Building A Hay Barn - Setting The Last Trusses

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working on putting some steel up yesterday we worked most of the afternoon at putting some more trusses up I think we got six of them up in a few hours that we were working and now we're able to get about seven sheets of Steel up so we're working at putting steel up as we go so we have Mackenzie and Ethan Up on the Roof they're setting the sheet of Steel in place and then screwing it down Kevin and I are handing the sheets up to them so we're making it work Sanders is off for the whole week he is at a youth camp with our church and he is out camping in a tent so he's having fun uh up north here in Michigan he's up north away so hopefully he's having fun cool nights but uh it's beautiful beautiful days oh I'm I'm needed [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] 's working hard son trust us oh yeah we got Ethan and Sydney Up on the Roof dad's driving skytrak Sanders is doing the Gopher kind of stuff and I'm marking and measuring between all the other stuff look at this man he's like six foot one now oh yeah I knew that mm-hmm working hard Ethan's sitting up there like a green bean in a basket I get it we are officially halfway just over halfway actually now that we just set this trust so that's exciting we have six more trusses to go and then we're done so we put up how many did we put up today 14 Tresses that's good tomorrow we should be able to finish those six up and yeah it'll be good be good to be done putting trusses up so on Mackenzie's days off from work at the salon she's been putting up these two by fours that go across just so we can hang our bar steel so she's been working at that she's got a little ways to go yeah on this end the other side you can see those are going to be just opening opens openings there's seven openings um to go in and out of and there's the one that thought of everything yeah building the barn otherwise you wonder no probably not you always talk about the stuff you want but yeah not a hay barn well maybe other kinds of barns but other kinds yeah like animal barns so we're calling it a night if you can see the sun is starting to set the video camera the camera doesn't do justice is so pretty and a lot of you ask about the wildfires if we can see the haze and yeah we can see Hayes almost every single day just hazy [Music] it's kind of chilly that wind is like all right I don't know what kind what kind is it what sir brain sure rain irrigation line out of California okay take a laugh not really long cooking lot sure rain irrigation line set more pipe today we're gonna do another run we're gonna bring it this way uh what is that four eight 120 feet because I think that's about what the span is 120 feet is what the irrigated you can see yesterday what we did it's a little bit darker but it's pretty much all soaked in real well so I'm gonna lay a few more pipes this way and then move the reel [Applause] foreign thank you foreign [Applause] yeah watch your expert bag hanging out skills smiles slowest Banker ever in history oh I probably better grab that pen [Applause] I don't know how to hook this thing up so I just leave it we're ready to go [Music] what we're doing this field is kind of like an angle each way and so what we're gonna do to get all this angle without throwing water through the trees as I call it we reverse the we take these uh Stoppers yeah Stoppers let's kick it back and forth and we change them that way the gun will go down here and then we'll do this area no no water but basically the water back on its own line oops parking brake didn't hold it so basically it waters on its own line so so it'll run this way a little flip and then I'll go back to this side flip and then I'll you'll do that for a while and then you'll come back so yesterday you tried putting about an inch on yeah that looks like it got that away yeah that'll be good the seeds will get yeah seeds will come out mama had her baby out in pasture so now we have to bring it home guess we're gonna put it on the flatbed put it in the back of the truck yeah it's drinking right now or it was yeah it's drinking so do we interrupt it oh my God they're excited the irrigation is running yeah there's a lot going on irrigation running they're milking right now we got we're tough grinding uh hay if somebody's working at that uh we'll get the baby back and look how he's trying foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're in the birthing pen and we have to now sort mom out she came running up to the barn along with everybody else so we're gonna sort her out real quick and mommy and baby are now reunited thank you [Music] thank you [Music] if everything turns out and works as planned today is our final day of setting the trusses we have five more to go we just we just set our first one for today it's a it's a warm one today it's going to be in the 90s this afternoon uh so hopefully this goes pretty quickly and we can get it done before we all get super hot here's a rundown on everybody's jobs this is Sandra's job he marks these and cuts them to length and then he places screws in them so that so that they're ready to go for the guys up on the trusses and then the guys all they have to do is screw them in place line them up I prepare the trusses so every two feet I put a mark um like you can see right here I just did this one and then I remove any nails that uh that shouldn't be there because these are used trusses and then we hook it up and hook a string to it so I can guide it Kevin's the sky track Runner so that's his job and he also helps give the guys boards or lines anything up and he makes sure everything is level and Sydney and Ethan are up on the trusses they put the trusses in place and then they screw down all the purlins oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign so that's a good feeling still got a lot of purlins to go up through the center they only put up so many so we could just keep going with the trusses it's kind of windy here today but it feels good because it's hot
Channel: Acres of Clay Homestead
Views: 107,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hay barn, buiilding a barn, diy, diy barn, hay, rain, drought, 2023 drought, calf, baby cow, dairy farm, irrigating, reel, farm, farming, family farm
Id: 8q2DqL01gUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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