Building A Tipi For A Winter Night

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[Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] we're in the middle of the forest this looks like a wonderful spot there's some nice fresh snowfall on everything there's a little bit of a flat clearing right here and there's a little bit of a flat clearing right here and it looks like there's a whole bunch of turkey signs everywhere you can also see their Velociraptor like tracks everywhere I'm in the thick of turkey territory it looks like but yeah it's time to unpack the cart and start building shelter [Applause] foreign hopefully we see some deer So the plan for the day is we're gonna be taking this huge yellow tarp making ourselves a teepee with it foreign we got yellow tarp we got yellow cord now we need to go find some sticks kind of looks like there's a bunch of Fallen sticks here because it really long one do something like this it's not broken look at that all right we got one now we gotta find like ten more maybe eight more so I took the three biggest strongest looking sticks and I'm gonna take this paracord this really strong paracord and tie them together really nice and tight and this is gonna be like the main Anchor Point in support for this whole structure and once I have this nice and tight I'm going to go ahead and hoist it up and stand it up like a tripod oh all right it's looking really nice I'm going to go ahead and tie on just another piece of string just so I can hang it off of it so that when I stand this up I can add a couple more beams on it and I'll fix those in place as well foreign foreign foreign and I'm going to tie it to this stick right here we got the main beams up now it's time for the interesting part somehow getting the yellow tarp on there all right so this is a massive tarp maybe too big I don't really know we'll have to see and I know that there's grommets every 18 inches so I'm going to be tying a bunch of this paracord on it and dragging it up on top of the teepee yeah so let's do that once you unfold it you'll never be able to get it as cleanly folded as it ever was there we go [Applause] [Applause] I decided to do a little slip knot so I don't actually have to tie it to this tarp because I feel like it would be a pain to kind of cut everything off of here I just need this rope to be long enough where I can throw it over very top of the teepee we got it on there let's hoist it up I'm going to tie it to a stick so I can throw it over this is gonna be the hard part there it is [Applause] huh [Applause] now that the first segment's up I'm going to take these grommets right here and tie some rope and attach them to this one beam right here and this is going to be one part of the opening so we hoisted up the first part and then I went ahead and I tied it to pretty much the same spot right here so that part is now up there now I need to go around to all of the other grommets I might do every other grommet tie rope to it throw it over pull it up and soon we'll have this whole structure covered foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] all right it's looking pretty good the door is really just a flap right now so I'm going to take another long stick and tie it to those rivets on the end right here so there's some weight so I can kind of open and close the door and the sticks will keep it nice and closed during the night thank you there's only one thing left I want to do for now and that is I want to go around and collect some more Fallen sticks and take them and place them along the bottom of the whole structure just to kind of weight down to keep anything from crawling in or keep a little bit of heat in during the night so let's go ahead and do that foreign we got our teepee up and I'm really happy with it do a little walk around you can see it's all held together really nice and tight by all that paracord on the top there got the door right here with the weighted stick on it to keep it closed happy with that you got the tarp going all the way around it was the perfect size we got a bunch of sticks around to kind of seal off the bottom you can see it's a little bit scrunched up around the top because it's 30 feet on both sides so it pretty much has to take all the extra from the bottom and scrunch it up on the top and I think it turned out fine got some more sticks right along here I got rest of my gear I need to bring in in a minute and let's go ahead and check out the inside foreign and it's very spacious this is the first shelter where I can stand up fully and not have to worry about it I got most of my gear right here in a couple minutes I need to start setting up camp got the tarp on the floor just to keep a little bit of water off of my stuff and this thing is awesome I'm really happy with it didn't take too long to make maybe two to three hours around that time so I'm super happy with it foreign I think I brought way more of these propane tanks than necessary it's just uh I guess last time I was out here was like zero degrees and now it's like 32 so it's like 30 degrees warmer and I just I still have that cold in my mind so I brought so much propane in my little heater all right ready all right let's start setting up camp I got myself this cot that I want to try out it is massive and it took up like half of the sled so I'm hoping it fits in here and I'm hoping it's worth it all right it's this perfect definitely worth taking up half the sled I also brought this foam mat just in case this didn't work but I have it so I might as well on here too this sleeping bag did me so well last time into zero degrees so I'm not even worried about tonight and with a heater I'm probably going to be hot in here what what we go ahead and get too company let's go ahead and go on a little walk with all these turkey tracks everywhere literally everywhere I'll probably hear them in the morning I might even see them again it's easier to find your camera when you can follow your footsteps there's definitely been a couple times where I set my camera up for like a shot and then I just lose it in the fourth and I have to go find it for like 10 minutes always a little bit nerve-wracking but in the winter time you don't have to worry so much you can follow your feet been a little while since I've been out here this far let's go ahead and check on the Bushcraft shelter here look at that it's still here anything living inside of it hello hello any skunks in here ready to jump out yeah this is a cool shelter and it's holding up really nice I'm still really proud of this one well in a second I think it's time to head them back and uh make some nice dinners all righty I think you should be able to see oh yeah can kind of see well I can see it with my eyes maybe on camera you can see a little bit of the yellow poking through there all right let's get comfy we got the food Corner over here plus some other random things got my pot and pan my little Lantern the bad sleeping situation over here here we got the little buddy heater also got the stove which I'm going to be using for dinner some water some drinks and I got some hot tea which I'm probably gonna have in a minute got some camera gear back here and I think it's time to turn on the Little Buddy Heater let's get some heat in here it's not too cold but I mean I brought six of these tanks probably way more than I ever needed some might as well turn it on and just enjoy some heat from it all right now that we got the little buddy on I'm gonna go ahead and close the door lock in some heat we're gonna cook some dinner and I also have uh a gas detector so it's gonna monitor carbon monoxide and all sorts of stuff and it's funny you can tell that uh it's cold out when like the LCD moves slow all right well this is going to keep me safe throughout the night so let's go ahead and close this door beautiful in no way is this thing airtight we got air a little bit coming in there we got some vents coming in all around there and this thing is Sweet let's make some dinner it's kind of funny everything's got like a yellow heel going on because the light's coming through the the shelter maybe at night if I have like all my lanterns on this thing is going to be just like a glowing yellow cone in the forest which will look pretty sweet so I'm excited to try that and tonight for dinner I got myself a bag of this tortellini and then I also got myself some classic pesto look I might also throw in a can of salmon oh yeah it's comfy in here and it's nice I got my heater going got some water boiling gonna have some pasta got some nice hot tea in my beautiful yellow Tiki structure what a wonderful day the pasta looks extra yellow from the tarp all right looking good foreign looks pretty good this is going to be delicious can't go wrong with pesto and tortellini overall I'm really happy with the way how the shelter came out I think it turned out really nice for first time ever doing something like this the Sun the light coming through it just feels really nice in here it's better than if it was just like a blue tarp or like a black tarp or like a brown tarp it'd be really dark in here and this feels feels nice in here like I'll probably wake up with the sun tomorrow it's a beautiful day it's just around 32 degrees right now it's cold but nothing like it was uh the last time I was out here yeah the shelter just came up really nice took maybe two to three hours to make it the hardest part was um taking the string tying it to a stick and throwing it over at the top and actually Landing it in between some of those sticks up there because I missed probably like 30 times so that was the most challenging part it's just cozy in here it's comfy in here I got a nice cot this is gonna be the uh the fanciest sleeping situation I've ever had on one of these adventures and I'm I'm just excited for it yep just enjoying my pesto and salmon and tortellini dinner it's amazing staying warm by the little buddy heater and I'm just gonna enjoy my dinner was delicious now it's time to relax a little bit I remembered I brought another sensor and I just turned up my heater to high and it says if you can see it it says it's 46 degrees in here which is fantastic and I did bring some security cameras or it gets a security camera and hopefully it works I tested it but I don't know if there's a problem with it because last time I used them they didn't like the cold and they didn't work it's got a little portable battery pack and I'm gonna put out some old bananas I have I brought some old bananas and we're gonna see what animals we catch uh eating this stuff at night got the camera set up we're gonna tape it to a tree by the bigger Pond let's go all right all right we're coming up on the big pond it looks pretty Frozen all right we got the camera taped to the tree it's pointing right down here all right let's head on back to the teepee all right Mr camera catch something cool see you later nanners it's definitely starting to feel cold see the yellow teepee let's go back inside let's turn back on our heater get nice and comfy I'm just enjoying the night let's go ahead and close the door all right Peter activate it's definitely starting to cool down a little bit to stay warm I got my little buddy heater I got some hand warmers I'm also trying uh this new electronic Zippo hand warmer it's like a battery pack that has some heating element in it and we'll see how this does feels good to just relax feels good to relax this thing's pretty cool what a wonderful night it's starting to get dark a bit time for some light it's officially night time I'm gonna turn off my little heater and let's go to a little nightwalk see it looks so cool the only fresh Footprints I see are my own I wonder if anything took the bananas I'm sure there's some turkeys and trees right now well let's go ahead and head on back to the shelter see the shelter glowing way in the distance it's matching I'll turn off my lights how cool is that wouldn't it be crazy if there's just like a big raccoon just hanging out well this is my home for the night and this is a cool shelter very fun very simple and cozy I imagine if it was windy it'd be very loud though hello ruff ruff uh my name's Peter this is so silly very silly all right finally time to get out of my almost feels like a second skin I wanted to check this right before bed it says it's 59 degrees in here which is pretty crazy all right well it's the end of the night I'm just hanging out in my sleeping bag in my yellow TP shelter which I think turned out fantastic and it looks really cool at night it's like a glowing Lantern in the middle of the forest I'm sure some of the animals are doing a double take at night when they see this but yeah it's just been a wonderful night I'm excited to get some good sleep and in the morning we're gonna wake up hang out and have ourselves a delicious pancake breakfast get some good sleep and I'll see you all in the morning night night little buddy it's always so hard to get out of the sleeping bag it was very warm in the sleeping bag all night long and I did realize something a cot is slanted this way I'm on a little Hill I guess because every time I'd wake up be further down and I kept sliding still I guess always make sure it's level all right it's either too hot or it's cold outside and I don't know until I try to make a pancake I think it was too hot just a little bit crispy oh yeah now that is a pancake delicious alrighty eating delicious pile of Pancakes and a yellow teepee very good I wonder if anything took those bananas out there I'm curious I've never really left stuff out in the winter time we'll see I slept all right last night I definitely kept sliding this way because I'm on a slight slant that I never realized till I was trying to sleep other than that uh it did get a little bit windy last night but this thing was fine it's just a little noisy but the thing is like really strong nice and secure didn't have to worry about anything like that the door never came open but I did hear turkeys in the morning like whole Squad of them walking around I don't know how close they got but this shelter did an amazing job and surprisingly it kept in a good amount of heat I think when I checked the thermostat last night before I went to bed it was like was it like 47 or 57 or something pretty significant well it's been a wonderful Journey and experience making the shelter and spending the night in it on this nice calm chilly day and night and in a little bit after your breakfast I'm just gonna relax a little bit walk around and then we're gonna go check the cameras then it's gonna be time to clean up TP and head on home yum it's a very beautiful morning it rounds out frisky today some little paw prints something came on this way maybe he came to visit us last night I found the turkey squad oh there it is did something eat the bananas it looks like the answer is no nothing came to eat the bananas I kind of wonder if it was too cold for things to come eat stuff all right well let's see what the footage has to show anyway the first thing we caught on camera was a skunk he ran on by in the bottom right corner didn't even notice bananas and was gone into the night a few hours later a little tiny bunny jumped into frame again didn't even notice the bananas and just jumped off into the darkness then in the early hours of the morning little tiny squirrel decided to join the party he jumped onto this log right here and just started staring at the camera for quite a while not sure what to make of this thing taped to a tree but after a good long time thinking it decided it was worth it to check out what was going on over here it was the first animal that found the pile of bananas and once he had his face in it he sat there for a little bit grabbed a piece in his mouth and just made off with it to take it on home and that was all that we caught on the camera and back we go all right let's take this on back perfect foreign [Music] foreign it's been real Mr yellow TP but it's time to head on back home foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign foreign
Channel: Quiet Nerd
Views: 10,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yellow, tipt, teepee, building tipi, building teepee, overnight, woods, camping, building, bushcraft, solo, adventure, animals, nature, beautiful, snow, winter, snow storm, snowstorm, cold, heater, hot tent, wood stove, stove, quiet nerd, awesome, love, growth, family, money, happy, smile, trukey, deer, squirrel, raccoon, racoon, skunk, bird, berd, lantern, nighttime, over night, cozy, cool, comfy, sweet
Id: oBuoGIUKpvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 51sec (2271 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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