Building a Camper You Can Drive Around - Full Build & Night In The Forest

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wouldn't it be awesome if there was a small little camper you could just load up with gear hop inside and drive the thing right off into the forest to go camping well I sure thought so so that's why I'm gonna make one and in this video I'm going to show you every step it took to make mine then we're gonna pack it up with Gear Drive it off to the forest and enjoy a beautiful night in it and it all starts with this a whole bunch of wood I decided to use two by fours for the main base of the frame just because they're not super heavy but they're also nice and strong I lay out the basic shape of the frame on the ground and I'm gonna use these metal braces for the corners just to give it extra strength and it makes it easier to assemble but I do have to modify them a little bit by cutting off this top part so I take the piece I put on my grinding shield and I go ahead and take an angle grinder and cut off the top with all the corners cut I place it on each side I grab a bunch of screws and screw them all into place I go ahead and do the same for each of the corners making sure that they're nice and secure so now with our strong Corners we still have to attach it in the middle and I'm going to attach them together with some two by fours I clamped the pieces of wood together and I put in a whole bunch of screws but I want it to be more secure than that so I grabbed myself two really long bolts I drill some holes through all the three pieces of wood I put the bolts through it and I tighten them down with a ratchet and wrench and I do the exact same for the other side now it's time to lay down the mid beam because I want to have one more beam going across it just for extra support on the floor and the frame itself I go ahead and screw it down into place on both sides then I clamp it together and put in a bunch of screws as well to hold the two pieces in the middle and this is the basic structure of our frame it's nice and secure it's not too heavy I'm happy with it next step is we gotta flip the frame over to start working on the bottom side I took some pieces of 2x8 and began to lay them on the frame in a few places then I took some really long screws and began to fix them to the frame permanently I then laid on some 2x4s on the back half of the frame and this is where the axle is going to be held because yes this time the thing is going to be motorized so I lined up the two by fours and I went ahead and screwed them into place with a whole bunch of screws and for some extra strength I grabbed myself some bolts and I began to drill some holes through the pieces and I went ahead and bolted everything together with it nice and bolted down I took the axle and I laid it where it was going to go I also put the chain on it just to make it easier later then I took the electric motor I placed it where it's going to live and this is a 24 volt motor it's 500 watts and has a gear ratio of six to one so it should have extra torque I slipped the chain over the sprocket just to make sure that everything lines up correctly and it's looking good I marked where I needed to drill for the axle I took out a drill and began to drill some holes then I took some more bolts and began to tighten them down to make sure this thing isn't going anywhere and now for attaching the motor I pulled the chain so it's nice and tight I Mark where I need to drill with a marker and I drill out the holes and attach it with some bolts and now the back axle is attached to the motor so that when the motor spins the back axle will Spin and vice versa perfect now it's time to work on the front wheels I'm going to be using these four by fours in this piece of metal so the first thing you got to do is I gotta measure and mark the metal take out my angle grinder and begin to cut it into pieces I need for the wheels all while making sure I spray myself with a healthy dose of metal with the pieces cut there's still more to do I needed a mark and drill some holes so I took out a half inch metal drill bit and began to drill some holes and it made some interesting looking metal noodles pretty cool it's time to attach the metal pieces to the 4x4 I Mark where I need to drill I take the half inch drill bit I begin to drill through the two holes and I repeat the same process on the other 4x4 I take some really long bolts and I throw them through the holes I just drew drilled I lined up the pieces with the frame I took a long bolt and I threaded it through the knuckle I put the metal piece on top and I bolted it all together I did the exact same for the other side I clamped them down to the frame I then drilled through everything and bolted it all together and I'm using some really big bolts for this just to make sure it's strong enough to support the weight and I did the same exact thing on the other side we have a way to get our wheels on there but we still need a way to steer them so that's where all this comes in this is like a steering kit for a go-kart and when you spin this middle part it moves it to the right and the left and the first thing we got to do is we gotta drill a hole through the frame so we can attach the steering wheel to it later and it needs to be a pretty large hole because it has to fit this little steering Joint inside with the hole big enough I lay the piece down and I hold it in place with these little pipe clamps and I screw them down to the frame so it's not going anywhere but it's still able to move the tires I go ahead and attach These Arms to the ends of the steering Knuckles and I was originally going to use this threaded rod odd but apparently it's not the right size and I can't find the correct size anywhere so I ended up using this solution I got a steel rod and I'm gonna cut it and weld it together with all the components and I'm sure there's better Solutions out there but I couldn't find the threaded Rod anywhere without having to order it and wait like a month for it to arrive or pay like a hundred dollars for it I went ahead and did the same for the other side and now we have our steering mechanism together and now it's time for some wheels for the front wheels I'm using these I believe they're for like a small ATV or a go-kart I go ahead and tighten on the Hub then I roll it over to the front knuckle I remove the bolt placed on the wheel and tighten it down I attached the wheel to the other side and now we can see how the steering is going to work and I think it's looking great and now for the back wheels or really back Treads these things are sweet I saw them online and I just wanted to use them on something and I thought it'd be perfect for this so I go ahead up to the back axle I slide the wheel or track over it and I bolt it down and I go ahead and attach the other one to the other side and I'm getting real excited about this I think these things are so cool and for the next part we gotta flip this thing over and I don't want to damage the wheels or anything so I decided to do it the long way and it's not too heavy but it's definitely really long and Tall but I managed to flip it and now we can kind of see what it's going to look like when it's rolling on the ground pretty sweet with our electric motor on there it's time to start to wire everything up the first thing we're going to add is this it's a DC to DC boost converter takes 12 volts to 24 volts so we can actually run it off of our 12 volt battery I screwed it down to the frame and this thing is waterproof and it's not going anywhere I also wired up this it's a battery disconnect switch I thought it'd be useful so I can turn off power to the system if I ever need it or just to save energy I take the wires coming out of the Boost converter I run them up to the front of the vehicle then I take some plastic split tubing I put the wires inside of it and I use these clips to mount them to the center of the frame just to mix a nice clean wire management with the wires running up to the front it's time to attach it to our control box and I'm using an outdoor safe extension junction box just because it has these nice slots for wires to run in and out and we're going to use this to hold our motor speed control and a relay for the throttle and our motor speed controller comes with a small screen a potentiometer for the power and also a forward and reverse switch and I want to use the top lid to house all these buttons in this screen I take a box cutter I cut out a rectangle and this is going to be to how the LED display I cut a circle underneath it and this is going to hold the potentiometer switch and I cut one more rectangle under that and that's going to hold the little forward and reverse switch I put all the buttons and switches where I want them I take the hot glue gun and I glue everything into place I then add some hot glue underneath the motor controller itself and glue that down to the roof of the box I take the wires running up from the Boost converter and I plug it into the motor control and now we have to attach this relay and this throttle button so we're able to control the throttle when I push this button after wiring everything up and tightening everything down I went ahead and glued the relay on top of the box as well and now we have ourselves a nice little control panel there's two wires coming out of the control box that need to be attached to the motor I add some split tubing over it and cable manage it all the way then I go ahead and crimp it on with some heavy duty crimps put on some heat shrink tubing and go ahead and attach it to the wall so we finished the wiring for the motor the battery and the speed controller but we're still missing something some lights because I want this thing to have two lights in the front and two lights in the back so I screwed the mounts into place I Ratched them down with the included Hardware I still need a way to get this wire inside the frame so I drill a hole underneath the light so I can run the wire through so I can later wire it up and I went ahead and did the same for all the other lights and now it's time to wire them all up and luckily the lights came with the wire harness which makes it a lot easier of a job so I crimp dumped some quick connects so I can easily connect them to the harness I put on some heat shrink tubing to prevent any shorting and then I went ahead and repeat the process for all the other ones I took some more of the split tubing and did some more cable management making ensure everything's nice and secure so it doesn't get caught on anything when we're driving this thing around and the ring connectors for the lights are pretty far from where the battery is going to be so I am going to have to extend it so I'm going to use just this extension cord that I have so I cut off the ring connectors and I am going to be reusing them and I crimp on the extension cord so I can now run the cord all the way to the back where it's going to be by the battery I run the extension cord underneath it and I screw it to the side time to reattach the ring terminals I crimp them on I add some heat shrink tubing and we're good to go the last thing to wire up is to switch for the lights so it's back to the control box where I open it back up I take a knife and I cut out a small little square for it and I go ahead and snap it into place and I put some hot glue around it to make it permanent and now we have a nice looking control box we got the lights the speed control and the forward and reverse switch and the LED screen pretty sweet after a little bit more cable management and we have all the wiring done and I'm really happy with how it looks so with the wires done we still need a place for the battery and I landed on this a bike rack so I marked and drilled some holes and attached it with some machine screws to make sure it's nice and secure then I also added some screws with washers to really tie it down to the frame and the moment of truth will it hold the battery and yeah it totally does and now it's time to attach the steering joint to the steering mechanism because when the floor is on it's gonna be way harder to tighten it on floor time I take a bunch of 1 by 10 boards I lay them across the whole length of the vehicle and when I get up to the last board I have to cut out a small little V in it just so that the steering mechanism and the wires can fit through the top I take the last board I walk it up to the front and you can see when I lay it down it perfectly fits around the wires in the steering now it's time to go around and drill and screw all the floorboards into place to make sure this thing is nice and solid I also went down the middle and screwed every board down to the middle beam as well with the floorboards attached we can get a better feel of how big this thing's gonna be and I'm just loving it but we're still missing something the steering wheel it's time to make what's gonna hold the wheel in place so I grabbed some pieces of wood I cut out earlier and I screwed them in place at the bottom for the top piece where the wheel is going to go I cut it at a slight angle so that when I'm using the wheel it's a little bit more comfortable so now it's time to line it up with a steering mechanism and we still need a way to get the wheel in there so I'm gonna have to drill a hole and the wheel also came with a bearing so I'm going to go ahead and use it as well I take a big drill bit I drill about halfway through the wood then I take a smaller drill bit and I drill all the way through it and you can see the bearing is going to fit inside along with the steering wheel so I take the bearing I take a block of wood and a hammer and I gently tap it into place and it fits perfect time to line everything up and it turns out it works better and steers better when it's raised up a little bit so I have to add a piece of wood underneath it I go ahead and screw it onto the bottom I then take a really long drill bit and drill through everything I I take some long bolts and thread them through and tighten everything down to make it nice and secure and to keep the bearing from falling out I take some washers and some screws and I tighten them down just clipping the edges so it'll never pop out now it's time to take the steering wheel and to install it in place and tighten it down so it won't pop out and now we have it we have our steering wheel and when we spin it it turns the wheels it's definitely not power steering but it works and I'm happy and now for what's going on top a greenhouse because yeah I got myself a small little Greenhouse kit mostly because it's lightweight it's metal it's the right size and it should be perfect for this build I was debating making something out of wood on it but I feel like the motor wouldn't be able to carry that much more wood so I wanted to go with something super lightweight and this is what I landed on I like the shape of it I like the size of it it's really easy to put together and I'm happy that it's made out of metal and I also just really like the idea of using something for a different purpose like it just makes me smile knowing that I'm using a greenhouse for camping I just think it's pretty fun and for how we're gonna hold this down I'm gonna use these they're small little pipe clamps I'm also going to use this sticky tape weather ceiling and when I place it inside the clamp it really secures it down so I went around with some screws in the clamps and I tightened the frame to the floor so this thing isn't going anywhere since it's a greenhouse it came with a clear cover so I go ahead and unfold it I place it over the frame of it and I pull it over the sides and this thing's starting to look pretty sweet I just can't wait to be driving this around and the greenhouse really is a perfect size for this build I'm loving it but since it's a clear cover there's really not much protection from the Sun so I decided to get this it's a waterproof Beach Blanket and it should be big enough to fit over it so I go ahead and unfold it place it over the top of it then I go around with some screws to screw it on the sides into place and the screws are just going to keep it from blowing away and we can also take the cover and fold it back so it goes into driving mode and it gives us really nice 180 degree view so we can see all all of around us and since it's a greenhouse there's these interesting flaps that I can unzip on the front side which makes easy access to the driving side of the car which is a nice bonus it's now time to install the throttle I got a throttle with a split clamp so I can put it over the steering wheel place on the bottom part and tighten it down with a ratchet and now we can access the throttle while we're using the steering wheel I place on the bolt cover on the steering wheel top I decided to remove the pole on the side here just so I can have easier access to the driver's side and it makes a nice seat so I can lounge and relax when I take this thing out in the forest I got some metal brackets that I'm going to attach to the steering wheel and the frame of the camper just to make it more secure and I go ahead and bolt it down I added one on the other side in the front as well and now the steering wheel isn't going anywhere I noticed that the battery holder is a little bit low to the ground and I'm not a huge fan of it so I decided to remove it I bent both of the hooks back to make them flat I took the angle grinder and cut off the extra I placed the basket back on the frame I drilled it on through the top and I added some more washers to secure it to the side I took the battery I placed it back inside I undid the terminals and I screwed everything down nice and tight and I'm way happier with it now I got these hanging storage bags I thought would be perfect for this build I can lay them over the tubes of the greenhouse and velcro strap them down and I got one for each side and these are going to allow me to put a lot of things in here without having to take up space on the floor so I know what you're thinking that doesn't look like the thumbnail and let me tell you why after a day of staring at the top cover I just wasn't happy with it the material felt cheap it was thin it just didn't feel right so I took it off and I remembered I had a giant Yellow tarp left over from that time and made a teepee in the middle of the forest and this was gonna be the new top cover so I took the massive tarp I laid it over the greenhouse I positioned it where I wanted it and there was just so much extra Slack I lined up the edge of the tarp on one side of the build and I screwed it into place and I screwed in the other side as well I took a Sharpie and I marked the line where I have to cut off the extra then I went around with the scissors and just cut off all of the extra slack and I honestly forgot how massive this tarp was definitely the biggest top I've ever seen and I still have so much left but I'm liking the look of this so much better the tarp is much better quality it's much thicker it blocks out more light and I like how there's a lot of overhang in the front to completely cover it and there's even enough room in the back to cover up the battery in case I'm ever caught up in some rain and I only put screws in the back half so he can turn it into driving mode by just folding back the front half revealing the nice cockpit area and you can also fold back the back half and it just looks so cool and would you look at that we finally finished our little camper there's only one thing left to do and that is to load it up with all of our gear and take it out into the middle of the forest let's go foreign [Music] foreign that was sweet it is hot out today well let's check this thing out all right well we made it to the middle of the forest it is so thick there's just so many Vines and it was definitely getting caught up in some of the wheels but I was able to kind of push through it all and then this is the inside of my Little Shelter camper today so over here is the control panel obviously we got the steering wheel this is the throttle you push it to make it go this is the control box and it's actually really hot right now the sun is just beating on it I'm definitely gonna have to move it forward a bit but this is forward this is off this is reverse you can see that this knob right here it just from zero all the way up to a hundred percent which is pretty much how much power you're sitting to the motor and then this right here this is for the lights the lights on the front and the back and it's actually illuminated and we'll check that out more at night and we can see it I brought my little backpack with some sunscreen just other kind of survival stuff and over here oh even in the shade it feels so much better and right here I did decide to bring my massive flashlight uh even though it takes up a lot of space I just thought it'd be fun to bring this and we can see you got my sleeping bag here got my pillow that red thing's just on my camera gear I got some cooking pans in this one the cooking stove spatula some bug spray and repellent and actually have a thermacell somewhere which I want to start because it is so buggy out right now here it is yeah so I'm gonna turn this on in a minute just throw it outside uh General supplies first aid kit big knife some pancake stuff some food stuff a lighter flashlights and something that we're gonna use uh for dinner tonight and over here I just got some water Lantern some gas some TP and some snacks as well and up here I actually have something that is going to be amazing for today and that is a little fan they were going to be able to just stay cool with because it is just so hot out right now it is a warm day for sure yeah and there's a little light on it as well which is pretty cool so I'm definitely be using that and if we go over to the back we have The Zipper and we can see just outside right now with all this clear Greenhouse material it is a hot one I'm definitely gonna turn this on for a little bit it comes with a little remote too oh that feels so amazing foreign foreign on my legs and I'm really happy with these little storage things on this side they hold a lot of gear and keep less stuff on the floor which I really like it's a beautiful day and it's actually the Fourth of July so probably at night we're gonna hear some fireworks probably going off in the background well I'm just relaxing a little while in my camper on Wheels with an electric motor that you can drive around this thing is pretty wild to be honest I am happy with how this thing turned out and I am happy that I decided to get this greenhouse to put on top of it just because it's so lightweight and I really like colors there's the opening of the door right here then we also have an opening of the door in the back so there's just multiple ways to get myself and gear inside of here and it makes it a lot easier when driving so I can like poke my head out a little bit more it's also really lightweight and strong enough to support these heavy bags with all my gear on the sides of it I'm happy I didn't make anything out of wood on top because there was definitely times where the electric motor bogged down getting caught in all of the weeds just because there's so many weeds and Vines are right now but yeah I'm really happy with how it came out just relaxing in my camper on wheels it's a nice day it really is that's a nice day it's going a little walk it's just so thick I like when there's like strips of the sun just poking through the trees it's like magical you can see the little Pond over here oh look at deer I didn't even see that no there's a few of them they must have just been sleeping down there maybe you'll see those deer again later frog there's probably a bunch of frogs and oh my gosh a billion bugs I didn't bring my thermocell and I am getting absolutely destroyed over here look at this oh gosh look at these little paw prints I think they're raccoon they're funny they're like little hands oh man there's a lot of thorns here oh this is thought oh gosh I'm getting chewed up I think it is time to head back get some dinner that's pretty back here peaceful really is all right back we go oh look at this now that is a fresh hole right there no idea what caused that it is so thick out here it's gonna take a while to find where I parked the thing like the yellow so I could find it easy where is it I see a glimpse of it way over there oh watch there'll be a big old raccoon just lounging inside that would be a sight to see nothing nothing it's so hot ice water still got some ice in it it's about to be dinner time and tonight we're having something I've never done before and that is some pizza in a pan I mean it should work I've never done it and I don't see why it wouldn't work so let's make some pizza I also brought this little lunch box that has cheese some jalapenos and a red pepper which you're gonna put on the pizza as well thank you all right I feel like it should be easy to do all right and we'll just let it cook and we should have some pizza how awesome is this just in the middle of the forest a little fan cooling me it's the fourth of July I'm cooking a delicious looking pizza and I just drove out here in my mini little camper steering wheel in the front what a wonderful day and this pizza is looking wonderful as well hey we got some pizza it looks really nice first time I'm ever eaten and making pizza in the middle of the forest I am excited cheers that is good that is very good it doesn't get better than this eating pizza you made in the forest in your little homemade camper on Wheels on the fourth of July it's a beautiful day wonderful dinner and I'm loving it I really am it's a lot of fun to drive this thing around I wish it was a little bit stronger it needs a little bit more power in the motor I should have picked a bigger motor but I really didn't want to go into a 36 volt system because then I'd have to like buy three batteries or something spicy it's got some nice spice to it I'm excited to spend the night in it as well we got the lights which we haven't really turned on and checked out yet so it'll be cool to see how much it illuminates in the dark feels like it's starting to cool down a little bit maybe it's just because the sun's behind some trees right now but it's very hot today it was like 90 degrees this thing's pretty cool took about four days to make it quite a while to get all the supplies and quite a while for the planning I'm happy with how it came out I really am and the battery should last for about two and a half hours if I if I have the math correct and that's without using the lights or anything like that I really like the tracks I just honestly I saw those tracks online and I had I needed to build something with them I have no idea what I was going to do I just really liked them I thought it'd be cool to incorporate it in something to be honest I'm not sure what the future of this vehicle holds maybe I'll add on to it maybe I'll take off of it maybe I'll change it maybe I'll take the parts from it build something new I really don't know I'd love to hear your suggestions or what you think I should do with the parts or the vehicle or or just yeah I'd love to hear what you think about it it was a lot of fun to make it I love building things I love making things I love camping it's a challenge to wire everything to get everything working and I think it turned out great I really do and so did this pizza Pizza is very good [Music] that hit the spot and I still got more pizza I might make another one about 20 minutes because that was really good that was really good feels good to relax and I got more than enough room to stretch out my poor socks have so many Burrs and stuff on them [Music] there's a poor fly who came in this side and he stuck here just trying to fly out the window not realizing it's solid it's honestly comfy in here I love the color of it it's very calming very good here you can have a piece just finished with dinner I'm just relaxing a little bit and soon it's gonna be time to go out and install our little security camera so we can watch and see if anything comes by to check us out at night foreign just a few minutes ago there was some squirrels running after each other chasing each other I don't think they were friends they were making some interesting noises it'd be cool if some deer came up and were looking at us through this I think it'd be cool definitely starting to get dark out and when we turn on the light it actually lights up a good amount of the area in the front and the back it's pretty cool but yeah these lights are great I like how we have the window here so we can see outside there's also the light from the fan which is very nice and of course for the ultimate light source I do have my custom flashlight which just blows everything out of the water so cool look how sweet this thing looks got the lights on the front I turn on my big light in the middle right now to kind of light up the whole main chamber and we got the lights on the back it's like a beacon of Light in the Forest honestly pretty sweet let's actually take this light for a little walk see the camper over here let's go walk around a little bit we're coming up on the swamp again ribbit ribbit getting eaten by mosquitoes out here can I see where the camper is not at all nope all right let's head on back there's the hole look how deep it goes it's so thick I got turned around I could only tell where I was going by turning off my light and seeing a little bit Reflection from the camper I would have been walking the wrong way glad I left that light on camper over here look how cool this thing is I love it so cool got my Lantern hanging up inside my little camper the lights and get a good view of what's going on out there this is crazy I forgot I have the camera set up on the tree so I actually got a go back Alex it's so cool time to turn this thing into night mode when we go just enough room to keep my boots on the edge here perfect and honestly when I have the yellow tarp down and I have the lights on since it reflects off of it it really lights this place up inside which is something I didn't think of it but I really like it Hmm this thing is awesome this thing is pretty sweet definitely got more than enough room to lay out completely I can stretch as well at the ceiling I got my fan which I'm going to turn on because it's starting to get warm in here now it's just time to enjoy the rest of my night and then catch some sleep nothing like gaming in your little handmade camper in the middle of the forest oh man you got this guy he's stuck in the middle you got this guy who's Stuck in the Middle he got all these bugs that are like flying in between the layers but at least this nasty thing isn't in here I think I had myself a little chocolate covered raisins and some Goldfish it's been a wonderful day I'm so tired I'm so tired I'm ready to fall asleep very warm today and tomorrow's actually going to be even hotter to me like 91 in the morning crazy uh well it's the end of the night and I think the camera's flickering a little bit from uh the light I am so tired and this fan just feels amazing and I'm excited to get some sleep and in the morning we're gonna wake up we're gonna hang out we're gonna make some delicious pancakes and then drive this thing on back so get some good sleep and I'll see you all in the morning good morning I slept pretty good I slept for a while too it's like 10 I slept a lot longer than I thought I was going to man it's not too hot in here and it doesn't seem to be uh wet or anything looks like our big fly guy still in here in a minute it's time to get up then we're gonna make ourselves some pancakes and have ourselves a nice breakfast thanks oh no other way yes you keep walking I definitely smell skunk somewhere nearby hopefully he doesn't Wander over when I'm making breakfast that'd be a stinky morning but I think it's time to make some pancakes pan pancake mix nothing like making some pancakes in the forest it's beautiful out here these be looking mighty tasty ah that skunk smells like he's right here I have no idea where it is um these are gonna be delicious and I got some honey cheers time for an amazing breakfast so good go away Mr Bug oh don't go in the honey no no it was a really nice night last night very calm it was quiet I don't I didn't hear anything but I was asleep for a good part of it so I don't really know if anything was caught on the trail camera but we'll check it out it's almost crawling on me get away but I don't know what I want to do with this next I don't know if I want to upgrade it if I want to change it if I want to build something new from the parts I don't know I'd love to hear your suggestions of what I should do I don't know I like building stuff and this was a lot of fun if I was gonna do an upgrade on this one I would want a bigger motor now I'd probably have to go to 36 volt system and I would need uh probably three batteries or I'd have to buy some like e-bike batteries I'm not really sure but uh that's kind of why I stuck with a 24 volt battery because it was hard to find a Boost converter that goes from 12 volts to 36 volts at a decent wattage there's like a million daddy long legs just crawling over everything it's been a great day staying in a little camper in the forest doesn't get much better than this just got done with our pancake breakfast I'm gonna let the pan cool down a little bit before I do anything and let's just go in a little walk it's so green out here right now there's so many plants alive everywhere it's just been a beautiful time in my little camper over there this thing is cool this looks like a nice spot to sit just enjoy the views I love the sound of the birds definitely smell the skunk again well I think it's time to head on back to the camper and get ready to head on back home the camper run Wheels you can drive yourself cleaning that is pretty much cleaning up camp because everything else is just in here and ready to go ready to just roll out which I love Camp is clean and oh yeah we got Mr security camera here every time I almost forget this thing hopefully it caught something cool that night we'll see the first thing that we actually catch on camera is just something I thought that looked really cool and that is the camper itself it just looks like a lantern in the forest and the only other thing that we caught was just millions and millions of bugs just flying and attacking the camera lens I think they can see the infrared light or something because there was pretty much a bug on the camera about like 80 percent of the night so we didn't really catch much else but hey at least it was something Timber so it's about time to start heading out of here but I gotta worry about how am I gonna turn this thing around I'm thinking I don't know there's really no good space to turn around there's literally just trees everywhere so maybe like back up here the reverse kind of back and forth until I can flip back around oh yeah it's about time to uh say goodbye to our spot and head on back all righty looks like we're going for it just crawling along I just want to say I hope you enjoyed the video hopefully had fun you learned something or just enjoyed the journey with me and I want to say thanks for stopping by everybody and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Quiet Nerd
Views: 62,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camper build, camping, diy camping, diy camper, shelter build, shelter, camp, awesome, diy, electric car, electric camper, electric vehicle, battery powered, electronics, lovely, sweet, learning, fun, happy awesome, growing, :D
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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