do to help me out today i've brought along my one and only wife who to my knowledge has never actually built a water-cooled computer before yeah no not a water-cooled one yeah built one four it took me four hours we don't have four hours so let's see what we can do and let's see if i can tell you about our sponsor the volta spark 60 watt braided charging cable features a snag safe magnetic connection tip for both trip protection and for swapping between devices and for even faster charging you can check out their volta spark 100 watt at the link below [Music] there's a number of ways we can go about this what you look nervous oh well okay if i'm building it myself then i'm very nervous you're going to do most of it but i'm going to be here to help you okay and not here to help you in a like screaming why are you doing it wrong from the other room kind of way so what do you want to start with do you want to start with the water cooling or the computer hardware i feel like there's a right answer and you're testing me we start with the motherboard don't we i learned from last time okay i did wow that's pretty good we've gone with a crosshair eight dark hero and the main reason for that is that well this is a top of the line rig and we are making no compromises whatsoever totally unlike us i know hold on you can't put it on yet because we got to see if there's any accessories that we need no we need the stickers you got to keep those yeah we can keep them in here for our cpu we've gone with a ryzen 9 5900x and while that's not technically the highest end in amd's lineup that would be the 16 core 5950x 12 cores is lots for gaming and in terms of gaming performance it is on par with its more expensive cousins so this is more than enough okay are you gonna put it in at some point well i i sorry it's fine you know that that will just fall out of there yeah yeah but it didn't it has pins on it this is amd oh yes okay i know i know there's more of them downstairs i was just waiting for you to finish talking i thought i had to wait i didn't know i could just keep going golden triangle see wow have you been studying no i did that part right the last time i even helped somebody with that part last time we've gone with 3600 megahertz cl 14 dimms from g-skill these are part of their trident zrgb series so they're going to look freaking awesome and this is pretty much best case scenario in terms of performance memory for amd oh those are tight fit that's what she said i'm going to take every opportunity today now last time i made the mistake of trying to put the cooler on so we're gonna do the i don't remember what these are called i just call them ssds but i know i know that that's not what they're called what what would they be called well i don't know i thought there's a different name for the tiny ones oh yes it is an ssd this is just an nvme m.2 ssd oh so yeah you were 100 correct that's why i was sitting here going like i don't know what these are called so i'm going to call it an ssd i don't know gum stick me can you do that i mean you can do anything you want actually don't tell me but i don't actually see where this goes so is this a test or are we actually working together on this uh i don't know i haven't really decided okay so i think we're not gonna put that there what you're 100 right that it fits but there's actually a primary and a secondary slot on this board and this right here is an 8 terabyte qlc ssd from sabrin it's not really that fast but it's got a ton of capacity so this is going to be our bulk storage drive we're going to put it in our secondary slot which is under here i thought you said we were building the best pc ever well okay i made a small compromise on the boot drive wait what are you doing what's up oh uh we need those screws we got a screw in the drives okay i thought the plate screwed that in i had oriented it a certain way and then you picked it up and gave it to me and now i don't remember which way that's okay text is always your best clue if there's text on something then put it right side up okay did you even check for the text yeah i did it says m.2 and also the pattern goes i think it actually says 2.w no what no stop it are you mad about something she always cleans when she's mad no annoyed maybe here you clean you put that away i'm guessing this is a water block uh yes but it's been pre-installed by jake for us thank you jake actually this is a super cool block we did a video about this recently ek released a a two-part block so this is for an rtx 3090 which has the gpu and memory on the front and then also has memory on the back of the card so this two-piece block cools both the front and the back of the card and we found a real difference in temperatures with this implementation it also looks fantastic this is i don't know if you noticed but the theme of the build is all matte black yeah i did notice except for rgb rgb is okay too should we put the motherboard in the case yeah we could do that okay i'm gonna move it this feels like rog rig reboot what i mean we've had people do so well at rg rig reboot we ended up hiring them and if you work hard someday we might hire you too oh my gosh wow okay wait who's technically the boss of who oh it's complicated i think it's complicated depending on who you ask okay we're gonna put this over here the 5000x from corsair's biggest standout feature is just that everything is like really well thought out so cooling cable management the amount of hardware it can fit i've never seen these things before yeah included little cable ties included fan hub included rgb hub just everything is ready to go if you're looking for just kind of the simplest case to build in if you're getting kind of all standard components you just want to throw it together it's a really good choice oh no yeah the chief troll office officer of just arrived with some new mousepad samples oh that's unfortunate um wow need some dlss are we actually making these i think okay no one would like us to make no one is to buy that look at it i mean televon she's wrong in the comments i guess rude don't i'm figuring it out okay looks like it wait what do you well i d do you want me to tell you yes yes okay all right you got to take this peel off now otherwise you can't get it off oh okay okay there we go all right so got the nipple coming through the hole and that means all of them are lined up yeah you're good i haven't done water cooling before but i'm guessing this is the reservoir but i don't know why there's two of them me neither okay well i guess we'll figure that out that's gpu block wait is this another reservoir um yep why do we sorry why do we have three reservoirs why are there three radiators jake works in mysterious ways sometimes that seems like overkill in this case because we want something that is quiet optimized we want something that doesn't have super super dense fins the biggest difference is that the xc is quite a bit thicker so yeah if we're stuck with just one thicker is going to be better we definitely can't put one of these thick boys on the top just not enough room that's not going to fit in there either we'll have to make some adjustments wait what are you doing you're supposed to be teaching me how to do stuff oh uh okay go ahead and take that out stuck somewhere well i don't know i was trying to figure that out and then you told me i wasn't allowed okay we'll move then i actually don't know what it's like there we go okay i don't actually know if [Music] that should come out the bottom or the top but i'm assuming if i were to go based on what he said about text that being able to read that is a good thing right okay no come back back i don't want to be here all day okay does it go in this way uh no we should go the other way probably of course this is the part in the build where we decide whether we want to be a david what's a david a david is someone who installs fans in a push configuration on the outside of their case into their radiator davids end up with a big bunch of cat hair and dog hair built up on their radiator and then their good friend linus who they definitely don't only hang out with because linus gives them a free computer and pays them money uh has to come and clean all the hair out of the radiator okay so got it if we don't want to be a david we move our fans to the other side of the rad which makes it a lot easier to clean i'm actually going to have you pivot and work on installing the cpu block okay that's a fun one that's a sexy cpu block ek velocity baby you know what i'm feeling fancy today i'm gonna put in four screws per fan what i know right look this is this is for this is for my staff okay this is for my staff to enjoy vr games has to be built properly we never put the screws in the motherboard to hold it to the case we never you took the case from me i did overlook that okay but i'm putting all the screws in the radiator not content to order fittings like a normal person jake decided to order them by the pound for this build man these quantum torque fittings from ek are freaking gorgeous well yeah okay i have no context for that i don't know what other things now i know how you feel when you show me like some i don't know uh cross-stitching thing or something and i'm like oh neat you know well wait what the heck is going on over here well there's two different ones so i'm just going to test and see ah okay uh it was uh it was a good idea uh unfortunately in order for your test to work you would have had to put them in the proper way yeah right side up would be nice this wave fits she's planting uh she's planting mounting post trees does it come with a backplate i thought i took everything else oh okay well it was on the bottom then this one's not thick enough or like not long enough sorry what it must be this one okay hold on a minute this goes here okay and then this goes here yeah so i said we have to use the longer one because the other one was too short i just said that oh well then what's the problem there wasn't you just assumed i was doing it wrong i no i just um see you even went and tested it after go away i'm just checking i might throw on a touch more really i thought it was supposed to be a grain of rice that's bigger than a green rice yeah this is a bigger cpu than until this one you have to actually make sure the thermal compound does cover the entire area yeah that's fine are you just supposed to know that kind of stuff no you're supposed to watch tech tips videos yeah do you actually talk about that stuff in your videos though because from all the ones i've seen i don't think i've heard you talk about that um i mean i am right now this will be a video you just gotta watch all the videos well every video has three percent of the tech tips you need aio pump it's not an aio but could it go in there uh i'm gonna go with a no captain let's um let's do one let's do one of your favorite phrases let's make sure we're thinking critically what uh does anything here need its speed control no but it needs power okay but what do you think this is for lights there we go okay yeah see she totally knows all the principles just hasn't like done it before we're clearly not going to be able to use the full-size tube so i'm glad we have the little one the pump is really ugly and the reservoir the whole thing yeah um thank you that's very constructive it kind of is what it is there's an rgb accent here here here and there will be one on the gpu but i thought it's supposed to be matte black everything that's not matte black yeah or use the stickers okay why don't we find you something to do hold on a second what do you mean the tubing is ugly it's ugly no this is like professional looking it's clean okay it's not clean look at it it's dirty i know it's dirty no no but i don't mean clean in that sense i mean clean looking and you can clean no it just looks like tubing i don't even also sometimes i feel like the point of water cooling a system is so that you can see the water and it looks cool but now you're just hiding it all yeah it's because we're like too cool to care about seeing the water you can see it in the reservoir oh yeah but the reservoir is ugly oh my gosh okay i don't actually know which power things we need so i got the big one that's good you heard it here this is the evga big one does that not look awesome though oh it's okay it's kind of covering the memory yep that's not the point the point is it's clean we'll see we'll see when it's done i think it looks really good basically an attack on this tubing is an attack on me personally well that's okay i think okay maybe that's okay you don't get to decide if that's okay i'm telling you it's not okay are you ready for the power supply or no um what do you mean am i ready for the power supply go ahead and put the power supply i thought you were building this computer well you're kind of in the way if you can sew a quilt you can plug in a power supply okay can i have the 24 pin do my fingers fit in here okay go away that's what she said can you pass me front panel connectors from the power supply uh new through this hole through what hole you're in the wrong hole don't say it don't say it okay hold on okay no no you can't just uh you can't just jam this one in there uh you'll end up bending the pins uh oh shoot i think they're already bent oh crap it's your fault but i don't blame you maybe we should plug that in before we put it in the motherboard because it's really hard to what i blame you you're the teacher um all right oh crap oh crap balls okay i'm going to take the motherboard out bend the pins back and then i'm going to put this connector in without bending them watch me so basically oh wait oh yeah okay there's supposed to be one pin missing in the corner here so that's fine so it's just this one right here that got a little a little off course you know if you know what i mean actually okay no it's not just this one this one's just a touch out of alignment and this one needs to go this way and then performing a feat okay i don't need all your judgment eyes on the back of my neck here this is doable i think these pins are just more mangled than i thought no i think it's just really hard to get leverage aligned what no i can put all the leverage in the world i want you want me to mash these pins down i'll do it right now okay hold on okay okay go away or go away i will perform the feet later go plug in more fans this is truly the worst connector of all time but there we go it's in which proves that the pins are all in the right spot hold on hold on no no no no no no i'm not ready i'm not ready to perform the feet yet okay okay are you going to come watch my feet i'm watching my feet are down there get got get it got her that's my feet see that that's right wait don't tie that one down because we still need to do power i know a thing or two about being tied down you know what i mean i'm not a brave enough man for that tubing is in the way oh crap uh hold on well hold on let's see does it fit well i mean you're not even trying come on jam it i don't want to break anything no i i don't think we should force that and then i just pull it out uh yep uh what well like you want to kind of you want to kind of wiggle wobble it back and forth that's what i was doing okay caller right yep that's i'm not even judging you that's everyone's done it a hundred times you're always judging no say you're not but you always judge no i wasn't i wasn't judging that okay i was judging it but i was judging that it's okay is this a wi-fi card um sort of that's not what we're using it for though we're using it as a wireless interface for the vive uh vr headset oh okay yeah so it runs completely wirelessly on this machine small update we are totally gonna sacrifice performance for aesthetics these dominator pros are gonna look way way better in here trident zrgb cl 14 fast great memory um it just looks totally out of place in here so yep here we go i love how you instinctively put these on this side of the tubing instead of around the tubing that would look really bad i knew i married her for a reason gotta get like a black piece of tape for the back of this wi-fi thing or something well that's what the stickers are for but what wait well hold on just a minute actually that could kind of work we're not going to try and cut it to size we're just going to yellow it no i'm measuring but also measuring look it's almost exactly the right size that's why i picked it oh wait is it lined up right are you going to line it up right i am working on it that's not bad not bad all right it's definitely better than it was yeah or if we cut a sliver of it we could do this part right here why do i ever not have faith in this woman again i don't know and that is why the cable management doesn't matter on this case i'll wait though oh we can't close it up entirely until we've already powered it on i'm not superstitious but it's extremely bad gbs to put all the panels on a computer before you have powered it on because it's just like murphy's law right what can go wrong will is that murphy's law something something like that whatever the point is when it is the most possible work to undo things that's when it will fail hey were you going to power on the computer because we didn't put in the water uh no obviously but what about this person who left a dongle in this keyboard yeah way to go that's for a g-pro wireless so my mistake is much smaller but because i um was dumb and didn't screw this in it's actually really good and easy to fill this we're just going to kind of okay and then we'll just kind of we'll put that back in later sure uh do you need help with that no yeah it's to keep children out okay because they don't have the upper body strength to casually easily open it like this thanks oh what what happened something shorted that right there just totally blew i'm not a hundred percent sure it looks like a small it's it's burned up enough that it's hard to tell if it's a cap or something else no no no we didn't spill anything does that mean it's dead oh yeah probably oh seriously uh yeah seriously me four pins in right everything there's nothing to really there's nothing to really bung up about it should we power it on again i vote yes where's the fire extinguisher you know how to use one of these yeah am i doing it yeah just make sure you look down the barrel while you pull the trigger so you can make sure it okay ready oh no i need that wait oh you need more you took it away sorry i thought you were just seeing if it was i thought you were just checking if it was turning on okay it fired up uh all the rams detected um interesting what you put the side panel on without me that's the most fun part oh sorry i did i took the fields and now you're putting your fingerprints all over the glass the peel was that lady inside instead of the outside which is kind of weird that doesn't change that you're putting fingers all over the glass holding it in so it doesn't fall out while i screw it on check this out it's like actually a tasteful amount of rgb i like it no it's not yeah it is no it's not it's totally tasteful that is a lot of rgb have you ever tried wireless vr no i haven't you should give it a shot did we ever acknowledge on camera that this just like works now and i even tried that fan port that was right there and it works too i don't know i don't know it seems fine but it had fire on it wow that is uh about as high performance as it gets 2.42 like two and a half millisecond frame times what does that even work out to a lot of cab rave yeah uh i don't think you're very good at crab rave i would try i mean you could try crab brave if you want [Music] we should put yvonne in arizona sunshine yeah okay yeah you're gonna you're gonna try arizona sunshine oh is it scary i thought that was a scary one uh no it's not scary are you lying yeah no no it's fine it's fine it'll be fun they're not scary zombies they're more like friendly zombies uh-huh this is a game that's really nice to not have a tether because you can turn around as much as you want uh no i don't like this game i don't like this game why is he not dead no i don't want to play [Laughter] [Music] it's too real it's a little more immersive i don't really like this game that's what i thought see i actually listen when you talk to me that's it that's our new vr setup uh massive thank you to everyone who sent parts for it especially evga like i said those gpus not easy to get your hands on and i'm looking forward to us all getting our shots so we can actually hang out in the bloody lounge just like i'm looking forward to telling you about our sponsor manscaped just launched their fourth generation trimmer the lawnmower 4.0 it offers ceramic blades with their skin safe technology which reduces nicks and cuts and can be easily replaced with a fresh blade and has a new wireless charging system that removes the need to bring cables with you and it's compatible with most qi charging pads it's cordless and waterproof gets 90 minutes of use on a full charge and includes four different trimmer blades so get 20 off plus free international shipping by using promo code tech at the link in the video description if you guys enjoyed this video maybe check out our previous lounge series where we all worked together to build 12 gaming machines is it 12 yeah 12 gaming machines wow that was an ordeal a lot of the people building them didn't know how to build computers
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,487,343
Rating: 4.9546623 out of 5
Keywords: watercooling, vr, wireless vr, htc vive, valve index, gaming, rtx 3090, gaming pc, 5900x, ryzen, amd, nvidia
Id: PLLu44pwhV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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