Building a curved apartment complex in The Sims 4

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today we are going to be doing exactly what the Sims does not want us to do which is we're going to be building an apartment building unlike the Sims 3 where you could build functioning Apartments The Sims 4 didn't let us do that and I've got to say it absolutely crushed me and many other builders but that's not going to stop us because in gameplay we do have a few new features in the game which can make it possible for your Sims to live in an apartment built by you that is lockable doors oh we also have the roommate system which means you can offer roommates a room in your apartment building as well so when you think of Apartments you probably think first of sound my ass you know and I feel like this light right here which I think was the karaoke lot is a really great spot for more of an industrial themed apartment building and I'm gonna make this for four families because I want most of the building to be utilized I don't want it to just be dead space and I also think it would be cool to create an apartment building made from silos this is a really cool thing that exists in the real world where companies will actually turn old silos into real apartments and it's one of the coolest things I've always wanted to build one and now we can because we do have curved rooms if you guys have ever built with curved rooms you'll know how difficult they can be they're really tricky suckers these rounded rooms they don't like to behave and they are very glitchy so we will try our best I think what I'll do is merge like rectangular rooms with the silo rounded rooms and then we might actually try putting two silos next to each other just because I think this will cover up the fact that our rounded room doesn't make like a perfect circle so it'll help hide that but also it's very common for silos to have been built right next to each other like walls touching each other okay so maybe something like this and as I said I'll make it four levels high so you can have a family on each level oh my gosh you know what the other most disappointing thing was about City living not only could you not build Apartments yourself but you couldn't use elevators in your build I mean Sims that was rough I've kind of given up on the idea that we will ever have working elevators in The Sims I know we can get mods it's not the same as it being built in the game I wish we had elevators ah gorgeous and that's it you guys we're done invalid routed rube why are you doing this to me let's maybe do the rest of the floor plan before we work on that anymore it would also be really nice if we had a gym and maybe a bin room and a mail area because that's what you'd have in most apartment buildings we're gonna have to plan this very well you guys otherwise it is just gonna be a nightmare to live in curved walls so we could have the bed here I would love to have maybe built-in wardrobes as well so let's just try and put those in All I Want for Christmas from The Sims is a contemporary wardrobe built-in option that isn't just from get together are they I wonder if there's holding it onto it is a perk of buying get together okay so we'll have that in there and then actually this could be a master bedroom so we could do like a bathroom situation like here maybe yeah you know what let's extend this oh wait but we need to get into this Silo okay I guess you could have the bed going that way couldn't you well we could definitely do bedroom doors like this but I think we might struggle to actually get the built-in wardrobe in this one actually no we can do it we can go like this and I think that'll work right yeah I think that will be okay got two bedrooms like that probably that door there um and then I suppose well with this view you would want to have the view going towards the water so and you'd probably want the view this way and this way so it would actually make more sense to have some living area over here so we could do obviously this isn't the furniture sure I'm going to end up with this is just placeholder so you could have the lounge space here maybe the stairwell could be over on this side and then there could be a balcony over on this side oh gosh building an apartment building is a little bit harder than I expected do you like dining search here main bathroom situation here and kitchen there I mean that's a nice size apartment the other thing that a lot of Apartments do is they have a built-in desk area which is quite nice so we could do something like that like a little office Nook here and I also do want to furnish some of these apartments a little differently too or at least give you guys that option too so I think this is pretty good I was thinking this stairwell could go over here so you enter the apartments from this side it does waste the view a little bit usually you wouldn't have a beautiful view from a stairwell but I didn't want to make these apartments like massive by wrapping all the way around I rather them have this for you so let's see if we can at least fit some studs in I'll go with an industrial staircase to begin with maybe maybe we start from the top going down seems a bit strange but that's all right unless the staircase was over on this side oh that's another idea let's try this idea first so your staircases would just kind of go this way I thought we have a potential for a rooftop garden I mean why not if we can do it we should or the other thing is you can always layer the stairs do they just go up in the same spot which actually might be a bit nicer and more uniform you know are the ceiling's too low for an apartment they'd be higher and the nice thing about that is that let's make them higher the good thing about this is it will make the silos look taller as well which might look better I think it does look better just because of the massive buildings around it it doesn't look so teeny tiny Okay so we've got a rooftop area potentially we might uh make that smaller we'll see how we go our stairwell is looking pretty good now it's kind of practically working we need to make this look pretty really and also adds some bonus rooms as well so if this was a real building I suppose you could enter the stairwell area from here so this could be the front entrance I'm just gonna put a placeholder door like this you'd usually have some mailboxes you'd have one for each apartment and I think in the game just one of these will be active so we could either have a little mail room here or we could just put it downstairs I also find that mapping out wallpaper is an easy way to make buildings look really nice what I mean by that is you just use a placeholder color to Mark out areas where you would use a feature wall um so like this detail right here I think would look really nice in a different color and I'd actually make this whole section of the building a different color to the silos so then the silos really stand out because I reckon you should celebrate the fact that the silos are historical part of the building like I don't think you should try and hide it and then it kind of helps you decide guide on any changes in the exterior of the building to make it just look a little bit nicer like I think it'd be nice to pull this in but I am realizing it's being a little bit difficult oh what it won't even let me delete this now Ah that's servered wow well I think a way we could figure this out is maybe placing a room on top of this maybe oh my god I've made a terrible mistake we could just delete the platforms entirely yeah we're gonna have to do that okay all right we can do a nice big thick platform right here and then these I thought could be wrap around balconies that would just be so nice to have that extra space for these apartments we could do glass or we could do proper half walls here probably on the lowest level we'll put up like a full screen and then it does look like they need something to Anchor them down if we're doing a wrap around balcony like something to hold them up so they're not just like cantilever so one way we could do that I mean you can use columns but I feel like columns look maybe not robust enough I mean we could do like a pillar in the corner let's have a look at what this will look like oh we definitely need to fill the ceiling on this part too because I'm tipping they might want uh the shade oh yeah that looks better and I think we need another set of pillars on this side as well and actually this portion of the building could be maybe the same as this one so do the other color over here no idea what wallpaper we will actually use I guess it's going to be pretty industrial like I can't imagine a building like this would have like Timber detailing on it even though it would look really pretty okay looking nice we could have a bin room and gym kind of connected on the corner here because I feel like this side is looking a bit Bland alternatively we could add you know a Nook to the apartment like this maybe like built-in bookshelves just a feature window of some kind or we could push it the other way and actually go inwards like this which is an interesting idea kind of like this idea because it does give the apartment a little bit more structure well at least the open floor plan kind of looks like it has a little bit structure I guess is what I mean um oh actually I mean you could make this into a teeny tiny balcony with like French doors but we could turn this into plant is that would look really nice on the side of the building well the bin room could quite simply just go down the bottom oh my gosh they could have like an acre program as well where everyone in the building pledges to live sustainably and contribute to a sustainable Society I love that idea I want to put a recycling machine in here oh we could also have a communal laundry as well I just thought of that too a communal weather machine a communal cupcake machine I mean if there's a dumpster do we need these bins I think we do probably just go like that okay there's our little recycling room I think to blend it into the rest of the buildings we should put a billboard on top of here I don't know how they managed to plant trees on top of buildings but it's somehow a thing you guys it does exist very happy with how this is turning out and we need to put some windows in oh we could even do these desert Luxe Windows there's a cool that's actually really awesome but what would it look like from the inside is the question oh yeah Army looks good and then we would have some windows coming off the silos let's go to our curved wall options they're not the best options actually because I feel like these are just not very nice for a bedroom and these just I just don't like them oh wait hold on owls were a little bit higher so we can actually use these ones perfect now would we go the black windows wait there's no work on curved walls you lied to me why are they even showing up whatever let's just try these on the straight walls I actually kind of like the contrast of them in Black well then we could have a big window on this side that is so nice but then I'm like this doesn't make as much sense because this room over here which would actually be the master bedroom only has this tiny window although this window kind of works it's a little scuffed but it does work maybe we should just opt for these and do like a trio because that's kind of like a bay window let's just have a look and see what it'll look like so this is what it looks like in the black this is what it looks like in the white I think the white actually looks a lot better the only sad thing is like the best view from the building which is this like outside Siler we'll just have the one little window so we can just put two of them side by side and I think that solves that problem okay now that the windows are all done this is what it looks like I changed those angular Windows here because I think it looks better from the interior having a plain window I might change it back though it just looks so nice from inside we'll see after we paint it I think I've decided on these colors for the exterior it took me a while but this is the desert Luxe industrial concrete then just the plain white silos mostly just because I wanted this top bit to match a dark face game uh brick here I mean any dark brick would work there the only issue I'm having is because of these silos over here it's not letting me paint and anything when in doubt just Place some Hedges you guys the answer to all of life's problems I am obsessed with this I love it I've still got to do more Landscaping like terrain painting but this is pretty much the exterior I think on this lower level we should put in some City living privacy beams you know something like this maybe would be good so at least that person doesn't have to have everyone looking into their house it's hard being on the lowest level of a building like it's usually more affordable so that can be a good option oh I'm actually really excited to show James this oh my goodness I think it's time to furnish the apartments I literally use paper towel to dab my makeup because after a while my face gets so oily you know I feel like dream home decorator missed out on having a really nice fridge that would have been really really good I also really love this Swatch because it's got the wood on the eye Island oh wait no that's the wrong one this one so it's got the wood on the island but then it's got the white on the front so you kind of get a nice contrast between the two push those back a bit and actually let's do this properly We'll add this beside also in the top apartment you can see all of this Greenery out the window and I personally would probably want to delete them if I was playing on this level and then you just wouldn't have that green detail but I think it looks nice just for the purpose of this build so I'll leave it there we'll pop in a sink do we want to do like black in the kitchen anyway black is still very trendy like the black trend is not going anywhere let's go with these oh I so badly wish technically you could put these together but two do we need cupboards I mean I guess we do maybe we should be shifting these down this has a really cool outer cupboard with a curve on it I'm not really sure if this is gonna look any good a lot yeah girl Don't Force It I'm trying so hard to have this curved cupboard it's so sad actually I think I like it in the whites better or we could do a gray that's the gray or the wood oh now I don't know you know what I like it like this I like the other cupboards and then we can just tuck the window here size this down yeah that's really nice now I know I've put a fire alarm on this level so I think that would cover a fire if there were any but I'm just gonna put another one in just in case better to be safe than sorry am I right oh my gosh does anything fit on these shelves I don't think anything fits in here like that's so sad I feel like if this plant doesn't fit the Shelf won't fit in you can't even Place anything on the side of the Shelf what that's so disappointing oh that's a gorgeous painting I was also are thinking this funny little room here could actually be the study Nook because we could put a window there like you could do a sneaky window like this or it could be a third bathroom but I just don't think we need three bathrooms the other option is we could even shift that out slightly because you know lots of people work from home now and they want that study Nook and then putting a window there I think will ruin the exterior well that's that's what this divider in you know what one of the coolest items is that you find in debug this one from Batu it's just like a really long Archway really wish they had more colors in this and I really wish they didn't make it a debug item because this is so great for different builds kind of tempted to use it here but I guess it's kind of unnecessary too all right the dining area could go here part of me actually wants to use a circular table just for something a little bit but I'm not sure if we're gonna struggle to fill off the massive space that we have I mean that is pretty cute a rectangular table probably does make more sense mushrooms these chairs look so freaking uncomfortable oh I totally forgot about lights we need some trendy lights over here that's cute can we do two of these in one room oh doubling them up doesn't seem right I know about you guys but I feel like it's just simply too much these are a nice classic okay you know very as much as I like this one it feels like it might not be long enough with this ceiling height I think we're better off with this or even this although that you'd like knock that while eating okay well these are the same Heights so let's just go with them I've been wanting to use this side table forever well since it came out like a couple of weeks ago yes that's really exciting we are in need of some sconce lights that are very simple and not dated like I feel like most of these lights are a bit dated now like I don't want to use any of them I think we'll just go less is more over here and oh actually another option for this wall could be the maximalist Mirror film or the puddle of the puddle that mirror is pretty cool although I think we need the the little bit of color in the painting I'm also I like tempted to maybe put an archway here because the space is awfully open and it could just I'm gonna use our favorite word structure it a bit more instead of having the whole thing open I feel like it either works it's really just what you prefer the most annoying thing though is that we don't have an archway big enough to place here like we need a wide one not like a two one like we need this size but not made out of rocks from the jungle and we really just have this one but this one's an entire wall so it's kind of like at what point is that useful the other option is a classic where we just build our own Archway either leave it just like that or put a couple of pillars in but also do that I think I'm just gonna leave it open because this isn't really working and then this over here will be our Lounge room I'm suddenly having second thoughts about these chairs actually I'm gonna put some wood here because I feel like that looks kind of cool okay Lounge room would you have a fireplace in apartment I feel like you'd have to live in either a really old apartment or a really bougie apartment correct me if I'm wrong I don't think I've ever seen at least in Australia fireplace I'm curious to hear what you guys have seen maybe an electric heater that would be so nice hit you a bit of a built-in moment for a TV cabinet oh or we could just do like the old tiny living TV cabinet I know it's a tough call I have to say I absolutely love this couch from what was this from the spooky stuff pack was it the haunted house it's just such a great couch that was actually a really good little stuff pack the only thing is if you want to place two of them they look a little funny because they're like repeated exactly they do have the matching armchair which is Handy we can use these this is the perfect spot for plants to come down I mean the other thing is we could have a second window here but then you're kind of just looking out no actually if we sized this down on or even if we got rid of that it's actually a really nice view and if we look at it from the outside not really a disaster adding another window I mean there are a lot of Windows if we're going to do that then this window is really out of place like I keep coming back to this window part of me loves it part of me is just not vibing and I feel like it's meant to be this window okay I'm gonna change it that's it we're done here we go perfect that just looks so much better in my mind like it looks balanced balanced beautiful loving the white home white I'm gonna see if a cushion looked nice I mean I love the cushion idea but all of these patterns are super juvenile that is I don't know why I love this Lounge room so much I think because it's just so simple I'm living for it just put a couple of little housewarming decorations here this is just requesting a bookcase it just really wants a bookcase right here I think this study Nook was a really great idea and you can actually fit two Sims in this area two chairs and then if you don't want a computer here this could be a skill building area you could turn it into a little child's play area you can really turn it into whatever you like this is such a cute little Nook I really like that okay so that's basically the lounge space and this floor plan has worked out better than I expected like I was thinking maybe we made it too big but I I think we got it just right with the addition of this Nook it's perfect for the two bathrooms I like when the bathrooms have slightly different counters to the kitchen just because I don't want to think of the kitchen as a bathroom and then we can have the shower here toilet love this toilet for some reason don't know why I'm gonna put this behind because I know it makes people mad and this is the way it should be in my opinion we also need some more like bathroom Focus sinks that aren't kitchen sink yeah I like his bathroom it's very simple and I'm just gonna do the same thing in the ensuite pretty much keep the continuity continuity everywhere you go the continuity can because it fixes it makes the floor plan work good that's such a good song oh my gosh I love this floor plan [Laughter] I love it so much all right here's our main bedroom if you want to go Art Deco oh I like this one maybe this can go in our second bedroom and we go for something a little bit love it we'll go for something a little bit more minimal and I love this bed so much oh gosh I just thought about curtains we'll have to do blinds because will these look weird well they do cover up the Shadows which is kind of a good thing but they kind of look weird too toast we'll do blinds okay so there's the bed and then we'd need a full-length Mirror full length cooker over here I mean what else can we put in the bedroom actually the mirror works really well on a curved wall that is really cool so we can actually just have a gorgeous dresser here I love the blue as a more decorative piece and yeah that's a nice simple bedroom I guess if we really wanted to go a little crazy with rug in here as well even though we have carpet but we all know if you change room to floorboards and put a rug in I personally think it would be good maybe not this rug maybe like this rug yeah that looks awesome love it I'm going to turn this one into a kid's room oh the yellow is so much fun but is it too much maybe a soft yellow oh the peach we're doing the peach oh that reminds me of Maru and Princess Peach and now I just like suddenly feel like playing Super Mario it only takes a little bit I've unlocked some of these items from Nifty knitting think they'll be a nice addition to this bedroom I am really surprised how well paintings and pictures work on curved walls I guess they don't take up too much room so they don't really have to Contour to the curve what else do we need in here maybe dinosaur yeah oh my gosh it's toys Galore in here this room like feels massive I feel like I'm fitting so much in like circular rooms pack it all in okay that is really sweet so that's our first apartment I I'm really pleased with how it turned out oh also outside almost forgot outside let's just do your classic barbecue we'll do a yellow one on actually no an orange one and then I think we should put some planters out here hydroponic planters sick although they can't really get around that can they we'll put some planters here need plants let's get some off the gallery what do you call plants like just plants oh and we want to search in rooms oh my gosh the gallery is very slow I wonder if that's my internet okay so if you want to know how to get plants really quickly this is how the handy little cheat it's not really a cheat getting things off the gallery oh continue let's just grab these ones thank you V Pearl can I fit this somewhere oh perfect we can just place it there and then all I have to do is grab them and put them in my pot and yeah they can make use of that is there lights out here no there are no lights cool I love this okay so I think what I'll do is take a break because I've been this has taken me hours this is a big recording even though it'll be a little video uh and then I'll come back and do the other apartments quickly and then we'll look through at the end okay you guys I legit do not know if this is a pimple or I bumped my head or I've been bitten by something whatever it is it's growing by the hour and here is our Apartments I think this looks really awesome I cannot stop looking at this it's getting bigger I swear anyway this looks cool and um I'm proud of it you guys I feel like we've had some really good builds recently and this is another one we're kind of on a winning streak and I just love it I think that seilers are really cool I'm glad even though the Eco lifestyle Windows aren't really made for curved walls I don't think that we can kind of get away with them they kind of work and I've finished all of the apartments as you can see here so I'm going to give you a tour of them uh but yeah this is the back of it just so you guys can see it we've got a lovely balcony on every level beautiful big windows and at the top there we have a gorgeous garden and the entrance is here on the side so let's go downstairs I also really like this curved pathway I thought that was kind of funky in a really easy way to use up space so when you go inside it's you know there's a lot of concrete it's meant to look and not too flashy it's just like industrial to the left this is our very basic bin and recycling room not sure if this is actually going to work but I found it in the catalog so I thought we'd give it a go and then just in here this is our communal laundry room so if you have laundry day you can use this as a laundry room if not you can leave it empty or you could probably expand it a little bit and put some gym equipment in there okay so downstairs is probably the most affordable apartment because it's on the ground level I thought this one would be nice with some like black features in it I've tried to make all of these apartments really simple but also have a little bit of character the reason why I like to keep it relatively simple is for the purpose of routing but also if you guys want to download it I don't want it to lag from having like heaps of Furnishings it's kind of a new thing I've adapted to maybe in the last year here's our privacy balcony so because they're on the ground level they have a privacy balcony very nice little study Nook in there I think this is a really nice apartment like I would live in this apartment for sure this is a glitch with curved walls I don't know how you fix it I don't think you can but this room's again kind of more industrial gray very simple nice going into the other room hey my paintings fell down well this is the Blue Room those paintings were a bit higher and then this route those windows are nice then this room has an ensuite in here nice nice and then the main bathroom is in here cool okay let's go to the next level now this one will be a bit more familiar to you guys because this is the one that we actually finished together and I love this table I'm so glad I got to use that the kitchen is really nice and all of the other kitchens do have Windows which are really cool and I do like the colors in this apartment I guess this is our pastel one really glad we ended up with these windows and yeah they're very spacious Apartments so you could change them up a lot little study Nook there we've got our outdoor area very nice Planters this is the awesome kids room we did I thought this was a pretty sick bedroom it'd be cool to live in a circular room as a kid and then this is the parents room they have a gorgeous view out here I love this that looks cool our ensuite I won't go through all the bathrooms because they're pretty similar so yeah that's our pastel the third apartment I would describe is a little bit more neutral it's still got soft colors but there's a lot of cream and white so if you're a fan of the neutrals this one might be for you nice kitchen area over here they've got a secondary sitting area Okay their view is even better I guess the higher we go the better the view gets so maybe you could make the top apartment into like a penthouse this is the main bedroom and their second bedroom is actually a gym so yeah you can do whatever you like with this so I kind of wish now that I made this into a real Penthouse apartment like a bit more fancy but it's pretty similar to the other ones you know it's colorful it's warm it's friendly and I'd be really curious to hear in the comments down below which apartment you would live in this one's very child friendly and the Nook in the corner is actually been turned into a little play area okay yeah they definitely have the best for you wow this is the kids room and this is the colorful master bedroom I don't know why those paintings keep dropping I'm wondering if there's maybe been a bit of a platform issue with the flaws and last of all this is the rooftop so they have a nice seating area barbecue area and some planters this is just like a little Oasis at the top of the building and this has the best view of all maybe it's pretty incredible so there you go let me know which apartment you would live in would you live in the dark colored one pasta one we did together the neutral one or the penthouse I'd love to hear it in your comments down below anyway I hope you're having a lovely morning afternoon evening wherever around the world and I look forward to speaking to you all soon [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Deligracy
Views: 178,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deligracy, deli, gaming, australian, english, funny, deli gaming, deligracy youtube, deligracy vids, sims 4, the sims 4, sims 5, sims 4 story, the sims, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 build, sims 4 cheats, the sims 5, industrial, apartments, apartment, industrial build, silo, factory, deli sims
Id: b3yn5ihNKWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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