Building a House | Foundation | Concrete | Blocks | Cement | Roof | RCC #masonry #tricks

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hello my name is adeyemi for clueless junkie and in this video i'll try to break the building process down into stages the best way i possibly can to show one of the many ways in which a house could be built so for the stage one it covers the substructural part of the house basically what's underneath the house the the foundation of the house so the stage one is about setting the building out on ground which is about establishing setbacks establishing trench parts and trench lines basically the perimeter of the house parts where each wall will follow and once the lines have been drawn during this test now like so the and each wall on the building plan has been well established on ground what follows is marking these lines portions of the lines where the building we are building walls marking them out and proceeding with having such parts excavated and the excavation on the excavation the the thickness of the trenches and the depth is usually can usually be gotten from the structural drawing if everyone and the desired depth is usually stated in the structural drawing and once that's done the the the column basis would be dark as well and the thickness the and the depth should be usually a bit different from actual trench after which the blind of the column base is done the mod mat is just to provide a clean level surface for the column and its base to sit on in preparation for the actual casting proper and once the light blending has been done the concrete blinding on all the column bases like so usually two inches thick then the columns are mounted properly on points where they are as stipulated in the structural drawing what to look out for at this stage is to make sure that the array of columns are exactly as they are on the structural drawing it's really a bad idea to mix it at this point and once that's been done and checked and double checked what follows is the casting proper the foundation footing casting so the proper mixture of the concrete for casting would be done and poured like so and properly supervised it's the base of the house it's what carries the house so proper spa vision is necessary at this stage is imperative at this stage and you want to make sure that the columns do not go out of point during the casting which is where the starvation comes in so as soon as the footings have been properly casted and cured and allowed to properly set yeah the what follows is forming the foundation walls is forming the house out of the pit and um the thing to look out for this point is to make sure that at every juncture the angles the walls meet are correspond the angles was made correspond towards on the building plan it's really a bad idea to miss it so once that's been done and properly supervised properly taken care of the next thing that follows is building the foundation wall up to the desired level which is usually a level above the natural ground level and i want to make sure that the quality of the materials used at this stage are up to par and um as soon as the level is reached for the building plan the starter columns are bordered usually a cabinet does that in preparation for having the columns casted alongside the block holes to do this is an attempt to solidify the base of the house after that has been done and allowed to set what follows is usually back feeling with lot right or or desire saw so the back filling usually just moving light right making sure all the room spaces are covered all the trains are properly backfilled and after that has been done to aid compaction of the backfilled areas it's it's usually recommended to have the backfilled spaces jetted and to have them properly watered so the laterite the backfill saw settles properly after which the barfield spaces can be properly compacted with a roller machine or a rama the compaction helps to facilitate the settling of the lateral so what follows is um the down proof membrane it's really best best to put the down proof membrane which is a nylon underneath the art core stones so once that has been done the perimeter of the building plan can be boarded to the appropriate thickness or desired thickness of the oversized concrete usually a brc wire mesh can be placed above the art core to further add to the solidity of the flow after which the flow is then properly casted with an appropriate mixture of concrete and that's that about the substructural part of the house the oversized concrete or german floor this usually takes days and um if properly done it goes a long way to have a solid building so the next stage is about building the ground floor of the house on top of the substructural part this involves forming the block works and making sure that each individual wall corresponds to what's on the building design and once that's been done once it's been properly formed i'm building the block work to the appropriate levels follow afterwards the windows and doors and archways and such i established you can have the lintel beam supported and extension columns as well bordered in preparation for having them casted without a great mix of concrete and once that's been done the stripping of the casted columns and lintel beams follows to allow the the cascade columns to properly set after which the leveling is done additional block courses of blocks are placed to get the appropriate or desired headroom for the house as soon as a desired level for the headroom on the ground floor has been achieved what usually follows is the formwork for the suspended floor this formwork is usually done can be done with planks and wood like so in most cases oftentimes it can be done with planks like this or construction boards really and the beams for the suspended floor is tied by the iron by iron vendors you can lay the down proof a dump of membrane and then the ironworks proper is done on the floor these reinforcements usually require a lot of supervision and they're required to be properly supervised by the appropriate professionals engineers most especially to make sure that they are according to specification according to what has been designed on the structural drawing for the house and as soon as the iron assemblage has been done the building services electrical conduits pipings for plumbings and waste pipes are done as shown like so after which the floor is prepared for casting and the apple put mix is poured over the assemblage like so to achieve a level floor surface like so and once that has been done and allowed to cure for days what usually follows most often time could be a repetition of what happened on the ground floor and some other times not so at the stage three is about working on the suspended floor slab once it has been allowed to set and cure for appropriate number of days at this point the forming of the room spaces commences sometimes it's a repetition of what happened down and some other times it's not so once the room spaces have been formed the block work is done and the windows are established windows and doors and archways are established where necessary or according to us on the building design and once that has been done the boarding for the extension columns and lintel beams takes place uh with supervision at ease to prepare for the casting of it of the lintel beams and concrete columns then next points after levels the final level has been achieved for the headroom of the suspended floor the iron work for the concrete corners commences and the links look sometimes this way um i have iron reinforcement being done like so well before the iron reinforcement are placed the formwork wood from work is done usually according to the shape of the corners on the design and then properly casted with the upgrade mix of concrete so at the stage four is about roofing the house is about putting roof trusses timberwood truss like so um having the appropriate desired height of roof making sure that each rafter and the wood are properly the wood trusses are properly supported and properly placed and well nailed to prepare a clean level for the roof sheet to be placed when that's been finally achieved what commences is though what follows is the roof installation in this case the shingles can be installed like so colors it could be will be at your discretion the choice of colors that's your discretion like so and alongside as this is being done other works like plastering the house or windows installations doors installations generally finishes for the house it's creating and tiling and all that can be ongoing and um that wraps it up for this video so thank you for watching i hope you found this video useful a bit informative please subscribe to my channel and stay safe
Channel: Clueless Junkie
Views: 159,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Building Construction, RCC, Foundation, Setting Out, House Plan, Oversite Concrete, Concrete Blocks, Nigeria Builders, Reinforcements, Steel and concrete, Concrete, Site, Site work, Nigeria house, Nigeria building, Nigeria house stages, Nigeria house design, German floor, Storey house construction, Italy, Italy house plans, Italy building, Italy House Stages, Italy House, House design, Cement, House foundation, South Africa, Kenya, Homes, Build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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