building a desk

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today I'm here with my friends daddy did I do thank you no thank you what do you think why else would I be here we did have the best time ever I bought a pan now the last time we build something yeah it's just this is just meant to be conquer that one thing it's alright I'm having twins a nun in Manchester sixteen all right you want me to play a part as well yeah man you so embarrassing I'm allowed to kiss whoever I like it's 1965 I don't like it well very back quick one of those I'm a liberal yes you kept saying the word succulent yesterday and I was a little bit uncomfortable because I wasn't exactly sure what they were I've got succulents and I was like junior creams you know that job manager has four different yellows saved on his hard drive one of them is labeled Dodie yellow we also have not go to yellow yeah also not Dodie yellow I'm also also not DoDEA and that's why I hired him look everyone needs help at this difficult time and that's what inspires me to continue I don't 30 like when would we die I think it's quite possible I don't think you would die be on a mattress anyway I think it'd be fine I think you'd be injured I mean actually that I passed out from a spray it was so painful okay [Music] [Music] screwed wait a second this can't be right well-spotted I love making videos down yeah I mean excited and happy yeah you always got happier when you make videos I do I am working on something secret do I know it I know it I am working on ep2 and that probably could be secret I think you should call a e P equals D see it's like it's like equals MC squared but she's DC they buy it I just a sturdy lowercase ha ha yeah yellow though we're going for Daisy yellow no it's all nice that you picked it yellow it's very block yellow my yellow is like pale like Daisy said yellow yes that scared me so much I thought it was [Music] how many times have you been [ __ ] oh yeah yeah ha ha ha yeah we don't get to see her career do well I would have liked to see like a stream of people come out of a cinema where she what her thing was playing anything it's enough the most of her success we see is her going to be a mom which I'm like no she's got a nanny because she doesn't mean she's like a peasant nanny I live in a massive house she's like wrens glamorous dress so her career success is material like not least whereas we see very well she's treated with respect pieces one massive bill you know how much she wanted to be there because she spent the whole movie talking about it and then she's that I what can I do um admit you're wrong me I leave this peach color in yeah for a few [ __ ] soaps you know yourselves for the tank you ready for this jelly he doesn't say like that there's more black people in beyond there are more black people inside that woman Dody than he has run in the country oh hey you're happy in your help in your light which I always ask you it could be Chris plane at the Oscars two right three Dodie governs his editing Goblin Dodie where she sort of just like sits on the chair with her head on her knee jiggling the other one and going and occasionally laughing there's cheese Goblin Dodie who sort of just stones in the kitchen in search of cheese oh this and cheese angry goblin Dodie when I tell you you're pretty and you go I'm not two seconds ago she was normal [Music] always nice to meet a fan from greatest rock star on the planet it's difficult time in the history of the world right far right blob anger around the world a lot of divisiveness well it all comes down to it will always have Swedish flat-pack furniture you know enjoy thanks so much preventive I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: doddlevloggle
Views: 816,764
Rating: 4.9827418 out of 5
Keywords: building a desk, ikea, dodie, doddleoddle, tessa violet, loft bed, dodie clark, doddlevloggle, vedif, challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2017
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